I built a house in The Sims but each room is a different stuff pack

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i'm not sure if this idea that i have is even really possible like i don't think this house is going to be functional i doubt it'll have a bathroom i doubt it'll have a kitchen but you know what it's okay we're gonna try that each room is a different pack challenge but only use stuff packs there are 16 stuff packs soon to be 17 but nifty netting isn't out yet so it doesn't count many of them are weird and bad i'm looking at you luxury party stuff but we're gonna try and build a house and obviously theme it based off of that now the issue is that um some of them don't have windows and doors so we're gonna have to maybe spin until we get one that we can actually use for the exterior because in this challenge if the item doesn't exist then we don't use it if i spin like romantic garden stuff for the bathroom then i'm sorry you're not getting a toilet but we do need to at least have a door so for the exterior i might spin until we get one we can actually use i'm going to use james turner's random pack generator you can remove packs from this so i've turned off all the expansion and game packs i actually spun one to test it and i got mosquito stuff which is sort of what we needed to get for the exterior because we need to have windows but i'm gonna spin now and we'll see what we get you can't use spooky stuff for the outside it doesn't work it doesn't have any windows let me try again we're just gonna sit here and spin again and again and again until fitness does fitness stuff have windows oh no i think it might we might be doomed this is gonna be a disaster of a video they have a door and we've got two window options oh boy so we can use fitness stuff for the exterior of the house but you know what we can't oh wait they've got a plant is that a mirror or yeah it is i couldn't tell if it was a mirror if it was see-through i couldn't see i couldn't tell yeah we could build the exterior of a house with just fitness stuff all right well that's the beginning the beginning of the end i don't know what to make it look like but do you get the concept where each room has to be a different pack we're gonna do the outside first because we have to use fitness stuff so now we know but then we're gonna do a floor plan and then spin for each room it'll be okay it'll be fine we also have to use really tall walls i think because we have like very limited window options which is not good what if hang on what if the first floor was medium wall height and the second floor was tall and we just made it like a box i'm sorry i know it's really ugly i just don't know how to like i don't know how to do this oh i didn't even put my headphones in how am i supposed to game it's my bad sorry everybody do we have columns oh this is gonna be so bad i don't know how to build this house i really want it to be good like i really really want it to be good it just isn't i also don't know what colors to use like if i use green is it going to be green on the inside too is there a fence that came with fitness stuff no okay okay truthfully i i don't know how much more we could do i like i don't know what else there is just mean we can't landscape it either we might have to let ourselves have some creative liberties here okay so what i'm doing because roofing obviously we don't have you know roof textures so we have to use the base game for this i wanna have like another thing here really badly like i want the house to be a little bit bigger so i'm just gonna do that do you see what i mean like we put a glass roof in we don't need to have windows on this part of the house you don't need to have windows in the front that's okay see that's that's big brain stuff right there um it's not good but it could be better oh i didn't even think about wallpaper on the outside oh no oh no i know there's wallpaper and fitness stuff right oh yeah we've got two okay that's good we can go for this like dark brick color maybe the whole main building can be that and then the side could be like oh let's make it super dark that's exciting oh there's not any windows in the back we'll figure that out once we do the floor plan we can we can do that later i made this house small because i figured like it was only a stuff pack house and we didn't have like a ton of options so are there not any floors does that mean this has to be okay we can at least change the color of the default concrete i think it has to stay the default concrete but we can at least change the color of it right i hate this house it's just not good how about that we get like a big old plant next to it or this could go over here it's decorative it's on purpose yeah oh we could put we can put rugs i think i will just so i can use more fitness stuff yeah i'm not sure what i'm doing anymore i think i think the outside should just be done we can always add more windows once we do the floor plan i feel like we gotta prioritize figuring out the floor plan first though okay so this will be the living room like right there we'll have a kitchen and a dining room i'm trying to rethink this i'm not sure how to do it oh i forgot how tall the stairs have to be oh no okay well kitchen dining room this can be um another living room or something a study we'll figure it out we've or we could always make like the kitchen dining be together in this space this could be a study and a bathroom maybe that's a good idea i don't know we'll figure it out upstairs is going to have two bedrooms and another bathroom and then a hallway that's not bad okay let's uh put some more windows