I Built A Medieval Blacksmith house in Valheim, Here's How To Build it!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another video so I'm trying to get back into flow of dropping some more tutorial videos after being pretty much burnt out like charcoal from last year's high production videos when is the next one day episode not sure when that will be done so please bear with me today we're going to look at how to build this small blacksmith which you might have seen in a Timeless video released last year I twe design so that the top is accessible from the inside which was an issue with the original design hope you all enjoy the video before we start want to thank my patrons and YouTube members for keeping the channel going here are the materials you need to make this bill so the basic layout for the bill is four stone walls for the back and the front and three stone walls for the sides then you're going to extend the front by using a 2 m stone wall and the width of the front is going to be in total 4 M which is two 2 m stone walls so once you have the layout here so you're going to raise the walls of the structure uh for so in total should be four stone walls high so we got one right here and we're going to make sure that the walls are staggered so we're just going to place one M Stone here on each of these corners and then we just uh use 2 m Stone in the middle just to keep with the Stagger look go bit 1 2 three switch back to 1 M and back to 2 m Stone so this is the height that it should have once you're done so once the walls are all up you're going to grab your 2 m Stone and you're just going to place one right here and leave this opening here for your doorway so it should be three stone walls High uh big enough to hold the the wooden gate next what we going to do is that we're going to Mark out where our roof going to start so we're going to grab 1 M Wood we're going to place one to the side right here and another pokol like that do the same thing on this side another one pokol like this and you're going to repeat the same thing on the opposite side so one over here one over here and yes okay out it like that next what you're going to do is that you're going to oh just before I proceed we just need to add one here as well so let's put one right here one over here let make sure that's straight and should be all poking all like that so once that you have that the next thing you're going to do is that you're going to put one more row of stone here just make sure that it is staggered so one two three so Three Stones here and you're going to do the same thing over here and the next thing you're going to do is just grab your wood iron pole and you're going to go right in the corner here it's going to snap in nicely so you're going to place it Place one there Place one right here and this one uh you're going to place it and make sure that in line with the top of this stone wall which is the fifth stone wall then you're going to grab your iron beam and going to place one two and rotate it one two so pretty much making a 2 by two box just like this so once you have this in place next thing you're going to do is switch to your angle beams and it's going to be 4 to5 and it's going to bring BR this all the way up so got a triangle roof going so this side as well then you're going to do the same thing for the front to get the triangle uh look of it you're going to use your X I'm going to snap this in first switch back to 45° and aim right there it should snap right at the middle once you aim at the bottom do the same thing and it should goes in take the X and you have a nice little triangle there so the next thing we're going to do is that we're going to add a few more Stones right here so on this line we're going to add three more rows of stone so that's one going to make sure it's staggered one me stone over here here and two more Stone in the middle and this is our third row and that's three you're basically going to do the same thing here around this iron beam just going to add these in first and then we can add the 1 M Stone to the side so like that then add 1 M Stone here here so once you're done this is how it should look next area that we're going to focus on as you can see to the left side here where we're going to put our chimney so we're going to grab our heart and we're going to place it right here the next thing you're going to do is just grab a 2 m Stone and you're just going to aim at the wall there so where you see the snapping point it's going to overlap the heart like that and you're going to put a 1 M Stone like that to the front you're going to do the same thing on the other side so 2 m stone and a 1 M stone at the front what you're going to do is that you're going to make sure it's stagger just keep keep with that look and just fill it back here and then you're going to have one more Stone here one M Stone to the left to the right and then you're going to add a Stone Arch in the middle one to the left and one to the right for the front here just going to add a 2 m Stone just to kind of finish it off like like that next thing you're going to do grab your wood iron pole you're going to snap it in the corner right here so that's one and then you're going to add five more so 1 2 3 4 5 and next you're going to add your wooden wall so you're going to place 1 2 3 4 5 so you're going to do the same thing on the other side and for the front you're going to place a wooden wall and you're going to just go up one two three and then for the top what you're going to do is grab your wood iron beam and you're going to attach it to the side here all around the wooden walls like this switch over to your 2 m Stone you're going to attach these to the side of the iron beams like this and this is uh the basic look of the chimney you're going to grab your Coralwood and you're just going to snap these to the side all around the chimney here the final thing that we're going to add to the chimney here just to make sure that it's not affected by any rain as you can see we don't have any roof above it and the smoke is coming up but if there's a rain then we would be in trouble so you just place a stone floor right here what this is doing is uh finish up the front here but also half of the stone floor is hanging over the heart here so you just only need half of it to