I Used UNLIMITED MANA To Beat Rogue Tower

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so I have a problem in Rogue Tower my problem is that I constantly run on of mana and build too big of a base without predicting my lines we're going to fix that today by doing the single defense and there's our dumb little Tower actually not that good of a start but I'm going to surround all of these guys with those things whatever those are called and then we're going to expand so my little ballistas destroy the little goblins and we get cool things one good thing to start off with is banditry because it gives us more money everybody likes more money unless you're one of those weirdos who doesn't like more money for some reason you're like nah I prefer to be poor but that's not the fun thing to do in video games I just like exploding these guys and letting money fly out of them cool I wouldn't mind starting with a shredder too like that's pretty powerful to begin with so let's plop in a shredder like right here this could be very deadly for these little goblins let's watch it destroy every single one of them a except for you I'm going to name him Carl I don't like Carl very much he's dead and this is cool we get the flamethrower already so speaking of Mana now it' be a good time to actually put that flamethrower in that's pretty satisfying cooking them like uh George Forman Grill do those still exist I don't remember those from back in the '90s ooh the poison sprayer right away too beautiful we don't particularly need that but the damage over time is quite nice it might have been a bad spot to put this too eh it's okay especially in conjunction with our Shredder quality over quantity we'll get that crit chance rolling I'm excited about this too because oh this is dirty right through here and all of these Mana crystals okay we're going to get a poison spray and let's do a flamethrower here too I wouldn't mind selling this one someone's yelling at me in the comments like Blitz why did you sell that you're so dumb I hate it when you play this game trust me bro I've read all the comments but I am kind of excited about this all right we're going to get some more Mana Happening Here sorcery now let's see oh I love this setup this is so good let's get another Shredder oh my goodness why do we need another one when that one works so well hot dang and then this one can attack over there too that is so strong I bet if I put some stuff up here would work feel like mortars might be a good start but the frost Tower is going to be good now let's just try this for science my goodness that's going to be huge okay let's get another one up here and then we can slow both ooh that's not going to work well it's not high enough so that is level two I'm going to demolish it we're going to put a frost keep here and then I'm going to put a poison sprayer next to it somewhere like that and that's a good spot too expand oh dirty these little ballistas are going to be able to do the work all right friend I need you to to start upgrading some h i want you to be on like most health and then we're going to upgrade you on health a little o and the Mana bank is already but let's go with the life steal cuz that should regen us faster at early stages of the game my goodness I was not expecting this bunch of free kills here this is amazing wouldn't it be cool if it like circled back and went back this way and these things are dying even without getting to our Towers that's great I'm sure that'll be a weakness I have in the future ooh the Obelisk no way oh I love the Obelisk do I do Obelisk or Bandits all right we're going to go banditry more money early game is better than more power early game flamethrower here it's a pretty good spot for a flamethrower if I were to ask myself kind of hits everything on the way going through there beautiful I wouldn't mind getting a shredder in here too but I don't have money for it if I get that one H or this one we'll do the Mana regen this one's good and it's kind of rare there are quite a few trees here let's get it now all right we got our first we got our first Frost in The Matrix here I should probably build up this area as a fortified base my goodness this is strong too like a frost keep up here just to slow everything down that comes into that cell this is working really good through there oh more sorcery a double chance for tree cards yes I'll do that okay poison sprayer like I want stuff around here so let's get a flamethrower and a poison sprayer and byy a poison sprayer I totally mean a Ballista aha this will work pretty well maybe okay it's not working as as well as I had hoped that is a lot of armor damage too we got to pay attention to this but I'm feeling confident I'm feeling like we can take care of this especially with all those ballistas working so well my biggest concern is these giant guys here but if I tell these to focus on Armor and then upgrade the armor a little bit that could work out okay it'll work out just fine I don't know what I was concerned about everything dead Okay Mana Bank do I need that yet yeah I'm out of Mana already those aren't great to begin with though particle Cannon could be fun should we get a particle Cannon I kind of want to it's expensive though oh interesting I really like this layout of today's tiles like I can build up lots of things right through here and attack both ways I can also build a particle Cannon I think the radius for this thing is gigantic it is all right we're totally going to focus on most health I don't even know is it firing are you okay what is that charge up time does it not know how to fire I've never really used one of these I think I've spawn him once on my maps that was totally not as exciting as I wanted all right we're going to get Obelisk we are going