Minecraft Manhunt, But We Create Our Own Twists...

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this is minecraft manhunt but we design our own twists in this video i invited dev and booster to a manhunt but before the manhunt started we all had five minutes to write down anything we could think of in a book and whatever we wrote down would be the twist we got to use for the video this video ended up being so chaotic because the stuff we came up with was insane from a warden launcher to a gravity switching device becoming completely invincible and much more so make sure you guys stick around to the end to see what happens also make sure you guys like and subscribe the video and let's get right into it okay this is poop emoji okay do you guys know why you're here today all right do you guys know why you're here today you guys see this behind me sadly we have to look at it yeah sadly follow me do you guys see this do you see the endless pit beneath it yeah it's like 20 blocks down no no it's endless it's an endless hole what we're gonna be doing right now is i'm gonna set a five minute timer and you guys get to write in this book whatever you want your twist to be for this manhunt what we have five minutes and you have to put it in the endless pit or else you're not gonna be able to use it there are a few rules that i need to go over i hate you no insta killing weapons because that's just unfair what no killing the dragon immediately for me okay because that's unfair why would you get mad you're the hunter no op loop because we want to keep it creative nothing that will lag out the game to prevent me from winning and that's okay that's it five minute timer starting now go go go go go i'm gonna mute myself guys can oh oh i got a good one kill booster okay yeah if we high five here gets darkness and a war then spawns what warden launcher gun that has to be good all passive mobs attack hunters that's good that's good i have rapid movement with infinite double jump bro my mind is literally blank i can't think of anything okay what if i had an item that includes all the tools in one okay that's actually good if i go through dark oak doors itp on here so when i punch players with my fists i steal their health no not players you're only here oh players oh all food acts like steak that is gonna be so useful all blazes and endermen drop a stack of their drops easy blaze rods easy ender pearls when i look down a spyglass and hold it there it spawns tnt wherever my crosshair is looking this is actually a lot of stuff already i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna do secret one nobody's gonna know you're not gonna hear it let's go oh no i saw this one idea that was actually sick where you can like flip the gravity gravity flipping device they definitely won't expect the gravity changer if i consume brick i raise balls behind me as i walk if i kill a sheep get all the social effects okay um i can equip a total of the undying to be a immortal ooh apples are golden apples oh my god i'm gonna become immortal okay you gotta chill out bro 30 seconds left can spawn a scary mob that takes hunters away from me that's good that's good that's good oh okay the timer's done timer's done all right i gotta sign it timer's done timer's done timer's done stop running stop writing put it we got some crazy let's move he's not going to stand a chance you can't win this actually actually the twists have been sent to the developers all right is everyone added as their twist yep what don't worry about this here this is gonna be a a great video for you why can't you double jump don't worry about it man you get double jump jump over his head booster look at this little guy over here are you i'm out of here i'm gonna screw you bro hey screw you guys adding speed to your twist you freaking cheaters come here here have fun with the fish dev what the why are their fish attacking me they're passive mobs too all passive mobs attack you guys oh my god that's so dumb actually that's actually uh i didn't notice anything different oh then come fight me and see what happens okay does it seem out of the ordinary oh i wonder how my health is full again wait full health oh how am i even going to get away from you you freaking double jump yeah okay chill booster come help me um that's my booster i wrote us a twist that you have to be an imposter and help me so come help me what yep sorry well uh i actually see you right now all right please please please please please why are they so bad i need some more lifestyle come here i can't even go for that booster why are you not chasing me what are you doing um i'm not doing anything why do i feel like he's coming up with some kind of plan wait i just realized we don't know what kira has what does what if here has like some weird thing that if he walks in your direction just explode [Music] yes get it mobs give me like yes let's go oh oh i have stuff for you what i thank them oh wait what what what