i let only the worst people live and this happened

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you get to be the best doctor by effectively allowing all of your patients to die inside of the hospital so that you can lower the costs and then find out exactly how their death impacted everyone around them it's filled hospital more Medical School loan damit field hospital is a game where you have to decide who lives and who dies but the difference is at the end you get to find out exactly what happened to all the people whose lives you ruined greetings with an A it's one of the it's one of those games huh obviously what we're gonna do is we're going to kill everyone because I feel like that's probably not what you're supposed to do and I want to know if the developer actually wrote endings for everyone that you slaughter then I'll probably help some people but it'll probably just be the jackasses your responsibility is to decide whether a patient requires immediate treatment or not remember we cannot help everyone at once sometimes you can't help anyone oh my character actually gets his own background damn I'm Lena's health evaluation displayed selfless service and true dedication to whoever wrote this evaluation I'm about to turn them into a liar oh it's me it's my evaluation I see that's right the best evaluation is the one you get to write yourself alright my entire family's still alive we're gonna see if we can change that no criminal records I'm glad that my past hasn't caught up with me yet my character is lactose intolerant I'm not gonna lie I love cheese I'd rather just die alright let's kill some people can I treat myself can I get rid of my lactose intolerance I could treat myself that's random alright you will examine several cases unfortunately we have place for only two patients one of those patients you can translate but those of them with minor injuries may hold out for a day or two without treatment oh I get to torture people over a long period of time good luck alright does it start you does it start you're like fairly light totally committed to the success of the unit and his job who the hell bled all over my Polaroid seriously I don't know if someone bled on the Polaroid or if this is just like a ketchup packet arm fractured during training no criminal history I can request medical tests let's see here blood type is a transmissible disease none blood poisoning requires immediate treatment good thing I did that now I know for sure that I can kill this man I'm really glad that I checked out his medical history because refusing his arm fracture felt kind of limp but now I know that he also has a blood infection that's going to kill him I feel much better doing this Julien Doyle female seek self-improvement to move above his peers rib fracture due to a high fall I feel like these wounds need a lot more context I'm sure the game would like you to believe that she was scaling a wall or something like that but it's also possible she's just really tall no criminal history I got bad news I don't think I'm gonna be able to kill this person I'm still gonna refuse them because I can we have Robin hunt okay is my secretary bleeding over every single picture wound abdominal gunshot during training this is the second horrifying injury that training is done what the hell you people doing out there they're like making sure you still have a job as I understand it there's six days of ruining lives to this and then on the sixth day you get to find out exactly what the history has become of everyone whose choices you made four of them Robin you're a lance corporal walk it off Oh see that survived one more day survived one more day and they're all still alive I'm gonna sign your death certificates the same way I signed my own evaluation report as you know a fire happened in ammunition storage facility last night several soldiers were sent due to the lack of places in their Hospital we have two beds I feel like we're just not trying hard enough there's a lot of floor space here third-degree burns on his head he tried to extinguish the fire with what his tongue give me his family information if one of his family members has a cool name he may live things aren't looking good for you all right colonel record no criminal ports he's also in critical condition getting D&D Player's here is that you're rolling at 20 on his ass I was guys a real hero third-degree burns evacuated four soldiers during the fire critical condition okay now it's starting to seem like every single person they said to me is probably just going to die I mean without my help Thomas Walsh wound concussion after fight with colleagues what kind of fight was this how'd they get into a fight was it over the fire hey it's our very first criminal record on my second go through I will let you live sir private Thomas Walsh has acute from grossest of middle cerebral artery this has a lot of syllables in it so it's probably pretty bad hey Google what is acute from grossest of the middle cerebral artery according to Medscape emedicine middle cerebral artery stroke describes the sudden that's not what I said logic deficit resulting from brain infarction or ischemia what's an infarction I don't know what this means alright I just had a long drawn-out conversation with Anastasia my Google Voice girl I guess this is like a stroke if it's not blame her you're still not getting treated oh now we're getting somewhere deceased of injury incompatible with life what my brain is incompatible of understanding the sentence you see stuff stopped from holy [ __ ] stuff to say this deceased of thrombus detachment deceased of blood poisoning that's busy day dr. Taylor we need you at the front line Hospital due to lack of doctors there you really need to put quotation marks around the doctors we have to warn you that the general staff is