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fireball hey look at a bird alive that's what you get hello everybody graceful place we're checking out a game for the channel called daya sim so this is a god simulation building sandbox style of game right now it's an early access development don't have links in description below if you want to check it out very cool how it starts I'll go ahead and show you you can see space infinite around us our sad little plot of land down below you can go ahead and zoom all the way out or zoom down and if we click over here on our handy-dandy pad thing we can see our status which is spirit how many humans cities fade in karma we have so as you can imagine we want human beings to worship our greatness and otherwise pay homage to us incessantly in order for us to grow and gain great powers you can see we have 50 powers on either of our hands right here that allows us to do a bunch of different things eventually as you evolved as a god you get more and more powers to the point where you can send locusts on people strike people down with lightning toss them off the globe and eventually if you get enough heretics you can get raids and enemy cities that have to try attack you you can build the landscape up to make it difficult for them you can move everything that you build including like resources and stuff like that so you get big up resources and bring them over to your human beings and kind of like I don't know kind of like help them out a little bit help a brother out so real quick it says throw forest miracles so we'll open up our miracles here grab a forest and like nothing a forest is built there is also things like forest fires and stuff like that as well so if you build a settlement too close to a forest and human beings as they do cutting everything down and turning everything aflame all of your beautiful creations can get set ablaze so what I'm gonna do is we are gonna put some fires or some fires we're gonna put some forests out here foreshadowing we're gonna put some force I hear that one goes way downtown right off the map when you miss I think you've got to redo it again let's go get some more forests over here there we go and now what I think I'd like to do after all right or I could just miss completely what I think I'd like to do after getting some forest you get all so move yourself around teleport ad wise just to make it a little bit easier on yourself I don't know it was like a mini game for me I kind of like throwing things randomly so what we're gonna do is now we have a couple of different options we have grass now which we really need so let's go ahead and go some grass down grass is fantastic because it's where our lovely populace can go ahead and put farms and the like I think that we are out of deific powers right now we are so we're gonna have to wait a minute until our greatness restores itself in the meantime we can go over here take a look at these people and if you want to hold on let me go ahead and I don't know how he's walking on space but whatever go ahead and grab it dude and read about him he's 21 years old and he is a priest his task is fine that is good we want him to continue spreading the faith and glory of us so let's not kill him all right our defect hours have regenerated so a little bit more grasslands you kind of want to build as quickly as possible because the more stuff you will oh we have a higher tech see that dude the red right there anyone wearing this type of clothing must be banished and so how it is it how is it that you think you banish a heretic do you do you tell him that what he did was wrong let me pet your head you sad little punk or do you toss him into the sky toward the Sun and watch as his body comes crashing yeah look at the look at the bones hold on can I grab his bones oh that would be awesome if I could have grabbed his bones people love being near water don't they let's make some water miracles are our godly powers have regenerated quite nicely there we go as a matter of fact if we wanted to we could even make an island and then make like another area for people to live you can build I think infinitely in this game some people have made stuff like the United States of America like they legitimately made the entire United States out of tiles it was crazy let's um let's see what I want to do let's go ahead and teleport over here real quick I just want to get a little bit more water down so people can check things out I wonder if there's any sea monsters it would be cool at there with sea monsters Oh we're fresh out of powers that's alright though we've got one city so far let's expand our grassland kind of this way all right things are looking good put some more grassland down right over here I'm gonna bring it all the way over to the side yeah Oh something just happen what was that did something unlock it almost sounded like something unlocked we've got two cities oh maybe it's because the second city started yep right over there we have fires over that way let's come a little bit more space there we go and more grassland right there more grassland right there oh the big long bomber there's the man I was gonna say there's the Hail Mary pass hold on one more time now that was terrible oh we're out of we're out of power that's why that's pie what did it all right I think we should extend our forests yeah actually let's keep the forests going for right now assuming we have enough power yeah it's not great but it's not bad either the faith's at a hundred percent and our karma is that is that a nine or a four that looks like maybe a nine whoo twelve humans someone was just birthed into the world worship me worship me human so that I may become great and thus with my greatness expanding with our greatness expanding bring glory to their world let us look down upon our lovely city that we have built so far you can see everything from here Oh our menu is still open go away menu that's kind of interesting though the little tiny menu that looked so big when we were down low is now so tiny and now let me move back a little bit because I know sometimes