just happened no no i don't even know what just happened booze for a drank dev alive what did you write as your twist for that oh so i kind of have a dev drink right now and 500 health i'm coming at you right now what i'm getting one shot by the mobs boost for um that could be what did you i might have wrote on my twist uh squids one shot booster oh what what is that that was really weird that just scared this out of me okay where is kira why did you just go quiet i feel like you're into close though holy crap please okay okay okay i need one thing i need one thing please please game come on come on where is here uh nowhere nowhere nowhere nowhere here why are you running no one knows where you went man i know you're following me by the way oh i'm not trust me on why does this guy have to show up okay what is that attempt why is this guy my teammate dev show yourself i swear i saw a blue smurf running through the woods uh hell i'm taller than you but you're blue but i'm taller than you but you're not though you're a smurf that's actually proof you're shorter than me because you're a smurf because you're blue oh i see you hey man what's up man what what the hell is this sub dev what um booster is this happening to you or is this just me booster booster why am i muted i'm being carried i'm being carried by blue big boy no he's scared me into lava no please please don't please don't wait actually now i'm actually just gone with nothing awesome let's go no you're gonna come save you no don't save him oh he can't pick up us up in water just stay in water look at that thing why is it coming over here get away from you guys wait don't roast this flipping splopping what don't roast him wait get out of my face for a second watch this please i need to show you something no wait she i got every positive potion effect in the game booster oh i gotta this is actually so op oh big cave uh this is great okay perfect i need to see about my tone of the undying i don't even need armor i just need a totem with the undying two diamonds and four gold blocks wait wait wait wait booster what did you say about totems you said you can craft the totem only i can craft it yeah bro why didn't i think of anything good like that yeah why don't you just give yourself immortality like because i wanted to be fair i wanted it to be exciting no but yes no but yes no but yes uh guys i totally didn't find something wait what come here come here let's try something let's try something how do we do it i don't know how do we do it [Music] yeah i can't see anything i can't see anything i can't see anything i can't see anything i can't see anything i can't see i think it'll work i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm absolutely dead i'm dead spider eyes i could just be spider eyes that's it i can only see spider eyes oh my god oh my god oh my god it's freaking running real wardens are terrifying what the heck diamonds it led me to diamonds thank you guys wait wait i can craft something with this uh all i need is this diamond in the middle look at this now i don't need anything else oh i just found the brightness setting oh my god this is so much better oh i see his name is his name bro i'm just trying to craft the shield man oh is cured in this cave then he is easy oh perfect let's just wait for him then and kill him how how much fun are you having right now here lots oh what the hell oh curious up cuter's up get yourself i'm not anywhere what's up booster you like my weapon what is that what the hell is that oh no dev is here oh no why are you upside down hey hey man why did you go upside down you for converted me who's for come towards these squids man why are there so many here oh what is that tool what is that tool that does not look fun come to the squids bro no i know you want to i know you want the squids bro why is he camping the squid do it again now wait let's do it without anything in my hand that's what's spawning the warden oh you can just run from it though he's not we have to get him my screen is turning blue i might have to spawn another split and slopping no no please don't here you can join them if you want oh oh let's go oh my god oh i'm back to normal now oh wait you like that all right booster let's fight let's fight that's all i wanted that's all i wanted oh i'm upside down wait oh but my screen is fine this looks so weird okay really really bro really let's go booster you're so annoying just let me kill you oh ruin portal oh why do i cure me no way oh my god that's actually exactly what i needed wait that is so lucky all i need is one more thing and then i'm off to another i just need one more though because if i have this in another you guys are no match for me i'm not gonna lie who is there i'm just trying to smelt my food in peace oh my god i will never get past my wall boosters got the crazy stuff i swear no bro what is that wall it's upside down ow what is that wall oh come on he's upside down he's he's an l no i