i completed the world's hardest harpoon bottle flip stack challenge and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where you get to penetrate the holy pocket it's happy wheels i like that i landed on bad godlike and danny naido also i noticed i think that this is true if you get into the hot pocket you get a shout out in caps i want my goddamn shout outs okay that worked out really poorly i also have to mention i really appreciate that the names of oh oh no uh i was gonna say i really appreciate that the names of the people who are making a lot of the boards have ye in there somewhere where at this point we have like yeah boats eat motorcycles eat meat pretty much everything i also appreciate that there is a downgrade god it's like the god you get when you never finished off paying your student loans [Music] why did my leg just explode damn it i'm coming for you meet eat master never mind let's try that again [Music] okay okay that was pretty good i got the i got the mine off i got the mine off in one shot [Music] oh no it was so close wow i'm so close to the mlg to berkeley i love that there's a participation trophy down here too you came in last place good for you god i'm getting so close to getting inside of the holy pocket it's all i really want in life onions i mean i love onions i don't know how but i flipped the mine off and didn't blow it up and now it's just sitting on my bottle get off my bottled mine oh well got the mine off the bottle just so happens i killed everyone involved [Music] wow proxima ultimate oh i clicked on this button wondering what was so question mark worthy and i almost died i got my participation trophy the holy pocket no i'm i just halfway to just have to get it damn it i just have to get it a little bit further yes i'm inside actually penetrated two different things simultaneously how do you like that why does my leg keep blowing up great i'm back into the participation trophy oh hey i got your grandma and shrek i noticed too there's a surprise button but i feel like the surprise is death oh well hey watermelons what the hell level of mlg is this okay i finally got all the onions amazing yeah i'm surprised we have a jesus but we don't have jesus in here yet uh okay oh my god wowie yowie my god the heat master finally has cometh this is what the hell was that this is called grey's 99 possible it says only a true masochist can complete both of these if you don't complete this i will unsubscribe too damn bad bye oh what the hell whoa the blade here oh i can actually like wiggle my way down here oh yeah this looks good i guess i can release my pogo stick i don't usually like to get [Applause] this looks safe there we go and yeah there goes malay [Music] jesus on the plus side if the knife is in my balls it's not killing me okay and there we go hey that's one two baby every time all right let's see what the rest of this board actually is my balls were ready i would like it to be known that i'm still alive i'm still alive all right time to take this seriously yay now if i time my my yeti me over here my bottom torso should explode off of my body all right let's try that again but with less of me dying what the hell you know it would be great pogo stick if you didn't intentionally try to kill me i would appreciate that all right so this this and a little bit of a lean wait for it wait for it not yet not yet not yet not yet now that didn't work out as i had planned now 90 of my body made it are you watching are you watching you ready for this you ready i mean i'm gonna come down eventually right there we go oh i guess i went off the entire board man i am really good at not staying on this map oh i was almost there okay i could do this my balls are like iron like a marconi okay my but my balls actually might be too tough for this like i can't i actually can't get out of this this harpoon there's a problem how you like that for skill okay all right i'm halfway there now just gotta wriggle my body off of this no big deal come on balls help me out here buddy okay new plan right bottom half of my body i really need you to just rip off just just rip off i just lost an arm that ain't good i'm not gonna oh there goes my other arm well crap i'm not gonna let you down subscriber all right there's a real pain in the ass board you made i'm grace still plays [ __ ] [Music] that one's for you subscriber this is called the grey spike fall 90. gray spike fall 99 billion percent here we go ow let's try that again i know it says something but i can't read it you made it because if i stand there i'll can't freaking destroy my meteorites hello grace still plays you're playing this walking rice by fall okay and here we go looks like there's a little bit of jam on the walls here come on baby i know i can do this i need to just find out exactly where the pattern is that's looking pretty good now unfortunately there's a little extra pain uh all the way at the bottom of the board there was also some extra pain in my balls just then that pain is back so close all right i'm getting there i see you've put a lot of [ __ ] minds at the bottom there my son good for you my shoe made it my other shoe made it oh oh oh i'm licking my belly button this is exciting yes how about that for posterity by the way i thought i would get down here too ah yes i think you know what time it is it's time for me to show the culmination of all of my happy wills all of my happy wheels skill i'm allowing my son to take over the mantle of happy wheels legend he just doesn't get any limbs in