looking down it's hard to see but from right here you can see our one fire over there another fire over there this is kind of a good way to give you a generic old review well let's put some more water down a generic Wow that fish went flying I didn't mean to quite make it do that a great overview of everything around you so it's kind of cool to see it that way let's um don't a build maybe like a like a forest patch around here maybe we'll build a forest patch over there but put more grasslands over on this way let's go back down so we can see things a little bit closer here there we go oh wow the grass stays the same size so now look at the size of it this is actually kind of cool I like I like the grass much bigger like this hold on there we go oh you can't you can't miss now when the grass is this size oh I love it I love it yes how's our deific powers doing oh we have tons the DfE power oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna be doing just fine over here do you have any heretics doing their thing I think that's a regular guy he looks good everyone else looking okay as I scan the distance to another fire cool so we're gonna have another city being built over here and as such let us yeah let's start putting some more forests down but we're gonna put these forests on this side I think let's put some right over there and then we'll kind of have the forest going around this way there we are and then we'll fill in the grasslands over that side now the people do need forests because that's like the only way for them to get wood to build there we go and you can't do things if you want like if you wanted to we have a regenerate so like all these all these trees that are cut down they will regrow with our great and glorious majesty and look these guys over here bring in fish to the group that's pretty cool look a little fish going to the fire over there I wonder who are you oh let me drop it oh crap I was gonna say let me try and drop that but I didn't instead I casted it oh oh no no cause death age no one needs to know then I just like beater against my head or something an exploiter body I feel terrible more water more water says I I totally missed more water says I there we go I want water all around this area everyone loves water not only is it the life's blood of civilization but also it promotes exploration which humans do love to do if you remember all great things I cannot hit that area to save my life I should just teleport over like a good god all cool things often began from some dude getting in a boat and deciding to do exactly what the king told him not to do put some more forest down if I can reach it ooh long bomber there that worked out really good actually another forest over there little forest over there and one right over there and a little bit oh we have more look at this we have more abilities now oh cool hold on let me get one more grasslands so we're not there we go so now we have a mountain we have thunder don't use the thunder all willy-nilly people end up dying horribly we can create rain which is neat Oh houses are being built over there there was like little sad little huts like that but now we've got full-on house this is a well over there - I see let's um ooh let's make like a nice a nice northern area you know what I mean hold on in the snowy landscapes of the north great ice and snow was created from nothing yes we decreed it and thus the ice plains have been made oh is that a is that a city that just got built out on the ice I wonder if the people that live on the ice have different types of like structures than the people that don't live on the ice that would make sense I don't they have like igloos or something like that or maybe they just have they just have better housing all right we have a big old area that we made out here let's make a nice mountain range mountain sound cool especially snowy mountains oh yeah oh yeah that's let's talk about oh yeah there we go more mountains I want a whole mountain range how can I get that one from way down town look at this yeah it's more and more stuff to build we want to get our civilization crap that was terrible we want to get our civilization prospering as much as possible as a matter of fact let's put a little bit more regular ice over here there we go one right there one right there more ice over there and there we go okay so now you have a pretty big icy area now let's check something out here we want to make sure that the heretics have it moved in and started messing with our people what is this oh crap I don't I don't want put down ice what is this right here a heretic I knew it off to the Badlands with you have fun in the icy snow look at all the people I love how they run in fear whenever the bodies end up exploding oh we have a farm now so our Karma's 35 percent so I wonder if that means that like we need to cause more stuff to happen let's uh let's try rain here we go how about some rain you guys like rain what did that do okay 40 percent karma let's make let's make more rain happen rain for you guys over there right on the crops well sort of near the crops I think I think we actually missed the crops let's uh let's try it be a little bit more accurate with our rain there we go rain on the cross just like that there now 50 percent karma okay so that's definitely helping the Karma level over here we can probably throw some rain on you guys oh oh we just had someone dies hold on let's uh let's clean up the mess here here we are cause of death aged already go he teleported out of my hand this guy over here is roasting a chicken or something like that but Oh hold on check this out and get down for this oh yeah look at this it's a church and it's a pretty cool-looking church too so can you whoa boy I picked the Church of oh I'm sorry church I'm sorry Church Oh God okay that was terrible um all the gravestones in stuff like that so yeah I told you you can pick up pretty much anything oh there is he glues how long has this been here I missed it oh it's different music out in this region this is interesting I didn't expect this is someone playing a lute or