to run yeah that's 1,000 gold again okay this is a strong unit uh progress should I go most health I feel like progress might be the best but also like I wish there was a furthest from furthest yeah we'll just do progress I can't word sometimes leave me alone my furthest from furthest also mod of Mana like I've got no Mana this is great great way to start that's why the particle Cannon wasn't working too I bet let's just delete this give me money back from other things like saws and ballistas even without any Mana we still beat the level and we didn't get anything this is rough okay this is really rough we didn't get anything to attack ooie who's coming out next the first boss all right we're going to take a lookout tower cuz you guys said it's good and I don't even know where to put one I don't know what the range is it's not a great range let's try one closer in here okay and now we're going to have that Mark the thing with the most health ooie should be coming there's ooie so ooie will get in range and it'll get marked I am glad that we're killing everything else but ugie has hardly taken any damage yet so he's going to get the fullon yikes okay he's taking a little damage this is fine as long as we can take him out with other things I really need Mana okay he's half health and bleeding so we have that going for us okay A little bit of Mana we do have is melting him he's got bleed damage fire damage and poison and getting attacked slowly but surely with zero Mana oh my goodness I was really going to take this and sell all the trees to hopefully get more upgrades but I think we're okay please please please be okay and you sir are going to be dead in a second please just be dead be dead oh yeah saw blades will do it there we go sorcery we'll get some of that that'll help out Mana a little bit also I totally want to know what's in the treasure chest yes Mana siphons that's what we need oh we only got one all right so let's waste all of our money money money money buying all of the Mana siphons we can afford beautiful all right so we're at 27 per second that should help out in our quest of dominance ooh also look at these grave sights we kill creatures Blitz gets more more Mana Parts o just keep killing just keep killing give me more Mana you like my song I just made it up oh neat I beat the level um we're going to need teslaa pretty soon but that also requires more Mana so let's do the anti-magic Ray and then just cross her fingers and hope that we can kill yab Baba here come on death ray my goodness all right we do get the kill pretty easily actually give me some sweet treasure more sorcery absolutely and everything is dying pretty easily except for this guy because well we haven't targeted him yet but now we did and he's disappearing great okay thermal detonation call air strikes monster watch H all Lookouts gain damage do they do damage I'm not sure let's Do shredders more bleed cuz shredders have been working good for us I'll put another Shredder in right in here I think and I wouldn't mind having one over here if I can afford it nine yep we can okay we do need to upgrade our stuff pretty soon too so let's see what we can do I kind of want to put a frost keep in here too to slow things down as they come in so make sure we get all of the shields disappearing good excellent very nice that slow works well okay someone tried to make it through not a fan of that Mana production is going well I need to spend more money on the Mana and now if I look properly I believe we have every Mana area covered oh neat we beat the level two all right death and taxes that sounds good there's plenty of these over here let's build up some of this oh that's not good all right we got another boss this squeaker is coming in hot squeaker is about to get obliterated by a death L Death Ray yep he gone uh let's do slow but sure and I think I should probably reinforce throughout here a little bit more I like what's happening here but let's get a poison sprayer up on top of here a frost keep up on here and a flamethrower too if I could afford a flamethrower why can't I never afford the fun things give me a flamethrower okay everything died yet again nor is everything is in the process of dying excellent what do I need now I wouldn't mind having that Mana bank but anti-magic Ray would be cool especially if I start leveling this up we have 500 money let's just hit it let's get everything kind of equalized and which way do I want to go let's expand here I wouldn't mind having this split and this one just stay as is for some reason I have a hard time believing that we're already on level 20 this is going way too well that's the famous last words all the time though right this station's doing pretty well I wouldn't mind having an obelisk over here but that eats up an enormous amount of electricity again and by electricity mean Mana too bad I'm going to do it anyway oh because we're going to get a Mana Bank now I'm going to start putting these in what this does increases our Max and then we get 6% per kill or 6% per second so the more of this I have the more Mana regen I get every second okay we're going to keep going over here we get another boss in that should be nice we're going to do some level UPS pretty soon I wouldn't mind having another Frost keep over here just to slow people down I'm going to totally change this guy over to most health cuz we want this to weaken them up so they can go into this one and just get obliterated just like so very good nice boss kill proud of that one yeah this is going really well here too we got a nice slowing area lots of money okay uh poison let's keep getting the poison H more poison damage on the death ray we'll do that and then we'll buy some more haunted houses oh this is beautiful too we're getting oh if it