I Mined a 100x100 AREA To BEDROCK in Hardcore Minecraft! (Episode 8)

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in this episode of hardcore minecraft i'm going to mine a giant 100x100 area all the way down to bedrock so that i can not only get a bunch of our labels but also a huge space to build farms now the first thing we need to do is mark out our 100x100 space i think right here is perfect so now that the 100 by 100 is marked out it's time to begin mining the first mining method we're going to do is just regular mining but as the video goes on the crazier the mining methods will get but for now though to make things easier let's craft four beacons and give them all haste too much better oh my this is so satisfying okay i think we may need even more pickaxes i mean i do have all of these pickaxes but i have a feeling that even this won't be enough so let's make an extra five pickaxes i also think i have some spare netherite around here somewhere where did i put it up how did i not see that so let's upgrade all of these now we just need to get some enchantments thank you thank you thank you all right let's combine all of this together all of these pickaxes are getting efficiency five i'm breaking three and mending you've got to be kidding me i've run out of xp let's quickly get all of the xp that we need and you know what because we're here let's also mend up our pickaxe we can finally add the final enchantment to this pickaxe and boom so now that we have all of these pickaxes let's get back to mining [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we are making some pretty good progress i know we have a long way to go but when this thing is done it is going to look absolutely crazy now another thing i'm going to do while i mine this 100 by 100 is collect every single ore that i find with a silk touch pickaxe and of course there's only one place we can store all of these alls on top of the giant furnace so let's go and place all of the oils i've collected so far and boom so this is everything that we have collected so far so throughout the video we'll keep on adding to this pile and then at the end we can mine all of it and see how much we get but now that we're back at the 100 by 100 i want to test something out you see a minecraft chunk is 16 by 16 blocks wide and what i want to do is take a chunk out the corner of this 100 by 100 and time how long it takes to mine it all the way down to bedrock and that way we can get an idea of how long this entire project will take us to finish so let's start the timer yes we have found our first diamonds in the 100x100 five diamond door that's not bad we are almost done i just have to remove all of the deep slate between the pieces of bedrock and we are finished so mining this entire one chunk took us just over three hours and while seeing as mining this took that long i don't even want to know how long the rest of this is going to take but on the bright side at least we got all of these ores from mining out the one chunk so let's place all of these ores on top of the giant furnace and boom this thing is only going to get taller this is just the beginning anyway though before we continue mining all of my pickaxes are almost destroyed so let's fix them all right our pickaxes are looking a little bit better so i think we all know what that means it's time to get back to work [Music] guys this truly is taking forever the only thing that's keeping me mining at this point is just knowing how cool the end result will be oh and also while i was mining i stumbled across this i'm gonna have to patch that up later but for now there are a ton of walls i need to mine all right now that we've done that let's try and mine all the way down to deep slate level ah this is gonna take some time um are you guys okay i mean what is going on is this supposed to be happening they're literally not even shooting their bows or anything hey yes we're finally starting to see some deep slate now there is a little bit of a problem being this slow down and well that problem is the beacons that i set up do not reach all the way down here so i have absolutely zero haste so to fix this let's move all of the beacons down lower [Music] all right the beacons are now in their new positions and that of course means we can go back to mining fast and is that an ammo fish geode oh it is wait hold on just a second that means now that we're down at deep slate level not only are we gonna be finding amethyst geodes we'll also be able to find things like mine shafts mob spawners and maybe even a stronghold who knows but anyway now that we've found this amethyst geode i think we all know what needs to be done oh that was satisfying okay let's try not to get too distracted because yeah we still have a lot of work to do but i mean we're making great progress and we're even starting to see some deep slates so let's keep on going whoops now this is where everything started to go wrong you see this entire time i've been instantly mining stone with my beacons and making amazing progress but because i was now starting to see more deep slate appear mining became much more difficult and well if i didn't move on to the second mining method this project would become almost impossible so i knew what needed to be done alright guys as much as i've enjoyed the first method of mining we have to move on you know it has brought us all the way down to this level but at this point mining like this is way too slow so it's time for method two the moss method the way the moss method works is simple if you place down one piece of moss you can use bone meal to expand that one single moss block into a bunch more and then by using a hoe you can mine all of the moss blocks instantly and while seeing as moss blocks are much easier to break than deep slate this method is going to make mining deep slate really easy perfect we have found some of the lush cave trees so if we dig down under we should find a bunch of moss and here we go we are going to have to mine thousands and thousands of this stuff so let's keep on mining up a bunch and boom we now have more than enough moss blocks now let's get a bunch of bones for bone meal that should be enough and in total we have ourselves one full shulker box of bone meal finally we