is this like legitimately just different music for a different region God powers activate can I make it rain here or wouldn't it be snow technically no I li it's rain I would like to see that turn into snow if there was something they could do a little bit different for the game having snow there would be cool Oh karma sixty percent right now so let's move back over this way I think are you a regular priest yeah you're right over here look at this right over here hold on let me throw this down there so everyone get some rain we've got a scumbag right over there come here don't you run from me you know what you should visit that church oh no oh I didn't expect that to happen I threw her so hard I blew up the church Oh guys I'm sorry I'm glad I didn't lose my daddy status well every once in a while you're gonna hear me I call deity deity I don't know why there's something I've been doing for a long time I know it's supposed to be deity I don't think there's no one out there that pronounces it deity is there maybe there is there's someplace out there just like me that can't produce anything correctly let's um we need more land I think at this point so let's go ahead and start throwing snowy trees oh I didn't get it hold on let me uh let me go ahead and move up this way make it a little bit easier on snowy trees right down here right down here I like a nice large ice land I really enjoy snow like even though I live in a place that doesn't get any I used to live in a place that got a lot of snow actually over on Facebook I was asking people what their favorite season is mine used to be winter and that's even back when I lived in a land where I had to go to work in the snow and everything like that and deal with it I still liked winter I was a big fan of it more forests right down this way I think I'd like to get some forests arcing that was terrible well I don't want that one I want to get more forests over here like this there we go big thick forests big thick forests oh there it is for way downtown crap Oh Third Age Third Age what happened to the Third Age Oh oh look at this they erected a statue hold on oh that's cool oh okay I don't want to break this yeah look at that is that made out of stone or like copper or something either way this city over here has it going on and they got some cool stuff now now since we have the Third Age going let's uh do we have anything new now we still don't have anything new I feel bad because like all these guys over here are still pretty behind meanwhile that City over there is absolutely flourishing like a lot let's um let's check we can take a look at everything as it goes on from here but let's check how we're doing still intermediate intermediate diety we've got five cities 58 human 75 karma let's sell them hold on let's uh let's make it rain let's make it rain a bunch cuz that should get our karma up I think make it rain over there make it rain over there right on top of the city ooh I think what I I think what I let go Alon there we go when I let go if I if my hand moves at all kind of some crazy stuff can happen and for you guys as well make sure to believe everyone here all you better be believers another city just started right over here look at this another city started what is that is that a person oh it is they're just very very stoic they weren't moving or anything like that look at all these bushels of stuff all they're getting cobblestone and stuff around here too let's check out our snowy village over here we haven't been out here in a long time yeah look at this they did they ended up building like a really cool monument up para Tech para tech a lot a lot let's go ahead and finish this person I'm right into the mountains with you right over there gut some blood squirtin you can hear how juicy they sound that sounds terrible but it's pretty funny I'm not gonna lie let's make some more water hold on I want to make a little bit more water out here and then why not let's go make like another another area over here like a whole new on a whole new zone for people I want grassland right up here there we go it's like a beachhead you know what I mean and then well actually let's build it all the way around hold up well not all the way around but let's build it like right about Oh someone already moved in that's good let's build it this way this way here we go I'm gonna have to check out four heretics in a little bit but first we'll put some forests down maybe a forest over there put some extra grassland right over here and then ah yeah maybe a little bit more forests over this way there we go I'm just trying to like mix it up a little bit I feel like our forests there we go right behind me over there I feel like our forests and our grasslands oh I missed are a little bit too uniformed so I'm just trying to spread the love so to speak there we go there we go and now hold on we can get it Oh can I get it going now I think we missed if I can get it going out this way like that there we are I think we can do I want to make more snowy stuff over here that might be pretty cool oh yeah look there traversing now like they go out here and they land over here and then they colonize that area okay so let's do our let's do our heretic check you got to do a heretic check you boys know it look same right over here this is what happens this is what happens when you're not watching you got to take care of bidness okay and bidness is taken care of by toss it poor scumbags into the stratosphere I love it over here with the tavern like music playing the village doing fantastically man these guys out here in the snow are doing incredibly well also I didn't think that these guys would do so good but apparently people love living in the ice there we go we have really expanded over here now and things are looking freakin sweet oh I see one hold on I see a heretic right over here right over here we can take care of that oh oh I hit a building oh I'm sorry everyone I'm sorry your God is not a vengeful God only when you don't believe if you don't believe then yeah I think I just had a heart attack from what he saw I threw someone