Using GOD POWERS to Create a World Where EVERYONE Must Fight To The Death In WorldBox Simulator

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in the beginning there was nothing and then came the world box dimension this dimension was a place of natural beauty vast oceans lush forests arid deserts and towering mountains for such a beautiful location you were expected to be ruled by some kind of wonderful God but instead it was me it's me it's Steve and my robotic companion Guido this is the world box dimension and Guido we have been put in control of all of these little islands you see right here there's this giant forests there's deserts this place is stunning and it is our job to well basically do whatever we want what God remember so this place is absolutely huge and it's been created just for me but what I think we should do is focus on these two islands right here is that gold Oh shiny I want to make two armies okay placed on either side either island okay and then I want to see them go to war why do we know because well so we going to do just like stare at the trees all day go for a paddle oh that's niiiiice cuido but unfortunately that's not gonna be the case this is our world and we can do what we [Music] okay this first island we are going to put basic humans here these humans have very basic needs they need to find food to survive shelter cut down trees to make new tools it looks like they've got a handful of resources here there's like berries over here there's a bunch of trees a buttload if you will and some kind of mineral right here I think so let's go ahead and get our first two humans and see how they survive they're like running around they've just gone straight underneath that tree oh here we go oh are they like building a house or something what's going on here they're like mining something it looks like they're wearing bra and pants I think it's a man and a woman oh hello Oh what's going on there oh I think they've made fire I can't see cuz this trees in the way but that's fantastic okay they're slowly clearing out the forest now on this side what we're going to do or this place looks a lot more beneficial there's a lot more food to whoever goes on this side on this side we are going to put the orcs these orcs naturally hates humans so if these two islands ever collide there will be a Great War oh my gosh look at this they've built a house already it's been like 30 seconds okay let's see how the orcs are doing looks like they're following largely the same thing they've made a fire which is nice but they haven't made a house yet two houses oh my gosh this is amazing okay I can't unkind of curious to see what the orcs houses look like maybe they have the same taste in architecture as the humans yeah you're right Guido it's probably gonna be some kind of oh look at that oh wow it's like an orc huts it's like Shrek's hurts Shrek is also a God anyway they've got their civilization working out these guys have got their civilization working out I wonder if they're gonna go ahead make some babies and get this civilisation blooming right now it looks like they're just working on chopping out some dude that was dangerously close to your house be careful it looks like they're working on something at least we'll keep keep tabs on there what's going on over here oh oh the orc village is taking place have they noticed the gold down here or the audio that the silver or up here I don't know if they have but right now they're building their houses their huts oh this is fantastic ah so when new humans all new orcs do move into here they don't have a bunch of places to move in this is great oh my gosh you must just crushed his girlfriend there this is cool though to see these two civilizations really taking shape as you can see the all collage is coming together and the human village is coming together let's see what they're doing oh they're making paths oh this is cool one of them has made like a garden like maybe a farm of some kind or a fantastic oh look at this we can go ahead and see what they've named the village they've called in in this sin - interesting name I mean they had all this time to come up with a better name than that and that's the best they can come up with okay good point we done let's see what the orcs have called bear village they've called the Colbert's gecko drug - oh my goodness that's quite that's quite sinister is it just me that or there are a bunch more trees here I don't remember there being that many trees but either way it's nice to see these two civilizations really putting in the work here and getting themselves but getting themselves up and running oh hold on I think the two means like the population because there's two humans here and these two orcs right here which is interesting okay let's get let them get on with that and Guido I want to show you something else over on this island this is gonna be like my test Island well what I can go ahead and do is maybe put some blobs down just like this no Guido you may or may not know that I actually hates dwarves so what I'm going to do is hit them with a nuclear bomb Oh well I don't know what I was expecting this place it's like a waistline now tonight yeah I think I got them I actually think it changed the very