in just so it's less sad there can at least be a window in the back right yeah that's not that unreasonable okay sure all right i'm gonna put some lights in these are these are just filler lights because people can't see with it being so dark so purely for the youtube video i'll leave some base game lights in but i'll delete those once we're done with the rooms i just don't want you to not be able to see anything you know okay let's spin again i'm gonna disable the fitness stuff pack we don't want to spin it twice last time i did this i just didn't disable anything because i thought it was funny to spend more than once and all the comments like oh my god kayla you can remove packs and i knew i could i just didn't on purpose for fun but it's okay i'll do it i'll do it for you bowling night stop all right that'll be the living room i was gonna do this room first so oh and what i forgot to do is put in archways this is necessary all the doors can be base game into the rooms we need to have doors so we don't have much choice otherwise we just have none and that wouldn't be good maybe i'll pick a less ugly one all right this room is the bowling night stuff room okay we don't have many options we can do like a fun brick somewhere that'll be really nice the rest of the room can have like you know this what are the flooring options oh no oh no i think i have to make it as dark as possible oh god okay it's fine everything's fine the lighting is also really terrible from this because it's like very uh downward like it doesn't spread out to the sides i guess there's big windows in here so it looks better but it's really not good okay what if we got like a huge bowling thing on this wall i was gonna put a tv in here but i guess we don't get a tv anymore i guess they just don't deserve one that's okay that's really nice rug i should use this rug more often that really does look good i think we can make a nice room with just the bowling stuff pack i don't even think it looks like a super weird bowling room we gotta change the colors obviously of some things but but i don't think you'd look at this and think it was like a weird bowling room you know should i put a bowling poster on the wall is that too much we just said it didn't look like a weird bowling room and then i add this bowling poster and it suddenly becomes a weird bowling room i think that's fine i wish we had like a plant or something you know what that's a nice room that could have been a lot worse okay let's do this room next i don't really know what that room's going to be i guess we'll see movie hangout stuff what this is going to be like a study room right because this is going to be the kitchen and dining room i guess this could be a study room we could make this into the tv room if we wanted to is there even oh wait oh no is there even movie hangout wallpaper we can't have wallpaper or flooring oh no you see what i mean do you see what i mean and the curtains are too small for the window oh god yeah maybe it shouldn't be a tv room maybe that won't work it doesn't exactly fit very well it's it's like a little bit like a tiny bit too big for the room so what do i make the room then just more chairs i i mean i guess what if we put rugs like in the entire room because we can't have flooring so we just cover it with rugs that overlap in weird ways yeah that's my flooring everybody yeah yeah desperate times call for desperate measures oh maybe we could make this the dining room cause we can put the table and chairs this is probably a good chance for us to make a dining room just in case we don't get dining table and chairs in the next room let's make this one the dining room we gotta do what we can while we can i always thought these candles were so ugly they're just so big sure would be nice if i had wallpaper though huh it's okay i didn't want it anyway i i prefer it without wallpaper i think it's just a beautiful you know industrial sort of look i'm a big fan yeah it's totally on purpose so yeah i hate this room it's terrible like really bad it's okay okay so now we need to have a kitchen and a bathroom so we better hope we get packs that have those things in them actually i just realized that the only stuff pack that had a bathroom set was fitness stuff and we already spun that so what i'm learning right now is that we're not going to have a bathroom i didn't want one i i think that bathrooms are dirty and for losers personally so i don't support the existence of bathrooms i'm taking a firm stance right now i am opposed to bathrooms do the next one i'm stressed tiny living wait wait tiny i was just i lied well we don't have we don't have a shower but we do have we do have a toilet and a sink oh thank god toilet sink mirror even like a bathroom decoration we don't have like a shower or tub or anything but that's better than nothing oh oh you know what else we don't have is flooring or wallpaper oh no it's okay the rug fits perfectly the rug was like made for this i was ready for this moment we can at least put some cute things in here you know like if we can't have a floor we could at least have some candles maybe a painting of a leaf how about this thing yeah that's really good do we just leave it like is that done surely it can't be well like what else you oh the lighting has to change that's right but again what else are you gonna put in there like there's not much other option oh i guess we could hang on what if we tried to get a dresser because i'm not sure if we'll have a dresser for the other rooms so now's a good time for us to like just make sure you know that when we get there we'll be able to have something