When You Use a SUPER VIRUS Powers To Infect the Entire World in WorldBox God Simulator

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[Music] Guido how long would it take for a virus to rip this world to shreds and kill everyone on it that's the aim of the game today why yes buddy that's exactly what I'm telling you so right here we have a perfect recreation of the world it is important to note there this place isn't the actual real world so any damage we do to this place is irrelevant nobody will get hurt oh oh oh I'm sorry about that sorry to be honest if you were living in that random part of Russia you are probably gonna get eaten by a bear or something anyway [Music] but yes Guido today we are going to be focusing on viruses I know dude I spent all weekend repairing you don't you remember it took me three days to complete that memory wipe birds at least you don't remember that really embarrassing problem I had we don't know don't tell anyone about the rash anyway it's time for us to infect this world and see how long it takes for that infection to destroy everything first things first we can't have an infection without any people to infect we've got to populate this place now humans have lived on the earth for centuries it's time to give someone else the shots elves we're gonna put a bunch of elves down and we are going to see if they can survive as a group together originating in Africa right here I can already see a bunch of fires being placed down which says to me that they are beginning to establish civilization I don't think we've heard any elf villages before so this should be really interesting to see oh my goodness it looks like they're migrating across the water seeking new lands this is amazing this will go down in the history books the great elf migration of 2020 it looks like they're heading straight for America right here that's amazing oh look at these L villages we've never actually seen them before so it looks like they're made out of tree stumps it's a shame we're just going to destroy these civilizations shortly afterwards with rampant infection it's not mean Guido its science I think what we'll do is we'll go ahead and speed things up a little bit that way these villages are going to be made even faster what the heck has happened here they're being like torn down what's going on let's go ahead and find these villagers oh look at this wow so we've got oak or jana terror Oh Oh an era oh my gosh Guido if you can pronounce this I will give you a cookie because this is unreal okay yeah this is all really coming together I don't know what happened to Ono there-there are the rest of the villages I was gonna say what happened to the rest of the villages it looks like there was a little civilization here that's unfortunately being taken down I'm not really sure what the cause of that is maybe they're running out of food or something oh oh we should give them some food we are going to do an air strike of fruit bushes look at this oh we have just bathed their villages in fruit bushes there's so many okay we'll get some on this island as well all the way across simulated America there we go a little sprinkle just over here it's like making a cake you've got to have the right balance of all the right ingredients hey guys would you like some gold oh my goodness that was a lot of gold and we've just destroyed all of the ecosystem here all of the trees have been chopped down sorry about that okay here's a little sprinkle of dokdo that was still too much here we go just a small scattering okay hopefully they're enjoying that oh we've got another migrant here who was swimming by himself across the sea look his speed he's like a speeding bullet Dada Dada Dada I've gotta hand it to these guys they are very speedy apparently there have been 39 deaths not grades but we do have a world population of a hundred and twenty-four not too shabby considering this world has been around for six hundred and nineteen years okay let's send in an airstrike of various seeds here here we go oh my gosh look at them just falling down like rain we're just gonna put these absolutely everywhere I think fruit and bushes and vegetables everything good will come from these seeds this place is looking pretty good [Music] shayana is exactly what I was thinking Guido let's go ahead and look through our viruses here what exactly do we have so what there is blessing which blessed creatures to make them struck no that's a good thing blood rain that also sounds like a good thing divine lights miracle removes diseases Mabel do to afterwards and the plague now I think the plague is the one that we want and I really want to start it from one of the smaller civilizations just to see how fast it can spread okay let's go over here let's find somewhere like this oh there he is patient zero BAM oh we hit them with the disease and now I guess they're going to infect their children their children's children and their children's children's children's children oh yes the infection is already spreading now we don't want these people to die we want them to be around long enough to spread this disease so hopefully they don't end up getting taken out now I think we should be able to see yes to infected I'm going to be keeping an eye on that number and seeing if that grows further and further oh no we're just lost one this sore just died are you kidding me I want to see this infection grow darn it oh