can craft some diamond hoes and give them all on breaking three we now have everything we need so let's test this method out oh wait a second i really need to clean this up so let's grab a bunch of stone and patch this up perfect anyway let's get back to mining now for this method to work i need to place a bunch of moss blocks into the ground just like this and now all we have to do is grab some bone meal and see if this works so let's test it on this and yes there we go we can turn deep slate into moss this is genius and there we go so i think everything should now be covered in moss this has to be one of the craziest mining methods i've ever seen i mean just look at this place so instead of mining deep slate this slow we can now just get our diamond toe out and mine all of this instantly this has to be my favorite method of mining [Music] alright one layer has been mined now usually i would have had to spend hours and hours of my time mining deep slate but because of this method i was able to take out an entire layer of this 100 by 100 in literally no time but we still have a ton of moss blocks and an absolute ton of bone meal so let's try and make as much progress with this method as we can now the moss method was working perfectly i was gliding through layers of deep slate and making an absolute ton of progress but doing this method was using up a bunch of my bone meal and unfortunately for me this happened no we only have five pieces of bone meal left which means this method has to come to an end i mean on the bright side we mind a lot of the 100 by 100 by using this method and wait a second what are you doing down here now anyway before we move on to the next mining method i need to make sure that i'm getting all of the ores and well speaking of all's i should probably place all of the olds that i've gathered so far and yeah it's a lot now i've got to stack them all on top of the giant furnace and boom that is all of the oils that i've mined from the 100 by 100 so far and i wonder how much stuff i'll get from all of this when i mine it with my fortune pickaxe later anyway now we're back at the 100 by 100 hole i think it's time to get serious and move on to the final mining method to complete this 100 by 100 hole now let me introduce you to mining method number three the ultimate tnt jupiter machine this contraption is a moving tnt cannon and it will drop tnt and pretty much explode anything in its way but doing this method is not going to be easy one of these machines costs a ton of resources to build and i don't just need one i need a bunch of these things so let's gather everything we need starting with slime blocks i'm sorry about this and we now have enough slime balls now let's craft these into slime blocks just like this and this should be enough for all the flying machines we're also going to need a bunch of redstone items so let's craft all of these alright so we now have all of the slime blocks and all of the redstone items we need for the tnt machines but now the item that we need next is a really really random item called a coral fan and i believe the way that you get these coral fans is from a warm ocean we're here so let's try and find what we need all right let's swim down and i did bring myself some shears so let's just go ahead and try and pick some of this um wait a second maybe i have to use silk touch oh there we go now the problem is there is so many different types of coral i actually have no idea which one i'm supposed to get you know i'm just gonna grab a bunch of yellow ones and just hope they work right we have 11 so far let's just grab a few more and there we go so i think 35 should be enough next up we need some obsidian craft some minecarts and finally let's gather a bunch of sand to of course make all of the tnt that is going to be used in these flying machines we now have everything we need so let's attempt to do this now some of you guys may know i suck at redstone so be prepared for this to go very wrong so the first thing we need to do is build 10 blocks from the ground now this is where the first machine is going to go so let's just quickly break out some of this now we make a platform for the machine to go place down a piece of tnt and add a wall on top now we need to get one of our observers right here now let's place some slime blocks just like this and then on top of this slime block we can add a detector rail and a minecart then place our coral fan right here now i think i put a sticky piston right here with some slime blocks just like this with another sticky piston right about here i think this is looking pretty good so far anyway though i think we finished this up by placing a piece of obsidian here another observer here now we can place a block with a lever underneath now on top of the block we just placed down we have to put some redstone down and a redstone repeater and now we can turn on the lever and place down a trapdoor right here and now to finish off this part of the machine we have to place an observer right here and just like that this entire machine is finished all we need to do right now is go over to the other end of the 100x100 and build a machine that will make it so when this reaches this end of the 100x100 it will get sent straight back you'll see what i mean so now we're on the opposite side we have to place down some blocks with a repeater and also some redstone then let's put a trapdoor here with a block on top and then next to this block let's place another block with obsidian on top and an observer facing this way now that the obsidian and the observer is in position we can go ahead and break this block right let's fly back over to this side and break all of the blocks underneath the machine and now i think we are all ready to use these machines i am very scared to do this no oh no no what have i done wait no what did i do um okay i may have accidentally sent the machine off and i had no idea it was going to work and it's working i didn't even mean to break that piece of redstone whoa look at the amount of deep slate it's already breaking now let's just hope that this machine gets sent back the other way and yes it actually works now there is just one problem i'm having with the machine i don't actually know how to turn it off and