I Created BATTLE ROYALE ISLAND And It Was A TERRIBLE IDEA In WorldBox God Simulator

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we know welcome back to the world box dimension and today we are going to wait hold your horses there buddy don't presume everything just give me a second to finish my original sentence okay well what I'm trying to say is that we're not gonna do anything dangerous today we're not gonna do anything hazardous in fact we are going to have a nice peaceful civilized day no destruction no hazards no natural disasters just a nice peaceful day so sit back relax maybe catch on sleep yeah I know I should probably catch up on sleep myself already well this this is a good opportunity as any so sit back relax and enjoy the peace and quiets okay dude I'm already bored let's let's create the biggest war the world walks dimension has ever seen [Music] all right so first of all we want to islands let's see what we can do here we can get to hexagon islands right here if we put one here and one on this side too oh that's actually pretty even I'm actually quite impressed with that now the only thing is that we do not want these two civilizations to touch each other so what I'm going to do is get a mountain range in the center yes I know dude I know that it's not enough to stop them but this is going to be right down the middle and it should hopefully stop them from reaching sure that because we're going to put something in the middle mainly a bunch of piranhas hopefully oh yeah they can't escape the walls I don't think yeah we'll put a bunch of piranhas down the middle just like this so if anyone tries to defect to either side they will be totally destroyed oh my gosh look at all those piranhas in the middle okay now let's start on working out how we can make this super equal here in fact what we could have because I don't think two villages will fight each other is we could have a team of let's see who hates humans they don't like are they like trees and don't like orcs orcs don't like humans we could do like dwarves versus elves actually elves versus humans or orcs versus humans would be better I mean let's just see let's just see how the interact we'll get one human in here and we'll get one orc in there let's do something like this and see oh yeah they fight each other that's for sure they hate each other oh and the human came out on top well that's a good starting point let's get rid of this village here if we can no no I don't want to I want to get rid of the village there we go okay perfect now that's just this last human oh oh well we might not see this human anymore oh my god first I see the motors effective we're going to give them both a little bit of time to build up their build up their villages we'll put on two times speed and then what we're going to do Guido is bridge the two villages together now what I will do is I will give them both equal starts here so we'll get our let's see if I can like maybe put like a big forest in the center of each Island they've got sand surrounding them so maybe some fertile soil as well we'll put a bit yeah we'll put a bit like surrounding it just like this and then we need a little bit of rain so we can actually see this all planting let's put some trees down first of all put some trees down on this side as well a little bit of rain just like this which should hopefully lead to all of this blooming yes yes yes yes yes this is what we need once again we shouldn't see the two islands contending against each other just yet because neither of the teams will be able to get past the piranhas hopefully now we'll pause the simulation just for a second just so we can make sure we do miss equally two humans on this side and two orcs on the other side and as I said we're going to give them a little bit of time here to build up their villages and then go to war so we've got the war of the Cova & toes arts it's gonna be really interesting seeing these two these two villages compete against each other I think they need some rocks as well I think we need rocks on both sides here I'm just scale it down just so I'm not give them too much and crushing their villages there we go so we'll give them a bunch of rocks bunch of rocks on this side as well I'll give them each a little bit of gold or two will do to brush Werth's so we'll do one there one on this side two a bit of iron for them as well just so they can build their defenses that would be two on this side two on that side and I think that's it we can get some fruit bushes as well again I'm keeping this super equal in fact it looks like this island may have a little bit more space than the other but really it's just about the it's about the combat here let's be real one thing I found out is that we can go ahead and we can check the village info whereabouts is it here yes so we can actually see the details on the villages look at this so their leader is Yordano it's Kingdom is called Nerja risk and they haven't got a king yeah well Kingdom a leader what's oh whoa I didn't realize how deep will you go into this whoa it's amazing so we can actually see how many resources they have so they've got far four out of five they've got five whatever that means I guess five houses oh they got a bunch of resources here no farms just yeah oh and we can rename them oh my gosh awk village exclamation mark I think both teams need more food so I'll go ahead and I'll uh use my godly powers to bless them with a bunch of bushes a bunch of fruit bushes just like that that gets rid of a few trees but hopefully should help them out a little bit more orchid just got for human village only has three right now you never know though maybe the human village needs a little bit more food than the orc village maybe the orcs have bigger bellies and more food I have no idea I want each of these guys to get to like maybe like 20 to 30 of each occupation of each villages before I put them to war ideally 50 so we can have a you know an actual big hundred person battle but with these piranhas being so hungry something tells me that's not gonna happen let's see what other things I can do is there any other way I can help these guys I can give them a bit more water here I wonder if that'll help I do something like this it might grow more trees so it's like three or four sprinkles on each side let's see how the villagers are doing now again they're doing fantastic it looks like they're doing quite well so once the villages get filled up once they've built enough houses then the other people split off and make their own village I think ah well that's fine we'll just collect all the I don't know like all the amounts of each village put them all together and that will be their army if it's on the left side of the border they're fighting for the humans if it's on the rights they're fighting for the orcs it doesn't matter how many villages they have right now that's only six people in this village I wonder if I haven't given them enough resources or something they've got a bunch of trees though bunch of rocks they should be able to keep up with the humans but the humans are absolutely running away with it it seems meanwhile the org village seems to be struggling a little bit more maybe I need to give them more trees or something just to help them out let me see here I'll plant a bunch of seeds there you go they've got some farms on the go which is great for their food supplies but in terms of actual manpower they are trailing behind the humans here who will now have nine people let's have a look at the hold on let me try this