I Built A Super Nation & Infected It With A Deadly Plague And Zombies - Worldbox

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looks like the zombies and that's the man only in this game can you make homes and zombies that's each other we have wheat attacking as well the buddies are like what the Frick is going on right now am I on LSD or something [Music] well hello there everybody Trey here and today we're playing God once again in world box now it's been about a month since we last checked out this game and the game has been updated a few times since we last checked it out and yeah I thought I'd be a good time to check it out once again because of some cool powers we can do now and diplomacy is much more in-depth in this game so there was a diplomacy update now you can have warring factions you can have revolutions basically if villages are not being treated right they can make their own Kingdom now which is really really cool and yeah there's a lot more detail when it comes to the actual diplomacy of the game so you can actually go in here you can see the warring nations and whatnot looks like we are rather peaceful right now is anybody warring oh it looks like great poke pugilist is that war with the majority of the world right now so we'll see what happens with them they are a rather big nation actually the second biggest nation so it's gonna be interesting to see that war going on do we have any more other other Wars so yeah there is some drama going on in the world right now and I've just spawned in a random world I've let these guys do their thing for a few years and as you can see it's quite a big world so yes you can see the nations now that I have in the nation panel open and this is oh they're well they just lost part of their land but this is the warring nation that's basically warring the world and I've played risk enough to know that this is a very bad location for them and we saw that because they just lost it cuz they're in the middle of everybody right now so uh yeah they're probably gonna have a hard time keeping their borders safe do we have a war going on right here yep definitely some fighting going on as you can see and I don't think this nation will last too much longer unless they make peace with the rest of them so yes warring nations aside there's a few other major things we're going to be checking out today uh the recent update has given us the golden brain which attracts creatures that like to eat brains aka zombies to that specific location so before you kind of just had to let zombies do their own thing and wander around now they can actually go to the direction that you want so hopefully one one of these nations is victorious and has taken over this whole area will drop down a bunch of zombies and see what it's like to have a zombie attack on the nation not only that we do have the plague now so we can start a disease and I know with the world right now this is kind of a touchy subject but this was an actual update into this game and I definitely do want to try out the plague later ah there's also a few other things I think madness was in here before I don't actually remember ah but we can also make the trees come alive and the the homes come alive as well because because why not right you can do anything in this game so yeah that that's the major of the updates right now we're just gonna let these nations do their things by the way we have all humans right now what did I just drop in the water I didn't mean to do that but hope what was that zombies oh god did I just drop zombies in the water no I think we're okay well yeah I'm gonna give these nations a chance to kind of flourish we'll kind of watch what goes on and looks like yes we two have a lot of drama going on as per usual when nations war I'm curious to see how long this one nation lasts let's actually go back and see how they're doing so they've already dropped down to third place the kanva has taken over their spot and I'm assuming are they still the other still at war with pretty much everybody the only so it looks like we have four nations and then three nations so I think we have like a very split world right now so this could get really interesting so yeah I'm curious to see where this goes again I think I'm gonna keep my money still on green here just because I think it's like a hermit Kingdom and they'll just kind of let these guys fight it out and hopefully take out the rest of the world that being said we probably won't get that far because I want to drop some plagues on these guys and whatnot too but yeah well we'll let these guys go for a little bit all right it looks like this part just crumbled and oh my god teal has taken over this part so they're probably gonna take this part back obviously I'm clearly focused on this battle right now I'm curious to see what happens with orange here let's actually see what is orange doing in the grand scheme of things are they at war with teal yes they are so these guys could definitely attack each other soon here that's gonna be interesting because this is a very populated part of the map oh I didn't even notice about this panel there's a relations panel so you can actually click any of the nations and you can see who they're at war and who they're peaceful with interestingly enough green over here surrounded by people they're at war with so maybe just maybe they might run into an issue here I think the majority of these nations though are fighting these guys over here so this is really cool because you can quickly see it's interesting enough they're still peaceful with these guys but they're at war okay so are these