highly overloaded right now oh I'll take their numbers down oh it's this guy made a sound judgment his name is KITT I would totally let you live if I wasn't intentionally trying to kill everyone maybe next time kid several shrapnel wounds during combat ow he's divorced well KITT I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is you won't have to pay child support anymore the bad news is it's because you're probably not going to live you Inc my god this girl lost her entire leg god this guy lost both of his legs to a landmine Oh he's unconscious at least he won't look at me judgmentally when I refused him sorry sir we've got it we've got to make room inside the hospital those are those are the orders I've been given we have Alfred bullet sponge tailor over here his wound is several gunshots at least this guy gets shot during combat and not during training I was starting to think that we're one of those places that has a little sign on the wall this is like number of days since last work-related injury and that number is always zero I just requested a medical test of this guy and they refused it so that's how that feels I'm the one doing the refusing around here I can't help you if I don't get your medical history he's probably like you wouldn't have helped me anyway all right let's see we've got a survivor no no deceased of a pneumonia see I didn't technically caused this I was informed at lieutenant general Adams was injured during combat training oh no I'm sorry I was gonna say we were on one day of no injuries since training but that goes back to zero now expect his arrival as an exception you can receive full information if you need it it's not going to change anything right forearm gunshot during attack okay we're getting really specific with the injuries now all right we've got a new thing today I'm only saving divorcees hop you didn't do it Richard's like I'm happily married no you were happily married evaluation displayed knowledge above that expected of his rank I like how your rank in the military is directly proportionate to how smart you are nerve damage after car accident like a car accident trying to save someone or like a car accident because he's drunk and he sucks at driving man this guy's married to violation of discipline several cases of drunk driving Oh kind of kidding about the drunk driving but apparently that's what's happenin here I'm totally gonna let this guy live on my second playthrough yeah they refused the medical report I wonder why remember kids don't drink and drive leg injury after horse fall during comedy not draining again can we change the days since the last injury - like hours oh this is the lieutenant general so he's married now but he was previously divorced does he get a pass his criminal history is evasion of payment of alimony I like how they back loaded all of the criminals to the end of the game well he was divorced but technically he's remarried so I'm gonna stick to my guns here I like how someone came into my office and literally it's just unknown what did someone just bring this girl in a wheel barrel and just like dump her on the floor severe limbs and body damage unconscious was found near destroyed enemies military staff in not identified uniform what I mean technically she's not divorced oh man Patrick's still alive kit survived for two days before he died of blood loss F cinch at for kit dr. Taylor despite your fair decision we were forced to accommodate the general Adams in your field hospital also he personally ordered additional tasks we have to reduce the amount of requests to one per patient I like how everyone in the entire Brigade gets punished because I'm a terrible person evaluation famous opera singer what both legs lost due to artillery fire during his performance in the honor of Republic's Independence Day does he have a criminal history oh yes alright post-traumatic stress disorder oh I didn't have to request his criminal history they're like yeah he's got it all thievery violation of discipline contempt toward an officer do some medical testing here oh and he just tested positive for drugs and the people they're giving me is really starting to ramp up I mean so is the death toll I like how this guy is unknown but he's part of the 95th brigade they know a lot about this guy for him being unknown evaluation unknown wound fourth degree burn there's no fourth degree burns right one google search later okay I just consulted with Google apparently there is a fourth degree burn medical testing he's a fellow lactose intolerance guy you will get to survive on the next playthrough as well okay brain damage right leg fracture how come this guy doesn't have an evaluation here I got let me put this let me put this right where your evaluation it so you can feel better left leg gunshot reported wound after friendly fire was it during training this guy has a criminal history as well several cases of drunk driving would you run into a bullet he's like hey I was trying to pick up some milk for my wife and Contra came out of nowhere sure it did oh okay let's see what the hell this guy got shot after he assaulted an officer and the act of the duty like while he was in my hospital all right incompatible with life deceased of alcohol poisoning please do legitimately time all right here we go good morning we have sent you the requested archive files now we get to know how good of a job we did patients kept alive 3l all right here's our lieutenant general according to Declassified reports signed by 1j a Lieutenant General Connor Adams was killed in action oh he was leading a cavalry attack when his horse tripped over a fence initially it was reported as an accident during training of course what you know you're in the right military when your horses are drinking and driving as well case closed all right so this is the guy that