i completed the ultimate bottle throw accuracy test and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can bottle flip a bottle on top of the tiny hat that eat wears [Music] great it's happy wheels all that and i get half a noob uh i'm about to say that bottle wouldn't land i do appreciate that i am a a mental state that is actually worse than insane it goes crazy super crazy insane increase to blaze there's a lot of rockets on this board yay i feel like this isn't true oh my god mlg son hey it's like half a wtf i'm not sure which half i want but i feel like i want the f in there okay now i got the other half of the wtf see technically i've got the whole thing now australian man son i'm not gonna lie getting australian man was actually kind of difficult because it always wants to just get flaccid and flop over to the side huh i got the mlg followed directly by half a gray still place it says not bad but i feel like it's not good either got three-fourths of gray still plays now too um did y'all just see that freaking pinball move right there into the good you know what whatever there it is gray still plays oh my god impossible or is it this is called rope swing jungle i'm very very concerned all righty nice [Music] one that was quick two arms nixon there you go buddy perfect oh yeah a sweet insertion get my arms lined up here and a heat oh that wasn't that bad at all this is called the gray still plays stairs of misery it says prepare to be sad well guess there's no way out there's a misery here i come okay doesn't seem bad i've i've gone downstairs before so this doesn't seem too traumatic they're gonna be uh i'm waiting for some kind of [ __ ] to happen here i know it's coming oh i'm a winner ouch okay now i see where the misery is don't worry tom i was gonna say we don't need stairs where we're going and then most of my teeth got caught on the stairs oh maximum speed maximum speed here it is yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no i was right there i think i'm still alive my intestines are getting in the way they're holding me back like a parent a non-understanding parent filled with intolerance this is the only channel where you can have a an organ have something in common with a parent um yeah i'm the parkour lord also look at my groin viciously gyrating i'm gonna go ahead and win this now ow ow stop please i'm gonna lay down softly as a spike slowly goes through my brain not gonna lie your stair board is a real pain in my ass all right son i need you to stay alive not because i love you but because i have to send you to your death in order i got a sore throat i wonder why it's because i have two freaking crossbow balls shoved up there ouch gotta do this without touching that mine okay now with my ultimate limbo [Music] [Applause] oh well um hmm i think i can make this work now because i'm missing a leg it's actually a little bit easier than normal all right now i have to somehow have to bike right ow ow out see it's a it's an interesting uh take on uh on the on the children's game of peek-a-boo except the loser gets an arrow up the ass you done you done shooting arrows at my ass good real men can pull the arrows out of their anus themselves okay i just gotta get ow oh sorry son i ended up deflecting an arrow poor kid right off the ass deflection all right now that i've cleaned all the arrows out i've got to get rid of the rest of the ones that are in my spine all right now i need this bike to touch that land mine there i've got to get rid of this one arrow in my ass it's ruining everything a few hours later okay finally broke the last arrow inside of me oh my god that was absolutely awful it was so bad they actually couldn't fit all the letters and stairs of misery this is called gray still plays 99 the lack of context is a little bit scary i don't really see where all the difficulty comes from just uh you know seven billion unfair harpoons yetis okay none of them shot yet that's kind of weird yeah oh there they are yay [Music] my wiener is the best i don't know how but like my genitalia completely caused me to win that by deflecting the only shot that could have killed me now i'm kind of concerned is there like another way to win is it is it like more 99s down here or what oh hmm [Music] i got a lean real good for this oh nothing happened i'm a winner alcoholism this is called gray still plays bottle run and oh jesus i'm still alive and the only thing it says is yes yes what let me see what daycare looks like looks like christmas all right tom you have fun at daycare buddy no god day's fine bottle rut this is gonna be fun bottle run oh my god okay this bottle run is no joke at first i thought it was and i've i've seen i was mistaken okay so apparently the trick is not disintegrating i have an idea oh my god screw it time we're doing this together never mind i'm doing it alone ouch this is possibly the most evil bottle run i've ever done ah nothing like a nice soft testicular bike massage okay there is an ending i can get there i just need to get there in like more than 600 pieces oh wait well less than 600 pieces it's like golf you know what i mean the lower the score the better don't you ever give up let this level end i'm like sonic the hedgehog baby like the hedgehog only if sonic felt