guys peaceful as well these guys are peaceful with the majority except green and then obviously these guys are peaceful Wow white is playing a very strategic game right now I didn't realize that white was at peace with everybody yet they're taking over the whole nation you guys it again I I played enough risk to know somebody's gonna have to attack white soon or they're just going to do strengthen numbers and take out this whole freaking land so yeah that's interesting I think most people are just scared of white right now all right and looking at its horriffic dynasty right now they have seven villages already their area is quite big it even shows how much buildings they have this is this is why this update has made this game so much cooler you can actually go into the Kings as well you can see their stats and every character does have stats now in this game as you can see so it looks like their accuracy is very very good damage rather good but no armor so um yeah all about damage output they have killed one person I'm curious I wish it showed who they killed because that would be amazing so you can actually see exactly where they are and I like that the King you can tell it's the King I mean they got slightly better get up than the rest of these people and she's just chillin she's not doing anything she doesn't have to do anything she just has to give orders of course very strategic placement as well at the end of the kingdom around all the allies here I wonder if that's like strategic or if she just got lucky and just as chillin here I don't know but where'd she go oh she's going oh she's cutting trees this is this is a queen that works with the people as well clearly so yeah if we hover over a wire right now they are at peace with everybody but they're smart about it they've been slowly just boring one nation at a time the nations are literally doing dueling right now we got Oh what just happened I think they just took over that was like no-man's land I believe I might have missed that though but I'm thinking they're probably gonna war blue or teal I'm curious to see what these hermit and nations will do this one with the population of ten and twelve because all we have left is green who's got a really big capital it like I said but like white I mean even we rock over here not its capital has 63 this is really really cool I like this whole diplomacy update now because just watching them do their thing is very very interesting what do we got going on over here we got just a bunch of people just going for a swim it looks like they're heading back to the cap oh maybe I don't know surprise surprise I thought they would be going for teal but it looks like they're getting rid of this hermit nation up here which hasn't done anything this whole time I was honestly hoping they would just chill there and be peaceful um but look at them these guys are relentless they are swimming across the ocean they don't need boats in large numbers like look at how many of them are going over there and there's only 14 people here like you guys are sick you're just slaughtering everything these are basically Vikings they're just taking over the world they don't need boats though they just swim because they're hardened and they're badass look at it's just a slaughterhouse watch the population and it's gone alright there's another nation gone I wonder what they're gonna do next we have pretty more nations you guys are gonna have to go to peace let's actually see what they've been doing cuz I've been looking too much at these other nations so how's green doing green still at war with teal they've kind of had a standstill though so it's been like a 20-year war of nothing and of course teal is at war with green pink over here just again another hermit Kingdom we know what's gonna happen to them sooner or later they're they're gonna have to do something quick man I tell you that much because this nation it's just fun to watch them I don't even want to intervene cuz white is doing there they go they're so smart they're they're at war what's he'll now like I said and one Steel's gone I wonder what's gonna happen next oh that's a whole new nation it looks like I think one of the villages have his left heel and has made their own nation here so we'll see what happens with them revolutions are a thing now and that we just saw what happened right there so that's pretty interesting I don't think you guys are gonna last very long though with white around I gotta be honest as I've been talking coca novo has dropped his population by 50% and it's just an all-out war zone right now I wonder what happens if the capital gets dropped I think the whole nation goes under the other nation they are rapidly losing population capital should drop soon and they're gonna surrender and rock I mean they lost like 20 but that's not enough okay so it looks like actually just the probably the second most populous village goes to be the capital well I hope it's just gonna last very long either buddies get on the way you're gonna die and there we go Till's gone Till's gone just like that oh hey look at Benna the the the revolution nation is already at war with white white is just frickin relentless oh I think we're gonna have to intervene soon but I kind of want to see this war I've been rooting for green I don't think greens gonna win anymore but I I still have hopes damnit Oh would you look at that ah they have went to war with green green get to the get get to the beachfront because from what I've seen these guys just swim everywhere where you guys goin we're at a war right now we got one guy coming to the direction