shape of the island as well that's interesting okay well now you see the full extent of my god powers how are these guys doing what's going on over here the village is still being put together it looks like they're getting like a nice farm or something in innocent too or innocent for babies they've made children all that's amazing have they have the orcs made children no they're just busy busy cutting their trees down rather than well getting busy with each other wow this is fantastic okay so it's important to note that the orcs absolutely hate humans oh my gosh they've got four have they got Oh babies you can see one poking through the tree here oh my gosh they look like little Turtles dude this is beautiful what a beautiful little place we can just watch these guys living their lives running through the fields I wonder exactly when we're going to make them go to war well weed I wasn't gonna let them you know just live happily of course I want them to battle it out of course I want them to eventually Fife I feel like two orcs versus to humans with two sets of children involved probably won't make for a cool battle maybe it will or maybe it won't okay what I'm gonna do is help these guys now I am going to give them some nice bunnies I think they will probably hunt the bunnies but I think they need some pets there we go let's see what they do here and if they do hunt them then at least they have some nice food okay they're staying by the fire on the other side let's give these guys some buddies as well okay are they all asleep or something oh my gosh the orc is attacking the bunny look at that oh my goodness he's just chasing it down hang it right in the book with his ex or stone club or whatever that is did he do it they've gone behind the tree oh he's still getting away oh I think he got him okay well at least they're going to be fed let's see if the bunnies have survived over here six there's six people here what oh but that means either the had children again or the children had children which probably isn't something I should think about right now oh my gosh oh I didn't mean to do that oh my gosh there is a there is a God hand right here which is now cutting straight through the altar that crushed the village I think it may have destroyed the village okay well guido that just oh that just means I probably shouldn't how do I get rid of this thing I probably shouldn't just press whatever boots and I please well I'm talking about my god powers down here Guido I hit this one and now there's this God hand just drawing everywhere okay we're gonna have to ignore that eighth aux right now oh my goodness these civilizations are crazy there's only five humans though I may have taken some out with the big God hand okay well what I can do is I can go ahead and I can make my own oh I can make my own bridge between the civilizations if I go ahead and do something like is it fair tile soil maybe maybe forest if I go ahead and do something like this I can make a land bridge this way the orcs and the humans will eventually have to fight right now it looks like gaku grade or whatever it's called gaku dread the orc village has much more inhabitants than Emerson five I guess orcs are just a lot faster at making babies apparently but we can go ahead Oh what are all these tools sickles pickaxes that's cool maybe I can get rid of the trees here let me just do something like this there we go oh my gosh that is such a wide spread there look at that I just want to carve the way for these orcs to eventually get involved with the humans let's get rid of these bushes here okay go for it guys I need you guys to go out there and attack and fight each other please it doesn't look like it's working okay let's just see if it does work if we sacrifice one human to the orc village I'll just put him right there oh my gosh the human is killing the babies open the orcs have spotted and are now charging at him oh dude this is insane look at this massive mob of orcs just chasing down the humans that was okay well at least we know it works but looks like these two islands really aren't oh my gosh what is happening here what is this godhand doing how do I get rid of this thing no don't go village okay um Wow I can go ahead and speed up time I believe let me just oh there we go so we can actually see this village being built up quickly over time here Oh the humans actually have more people than the orcs now that's pretty cool okay it looks like they're still not battling each other the godhand is still going wild my gosh look at this dude is this like the max speed yes it is oh my goodness both civilizations are just zooming away right now why would well that's all going on let's have a look at our more destruction powers here let's get more dwarves in here we go put them right here we've got hoser Rim three heroes written for let's go ahead and get some more God powers so what do we have we have basic grenades antimatter bomb okay Tsar bomb this bad boy can destroy the whole world Oh probably don't want that then a bowling ball and meteorite can kill everyone if landed on a village a heat ray oh my gosh let's use the heat ray you ready for this Oh oh my gosh and now we have like I think yet now we have one survivor in this village here this