i completed Death's impossible challenge and this happened

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-All right. We're checking out the only game where everyone's favorite color of the rainbow is blood. It's Happy Wheels. Welcome to a bottle flip where one of the items is your power levels are beyond my understanding. Also, you can be a YeetDemon or a YeetDemon+. It's like a regular YeetDemon, but with more demon filling. Oh, I am in fact a YeetDemon, just the normal YeetDemon. I-I don't know what this means. I got it over here though. It doesn't actually have a name on it. I am officially the most yeety demon that has ever demoned. I don't actually know how I got it there. Come on. Ah. Ah. Woo. What exactly is fight mode? [screams] You know what? I'm sorry I asked. [gasps] I'm God+. Oh, and I mean, I got pro. They call me Hackulus Prime- and Yeet+. Don't ask me how, I don't know. Come on. I want that extra YeetDemon. Oh, there we go, baby. I kind of found a way, but it was with the use of other bottle. Oh, there it is. The Yeet Demigod. [laughs] How the hell? [gasps] The reverse flip, the mighty reverse flip. I- uh, w-what? Holy crap. That's like a thumbnail yeet. Oh, [laughs] yes. I have now yeeted to satisfaction. Now I just need to go ahead and-- Here we go. Slide down here. Whoo, whoop. [laughs] This is called the spike jump. Nope. Don't mind if I jump this way, do you? Yoop. Oh. All right, I guess I can't cheat this. Here we go. Huh. Ow. What the hell. Is there an actual ground there? What am I supposed to do? Oh. All right, I got it. So, don't jump. Yeah, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Boom. This is called Gray's Pain In The Ass. Oh, I don't even have time to set up. I have to just go. What kind of thumbnail insanity is this? How are you supposed to win? Go. Ah, damn it. I'm still alive. Oh, God. Oh, oh, God. Go. Aw, ah. Oh. Oh my God. Ah, I did it. I-- Whatever. You know what? Saving the replay. No, goddammit. Ah, yes. That moment when you're feeling particularly festive and your heart must go on, not for Celine Dion, but in order to save Christmas. The heart goes down the Plinko, off the backboard, against the rocket, past another giblet right there, down all of the stairs to hell. Seems though we have another rocket that's preparing to slap us across our ventricle. Left, right, left, right. And here is the domestic violence, into a second one, down, and then Santa gets a new heart. Hey. This is called, Can You Beat It? The answer is-- Well, actually first, can I leave? No. So the answer is yes. Ah, God. Well, this might be a little difficult. All you need is timing. I'm dead. Slightly better timing. Aw, I'm still alive, but there's no way for me to get off this thing. Crap. Oh wait, maybe I can. Hold on. Come on. Come on, just wriggle yourself off. Wriggle the wiener off of the pole. Wiener off of the-- I'm screwed. Oh, this is very hard. Whoo, I feel like this is possible. Got it. Nice. Okay. And then, ah, so far so good. Actually, okay, it's not so good. Okay. So that's the end. All I wanted to do is kind of find out how far I have to go. Don't you ever give up. Okay. All right. Stop. Stop. All right, I've got to a- I've got a harpoon in my spine, but that's fine. It's no big deal. Very typical [chuckles] of this channel. So, down, lean forward, flip, ah. Okay, I had like two more to go. We can do this. Is it possible? The answer is- whoo. Yes. Whoo. Oh yeah. Boom. Bing, bang, boom. Oh, no. Go, pogo, man. Not gonna lie, I've had a lot of harpoons up my ass today. I'll never give up. I'll never give up. Never. Whoo. You can't spell success- ah, without suck. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, ugh. Oh man, okay, got to the last one. Ugh, ugh. Well, this is- hmm, um, hmm, not really sure how to get down from here. Okay. So, I've learned a couple of things. This one, boop, you can just put your head on and get that to go-- That just needs straight up luck. Then we're gonna go low. Oh. Okay, so, now touch the head again and get this one to go off-- Oh God. Oh my God I almost died right there. You gotta go back, forward- come on, damn it. And, ah-ah-ah, boop, there we go. So now we've got, like, four more to come down from the top. If we stay low- there we go, we should be able to get past those, touch the head on the back, creep forward, stay low, low, low, low, low and now this is the last one to get past. Lean, jump and we have a winner. This is called Gray's Great Pain. The entire text says pain. Looks like there's no way out of the pain. All right. Oh. Seems easy to me. Ha. Oh. Oh, all right. Okay and then let go. Oh God, don't lean that way, lady. Uh, no, stop it mom. For God's sakes, get your feet out of the freaking bike. Ugh, feet are caught inside the handlebars. All right, up, feet up, up. There we go. Oh, piss. Look out, Suzy, let me climb over your body. Ugh. Damn it. All right. Son goes flying out the front. Now I can use my- there we go. Oh yeah, flutter kicks, flutter kicks. It's always the flutter kick. Oh, piss, I'm dead. Ugh. Nice. All right. Now lean down. Perfect. Okay, whoop, uh-huh, oh yeah, whoop, okay, whoop. Got it. This is called Satan's Spike Fall. It's the blood of the initent. You can't cheat by using helicopter guy. I wouldn't cheat by using helicopter- ow. What