i completed the mystery jump challenge and this happened

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you'll probably get your beer stolen your wife impregnated your heart will leave your chest and it will all happen because florida man and australian man are appearing in the exact same screen together it's happy wheels oh it wouldn't be happy wheels that bottle throw i like how at this point we're not even it's not even words anymore now it's just the letter e it's all it is it's like half of n i like how there's not like one florida man there's actually two of them one's pink and one's green i don't know which one's better gray will find a way your goddamn right i will let's do this that was me giving up alcohol do you know what we call that wishful thinking do it again right to canada all right let's try a little higher this time there we go i really appreciate that i'm getting all the ants today ow let's try that again holy piss well i was wondering what that ledge did [Music] oh jesus every day my pee pee hole is getting shot by harpoons are you kidding me right now if i can't get the bottle standing i'm only half of a florida man and what the hell's half of a florida man not again you know what i'm gonna bottle flip myself come on yes i got my leg inside of god i got the top heart hold on i can still flop get up there tom yeah baby well it wasn't a bottle flip wasn't a bottle flip until my brain was laying in one of the bottle flip areas at this point this bottle flip is actually better to get all of your organs in the different areas [Music] i'm still alive you can't kill me i won did i oh my god my e is standing up perfectly it's a perfect bottle flip actually i don't think that's my hand i think that's oh my god i got someone's face or something up here on the flip 100 florida man has an arm god has an arm and the bottle and a brain comes up in the i wonder what this does also i managed to get one all the way down here i've actually learned how to play this board you don't actually flip the bottles you flip the body parts go tom no no i'm still alive and i'm standing up on florida man screw you game all right i got the bottles i got a foot going up in here i'm probably gonna blow up in a moment [Music] all i wanted to do was win this and still be alive yes i wanted to get australian man for a while since i had gotten all the limbs on florida man [Music] i got lsd as well all right i just gotta get over hold on wait for it okay oh there goes my head yes i finally got it i just wanted to get my arms on the impossible i did it okay win oh that was nothing welcome to the gray still plays ball throw it's where you have to you have to throw some balls although most of the time you're just met with ear rape apparently death my harpoon how hard's the i'm still alive you lied okay let's see here unlock win that wasn't it death by mine again i'm not actually dead there we go okay unlock and now six sorry tom but i had to get it okay great all you have to do [Music] i meant to do that all you have to do is get it in the six i'll deal with the ear rape if it means i could still potentially win i'm going to go deaf yes oh thank you hello little tom i'm here to teach you about responsibility when you grow up you're gonna have to do taxes that's what that feels like gonna have to get a job that's what that feels like you'll end up getting called in on a sunday you probably already know but uh that's what that feels like oh air conditioning goes out time to pay the bills that's what that feels like do you know how much an air conditioner costs a little tom hardy about that much hmm what is all this in the end you're just supposed to bust everyone's head and my own head broke god it's so poetic this one is called grace still plays of doom you're supposed to let your body parts get shot through the air and see how far they can get how far can i get [Music] maximum distance this is called the easy bottle run i always like it when i go into the bottle run and the first thing that happens is my son's head is being used as a wheel stop for my bicycle get some brains going on here i hope you failed this easy but all the bottles just left you know what [Music] there's your failure damn it tom go i don't need my son all i need is a will to survive i feel like part of me might still be alive oh never mind there's a large chunk between two different arrowheads welcome to the impossible jet wall it's called the impossible jet wall all right tom looks like looks like this is a one man only show here all right noob holy sh they're fast good oh better epic that was my leg yes i'm the is that glass i hope that's not glass king all right this may be a little bit more difficult than i had previously anticipated that was a giblet i have found that if i keep my fist by my own wiener i will be fine actually i guess that's the joke like how do we know that's my best all right let's beat king i can be the king god okay all i did was lose an arm it's fine though i'll wield it like a club i don't know what to say neither do i oh oh yes yes i've always found that if i cannot beat a jet wall all i have to do is get both of my arms brutally ripped from my shoulders this is just called you can't that's that's the name of the board you you can't what looks like i can be [Music] this is called crun it's called crunch i think i understand why this is just called speed i think i know why [Music] does it not break if you use the father and son maybe nope this is the impossible ramp jump you have to go up the ramp and not enjoy yes damn it's the platform to win there's no such thing as impossible all right block dodge nice from the top of the blue phallus i told you it's not wwe until someone loses a limb if you complete this you are clearly the most gamer on earth they must not know little tom hardy that i eat doritos and crap nintendo switches let's do this i'm waiting for something i'm waiting for something i'm