use one shot why are you one hit bro what is this wall oh screw you why did you even add that it's so useless [Music] i was waiting so long for that food all right you know let's do this i'm going to get one more thing and once i get this you guys are done i promise you you guys are done for me you're just taking else yes oh this is exactly what i needed gonna be so good and now and now all i have to do is this yes wait what all right i'm gonna full diamond armor booster what you know corn flowers might drop diamonds for me you know oh piss off bro oh i remember once yeah i know i just got a plane i found a plane i found a plane no yes yes okay wait guys guys so this this gives me good stuff oh yes two things i need two things i need suck it both of you i both have full diamonds so i will suck it you think diamond's gonna matter after i get this yeah i'm not scared bro okay okay keep that same energy i will now i just need this oh i think this is enough i think this is enough oh you guys are about to die okay one there one there let's go guys where are you bro this is so overpowered gear lily can't kill me like this oh compass turn around and another seats right here too okay i can replenish my powers and you have full diamond i'm dead like yeah you're dead you you're pretty much dead here where did you go into this cave man bro i'm like so deep in the cave i don't even know oh you're deep all right okay bro you guys are beyond help oh my god i see booster's brick wall underground here he went up you oh crap did i just expose myself and he's not he's on the beach near the scene i might need to cheese this right now i might need to cheese this i'm not gonna lie look how scared he is where even are you oh there you are dev hey man what is that ah bruce where he can shoot wardens no way wait i can't even see anything but i hope these guys are working this is too op this is not even fun hey dev stop building up i'm not a block dab dab don't move i got this who's for do something he's there he's upside down he looks like an idiot what the hell [Music] oh my god booster how did you get up there where were you where are you you didn't even build up how did you fly up i'm just better than you i'm back on the chase man bro this is so how are you behind us how are you tping to me okay how am i going to get away from this literally how bro and booster's got a boat and he's going the other way ah i can't go on you right now i'm too low okay i know what i need to do actually this cave so big oh you went back into a cave okay where did he go actually oh crap crap crap hello man hey dev oh oh oh oh oh oh oh get me out finally i get to go to the nether in peace bro okay boys yo i don't know how to craft this crap crap what i don't know how to oh how do i equip before what's happening on your screen okay i can equip a totem with the undying to become immortal how do i equip this wait booster what do you mean immortal though i can't die yeah don't worry i'm getting i'm getting one more thing and then i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm on him too what do you mean you can't die oh i see you i see you wait what's up yeah just just kill me just kill me yeah just keep going booster can't die it's over here you lost how's that there wait can't die what okay that was actually so smart oh it's actually over oh it's so cool that's so not fair how am i supposed to even fight that sia you guys are so slow don't worry we're not you guys are so slow and so bad at the game oh let's go i just found a hidden fortress cap like what okay i'm about to die terrible i'm not a hidden one you just eat my golden apple i mean my regular apple just kidding oh i forgot about this oh my god i forgot about this one blaze dropped 64 blaze rods okay okay everybody wait and then drop 64 pearls okay wait wait wait i forgot see you boys okay yeah take your time boys take your time um okay how do you craft this thing bro i literally forget oh booster i know his portal is i don't know where his portal is i did it oh my god i can't believe it okay um i'm ready for you guys yeah you can come in now and then i have one thing to show you guys we're ready ready you haven't even seen this ready i i don't need this stuff actually you're right but ready look at this yeah i'm looking ready for it wait for it i'm looking i'm looking wait yes how much is that an air strike pretty much i can do it from anywhere air strike let's go let's go let's go i mean you guys were acting really scary earlier but you're not even in another yet so are you an idiot it's kind of not really holding up to what you guys are saying yeah you know what you're right you're right you're right here you're right here oh you did okay i'm stupid no we didn't we didn't we didn't oh hey wait i'm stupid i'm stupid oh let's go all right boys yeah oh bro look at all these freaking pearls [Music] yes what what what what like what the hell was that what are you guys doing here i'm reversing i'm