would have kept going that way that would have been awesome but it didn't this seems to be working okay back here I've got everything slowing it down plus we're just nuking this back line which is softening everything up to come into here I kind of like that Mana production still seems good but I do want to add a few more banks in I would rather get more money right now thankfully there are a few more of these hello more more Mana ooh look at this I can make another one here that's actually worth it get a poison sprayer and a flamethrower and another Frost keep to slow things down just like a few of these stations threw out just to keep the damage up this is actually kind of scary that we have this thing that's gone so far but the Mana Supply is going well I'm excited for that things seem to be dying fairly quickly I need a potion sprayer here I don't see one maybe it'd be better if I had it here let's delete you and put you here I need one along this path too Jack pumping Ton's about ready to die good all right we got to keep those damage over times up ah Jack died poor fella cool that worked super well all right poison damage dois expanding here again getting even more haunted houses we're going to start rolling in the the big money here pretty soon I would like another another Obelisk here too but I think we need more Mana okay 60 Mana per second it's looking good I've got another station that I built here just to slow things down so they come in around I do like the idea of having another like Shredder in here just to keep up all the damage over time uh Mana ooh Tesla coil I forgot about you yeah let's just use up all of our Mana at once right guys all right I'm going to keep expanding um just for that reason we got a little Beaver this isn't timberborn old harambe or whatever your name is my goodness I need a lookout for here too we'll that to do the most health so just mark them yeah that would have worked that's actually not a bad strategy over here if we tell this to go the progress let's see some of these start to make it through we can go to the marked so then if they get marked then immediately we do that and this thing marks the one with the most Health that's not a bad strategy at all I'm feeling like we do need another kill station further up as well or maybe back further on this path but nothing makes it through and we still get treasure so I'm cool with that oh yeah death rate increased oh nice two of them uh look how let get damage to Shields sure oh wow life steel too beautiful okay now we can start cutting down some trees as well oh yeah more life steal even better oh but plus one range you guys said that this is like the best upgrade in the game so let's get some Mana siphons on that one because we still can that one's all cluttered up these things are not leveled up very well so let's give a couple points level one marked let's go to Shield damage okay so I spent all my money on upgrades try to get as much as I could to level five I should after this level you'll have to remind me and by remind me I'm just going to try to remind myself because this isn't a live stream I want to upgrade or I want to sell all the trees on the map they should give us lots of money yikes we need a flamethrower here and then we're going to have this flamethrower work with most armor cuz like there's a lot of armor that's getting through right now that's a lot of armor getting through my goodness but thankfully we do have quite a few things back here that should be able to rip them apart pretty quickly but the problem is my Mana is dropping down to zero again so that's cool and that little Dingus actually made it wow I'm proud of you little Dingus nothing's making it through this way though cuz this is a majorly nasty death Corridor okay savings account more Mana let's spend our 27 100 building these up and I think we just single-handedly doubled our Mana plus a lot of recharge that was great oh and this circle's back no way you can also afford a few more of these and another couple of those this is working way better over here after I leveled everything up plus our Mana Supply is in a great position that works so well um bed them dry let's do the increase per second and circle back a little bit this is going to be huge if this comes back two more that's awesome I needed do something like get a stupid particle cannon in or you know a bunch more Mana Banks because that's what I'm focusing this video on an unlimited Mana Supply although I do not really want to drain out all of my resources for Mana but having a giant Supply that I never run out is going to be a cool idea and I wanted to sell the trees but I forgot to again so please kill everything oh there's wheelie balls coming through what are you doing here why are you so fast in junk all right stupid Wheels that's one of the problems I have is those um the wheels and and the polygon things that break down especially over on this path I need more things in here that I can kill uh also I need to put something in between those let's do a frost Tower up here damage to Shields that sounds cool Frost Tower slow as well poison sprayer let's do uh Tesla coil let's do a flamethrower okay I'm scared to expand that one so I just want to keep going here this is incredible I wasn't expecting this to happen so like we can attack this wall all right let's see what this does my oh my okay it slows it down pretty well wheelie the Healy and it's dead that worked well over here we have more wheels are they coming through yeah they're zooming they zooming kind of want some more Frost keeps right through here just to slow this whole thing down I don't want things to get through and this is one of our better death Chambers that's a bad position all right everything's dead there this is working good