cover the heart to protected from the rain rain is Fallen half of it is covered so there is no problem with the fire you know going out on you and the smoke is able to come out with that little passage that uh that is there so next thing what we're going to do we're going to focus on the base of the house here so we're going to grab our cor wood first and we're going to focus on the corner and snap the cord right here it's creating a stepping point for to be halfway of the the stone here so it's going to pretty much be like A5 M so now you're going to place a 1 M beam right there take the cord out and then you're going to switch on over to the door and you're going to set it to Corner two to make it a lot easier for you it should be snapped to the side of of the wall here and you're going to grab your stone floor set it to the top top Flor is fine any of the top is fine and you're going to snap the floor in make sure it's in line with the door so yes you can see and you can now take the door and one M will beam out so once this is in place now the next thing is not going to be that simple you have to eyeball this one so you're going to start off with a 1 M flow you're going to place this right here and we're going to switch on over to or 2 m beam and we're going to manually place this in make sure it's in line with the the stone floor and you're going to pretty much line the The Beam with the 1 M floor on the ground there then you're going to switch back to your stone floor set the snapping point to top then you're going to snap this in like this so this one pretty much of the eyeball that snapping point point there but once you have this in place then it should be a lot easier to add so we're going to focus on the top here by adding uh the we use the door so corner for is fine so you can set it uh this way switch to the stone floor and then you're going to set the snapping point to top top Flor is fine make sure that the stone floor front the face and the door are pretty much in line just like this and you can pretty much carry this around so for around here so you can see that you don't have to do a snapping point cuz there's a little uh it's pretty much half half Gap right here before line with the stone wall here and then there's another half so you can use that to your advantage set a snapping point to top snap that in and then carry this around the the back here just like this you can leave this as is cuz we going to work out the workshop area for the blacksmith so for the next row Stone floor you're going to place a 1 M beam to the side of that and you're pretty much going to get like A5 uh overhang here you're going to grab your stone floor set the snapping point to top then you can snap that in and you can pretty much bring this around here for the corner here you're going to attach a 2 m beam and then you're going to attach a door so you're going to set snapping point to the side here switch to your stone floor set a snapping point to top you're going to make the back of the door there pretty much in line with the stone floor front right here and then you're going to bring this all the way down here and you can pretty much stop right here so basically you should have uh a little extra this about 1 uh5 M for both the the top and the second row here and then for the sides here it's a little bit about. 25 is what it should be now to get the the front here so what's going to happen is that there's a snapping point right here because of the the stone floor here overlapping the other one so you can see there's a little blue little blue stone there being highlighted there so it should snap in like that and then you can bring this over and then you're going to switch to your 1 M beam you're going to snap that in then you're going to switch back to your stone floor and snap it in line with the edge of the beam there here so you should be able to get the um the front of it looking like that what you're going to do is that I've placed the door right here make sure to set it to the uh one of the corners here and it should there should be a snapping point right here once you have done everything like I've shown previously you should have a be able to snap a door right here so you're going to use that to your advantage by setting this the stone floor stop and you're going to snap it in so the front of the stone here should be that that line should go through the middle of this door like this so there's two always do snapping point one is in the middle and one over to the end so just make a note of that when you're snapping it in and then we bring this around and for this side here we're going to attach a 2 m beam to the side and place a door to the to this Edge once that is in you can switch back to your stone floor set it to top snapping point this time you're going to make this front of the stone floor right here be in line with the back part of the door here so as you can see so you're pretty much aiming for like a25 uh um length there this is5 and this is just half of that and that is how it should look and you can just carry that into the the wall here and you can pretty much do the same thing uh you can connect this pretty easy it's still5 and then you can do the same thing here that's uh 25 there and you can carry about here and we're going to proceed after later on to work out the whole area Workshop area so the next thing what we're going to do here so we're going to focus on the front here and also the roof so you're going to grab your 2 m stone wall full this area here Place one M Stone to the side grab a 2 m Stone fill that in take that 1 M Stone out and your front should look like this add your 45° beam here and uh here and then you're going to switch on over to your 45° roof jingles and you're going to place one right over there and one right here you're going to place one M beam here and here so creating a snapping point this right here so you're going to get the roof eye Corner 45° and you can snap this here by setting the bottom center find that snapping point if it goes into the stone that is fine it will will not show on the other side so you can do the same thing here on the other side and fill the roof out also to get this uh properly snapped in so that it doesn't go into the chimney and cause a problem for the smoke to vent off properly set the