reversing screw you guys where's the poach wait what's the hormone wait wait wait wait hey guys what's up boys oh no no no no no no no no what's up guys i was waiting for that i can't even air strike him because he's on the roof what bro my gravel just fell look at this dude screw these wardens holy dude my totem pop like 50 times from these wardens that's crazy okay i am out of here um oh he's throwing a portal on the roof see ya boys i was actually going to blow it up oh subspace bubble i ran so far okay [Music] all right boys i missed clicked my freaking gravity switcher one in the overworld yeah you really gave a subspace bubble you're really nice to us oh my god guys i'm so dumb why i didn't even have to smell my food this whole time every food acts like steak for me i i totally forgot about that one filled up with 100 if we use pillows we're just here i have 100 blocks just build up and test it real quick oh okay that should be like right what the hell are you guys planning don't worry about it build up so we can test it so we can see how big the radius is like 26 more blocks that's yeah this is 100 blocks come on oh my god oh okay he lost he lost he actually it's over i gotta get away from these villagers bro i wanna come where i am wait what no literally why we how did you even get that though uh i mean like invincible what's the point i think it's right here you know you guys are lucky by the way i won't be able to spawn my split and splopping in the end thank god that thing sucks and if you if you summon wardens that's gonna be bad for you as well so no it won't just i like wardens they're my friends wait boost forward we can just boost on him while he's in the end by himself whoa this one's like all open and cool in chat table yes yes yes i'm going down i'm going down i'm going down oh my god you're so fast let's go all right boys it was nice knowing you just be careful you don't go right into the room by actually right let's go okay you know what i feel like i'm definitely gonna die oh you went into the end oh perfect always right found it come to me yes okay this is going so good now yeah i'm literally dead you're good okay let's go then let's go let's go you gotta do your strat right away and i'll do it what's strat i'm going off yeah i'll keep distracted i'll keep distracted where is cure oh don't worry where are you yeah why are you camping that tower is it a plane what wait just look at the ender dragon i knew it dev i knew it i knew it i knew that's what it was i was waiting for it i knew it i knew it all right i'm just gonna sit on the tower bro you're literally like a freaking ac 130. yes this is so good holy crap chill bro i just helped him out damn you can kill the dragon now do it okay one tower left one tower left okay perfect oh my god gooseberry wait what are you doing up there you're all here yo but you're about to find out who's for now now now now now okay what are you doing yes what the oh oh what did you do what did you do bro that's not all that's not all trust me you're doing this don't do that again don't do that you can't do it again no don't make a void pitch for making void pit wait he's that man he's that mid oh here you're gonna say i'm hit yes that's screwed boosts from up yeah i'm dead man that's mad here you're gonna stay up nope i'm out of here let's go it's all just darkness now it's all just darkness this is horrible oh he's trying to put wars on the tower but it didn't work yes [Music] oh i'm gonna protect it i'm immortal i can protect them yes he missed it he was blind no that's so stupid oh i'm so happy bro there's way too many freaking wardens bro oh you guys are so annoying bro watch this though oh bro it you gotta just accept it like it's you don't have a chance like you just don't have a chance i wanna kill him kill him kill him kill him you just don't have a chance here i'm sorry wait where'd he go oh he pearled okay here oh my god i ate all my apples oh let's go let's go cintiq hello actually blocks yo dab can you give me blocks where did he go i don't know i'm going for it oh i just fell off oh he's at mid so annoying don't worry them wait dab tell me when the dragon oh don't worry he's dead oh is he oh he escaped no he's oh oh where is he let me put more team this is actually so much fun so impossible i don't care i'm not winning that
Channel: KIER and DEV
Views: 3,366,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs assassin, minecraft manhunt but i secretly used, minecraft manhunt but, minecraft manhunt with a twist, extreme minecraft manhunt, dream manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs mage, minecraft speedrunner vs 5 hunter, minecraft speedrunner vs 4 hunters, dream 4 hunters finale, dream 5 hunters, minecraft challenge, speedrunner vs hunter, 4 hunters, tapl uhc, minecraft but lava rises every minute, redstone, VR
Id: FYQkPHLum34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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