down here our Mana Supply is still at 123 so that's solid we're going to be at level 30 so I think that's a big boss wave but the good thing is I should be able to attack every thing over there with a few of these so I'm cool with that all right banditry that's more money that's also very scary let's do money this is awesome this is so cool that it can reach over there especially if I put up a bunch of ballistas on here that'll just damage over time I'm still feeling very confident on this path I think it's doing pretty well things are trying to make it through we are killing them with great impunity is that the right word did I use the big word properly I might have impunity okay Google what does the word impunity mean here's the impunity exemption from punishment freedom from the injurious consequences of an action I think that was backwards did I did I do a backwards I might have said impunity backwards un impunity is that a right word would you guys die thank you you have to ask nicely sometimes all right magnetic blades damage to Shields damage to armor that's what I want right now hey do I continue over here I like what's happening here and I'm scared to mess something up o I didn't even notice I could do haunted houses over here okay I'm just going keep expanding this route oh hello let me get a Mana siphon on you oh nice you guys told me these shrines are like the best thing in the game the best thing since sliced bread or shredders that sliced through goblins okay I am going to upgrade I think after this round we're going to upgrade everything that I can again cuz I'm feeling a little bit weak actually you know what I just want to keep it even Mana Supply is doing good even with everything here so that means I can increase my Mana even more things are dying but it's kind of slow I'm going to put in a particle Cannon just because I want to and it's going to be between both houses so I'm going to get money from it right is that how this works also I entirely forgot to sell my trees again all of them every tree I forgot to sell mainly because of incompetence also o there it is there's the university that's the thing you guys told me to buy all right we're going to put one down here uhuh and then you can research all these different things which upgrades all of the stuff but let's see if there's any trees to sell so ah 62% chance to drop cards I'm not seeing any cards but I am getting a thousand of card all right damage to armor yep kill it with fire another tree chop it treasure more bleed damage yep more crit against bleeding there's one more tree and another Treasure Chest radar creeping cough slows them by 5% yep we want slow any other trees I have sold every one of them much like the people who lived on Easter Island which is one of the saddest stories and check that out there's a magical treasure box right here what you you doing here friend ooh but life steal delicious okay wow oh wow look at all that money that just came in how do we just get 13,000 gold I'm not sure but I need to upgrade this all of the way in the future uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh all right we getting all of the bad things now there's more Wheels I also want to upgrade you cuz you're doing the absolute like amazing amono work might as well drop all my cards right into here level 21 getting slowing down getting some bleed happening would be awesome too oh the bro is firing Z missiles now I feel like my voice just cracked wow 14 again maybe it's because I've been talking for 40 minutes and I haven't been drinking any water this is looking really nice through here I like what's happened I do want to upgrade you a little bit more to Target most health and let's hit you a couple times that's a saw blade death rate by 10% yep I still haven't seen this thing work it's had to have killed something cuz it's level two 12 rounds per minute do I I keep it let's sell it it's dumbb buy one of these instead that's not dumb and it should Target marked I feel like it's going to Target the shields most I just put it up to 15 that might have been dumb all right shields for you armor for you there's another University let's put this in right next to it just going to spam all my money right here oh it does global Health if it ever gets money okay I see what it did I'm not as dumb as I look I promise this is very dangerous over here though but I feel like that second death ray has done really good job plus our Mana store is still like super good so I'm cool right now a little bit I do want to build up more uh more Mana Banks as soon as I can okay that second death rate being level 15 is solid especially when this one's 21 this boy over here has been doing a lot of work as well what level this guy turn out to be five okay we need to upgrade him two to armor I want that I need to upgrade you friend what do you need you're at most health and I should feel like you should be on progress I'll just level everything up to 13 and call it good and it'll just make you on progress oh and there's a treasure box hiding back here woo how did I not see that let's do damaged armor a I was hoping for another one oh well okay continue on I'm watching my Mana Supply very carefully it seems okay it looks fine nothing is making it too far in here poison slowing it down okay something just almost made it past it looks good to me Mana is still way good all right this is such a nightmare back here for everyone I just want to make sure they all have damage over time on them so they don't regenerate Health that's why I have all these little station set up kind of wondering if we don't build another station like right up in here but I'm concerned about having not enough Mana now especially since it Tak so stinking long to get to these towers oh that thing just