order to do it this is called gray's very hard bottle run hello gray you've really inspired me i made this hard bottle run and a few more things my dream is to be in your video well dante i'm going to do exactly what you told me not to do oh looks like i may have should have done oh god um yeah tom there's a pretty good chance we'll live through this all righty there we go oh yeah oh we're rolling oh god damn gets hard here i noticed now that we know this way exists tom we're ruining we're ruining our lives until we get it onward my son to victory there goes my boy damn it okay i think i have to let go of the bicycle i feel like this extra level may be harder than the bottle run damn it how you doing down there son fine just hanging around okay i'm starting to learn the pattern here i'll put this down this hit the break button go down here here let go almost there tom's over there he's like make it stop i didn't raise you to be a quitter i lost one of my arms and my helmet this is a bad sign [Music] i told you damn it timing i understand now why the little thing there said don't do it you're trying to save me from myself that's okay though it just spurs me onward oh [ __ ] i see what you meant when you said it gets hard here real pain in my ass if this bike would get the hell out of my way and that blade would stop moving slowly into the back of my skull okay bye pull me out of the blades bicycle pull me out of the blades no you're pushing me into the blade you pull me out of the blade you know what bicycle go screw yourself oh [Music] my guy go down go down the hole bicycle go down the hole yes very slowly very agile go down the goddamn hole bicycle you're making this like ten thousand times harder than it needs to be i swear to god okay i finally got rid of the goddamn bike now i just have to slide my wiener off of this blade now this is this is very this is a precision technique here okay by flexing the dorsal uh anus muscles okay oh god dad pull yourself off of the goddamn blades stop pushing yourself further onto them dante when you made this board did you realize that you made it like specifically as hard as possible to do this there's literally no good angle for me to approach this from i have to get the bike out of the way but to get the bike out of the way i have to touch the spikes and the second you touch the spikes there is literally no way off see see the see the pelvis see the pelvis thrusting is he is this this is what you have to do the problem is eventually your body rips enough come on i did that level about 500 times please don't tell me the actual bottle run is worse than that this was the first time where the hidden fun part was probably way worse than the bottom part okay it's a drunken bottle level i think i can handle it go yeah oh i love it damn it actually pretty pretty hard bottle run too okay uh-huh all right just gotta do a little dance see that shimmy right there that is the bottle run shimmy okay i'm dead yeah my bottle run went limp this is a hell of a bottle run you've made but that's fine i live for bullsh like this hey you've gotta kinda like ramp the bottles at just the right time like right oh man ramp up i lose all of my momentum right at the mustard bottles all right get out of here tom your dad has to do this alone okay part of your dad has to do it alone damn it uh-huh uh-huh oh yeah oh oh we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it okay i need every little bit of speed i can get [Music] right there oh yes ah what the hell's kill your hater eject and grab legs uh okay my hater isn't dying what happened i beat the damn bottle run why is there more stuff i have to do yes i'm a winner okay what the hell is this other stuff oh i can win a normal way i don't want to i want to know what the hell's down here oh it's like a demonic glass wall there's so many different ways you can beat this board yay this is ow this is called graze whole version two i'm very concerned that there was a graze hole version one oh fun times this way okay all righty i'm waiting for my fun [Music] christmas way of winning yeah all right i assume wow i assume there's an actual level this way i don't really know what an oh god i was gonna say i don't really know what a grey's hole looks like you'd think i would but i'm fine let go my legs i think i can actually make good cool baby damn it i'm caught on like the my wiener holy crap grace hole is really deep i know i sound surprised about that listen it is okay all right so we can do that and cheat that one and then do a little jump and then backwards probably let go of this huh that's interesting my head got punted to the left side of the screen for any youtube individual who's watching uh this isn't actually a decapitation i'm just very very double jointed oh this is gonna end up being pain in my ass okay jump jesus man you really have to skirt your balls on this one oh oh this is good oh yeah oh we running it we're running it grey's hole baby welcome to what the hell ah oh this jet stuck to me all the jets are stuck to me i was gonna say welcome to jet fall super impossible oh my god i think i understand now why it's super impossible holy jesus super impossible is my middle oh name yeah [Laughter] oh my god now i'm gonna go ahead and let my brain get used like a ping pong ball folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,098,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: YWRNQv9l3lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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