I was trying to say, get over here, is I wouldn't cheat with helicopter guy anyway. Getting into the go here area is unbelievably hard cause the problem is the bike always goes backwards, which means it always is going to go into that hole. If I go here and I jump down- nope, still catches me. There we go. Come on, come on, squeeze your ass down there, dad. Squeeze down, come on. You gotta be kidding me. So, you can't lean-- Ow. So, you can't lean backwards because if you do, that happens, so you actually have to go forward. There's no other way out of this. Oh, ma- wait, maybe I can get him-- Okay, this might work now. All right, now, if I just get him-- Oh my God. Oh my God, my son is caught inside the safety seat. Okay. Now, let go- ugh, what the hell. Stop it, bicycle. Work with me for once. It sounds like spikes down there. Maybe it's just me. All right, man, boop. Oh, it's the spike, like the one that killed my son. That's nice. Hey, I got the coin. All right. Now I have to do the [unintelligible 00:09:13]. Here we go. Oh God, ow, oh, oh, oh boy, oh, this is- this is a thing. This is a thing. I did it. Didn't even have to cheat. How you like that? I'm gonna go ahead and save that. This is called Satan's Bottle Run. Oh. Ow. Go, oh my God. Satan's Bottle Run, Satan's Bottle Run, Satan's Bottle Run. What? This is nuts. Why would you make this? I actually don't know how to keep myself from blowing up. You have to lean back farther than I've ever thought possible. Actually I have another idea, yeet. There we go. Damn it, fly, fly fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly. ah. This is easily the most demonic- bottle run I've ever done. Well, at least I'll get to see where the end is. Wow, all right, here's the plan. We're not using the bike. Ah. I've got to see if I can stay in mostly one piece. God, this is what a honey baked ham must feel like going through a freaking deli slicer. Oh, oh, oh, oh yes. Wow, that is ridiculous. Welcome back, welcome to rope swing hard. Okay. Oh, piss. All right, grab--Ow. All right, grab, swing, flip, grab, swing, I'm dead. This is very difficult. Oh, come on, yes, yes, yeah. Oh no. Okay. Okay, and slide, grab. Okay, good, good, good, good, good. Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it and slide, grab. Oh yes, come on. I don't know if I have the momentum to make this. I'm gonna try and swing this thing. Come on, there we go, back and forward, back and forward. Yes, oh-oh my God, I almost fell. Oh, let me have this, let me have this, let me have this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Attempt number two, this is unbelievably annoying, but here's the appropriate speed. Got it. This is called Gravity Loop. Can I just go backwards and win? Apparently not. All right, let's see how gravity-ish your gravity loop is. Okay, all right, oh, what the hell? Ah. You know, I feel like I won and lost at the same time. Hello Gray, it's SatansBarbie69, thanks for playing Satan Gray Huge. This is God Gray Huge. Oh, I get to escape Satan's traps and ascend to heaven. No. Yes. All right, Satan. All right, pass your pitchfork, there we go. Pass your samurai sword. I'm sorry, that was a broad sword. Was Satan wearing underwear just then? Here, all right. Click the cross, boop. All right, do a little-- Whoa, Satan's busty wife. And back. Nice, over the-- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. My ass, ow, ow, ow. Take a couple of crossbow bolts up the rectum, there we are. And yeetly-- Whoa, that cloud almost crushed my freaking head. Oh no, looks like we have a little bit of a jet run. All right, now we have to go through the various gatekeepers of heaven. Boop and-- Oh, I can actually use this man- there we go, to attack that other guy's knees and now he's got a battle axe in his wiener. And he's also trying to stop this man from pulling it out. He's like, "No, let me remove that." He's like, "You did too much damage going in, don't take it out." All right, jump over these two, up here, and I knew that was gonna try and crush my head. Welcome to heaven, I should warn you though, the danger isn't over yet. Who is this? This is like Bully Maguire as an Angel. Ah, more anus penetration, wonderful. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, stop, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Are you done yet? Oh, my ass can take it. Okay, I did it. I'm like a rectal porcupine. All right. And up here, whoop. Stop quickly, okay. I-I mean I guess I have to go over these balls, right? Okay. Oh yeah, this is no big deal, here we are. Knock down the gate to meet God. Ugh. Lightly tap God with your bike to turn him around and shake his hand, you got it. Here we go, we're about to meet God. and boop. [music] Ah, [chuckles] it's still Satan. Surprise, keep going. [chuckles] Ah, ow. Welcome back, Gray. [laughs] It was a big lie. But there's one thing I learned is not to trust anyone, even God. Anyway folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Happy Wheels, until next time, stay foxy, much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,435,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels, i completed, impossible challenge
Id: V-hNG6OT4yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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