snapping point to Center for the X then you can place the roof shingle one right here and then you should have one that's attaching to the side right here and a little bit of it overlapping the other roof shingle like this you can take the X out and then you can put your 45° beam set it's snpp point to top so you can get that in easy so you can repeat the step on the other side and fill the rest of the shingo roof so we're still focusing on the the base of the structure here we're just going to add some detail before we start the top so just going to grab your 2 m beam uh prefer to have the edge of the beam facing me so let put one over here you can switch to one M beam just to do the bottom set the snapping point to top we can snap these in pretty easy and put a beam at the top of the doorway like that for the sides here going to add a beam here and another Beam on here the same thing here now I like I I like to have the uh front pop some more so with the the new snapping points you can set it to bottom and you're going to do is just pretty much aim hold down on shift key and just kind of position it kind of push it back let's make make sure that you're aiming at the ground there and you should be able to snap this beam in so it should not be too much uh uh front that's the maximum I could I could go and just snap one over on top of that and then we can do the same thing on the other side let's make sure it's in line with the beam at the back snap that in and snap that in and for the top here cuz I like to hide the little flaw of the stone showing and give the the some depth add some more depth underneath the roof so just manually placing this in and just hold let's make sure just to position it and line up properly just look at the center here just make sure you have the the triangle is pretty much in line at the top it's pretty much in line with each other so that's going to you may have to play around with that just make sure that it's in correctly and let snap these 1 M beams in like that grab your 1 M uh wooden wall and just set it to top one so you can get that snap in easy for you do the same thing here you're pretty much going to like switch to the half wall and the snap these at the base here going around the base of the the blacksmith so once you have that in you're going to switch over to your 2 m beam just Place one more right here and switch to your 1 M beam rotate it one time going into the wall like that rotate one time on the other side and you should have your front of your blackm looking like [Music] this okay so once you have added the detail here so just like I did with the front have done here uh you can just add the same thing with the uh beam the edger this facing you just make sure just push that in as far as you can and just go all the way over that as far as you can and all way up that so there's going to be a window so we going to take these out so get that out for that and with the one M Stone so your window should be this this big pretty much nothing fancy what we're going to do is that we're going to add some little detail to the window here so you're going to grab your door and you going to place it uh Center it so you have a snapping point that is pretty much the center of the stone here so you can snap this beam in like that and you can do the same thing here on the other side you can take the door out and you're going to do is you're going to place a 1 M beam here and you're going to place a cool wood uh right here so you can get a snapping point up top uh Place another one M beam over on the other side so that we can get that in as well so you're going to place a dragon Ador so you just grab your dragon adornment and you're going to try to snap that in right at the top here so it give you a nice little snapping point there you can do the same thing on the other side and it gives you a nice Arch uh we try to redo this side here placing the corwood back in so let's make sure that it's um it's in there properly let set it to the top oh perfect bottom uh that's better and then we can try to position this properly and should be good so once you have that in so your window should look like this so far so you can grab your 2 m beam here just finish the bottom here and also the OT part of the window we just do the sides here rotate it two times through the edge I like to do that and do the top and yes finish up the top here and another beam right above the other beam there it's kind of overlapping each other place one here and place the other one M beam right here going into the wall just like that so you have like a nice little Arch a square top or arch in the middle and then we can fill that and we just set in a iron cage just like that any your window looking like this not too fancy just simple put a 1 M beam to side here and another to that side and you can if you want to add shutters in this Place one two and three like that and you can just leave it as is or if you want to go uh extra mild you can add window ledge by using the 1 M floor and just rotate this can switch around the snapping point so that you can get it in as easy as possible and that is it for this side so the next thing that we're going to focus on is our little workshop area here so once you have the little Stone floor here coming uh to this point here so we're going to use this one so you're going to take the snapping points here just aim right here rotate it two times so one two to two and then you snap that in and then you're going to snap one more Stone floor beside it like that then for right here it's going to rotate it one time in like that and then you're going to place one right here and another so two then you rotate this one time one two this is going to be our entrance so you can put the stone stairs right here and right here and switch back to the stone floor set it to top again so we're going to rotate it one time in just make sure it's one time and just place two right here one more time two right here and basically just rotate this two times so that it is going in like that so it's like one two and three so it should look like this so far nice little Arch here for the back here so whenever you carry this the top row here to the back here so this last one here where it's up this wall and it's going it's pretty much touching the chimney so this one