into the nether up Oh like I had a heart attack as well I'm sorry guys uh here here's a regenerate for you who a hundred humans we got a new achievement okay Karma's at seventy ninety five percent so now that we have a hundred humans eight and cool happened now we still have the same miracles right now I want I want like the next set of miracles so um let's make a larger land out here I assume we need even more humans I wonder how modern these people get like as of right now those guys over there kind of uh I don't know it looks like maybe maybe medieval style of stuff going on but I don't know how far they come I don't know how I don't know if you ever get into an area where there's like cars and planes and stuff like that that'd be like so cool Universum style stuff if that happened I saw something too exciting hold on hold on back over here real quick back over here real quick oh yeah look a heal spell a fire spell huh a volcano in oasis in a desert okay hold on we have a volcano yeah you know it you know okay I'm gonna put it out here there's one dude out here actually I'm gonna put a little bit further out here because that would be terrible there we go a volcano out in the middle of the snow you know what let's uh let's do some desert we haven't done any desert so the volcano I don't know how it transfers right into Arctic to desert but it could happen alright we've been working hard but we need to make sure we need to make sure that the heretics are not taking over over here because we've got a lot of beautiful area around and I would hate to see it too spoiled by dirty and scumbags what do we have over here right everything's looking pretty good on this side up right over there I knew it I knew it was only a matter of time alright now we don't want anyone to see this so there we go I think we managed to throw right off the board wow that was a real pitch let's uh let's go across the water over here because we haven't checked on these guys in a long time and we want to make sure that everything's running smoothly over here good see you're doing well over there excellent over here no one wearing the red clothes of evil not at all sweet you know what I think that we need like some more volcanoes or something Oh heretic hold on we got to try something we got to try something hold on Aloha all right we're gonna grab him let's uh hold on let's move them way out here all right put him down we go hold on and now you should have known fireball and look at a bird alive that's what you get that's what you get oh crap um uh rain rate there we go I put him out I put him out higher he doesn't die very quickly from it hold on can you dang it I healed him again it's just torture that's all I'm doing hold on he's got 15 hit points left down to the ground that's what you get so um we set a man on fire twice I feel pretty bad about that well actually he was a heretic so his life was forfeit anyway all right old gray has been hard at work we're now a greater deity hundred twenty three humans 12 cities 92% 92% faith that means that someone is someone's not keeping the faith man right over here right up oh hold on let's get rid of that trying to run away from me you must not know you must not know crap I threw him right in the middle of all the people every once in a while I mean - hold on what does it say fine they don't look fine what are they doing it almost looks like they're dabbing or something maybe they're just crying I don't know but the the letting go thing is something I end up screwing up and people end up blowing up in the middle are you hold on here oh don't you run from me are you wearing red yep you sure I mean it says heretic when you look at it but again every once in a while it seems like I just hit myself with their body and it blows them up yeah water was definitely the key because now more and more people are starting to kind of come over here in fact you know what hold on I'm gonna make even more water out of this way I'm just gonna kind of make it uniform well that one went way out in the middle of nowhere right there we go and now let's teleport over here and we'll just put that one down there we go that should be enough water to keep everyone happy there's a wases over here so what they can build their housing and stuff like that but as always we've got to deal with this like I said the underhand throw is the way to go man this way human beings don't end up smashing into the side of your head and causing everyone to get hypertension and believe that your wrath is far too furious because again you want like a healthy amount of fear not too much fear just enough alright and for right now this is the world that we have created I don't know what it takes let's see greater deity 168 humans now 17 cities 100% faith 100% karma so we're definitely doing things correctly I think we should probably save the game as well uh I think we're gonna go ahead and end it here I'm gonna go turn that off we're gonna go ahead and end it here let's check out our coolest town one of my favorite towns is this one here probably followed up by this one over here the one in the snowy mountains I really like this town it just straight-up looks cool there's a sweet Viking monument over there people are having a fantastic time guys hope you enjoy this episode of dais sim goobers let me know what you think about in the comment section below till the next time folks stay foxy much luck [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,907,345
Rating: 4.8914824 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, vr, virtual reality, vive, htc vive, fun vr game, best vr games, family friendly, vr game, vr video game, best htc vive games, deisim, deisim game, deisim vr game, deisim vr gameplay, be a god in vr, god game vr, vr god game, god simulator vr, games like universim, god powers vr, building vr, vr building, building, god game, god video game, god game virtual reality, deisim htc vive, deisim download, black and white, black and white vr
Id: BnrxFW4eZkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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