of the war he kind of looks like Elvis so I'm gonna say that's Elvis oh we have a sheep out here too so even the Sheep just swim everywhere I love this nation it's the nation of swimmers all right well we got a few good men going in alone smart men here are we gonna have a battle in the water is this who are you and just I just want to see who this person is it's yees good old yeast does it say who he's Hughie's with he's C swimming right now stop stop it no you stop it who did this it's God I'm touching you right that's wrong I'm not touching you in a in a bad way but I'm touching you right now traits he's wise oh yeah by the way each its character has traits now so let's see what this character has he likes chicken he oh he always gladness well he does he definitely likes and then love this game man what what's the windmill he's peaceful well you're not well you're not gonna have to be peaceful sooner or later because you're at war right now where is oh here's the attack I was waiting for the attack as I'm looking at everything um yep all right looks like Greene's gonna have a hard time here this is gonna be interesting we got I mean they got 75 population that's quite a bit but again Brooke over here with an 87 that's nothing nothing compared to rural and also this nation has not changed the population in like 20 years well let me actually check what year are we on right now you're 53 yes it's been over 20 years I think and they've had 12 people can we just let this nation go I feel like they're the hobbits of this world just just let them live they're doing their own thing on their little island please don't take over this nation cuz everything else can go away I don't care oh my god okay yeah the Vikings are coming in and Allah is rapidly dropping its population what they're putting up a good fight though they they are actually working in teams right now as you can see they're hitting the people coming on the land and killing them so I think they're gonna kill more than what they lose but I mean this is a war of populations right now and clearly we can see who has the most populous kingdom that being said I I gotta give it to green they're putting up a great fight they're still at 33 over here 88 at their main Kingdom right now Oh Oh drama drama in the world Rock has just left the white kingdom that sounded wrong but you know what I'm talking about and now we have some serious drama with the master nation I wonder if this is the same blue that took over Ben over here that got pushed away oh well the tables have turned for blue our sorry white cuz now Rock I did they I think they just said screw it because ooh ooh diverse over here it wasn't very populous and we rocks like screw you guys we have the bigger Kingdom right now and they took their chances as they're at war with green and maybe just maybe Green can do this it looks like that white is indeed leaving looks like a lot of the villages are joining blue the revolution right now this is amazing I don't even have to play I already have to check out the new things I'm just enjoying watching these people do their own thing ah man so looking at Rock they are peaceful with the rest of the world curious to see what's going on here obviously still at war with green I think White's gonna have a little bit of a problem here it's at war on all sides oh no we've lost a few members of the Hermit nation oh there we go we're popping out more we're ok you guys just keep doing your thing over here please I'm rooting for you guys at this point so whose heck now war with white still I it's still peaceful with blue looks like again blues just focused on taking out white now what is this new kingdoms name who are these amazing people that have come in and destroyed everything bottleless okay and they're now the most populous nation as well that was quick well if history has taught us anything ladies and gentlemen trying to war the whole world never turns out very well for the nation and as you can see the white nation has now dropped down to just its capital and if you can see all these things swimming in right now I don't think they're gonna last much longer I gotta say props to the people who stayed loyal to their nation but you guys shouldn't have been douchebags man you should have just you know kept half of the world and just it just stopped going the war with everybody I mean you know yeah the only ones you didn't go with the war with was the good old hermit nation over here so uh they're holding on but they're just holding on I think once blue gets over here I'm curious to see what blue in I don't know what this like beige are going to do because they both I think revolted from the white nation so I think they're technically the same people but there's two different nations now are they gonna stay at pizza they're gonna go to war that's the next big question once white goes down and here comes a big wave of enemies coming in to take out the final few the last 10 and there they are joining the blue nation the blue nation Oh clearly basically being what the white nation once was I'm curious to see how these guys are gonna do let's see what the relationships are going on right now so so far peaceful of everyone just like the white nation for them though I don't think that will last very long are these guys at war with anybody right now we have oh no green you can't take out the Hermit Kingdom why you had war with them oh that truly sucks oh um looks like I don't think the Hermit kingdoms gonna last very long with green being at war with them I mean that's just too many people mind you green seems to be more of a peaceful