looked at it and it blew up that was cool okay we're going to go in uh build a few more of these just how many I don't know fine I'll use all my money this round on them uh what do I want oh yeah death rate increased that's more money or poison sprayers damage to Shields that's even a better choice right now okay so we have 1,700 Mana there's another one of these let's build it no let's not let's just upgrade this one with all my coins right there go University we got Robo Obi here Robo o ooie Augie ooie he's got three oo in him wow he's got so many hit points he's also dead so that's good news okay I don't like it when they have bosses that do that to us though can we are we making it through this things are getting slowed down and dying like right at the last second do we need another one or do we need more man our Mana Supply is so good I think we can build another one I think we can build it like right in here so it can attack both ways if something happens look at me using my thinker like my my brain juice uh bleeding enemies extra attack ooh destruction crit yep okay so right in here we're going to build this Obelisk on the top should be able to hit everything around let's get a Tesla how does that that doesn't reach we'll put that out here get poison sprayers in the way let's get a flamethrower in the way that should reach both sides so does that fumes more damage to Shields Shredder in here too we need some Frost keeps okay so it'll slow down there it'll slow it in there cool and I know those are all level ones but if I get money here we should be able to level them up the biggest thing I'm focusing on is just keeping my Mana alive I really could upgrade this stuff too which you guys are probably telling me to do I could use like another OB isks right in here cuz some of these are really getting big and just have that Obelisk only focus on Shield cuz we are upgrading the the obista shields too that actually work pretty well just a few little things to kill good how's this coming along I'm fine with this this boy is just zapping he's doing the zap over there oh that's so close oh wow okay we are getting the polygons now and they are regenerating health I feel like it's time to build up another base of this should we try to get an upgrade is that a boss nope that's just a weird looking walking tree creature watch this guy he's going to get right next to it and instantly evaporated let's do the slow but sure though cuz that increases the I thought that said some other kind of Crystal o I like this all right shoot I shouldn't have done that cuz I was going to build up an obelisk again yep I wanted that with like a frost Tower to slow everything down what I want is to be able to attack both sides here I'm just really concerned about everything just coming into here and attacking me I haven't even looked at that other side which I'm also concerned about cuz I need to upgrade this thing good news is we still have over 6,000 Mana at every second so we're not draining it down too quickly just this little bit extra right here being able to attack backwards like this uh that really softened it up coming over on this way oh we have a chest here too what kind of fun thing do we get in here more burn damage absolutely okay let's upgrade back here I want this thing to be nearest to death death and at this point it should be Health putting all of my money into here it's a big radius it's at the end so if anything makes it through it should nuke it pretty cool pretty quickly oh this is cool all right this is what I hate though we have these stupid like cubes and they're the ones that destroy me every flipping time I play this game but the problem has always been that I run out of mana and I've done everything I can to not run out of Mana today I just don't like that they teleport it makes everything so much slower oh okay I'm it's so tense to me I like how those ballistas have just been vibing the whole time just been hanging out here doing what they do best slowly leveling up they're The Unsung unsung heroes you have to hit the like button if you like these if you don't you're a monster and you know what happens to monsters we obliterate death Rays also this boy this is the exact reason here why I built this up because I felt dinguses like that are going to make it through oh also there's a tree let's sell that $1,400 and you didn't even give me anything fun it would be cool if we got a forest that'd be awesome right now what is this death raid pointing at he's shooting all of this oh it's the marked interesting okay we are getting a some of the shapes are making it not too many of them though that one got marked and instantly taken care of but the problem is they spawn other ones and that's the hard thing okay 10,000 money I want to upgrade again but I think since this thing goes here to the right I'd be a fool not to take this ooh plus three to Shields okay that means let's do a poison sprayer here I'm going to upgrade this to Shield damage I can do a slow Tower too I don't know what's going to be in here so it could turn immediately to the right and we miss out on this let's also grab a shredder up here just for funsies and we're going to have you target most health although most things have like Shields and stuff oh wow that is actually perfect okay we have a big six sense boss here I could put in a lookout and then I'll have you target the most health and then I'll have this guy guy go for the targeted again so that's going to single-handedly take out a really big almost really big boss and it didn't quite take it out on its own but it worked really well and they're getting damage over time so that's exactly what we can ask for especially since it needs to come back along this thing anyway Mana is still in good position I would