so they've got nine out of nine people the village ages five is that five days five years or village now has six it looks like the people of Rodd dog have merged back into the original village which is cool so I guess once they've run out of houses and resources they kind of split off and do their own thing twenty whole people at this human village right now some of them are children admittedly but some of them are fully fledged adults this is fantastic it's rainin seeds everywhere rain seeds on this side as well just helping out the best that I can let's get some more berries around on this side yes get some more rain over here meaning more trees I think that's what each side needs more of although it looks like the orc village definitely has more trees the human village is definitely more advanced so let's have a look at this we got 14 and 3 so that's not 15 what's 17 that seguido 17 more people right here but there's a whole 22 right here in the human village of course the more people there are the more resource is being used so we desperately need to give them more trees here that's why I'm pouring it down with the rain here just to see if any more trees bloom and there's a castle they've built a castle I do wonder if that means they have a king right now let's see here let's have a look at the human village no King just yet but 26 people is nothing to scoff at and on this side I believe that's 21 people oh my gosh oh my god my goodness promised a third see here holy cow they're really putting in the work 31 whoa but the auxilary has a lot of people working some of the babies like this little fella but it is well across two villages so they're not really working together as well but on this side 41 42 people look at this oh my goodness this is fantastic I can't believe this I can't believe we've almost reached 50 whole people in this one village they can have more seeds just so that there we go more seeds everywhere more seeds on this side but I can't wait for this human village to hit the big five oh I don't think we've seen that before wait some gold for them rain some gold on this side as well but we're just giving them we're just treating them they're like my babies it's like when you have two children and eventually you wait till the research and then you put them to war that's the thing that people do right that's 50 okay now it's time to see this go down now we're going to have soil bridging the two civilizations just like this and already the bridging has started look at this as soon as they switch other they are going to go to war oh they're both decided to build new villages right here but look at this we're gonna see our first combat I think oh this orc is invading the village by himself what was there why did he run out there okay you will see no more assistance from me everyone in fact what I could do is demolish each side of the island and force them to go more into the middle awesome thing because right now it looks like these humans are occupying the center are they putting so much work though but I'm gonna have to do I'm afraid okay let's do this if I get the deep ocean and I just get rid of most of the village just like this this should force them to move closer and closer into the middle same on this side just like that hopefully no one's dying in the process here and I'm just forcing them closer and closer into the middle oh we've got our first fight oh my goodness dude okay let's go ahead and destroy the castle their hard work is really being sent away destroy the chieftain village and look at this they should be pushed further and further into the middle islands here I'm gonna get some walls right here so no one accidentally goes into the piranhas or something like that in fact I'll kill all the piranhas why not Oh drop a piranha on land what oh the supply works going off everywhere okay thank you for that what the heck okay these guys need to be pushed further into the middle I'm afraid I'm gonna have to destroy all their stuff here to make them go further into the middle if I put some trees here maybe it will lure them in I'm not sure we've seen a little bit of combat but not too much but I think that's because there aren't many trees off resources over here I mean eventually we just want to see these guys just going into full combat here full combat mode getting pushed and pushed further and further into the center but look I don't want to kill them all why I'm doing that no you will not form another civilization on these islands stop you must go closer towards the center let's do this side as well we don't want to be a sewer too harsh on the humans right here come on get closer to the middle I'm not sure if it's even working actually let's get rid of these islands there must be I must have to just get rid of the get rid of the the land here and stop them from moving from place to place and just force them into the center somehow is there a way to get rid of the land but not get rid of the oh gosh not get rid of the people I think there is I think we destroy the civilization like that and these guys are now running look everyone's getting closer and closer to the middle stop building houses stop that if I do that if I just keep doing this get rid of all that I'll lock the game pushed into the middle it's happening the war the war is beginning Guido okay just get rid of this there we go get put oh my gosh I just killed a lot of orcs right now look at this war we're seeing okay let's slow things down I want to see this going in real time here there we go oh my goodness oh the orcs just survived all that so now it's the orcs oh my gosh there's still 20 people here look at this battle right here it's like Battle Royale it's like the area gets smaller and smaller until eventually there is like nothing left at all let me just demolish these villages here so they're not getting any funny ideas there we go okay go closer and closer into the center my minions destroy their crops look you're gonna have to keep going destroy the buildings there we go I don't want any buildings I just want civilization fighting oh oh they would then reach reach other the raw battling look at this look at this great battle the humans are in there and it looks like there's more orcs than humans oh my goodness this is the greatest battle Oh No the humans have survived and they're swimming towards the orcs look at this oh my gosh look at this huge battle going down right now right on this south side of the island who's gonna win I'm getting rid of all the buildings so no one can stop fighting everyone must fight I can't tell if there's more humans or if there's more a lot more amor amor Mert Mert Mert mer more ox or anything like that it looks like these guys are pretty evenly matched my gosh I think I just had a brain fart okay look at this the humans are swimming on let what the heck is going on here I think the orcs might be winning this one I think the orcs have succeeded unless the humans can pull something out the back here it looks like the orcs have claimed this land as their own long live or topia and look at this the orcs have started building their own new world their brave new frontier after them that the thousand-year battles the long long waits to finally settle down it's time to give them their reward [Music] you
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 297,207
Rating: 4.7338676 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator
Id: M45B5f2-0tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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