they look like they're in a bit of a state of manicure they're kind of running around everywhere not really sure what to do I think they're going insane but hey at least they're tending to their crops before they ultimately die oh there's two infected now where where where where on earth is the other infected person I have no idea but this is clearly the start of the global pandemic oh dude look at this village right here we now have four infected now there must be a way that we can spread this disease even faster maybe we have to destroy the rest of the world so there's only one island left and then the contact between people will be much much quicker in fact we should probably try infect more people especially people that are going to be close together so let's just rain the infection down on all of these people and as you can see they're all infected now hopefully because there's so many people that are in face it right here we'll spread it to this village who will then spread it to another nearby village who will then spread it to another nearby village and eventually we will have a beautiful world of infection what I could also do is use blood rain which restores the health of creatures this means that I'll be able to keep them all alive giving them enough time to actually spread the infection now let's see what number one now 36 and 37 oh it's spreading as I said though one of my ideas was what if we just destroy every other country here until there's only one country left that way the infection will spread even faster sorry Guido I didn't quite catch that yes I think the only way we're going to be able to infect the world is to push people closer together so we're just gonna go ahead and destroy a bunch of islands right here America who needs America dude I don't know why you're swimming out there to America there's um mm-hmm there's nothing left goodbye Australia I'm sorry just the light sprinkling of SAR bombs oh my gosh it's like a trail of the somme bombs goodbye Russia see you later boy there it goes oh my goodness is actually quite beautiful all right we've just got this final little coast here and there we go we've pretty much managed to isolate Africa just got a bit of cleaning up to do over here in these parts there we go to do it's like housecleaning except you're cleaning the world of life oh look at this little baby island down here goodbye alright now we've cut off Africa from the rest of the world we should be able to infect these people even more there's still oh no I was gonna say there's still 200 people but 60 or so isn't too bad so as you can see by these people who are kind of shivering with the purple sparks coming off them the infection is still alive and well but that's only 9 of them so I think they need a second helping of blood rain just to keep them all alive there we go enjoy their butts of course as more people are born the more people are born without the virus installed in them so we really need those 17p to March their way up north and in fates everyone else so here are all the different villages it looks like this at least five year this one was the infected village have they infected anyone over here oh I think they have oh and look at this person they're totally healthy but they're surrounded by a bunch of infected children oh my goodness so Guido what I'm seeing here is that the people of the world actually aren't very social they're not going from village to village and socializing with each other or touching each other a hug each other ah kissing each other instead they're just kind of doing their own thing we've got 27 people infected out of 84 that's not that great to me so we'll have to pull out the other infection the other virus the tumor which grows on land and destroys everything in its way now it's just a race against time it will create some very small land bridges here they're kind of like you know when you've got a bomb and it has to have like the wire coming off and then you set the wire on fire and it's slowly but surely creeps towards the bomb and when it reaches there it blows it up yeah just think of this like a wire now it's just a race against time can the people of new Africa build a civilization a successful one before these tumours eventually reach them look at this they're pushing closer and closer it's an infection all right just not the type of virus we thought we'd create and it looks like anything that the pink goop touches it destroys many of these buildings are being torn to shreds surely this is a good thing though you know what we're adding a little bit of colour to the world it just turns out that if you touch that colour it will kill you nanobots virus destruction ah I said the word virus okay let's put these nanobots down or whatever the heck that was what where do I put that Oh oh my goodness it's eating the world alive I'm sorry Elvis I know I said I'd well I didn't say it would protect you but why did say is that you wouldn't be eaten by a giant virus of nanobots let's go ahead and throw up an honorable salute for our beautiful elves goodbye forever well those guys were nice [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 726,667
Rating: 4.763948 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, thanos, infinity war, thanos infinity, infinity gauntlet
Id: t3dK1Yyp-xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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