like to upgrade in here to see what happens how's it looking over here I don't see anything happening back on that side so we're cool could this be the Run could this be the run my friends I don't even know I'm feeling confident but that's usually when I fail all right that wasn't hard I mean more crit chance of my my poison sprayers or bleeding takes plus ooh let's do the biochemistry that sounds funner oh and a treasure chest why is something dead there H okay uh-huh yeah we'll do this one all right I like this I don't even know what I use it for but now everything's bleeding so we have that going for us slow it down nuke it with the nuke beam this is exactly what we need right here that's looking very nice I am concerned over here still but not by much cuz this thing's not even working yet and I have like a whole buttload uhuh of money to spend on it 37 that should be cool it does work pretty quickly but some of these teleporters are really annoying doesn't matter though everything dies H what's this one okay we go blue to green green dies my goodness something made it past the death Tower of death this guy is not in good shape either all right we're going to have to follow this guy's life here o that was a good hit beautiful all right I need to I need to level this one up I think and this guy didn't even make it to this Tower so this has not even been used yet oh it just was used so excited I put a flame Tower up here too to put it on most armor and then level the beers out of this okay level 18 taking out the armor sending the fire Mana is still over 1,600 it's never really going down because we do get Mana back on every kill too there 3% of our total on every kill oh what 3% of 1,700 that's uh 21 + 30 50 what 510 no 51 51 back every time we kill something and there's been a lot of killing speaking of which this guy's annoying but he gone oh until he spawned a little weird clone thing of himself but he gone he's not gone yet you guys just are not cutting it right now I am disappointed immeasurably with you uh burn damage wow okay here's another idea why don't we put another Frost keep right in here so we have this one going then this one going and then this one going we're slowing it down the entire time they're going around this Corridor and then this one's here so they're slowed the entire time just giving our guys just a bit more time to destroy everything cuz some of these things are super fast too oh no a little green man just made it through dumb little green man why would you do this why did I level him up into that that was dumb it's okay this guy's going to have fun with him he's going to teleport right into the death ray aw saw blade for their win instead nope oh never mind there it is wow the death rate was actually needed this time I'm scared these are mostly Health damage too um we'll just wait I might need to change that why are there so many things here oh another boss what do I get this time yep we want this ooh we want more AR damage to armor especially with this guy he's a level 18 I mean 20 he's doing so much armor damage damage now this whole path is super strong okay more damage to Shields poison per second increase maximum by plus 100 H pandemic we are doing a lot of poison 180 my goodness I'm going to do another another Frost keep and another poison sprayer and another I don't even know is that a good idea that's expensive let's just do that I kind of want to expand on this one but I don't also I feel like this thing has just not done anything for me I got plus one Global Health damage sure use this one we're going to do Mage I'm going to waste all of my money oh 10,000 gold funding fundraisers Magic's 20 plus 26% we got three more levels left if I can just get more damage to Shields I'm super pumped about that all right we got another like octahedron now I'm not a fan of him I'm going to kill them all every one of them even the green ones all right this isn't so bad yeah we still have another whole station to get to nobody's made it anywhere on this path they're just so slow I really wish the forest tile would show up where there's like 15 trees on it that we could sell them get even more upgrades but no we have to do things the oldfashioned way I just like flame thrwing things to death that would be a painful way to go or the death rate that also be a painful way to go ooh more scholarships yeah more all yeah that one I put in a lot of money right here 26% chance I don't know why ah 7,000 I need I need more over here I'm scared about this whole situation marked let's just do uh-huh all the money right here I'll do I did I did one here are you proud of me I changed it up for the first time in a decade oh that guy just got wrecked why do I exist you don't exist I'm ending you okay that works that works really well it's slow it's painful it's deadly everything here is just dying and not teleporting I have 13,000 money I don't I'm honest I don't know what to spend it on the the biggest issue I feel like this is short but I mean this is already level 28 and this one here is level 37 should we just go for it make an absolute nuke Tower 47 sure oh wow and there's the end of this tunnel interesting the 12 really is a superior when you think what does that even mean really is a superior base oh base 12 instead of base 10 I a math joke my base is superior Superior than all of these doors works I think the strategy of having an insane amount of Mana is definitely a good one cuz then you can make a big base and not have to worry about it six per second yeah that works also I feel like I wasted every single penny that I put into the research things this level 47 Tower is just going bananas it's evaporating everything that comes by it o ooh something almost snuck away almost it didn't though oh somebody did get