nation they're at war but they're not attacking like the white nation is they're just kind of chewing you know they're they don't like each other but they're not attacking just yet would you look at that green just went to war with hecka did this go to war no these guys blue is playing it smart now you know they they realize they were part of the drama before they're just gonna hold out let these small nations war each other and I think I think pink might be okay here I mean there's technically at war but nobody's attacked pink I'm just curious where this is going to go so yeah these nations are at war but the strategies are different because Oh looks Oh Oh green Oh green just went to war with the whole world now that bad that should end probably badly but green goes to war but they don't attack there they're the defensive nation so I'm curious to see who's going to attack green and if they're gonna be successful because the only attack we've seen on green they've held their borders very well so I think there's gonna be a bloodbath here soon depending on who attacks who right now we got a lot of drama going on in the world as you can clearly see at least every nation is at war with somebody but nobody is acting like the white nation did they're just kind of holding their borders i I think everybody's scared to attack at this point after they saw what happened to the white nation it is it is just it's at war right now but nothing is happening they're just kind of just holding their borders it is so fun watching these guys though by the way rock also pop past the population of a hundred and interestingly enough arena over here did have like 90 it dropped down though probably because they're fighting everybody right now alright but let's try and put a plague on the nation's well they're at war and see what happens I think what we're gonna do is infect the Hermit Kingdom that's gonna be interesting though cuz these guys don't really leave their island is it going to infect the rest of the nation so I've actually installed a mod which unfortunately that's why I've been staying away from this tab it doesn't lag me for whatever reason once I'm in that tab ah but the mod makes the plague a little bit more realistic as well certain humans will be more immune to the disease and their babies will be more immune as well and there's cool things like if someone infected dies in the water that water column may be infected as well so it just adds some more realism I just realized that somebody died in the water so I was saying Matt um but yeah basically it's a very realistic mute disease infection update so yeah part of this is in the game that's the the plague so we're gonna give these guys the plague sorry nation I don't know if I'm gonna kill you or if you're going to spread it and then the mod part of this I've installed this mod and yeah we can actually see how many people are infected because there's no other way to easily see that um so I just want to see hopefully this plague will infect the other borders you can actually see the kingdoms that are infected by it so if green attacks what I'm hoping will happen is they get infected by the plague and bring it to their nation we'll see what happens though I think this is gonna be the best way to do it just get the small nation the plague there are they're just gonna die out or they're going to spread the infection and there we go we have lost the Hermit Kingdom due to my stupidity I was really hoping that would spread all right so let's get someone close to the frontlines here let's do hecka I think I'm going to infect hecka alright hecka it's time to get some play Ignace going on so we have infected four people actually actually accidentally infected been I didn't realize there was a nation so close to this one alright so I want to see maybe this will spread it there we go we just up to for now we're gonna see how a plague spreads on mainland because clearly it didn't work very well with the Hermit Kingdom alright and the plague is infected 2% of the population it is actually dropping but you can see spreading to other villages so once these guys come in contact with each other they'll probably get infected also the plague infects the animals as well so we got 1% of the animal population infected as well not infected we got 97% of the world doing totally fine right now but it is slowly spreading and I think once we get into these populate populated areas looks like blue is going to war obviously with green unfortunately I think this is G G for green has blue taken over the whole world I'm kind of glad you know I wanted to see who would end up winning this blue is clearly going to win it but maybe the whole leg all right it is rapidly spreading not much of the population has been infected 99% still going upwards obviously but the the plague is that the vast majority of the populous villages now we got a few small island villages that are doing all right and yeah this is definitely the animal plague so the animal plague is infecting down here as well so we got two plagues going on that's great I didn't realize how big these kingdoms are becoming too so we got a pretty populous nation right now and they've actually stayed peaceful which is surprising I thought there'd be a revolution by now especially with the infections going on but yeah III guess it's more of the plagues now which one's going to kill more of the population population of the world rapidly dropping I'm curious to see what the next generation is going to be like if they are going to be immune or not because this is this is where this is gonna get interesting because