house on fire oh there are no more survivors that here--a is crazy oh my gosh okay what's happening here oh did I just see I thought I just saw an orc charging over there then 25 people 16 people over here okay let's sir let's do a meteorite let's see this let me just uh let me just get another village over here once again dwarves get a handful of dwarves right here done mo Purim let's go ahead and get the meteorite and let's just uh Oh oh my gosh look at the size of that crater okay oh my gosh this village is huge this one not so huge there I'm not really sure what's going on over here this is bizarre well look if they're not going to go ahead and oh thank you for that God hand if they're not gonna go ahead and fight we should at least get say yeah volcano involved we've got a gazer we've got an acid gazer we've got a volcano rain cloud acid cloud lava cloud raining lava okay let's try that oh my gosh oh my gosh look at the numbers of the village just going straight down there's only eight surviving members let's just axe we pepper them with endless endless lava rain 100 days of lava rain right here oh my gosh I don't know what's happening oh the entire place is on fire oh dude I don't think the orcs are gonna survive that Oh an orchestra you see that I need to I need to stop this I need slow things down okay where is the orc I just saw an all charged over I think or something something just happened that village is completely wiped out there oh my god wait why is this why is this right here has a human made a new village yeah what human is just broken off which is bizarre well we can't have that let's go ahead and do like a lightning strike Wow oh no the village is still going a force let's use force oh I just went flying acid let's try the acid so does this like dissolves clear the ground or just see oh my gosh look at this dude and that's that you got tornadoes oh my goodness that is actually a little bit too close to that island I think to that little village dude look at this they've got a castle now this civilization is really taking shape okay let's just do some testing here what happens if I put a cat in there is the cat gonna be I think the cat was just soaked up by the yeah he's just getting straight-up soaked up by the it's on a toe here what's that bandits what cold ones ancient creatures who bring cold to land around them demons hellish creatures red and hot zombies oh my gosh should I make like a zombie apocalypse right here how many people are alive here oh my gosh it just went straight through their village I have no idea how many people are alive right now but if we go ahead bring just one zombie in here can we create an entire zombie infection spreading across the city oh it looks there about to our first by I think no they're not really doing much why aren't they attacking each other did I put some kind of different kingdoms work oh oh no we want that on oh here we go is this gonna work oh there we go no they're fighting oh I was so confused okay now the zombies going wild are they going to buy anyone do they have to like fully kill them or oh I think one person is infected maybe okay let's just get a bunch of these zombies in here let's get more zombies than people here we go all the zombie infection is spreading the zombie infection is spreading through this crazy metropolis this crazy city which has been developed more so than the rest of the cities in this place the capital of the world box dimension is being torn apart by zombies let's see this here who is going to win will it be the zombies or will it be the humans it looks like the zombies aren't actually doing too well okay let's get some bears in there then let's get an army of bears I'm bringing like every army to take on each each human here let's just get bears let's get what is that a worm let's get a worm why not there we go that's fine oh my gosh this place is completely under attack there's like a bear right there oh I think the Bears are gonna do it oh my gosh how many honey more civilizations are left can I actually check this how do I do it again oh I think it was right here let's see village info oh oh I think the villages of yeah I think this village has totally died oh yeah look the land is retaking it now there is one bear left who has conquered the village and has taken the village as his home well Guido we can't have that I guess there's nothing left to do but drop us our bomb Oh well that wasn't as big as I was expecting what about like four of those bad boys huh oh my gosh dude we were put in command to look after this place to keep it safe and this is how we ended up the last survivors of the nuclear zombie and bear apocalypse are get 1/6 congratulations guys you've done it well done I'm so proud of you guys you guys can have this beautiful land or what's left of it to look after now so guys congratulations you have won the war of the armies congratulations guys here's your award that was meant to be a trophy I promise you that was meant to be a trophy
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 240,423
Rating: 4.798995 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds
Id: z3DA9PSvEfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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