got hit by friendly fire how did your life end military police investigated the case of Stephen Anderson after the war it is reported that he shot himself to avoid the line of duty out he was convicted of desertion he escaped custody three days later he probably changed his name his fate is unknown I feel like I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night with him standing over me oh it's the one person I treated it was me I get my own obituary doctor Robert Taylor saved a lot of lives during the war oh he started at a field hospital and ended his staff sergeant I got promoted elder brother was injured during combat but despite being delivered he died of a pneumonia oh I killed my own brother their middle brother is considered missing after bombing Wow my entire family is dead the only person who survived was me the worst son my son wants to be a medical officer like his father like me my son's like daddy I want to be a failure when I grow up like you I love the smile on my guy's face he's like good okay now let's save all the dicks I'm gonna refuse treatment on myself I'm treating everyone I can hear rib fracture girl and you can get in there listen John I just found that there's many degrees above third for burns these are working numbers I'll still save you though okay guy with the violation discipline treat him oh my god I tried to help this guy and he still died deceased of shock pain during operation Wow everyone is still dying and I'm legitimately treating people it's better to just be a jackass all right we actually have some people that are alive I finally saved KITT this is a guy that died of alcohol poisoning I'll save you all right here's the guy who died because his horse was drunk gonna save you too oh and this is the unknown girl what would be fantastic if like she's an enemy spy and she ends up killing everyone I saved this is amazing the stars aligned and I legitimately just saved three people all right [ __ ] opera singer guy that ended up shooting one of my nurses guy with fourth degree burns and I actually can't treat anyone else so you're you're legitimately gonna i but I don't have any there's nothing I can do about this that didn't work out as planned I love how I treated all three of these people one of them was just the unknown we have a fourth degree burns so there really wasn't anything that bad about him with the people who were both asses both lived and the one guy who may have been decent died John Evans passed away at the age of 87 I didn't know it was gonna give me the obituary for like their entire existence he fought bravely shortly he met Florence and married her his sons Matthew and Ralph are gonna miss him dearly well this guy was a fantastic individuals like the Forrest Gump of the army I saved Julian just so that she could die like right afterward after a car accident probably got hit by my drunk driver that I saved all right here's KITT I'm really hoping that he lived his life with dignity and and fantastic love KITT Harper reunited with his wife Joey and children shortly after the war they lived happily for 26 years oh that's nice unfortunately he and his wife were killed during a burglary wow that got dark quick Victoria lost a leg in the war she started drinking after her husband was killed in action she then got a Medal of Honor she completely lost control after her father died of cancer she couldn't handle it and committed suicide I feel like this is one of those games where the right answer to not be depressed when you get done playing it is to actually play the way I played it the first way and let everyone die right here's her drunk driver corporal Patrick was killed in action during a bombing his body was found in one of the abandoned wine cellars Patrick was like I'm gonna die the same way I lived drunk as hell okay this is our unknown girl let's see if she ended up shanking all of us sometimes heroes don't have names Unknown Soldier was an infiltrator and her Intel have contributed heavily to winning the war Oh by saving her we won the war I did a good thing like one time her fate is either classified or unknown given the histories this game has been showing me so far she probably took up drinking and decided to play whack-a-mole with children Daniel white voice of the Republic [ __ ] opera singer passed away at 45 the police report suicide using a ward weapon oh lawd I imagine that like whatever the saber that he got for his award was probably not sharpened as well so this took a long time okay here's the guy that ended up shooting one of my friggin workers he passed away at 38 shortly after his mother was found dead under mysterious circumstances I have a feeling he killed his mother this guy's so violent he gets ketchup packets on both sides of his Polaroid dr. Roberts saved a lot of lives during the war except this time it's not a lie I got the same promotion what the hell it's like I worked so much harder and all I did was get exactly the same thing that I got before oh but this time I saved an unknown soldier who was an infiltrator and I got the Medal of Honor for that I then died of depression from reading all the horrible things in this game well there's one thing that this game taught me it's that no matter how hard you work no one really cares anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of field hospital until next time stay foxy much left
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 829,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, built a city, hospital simulator, hospital simulation game, hospital game, docotor simulator, doctor simulation game, doctor simulator game, management game, medical sim, medical simulator, medical simulation game, field hospital
Id: rjQQbtq-n7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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