away you tell oh just about and his little friend came out see that's what I really don't like these stupid teleporting things there's a lot man frame rate actually dropped I've got a 4090 in this thing that's just a lot of particle effects happening in a little indie game but the good news is if I can handle this way then I just need to expand this path slightly oh wow okay things are making it in interesting well time to upgrade you my little friend we're going everything else into health because everything should be health related by the time you get here good good it's like a bug zapper I knew it there would would be a little Shield but it won't be much so all of the little things got killed but all of these stupid weird geometric shapes are still alive they are making it very far I need to upgrade this now I don't even know what to upgrade it in cuz it's kind of everything at this point is kind of health so why not full S I mean there are once they break down to another shape they have a little bit of other stuff but it should be pretty good yeah that's insane okay it's doing super well good we don't even have to worry about making it to the other one which is a level 59er or something stupid they I dropped a Niner in there you heard it just a little one just dropped the Niner this thing is still have stupid amount of hit points though my goodness look at that it's dead though okay more damage to armor I feel like this is the best way to go and is this the last level is 45 the last one it is look at that we only had two tunnels that's crazy usually they Branch into like 79 where's the bosses at we get bosses oh there's a boss what is that thing called edrin wonder what the dev's fascination with ugis is I don't even know what an ooie is other than like when somebody licks their pinky and puts it in your ear lugie oh that's the spit sorry I'll just be done talking about stuff like that right now and enjoy this that's what I'm going to do I'm going to enjoy the microwave of the enemies as they roll into my base or attempt to my goodness this Fella's got so many hit points plus it's a boss so it's going to split down into even more but it has to go bu this same one again if it doesn't get destroyed this time around every one of these ticks is a th000 hit points too oh there's a critical troll wow there's two of them I don't think that's going to be an issue though oh there's a lot of stuff look at the frame rate my goodness you guys might not be able to tell but I can okay it works stupidly well how things going back here is anyone making it in not really a couple of the green ones but we still have a level bajillion over here that should take my care of them and if it doesn't I can still upgrade it it's a level 30 should be fine our Mana Supply ooh I just saw 1,500 for the first time and if it doesn't kill him on this path it'll still hit him on the other way and this one is set to progress right no nearest death okay maybe I should set to progress we'll set it to progress also I can put a lookout over here and set that to progress so anytime anyone gets close to it it takes more damage all right where's the boss at do we get a boss oh they're still up here DOA ooie I I am a little bit concerned about this now I'm not sure why oh a treasure chest don't mind if I'll take care of that one right before we leave um my no we'll take that hey DOA ooie died oh that split into two more weird oh and then the two split into other two they won't last too long this little boy is he is doing the absolute work back here he's like I want to get every bit of Mana out that I can look at all those hit points there Mike I didn't realize I could zoom in that far okay they're making it around the corner this was never a big powerful area this was mainly just made to slow things down that's a level 15 19,000 almost everything has health so we're just going to Nuke the health out of it 39 yeah nobody's going to get by that Tower anymore my goodness these death rates are so strong oh it teleported hey it teleported take him out good job buddy good job it's like I'm talking to a cat you're playing with your toy did you want snacks need a belly rub don't bite my fingers I can't believe we did it how many times have I played this game how many episodes am I in on this game that I have there's an endless mode my goodness I don't even know how many times I've played but that was by far the best one I've ever done look at all this damage from the Obelisk my goodness I can't even read it monsters generated the most hm house protection banditry quite a bit on banditry deforestation I didn't lose you can lose gold weird the lookout did a lot of damage too why does the lookout is that just the multiplier for the Obelisk and I kind of wonder what would happened with the the particle Cannon you guys will have to let me know what you think of that but we have 1,700 XP to buy a whole bunch more of these I still want to get all of them wow there's so many things in here anyway my friends that'll do it for today hope you enjoyed this I really did I love this game so keep your stick on the ice we catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread dton SE scer Mr gripple one Pon pleas fussy badge missing sniper Len H Kyler J Nitro VR nitrox W H Auto da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cordo R La Warrior Keegan H zarof axer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer te whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 195,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, rogue tower, rogue tower blitz, blitz rogue tower, rouge tower, rogue tower gameplay, rogue tower game, rogue tower best base
Id: sceiJakIbLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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