you're going to snap another Stone floor right beside it like that and then you're going to bring this straight across there and once you're done once you have this filled out you can just uh fill this area out with stone floor and also you can fill the inside with the stone floor as well using the same level uh that is pretty much uh spilling over from outside so this can just fill this all up so the next thing that we're going to do is that we're going to add a little open roof um add open roof concept here for a workshop area and we're going to do is one two place a Corde right here one two place a Corde right here and you're just going to connect [Music] these right in the middle so it's going to overlap each other so that is fine and then to the back here what you're going to do is that you're going to check one 2 3 and four and then place a code right here and then for over here you're going to pretty much do the same thing so grab your me beam 1 2 3 4 and then place a Corde right here then you can just connect these two sides like that now what you're going to do is just fill these in just add a 2 m beams like this you're pretty much going to go straight across and down you will have a um uh it's going to be different here you will bring the beams here going across but none of these going to go this way so you're just going to have a a little um rectangle box so just going to connect these let's go all connect it like that so once you're done adding that you're going to grab your 1 M beam and just going to connect one in the edge here other if we go that direction and you're pretty much doing this all around the the structure here uh it's just that the middle will be different but you just do the rest as is for the front here it's going to be a little bit different here so you're going to add these uh 1 M beams here let's make sure that that it's connected properly you're going to grab grab your cood and just snap it out the front here one right here and then you're going to add another cood uh another 1 M beam which not like that once you have that in place you can switch on over to your shutters you're going to attach it to the side right here go with and actually not here but actually to the side here pretty much going to have a snapping Point here for the because of the stone floor uh so you can add this in cuz I put an upside down wall and a right side of angle 26° wall to create this design and then you can just SN these in and just going of bring this around and bring that to the side here you pretty much can you can stop right there and for this side you just do the same thing let's go in line with this Stone let's car this line here and you can you can choose to stop right here if you wish and what you're going to do is that you can choose to whatever you're going to use uh the forge that you're going to use if it is going to be a smelter or the blast foress uh it's all whatever you prefer so just going to put one right here and another right here and then you can put your Killin in this area here so just grab a Killin and just Place one below here and one beside it above there and finally for the front here we just going to add a core wood to create a snapping points to add these Dragon adoran so we're just going to position them uh so that you can get a nice little Arch here at the front and we can take these out and that is pretty much it for the work area so we're going to focus on the top of the structure now the next area we're going to work focus on is the top of the a house here so we're going to grab our Darkwood Arch and we're going to connect it to the sides here set this snapping point to top inner so you can put two on each side set in the different direction so one in that way the other so basically doing all them like this once you have all the Arches added so you're going to grab your 1 m 1 M floor you're going to aim right here uh and snap these in between the two arches just make sure that s set it to the edge here so it makes it a lot easier for you to get that in if you're having problems like I did with over there and next you're going to do is just to get a 1 M beam just connected to the sides here here and here and once you have that connected then you just connect a beam going across like this so you're just going to do this all around the structure next thing what you're going to do is that you're going to grab your corwood and you're just going to place it on the corns of each of the so you should have four then you're going to grab your Darkwood Arch and you're going to place these on top so just like we what we did at the bottom there so make sure that it's sna in properly next thing what you're going to do is that you're going to grab your 1 M floor and you're going to set it to the edge so you can snap these in Easy just like what we did at the bottom and once you have the all of these added you're going to switch to your half wall and just set it to the the the bottom bottom two is fine and then just rotate it snap it to the edge there and you're just going to bring this all the way across so doing this all around the structure so once this is in place you can switch to your uh roof Corner the O piece there you going to snap these to the corner like this just aim right there right at the edge just get all these in now once that is in you able to put the um the shingle roofs pretty easy and we going to set this sniping point to bottom bottom fine set it to top whichever I makes it a lot easier for you to snap these in so just pretty much doing this around all around and you going to fill this up uh just by bringing this all the corners up like this and add the roof shingles and then for the top here you just going grab a shinger roof Ridge and just snap it in like that now there's one thing I want to um point it out in the inside here which we're going to add our sters going up so we first get grab or or ladder we just going to snap it right here so it should should find a snapping point right here and then you're just going to put like a 1 M uh floor and then you're going to put another ladder right here you're going to add a 1 M floor here and one beside it and then you're going to add a ladder going up like this then we're going to add another set of 1 M stairs right here and here and another ladder going up and