make it stop i've turned off the lever so i'm hoping it will stop when it gets here come on and please stop oh my how do i stop this thing okay what happens if i just turn this on oh yes there we go it stopped so now that we've got one of these things working let's build 10 of them [Music] we now have 10 automatic flying tnt duplicator machines i can't wait to turn all of these on i've also just discovered that there's a mine shaft under the 100 by 100 but what's even cooler than that is the amount of diamonds we're about to get so i think it's time that we turn all of these machines on now the only one i've tested is of course this one i have no idea if these ones work yet but you know what let's just risk it so let's turn this one on this one on and let's just run down and turn on the rest of the machines wait hold on a second this one is not working okay it's because i need to put an observer here okay let's turn this on and there we go now i need to be really careful because there is just so much tnt but this is insane hold on just a second for the most part all of the machines are working but there are a few which for some reason have stopped working i think i fixed everything so we should be good to go now before we turn all of the machines back on let's just quickly go ahead and grab all of these awls and now let's turn all of the machines back on this is giving us so many ores we already have all of this but even more importantly we are starting to see bedrock and not only are we getting down to bedrock we're also getting down to lava and the machines actually don't work if there's lava in the way so i am having to go through and clear all of this up and that's exactly what i did while all of these machines were going to work destroying all of the deep slate i was going through and blocking up all of the lava and once i was done clearing up all of the lava the machines were back to working at maximum efficiency now that the machines have exploded as much as they can i'm going to manually mine all of the random pieces of deep slate that are left this is the most time consuming thing i have ever done this 100 by 100 better look good when it's finished now that took forever but we did it and this thing is looking really good let's now do the final thing that we need to do to finish and that is to use the deep slate that i've just mined to clean up the walls and we have done it we have mined a 100 by 100 hole all the way down to bedrock i can't believe it this is amazing and it actually looks way better than i thought it would but you know what i want to add some finishing touches so let's grab thousands of sand and then smelt it so we can make a bunch of glass then whilst all of that sand is smelting let's also grab some ink sacs for some black dye i can then use everything i've collected to make a bunch of black stained glass let's just keep on making a bunch of this and now let's head back down to the bottom of the 100 by 100 hole and we can use all of this glass to fill in the gaps between the bedrock and not only will this make the 100x100 look way better it will also stop mobs spawning down at the bottom which means when we do end up building a farm down here we'll be able to get the most amount of items from any farm that we build down here so placing all of this glass is going to come in super useful so let's just keep on filling in all of the gaps just like this and you can already tell how good this is about to look [Music] we are about halfway done with the glass and look how good this is already looking i mean from up here it looks way better but we do have to finish this area right here so let's do it all right we have officially placed all of the glass which means we are done with the 100 by 100 hole take a look at this this has been such a crazy project and i'm so happy that it's done wait a second why are the beacons still here let me just get rid of these real quick all right this place is looking a lot better without all of the beacons oh and also make sure you guys comment down below some suggestions of what you think we should build down here in the 100 by 100 hole i do already have some ideas myself but i really want to hear what you guys think as well now of course though throughout this whole entire process we did silk touch all of the ores that we found in the 100 by 100 hole so let's go ahead and place all of the rest of the ores that we have so let's just stack them all on top of each other and this is everything so let's get our fortune pickaxe and mine all of it let's start from the top and mine all the way down [Music] all right here we have the final laws so let's mine them so i've organized everything that we have mined into all of these chests so let's see just how many valuables you get from mining a 100 by 100 hole okay so let's start from down here this is all of the redstone we got moving on up here this is all of the lapis we got we have a bunch of that now moving on to the next row this is all of the copper that we mined and it is just an absolute ton and then this is all of the iron that we have so we have a lot of that as well up here we have all of the coal that we mined so pretty much two double chests filled with coal and then finally this is all the gold we have and the most important thing this is the amount of diamonds we got so not too many diamonds but seeing as we got all of this from the 100 by 100 hole i think we did pretty good but i'm now going to spend a bunch of time in the 100 by 100 hole because this is definitely one of the most craziest projects i have ever done so i really hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Fru
Views: 2,864,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft hardcore episode, minecraft i mined a 100x100 area, 100x100 area, i mined a 100x100 area to bedrock, i mined a 100x100, 100x100 area to bedrock, i mined a 100 by 100 area, 100 by 100, i mined a 100x100 minecraft, i mined a giant hole, minecraft biggest mine, i mined a chunk, mining a 100x100 area to bedrock, mining area to bedrock, biggest hole in minecraft, minecraft 100x100, i mined the biggest hole, mining a 100x100, 100x100
Id: 3xPcXu2sYL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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