waiting for something oh god [Music] i i didn't have the time for my eyes to catch up um but i think that whatever this is here penetrated me very deeply because most of my important organs are sitting between the tires of my bicycle this is called gray still please do it you're not supposed to be able to do it but god damn it we're gonna do it holy jesus what the hell this is interesting all of our brains are levitating in the air oh there's a sword slowly inserting itself into my rectum well this is gonna be a treat okay wait for the katana to spin ow all right wait for the katana to spin less and then [Music] okay i think i need to use my son as a shield the timing of sacrificing your son has to be so specific okay the hardest part is over never mind the hardest part is not over oh holy [ __ ] are you serious right now oh jesus do it gray [Music] the game actually won't work anymore i'm in like a totally different level right now i'm at like 2 fps at least i think i got to a place that i was not supposed to get to it's been a long time since i've been so bad that i missed my sword since i've been a ninja i was gonna say you've got a really good chance of not being killed by me but at this point i'm just i'm just sitting on everyone's head i'm not actually killing them with the sword i'm just killing them with the weight of my sins there you go thought i'd grab the alcohol on the way down been a little while since i've had a spike fall does that say disappointing that sounds about right that's what i am all right here we go disappointment to everyone tom hardy oh i almost got they're not even human yetis lean back and watch as your arms slowly pull themselves down to hell gray still please yay alcoholism well there's a level where i finally get to play with balls pretty happy about that just gotta kind of wriggle your way through it's like you're trying to impregnate the next level see this there you go welcome player you have a list of tasks to complete first up the bottle run how about first up i jumped to my death is there anything here to cradle me before i go to hell no all right guess we're doing the bottle run onward tom to victory okay all right let's do that again but with less head exploding there we are next the loop-de-loop okay got it next is the harpoon run i love harpoons okay get ready to be dropped hopefully not onto oh should you still have tom hardy press control and lean backwards to deposit him out okay have a good one there tom press press c to see what happened to him i think i have an idea jesus his foot is up here giblets click here when you're done press z to abandon your bike and wait until it rolls out of the red zone all right okay the problem is i got stuck in my child seat how the hell did i do this i hate child safety damn it well looks like i'm just gonna be dealing with the bike oh i'm stuck inside of a wall ah that's problematic i just wanted to see it with my own eyes all right this time there we go okay that worked correctly click here fall down next is a rope swing click here when you're ready [Music] rope swing i only have one arm left so i hope this is enough okay conveyor belt to the other conveyor belt go down the frickin oil siphon here one arm and one leg it's all you need would be a gray still place challenge if we had all of them oh god i'm not gonna lie i think i picked the tightest spot to try and shove my body down but you know what when you're halfway there you just keep going all right if i flutter kick i think i could shove my body through this come on foot guide me just gonna eat all the freaking donuts there we go pull my one broken leg through nice oh don't fall too fast now kind of juggle my scrotum off of this ball here good jackknife myself through these balls over here yeah nice and slow there we go and drop and feel your wiener get ripped in half and we did it holy piss that was a pain in my ass gray you make me happy and guess what i'm gonna give you a clue there's two wins one is easy and one is impossible you have to get rid of tom hardy all right oh i got rid of myself too actually this might be a good idea well let me see if i can shove myself through here yes if there's one thing i love doing and cheating my way to victory so i got past the steps and i learned that my life was a lie you just go right off the edge all right tom your old dad has to throw his body inside of a freaking cannon i always find the lower abdominal exercises is the best way to get you into the cannon plus it you know tightens up the abs and your ass and stuff since you'll end up with a sword up there at some point during a happy wheels playthrough all righty there we go i can't imagine anything negative coming of this i guess that was actually the easy way call me crazy but i have an idea damn it don't even ask how i managed to do this this is gonna hurt so bad i've got tom hardy and me and the bike inside here hey we both made it this is called welcome to drugs what does it mean well that's part of it seriously yes okay now okay i got rid of all the other pieces of me just gotta get rid of so the damn leg get out of there there we go there goes an arm there's not much left to be man okay i think i got it this time as long as i keep the rest of my limbs never mind oh my god yes oh wow and that is why you don't do drugs kids this is actually called the not impossible challenge it says try to pass this level okay it's not impossible but it's not easy you think you put enough landmines down meyer made it my heart made it too i'm still alive i don't know how out okay bounce off the top and then [Music] well i'm going to go ahead and let the victory flag continue to ejaculate all over my body hey folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,743,086
Rating: 4.9321847 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: 96G4aQPFzKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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