like I said the parents spread their immunity to their kids so I think the sick kids are all gonna die but there might be a nation of really healthy people by the end of this but yeah 14% infected hasn't one up too much but you can see the population of the world is also rapidly dropping and not expanding so it's getting worse and worse really really quickly the plague has gotten a second wave ladies and gentlemen we're back up to 40 people infected seven percent of the population so yeah that was like in in three years it just rapidly expanded I don't know what happened but clearly they weren't social isolating because Jesus its harpeia 52 now alright let's just make the world a little more troubling for them we're gonna have a zombie infection now because that's the other new thing so first of all let's put down the new shrine or whatever the hell it is the golden brain as they call it and we're gonna put that in rock because we're it's been all peaceful and populous here I want to see zombies come and try and attack this place so there we go they have the brain and Nina and we all know that zombies like brains I feel like zombies should be on a deserted island this island hasn't been touched this whole time so it's time to make some zombies here alright zombies go forth my brothers and find that brain and please kill it because I kind of see what happens we're gonna try and make as many zombies as possible so I don't think they know exactly where the brain is but they can like sense it you can see the majority of them Connor are heading this way but some are actually going the wrong way as well this guy's you you're an idiot right now swim away swim the frig away Elvis what the hell are you doing alright I think that's enough Azam B's we have more beasts than people right now so let's get to the fun part we are just going to there we go just build a nice little soil bridge over there you go oops sorry I didn't mean to kill a few of you I'll have to spawn a few more to make it fair you know this isn't horrifying at all so uh good luck Benna hecka you guys are gonna have some issues really really quickly here you guys better stop swimming okay they're already attacking the village that we choose oh yeah this is a zombie outbreak if I've ever seen one oh my god looks like we got some more plague in the water so that's great as everybody's swimming in it so that's gonna be oh yeah look at the plagues actually rapidly expanding because of that um some rock I hope you're okay buddy because the zombies can smell that brain and they are for happily going over there do we have any going any other direction so we got some guys like chilling here but they're actually just fighting the humans that have been left here oh they see they did they just spotted him into the ocean alright kill the final one there we go Spartan it did turn into a zombie so yes the zombies do turn other humans into zombies I always wanted to find that out and we know all right and just for fun let's see what happens when we make houses living because why not right I don't know if the houses will attack the zombies or just the humans but at this point I mean I'm just going to ensue chaos there's actually not many trees as you can see so I can't make that oh you know what these will be infected there we go come on living trees let's pack looks like the zombies and that's man only in this game can you make homes and zombies that's each other we have wheat attacking as well the buddies are like what the Frick is going on right now am I on LSD or something but no this this is just world bucks in general guys okay well I think we've saw a lot today we saw that the plague is actually pretty interesting and quite realistic the new diplomacy update is amazing probably my favorite update for this game so far and just watching them was fun alone and yeah it's nice to lead the zombies in the direction that you want them to go but let's put this place out of its misery we always got to drop some bombs on these guys and we'll just get rid of a little bit of that zombie outbreak and see what happens if we drop a few bombs here alright goodbye everybody it was nice knowing you and I guess we'll just let these guys live and on that guys we're gonna wrap up this episode of World box here I hope you guys enjoyed checking out this game once again I absolutely love this game and I'm gonna be following it as it is being developed I hope we get some more fun god powers to play with because don't get me wrong there's a few good ones that have came around but obviously the more the merrier I just want to destroy villages and have some fun let's do Santos's click as well I don't know if we did this one before but yes creatures removed 41 there we go so there's actually still quite a few creatures on here a little bit over 80 but yeah we'll wrap up this one here guys I hope you guys enjoy checking the new out into the new updates for this game as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drae
Views: 162,438
Rating: 4.9035463 out of 5
Keywords: Worldbox, Super Worldbox, Worldbox Gameplay, Worldbox G ame, Super Worldbox Gameplay, God Game, God Games, Playing God, God Simulator, Worldbox Update, Super Worldbox Update, Drae, Draegast, global infection, zombie virus, funny moments, worldbox game, indie games, worldbox gameplay, super worldbox, world box, worldbox game city, Diplomacy, Worldbox Diplomacy, Worldbox Nations, Worldbox Zombies, Worldbox Plague, Worldbox Disease, Super Worldbox Highlights
Id: rsT894k8-_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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