then right here is going to be a little bit different so you get grab your one L wood and for this side right here we going to grab your 26° steers you're going to switch the snapping point to the the the bottom there and then half of the stairs goes into the the stone it's not going to show on the other side not to worry and it's going to be on the same floor level as everything up here so let's make sure that this is snapped in properly great so you're able to go down the stairs smoothly so just make sure to uh leave some space here some headro space so it's going to fill this to about here that should be no needs to push back a little bit it so just going to grabb our 1 M uh beam uh floor and just fill this area out use one M floor right here and here that should be enough space for you and we got good head clearance there and you just can fill all of this out using the wooden floor another thing I wanted to point out that these little gaps here where the stone uh I didn't show where the stone didn't go up any further after putting the the layout here uh leave this gaps here so you can add some little chest storage cuz it's pretty much of a tiny build so you want to make use of every space that is there and uh yeah just want to point it out that the windows for this uh top structure here so first you're going to grab your shutters and you're going to place all of these to the sides here so you're going to focus on this side this side and this side the back here you're just going to fill this out just using regular wooden walls just add these let's fill this out using this but for these the the other three sides you're just going to add the shutters on the sides here on here so you're just going to carry this all the way all the way up okay so now that we have all the pieces to the side here uh added so we're going to focus on the window how we going to shape this up so going to focus on this middle beam here so you're going to grab your door and just going to set the snapping Point here to the edge uh one over here and this one over here so that we are able to snap in the shutters in the middle so you're going to snap one so you're going to snap it in a way where it is yep just focus on this pole here for the shutters so it should like the door should be kind of running right through the middle of it and the same thing for the other side pretty much and you just just going to go all the way up with this piece here and just do both sides just because of the the wooden beam wooden pole that is showing and what you next you're going to do is that you're going to grab your core wood I'm just going to make a a little uh 5 m snapping Point here so Place one over there Place one right there and then you're going to grab your dragon dormant and just rotate it snap it right right in there make sure it's rotated properly so it's supposed to be straight there we go and then we just do the other side and there we go we get a nice looking Arch at the top here so just going to do the same thing for the other two sides here and adding these arches at the top so now that all the windows have the Arches and the next thing you're going to do is that you're going to grab your iron cage you're going to place one here so the the width of the Wind windows are pretty much like a 2 m and uh 25 uh yeah so that's why you have that little space there so you're going to place this kind overlap in the other cage it's nice and easy and just fill this out here just do the same thing over here and let place this up top and once that is in because these little shutters the the poles are not straight so just to make sure that it looks good I am going to place some beams here so just going toate a set a snap point to bottom and just carry this all the way up to the top like that so bottom all the way up like that so that it looks know a lot better and just do the same thing here and out here so we're just going to do all the windows and once that is done you can just add a bit of a window ledge here if you want just one Center to centered and just find the snapping points here let's rotate that in and one right there so you can do for all the windows just one right here rotate that in and one right there nice so once you have all of that in place the next thing you're going to do is that we're going to place a beam in the center of each of these windows that we have here so you're going to grab your door and it's going to look for the snapping point so you're going to see right here with the crease of the beam that you're going to use that as a a snapping Point here so you're going to snap a door right here uh set at the corner for so it can rotate in and place another one beside it like that and then grab your pole and then you should be able to get a snapping point there for the center and you just get carry that all the way up do the same thing for the the other side got a snapping point there I use Corner two this time so I can snap to this side here and then snap another door beside it switch back to the wooden pole it should get a snapping point there through the middle then we just grab a 1 M be and just connect to the sides here and kind of connect them here to get get it filled out properly it's going to have a little space there so just want to make sure that it looks all good and you pretty much can go inside and take the the doors out and to finish it off we can add some shutters we can add some right here to the side let's make sure that that's SN in properly so oh that that's okay that's okay we'll just do the other side here and you are good to go so you can do this for the other windows so right onne here of the the structure we're going to place a half wall let go across like this and just uh fill this side here right here and pretty much leave the middle as is and do the side to this side let bring this CR like that and that should be that should be it that is it hope you had fun building this and don't forget to always aspire to inspire peace
Channel: Versaugh
Views: 9,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blacksmith, valheim blacksmith, valheim, versaugh blacksmith, medieval
Id: cBwsMCR2wks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 20sec (2180 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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