like his death was imminent every two seconds oh this is called gray fall downstair it's got a lot of place out i see why can i is there like a oh my god oh i don't have a lot of experience with the cart ah god i'm still alive never mind how long are these stairs about that long heat now lean back that's it that's it lean back lean back yes ow i mean it counts right right i got the fastest time i call that a win this is called glass break hard it's kind of interesting because uh usually i i don't think i've ever used this guy to do a glass break my legs can take it well they could take it they're they're gone now galloway giblets level two how many levels are there i think i see where the hardness is now um my wheelchair is the most powerful all right we're almost at level three i don't know what happens afterward i don't know if you go super saiyan or what i love how i'm bringing this foot with me boom i'm not going to lie doing it with this guy is like very very cathartic all right glass is getting kind of tough [Music] god my arm well there's a problem i am now just a body i'm sure it'll be fine oh yeah we we running it now okay i need maximum speed for this one ready go i died by catching my head on one tiny little piece of glitch-tastic glass [ __ ] we're winning you can take my foot but you'll never take my freedom stabbing know my ass this is a terrible level for me because all i ever want to do is go as fast as possible but if you do you end up catching your forehead on one of these damn pieces of stabby glass and dying okay this last piece of glass the real pain in my ass god i have to be so careful breaking this glass just one touch and you die i don't have a helmet or anything like normal uh okay this this this piece is real this is real big over here ah i broke it come on break already i love it whoa oh what the hell is this what is this what am i supposed to do oh i have to break it downward now interesting all right so use the the jet to lift me up and then use it to fall down there we go i needed like some extra movement space here in order to do this oh yeah oh i got the pattern now look at this look at how smooth boop and then nice and smooth oh it's perfect look at it bam and one last time here ride the pole ride it like a bucking bronco and a winner this is called the impossible jet wall i hope you enjoy don't go here why okay now i have to know [Music] okay you were right i shouldn't have went there all right impossible jet wall yep oh my child oh yeah oh we running it no okay the fact that there is like a missing ground piece is going to make this a real pain in my ass okay i gotta stop before i touch that missing ground chunk okay got to medium hard no no oh hey i found the end this may look like my brain is outside of my helmet this is actually a sponge i'm cleaning my helmet okay this level of pain in the ass but it's not that long so here's the plan tom hang out right there perfect okay the challenge is real get out of my balls impossible yes yes come on baby chuck norris no no no no oh god okay what i originally thought wouldn't be that bad of a jet run is legitimately like almost impossible because of that missing floorboard there if you even get touched by chuck norris yeah there's no way to stop yourself from going all the way to the end on the plus side though i actually lived on this bottom part i think i've done this one like 30 times now it is insane okay i've got to the point where with no arms i can lean myself forward and not crush my own head grace no please yes there it is i have surpassed even chuck norris winning this is called the impossible poco jump can i can i can i leave this board like is there a way for me to leave this because that looks like a really really tiny hole i love you pogo stick but you're in my freaking way i need to see if i can shove myself down this little orifice i know i know that's what she said i'm too thick get my shoe in there all right let's beat it what do we got super easy yes bang your bad boom easy dog water what the hell is dog water whatever mediocre okay and into tough [Applause] into hard hard [Music] hey heart is kind of a pain in my ass come on it's looking worn [ __ ] knee pads hard there we go oh a cheeky little explosive thingy a [ __ ] [Music] oh the last one's gray still blaze [Music] all right ready for this ready for this watch this question i want to see if i can use this mind to help me oh damn it i either wanted it to kill me or i wanted it to shoot me over the next level and it didn't do either all it did was give me a headache grace still please i think that's some [ __ ] yeah i'm back to dog water hey and a yearly deet and a full flip oh my anus can take it though see that pogoed my happy ass right out of there no big deal oh hey the fastest time gets a shout out that is not going to be me okay now we have to do flappy birds excellent okay good holy guacamole there we go okay oh and impossible was a lie yay we both know this is the truth i can't stick it in the fastest i can just stick it in the longest anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,377,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: bkeA1JifIJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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