there's at least a dresser somewhere and a bookshelf see i cover in the bases here that's great that's great oh the pattern too this is terrible all right let's do the next room we better hope and pray for a kitchen i don't even think i mean our option is literally just cool kitchen stuff so i mean it's possible fingers crossed watch it give me like my first pet stuff or something i don't have high hopes for this laundry day stuff okay well you can't cook with laundry day stuff but uh yeah we'll make it work this is fine yet again though you know what we don't have is flooring or walls i didn't even think about that when i came into this challenge i was like we're not gonna be able to get a toilet or a fridge i didn't even consider the possibility of no walls especially not to like this extent we got lucky that we got bowling night stuff like we were lucky to have those walls i'm getting this giant plant because i can i mean all things considered this flooring could have been worse like that rug is acceptable i feel like we don't have like counters or anything i was gonna put the washer and dryer and then counters on either side but we don't have counters so we can't oh man this isn't going how i wanted it to i was gonna put like a half wall in right there but i'm not sure if that's a good idea because we can't paint it or anything but you know what it's better than nothing this is a good opportunity to have some cute flowers maybe some baskets right we can have like three different laundry bins you know for uh colors whites and delicates you know what i mean see we're living it up here with our really fancy laundry room or maybe we could hang on what if we aimed instead of making the whole space laundry let's let's be less dramatic okay what if instead we can put like this thing over here because i did like that thing we could have like a little living room space because we do have these you know wicker furniture pieces which i don't like that much but you know what it's better than nothing is there even like a side table though no there's not a side tape what are you supposed to do with this house i'm putting this here what did they think i was gonna do with this place has anyone ever used these i've never used these things because the swatches are so bad i'm trying to put a lot of things on the walls to hide the fact that we don't have wallpaper i think i did an okay job with that i hate this room that's the worst one so far next and we still don't have a kitchen all right ready go spin just give me i don't even care just give me something please give me something my first pet are you kidding me we can make a kid's room we can do a kid's room with this you know what we don't have wallpaper or flooring that's okay i we've accepted this we're just not gonna have oh there's not a bed wait i forgot because the bed that matches is from cats and dogs oh my god maybe we should make the hallway then be my first pet stuff are we even gonna have a bedroom in this house the more i think about this the more stressed out i feel i'll just do this room i don't care we'll just we'll do something we'll make it work this is the cat's room i'm feeling so betrayed right now like genuinely so betrayed by my own game i did this to myself but like look at this room i don't you can't even make it better than this it's just gonna be like this like it's all you can do wait is there even any lighting oh oh no well we have lamps this is really a disaster in so many ways i just want to do the next room please please give me wallpaper maybe even some floors i want to have more than one room that actually has a floor coloring come on come on give me something good please please please please what am i meant to do with perfect patio stuff wait perfect patio has counters what if we made the hallway the kitchen okay hang on it's also got a grill so we can put the grill like on this side the door is sort of in the way but it's okay and we can't have a fridge but that's okay too oh and there isn't a sink it's not as uh genius as i thought it would be watch us get cool kitchen that's the problem like watch the next pack be cool kitchen stuff and then we have like this weird room but i think that it's it's smarter for us to like count our blessings and give at least some way for the sims to cook while we still can oh wait this is great look because we can put like um you know because we don't have a fence i mean there actually is a fence that came with perfect patio stuff but i do like the idea of having this in here so we can do that get some like cute decorations you know it'll be great there's even plants yeah i think we lucked out here i don't think i've ever used these floor stars we don't have flooring but we have floor stars that's good yeah that's nice does it light anything up oh it does oh good maybe i'll start using those maybe i'll start using the floor stars and this is a light too so we can put that there we've got like these things you know yeah that looks good that looks great see i probably would have been better off using this fence next to this instead of the the plants but i really like the plants no it makes more sense to use the fence fine fine i guess fine you know what i really thought this would be better i always say that when i make these videos but like i really didn't think it was gonna be this dumb come on we only have two rooms left give me something i can work with please please please romantic garden stuff romantic garden stuff that's not a bedroom or a bathroom it's also got no walls what do you think i should do about this like the furniture options with this pack they don't it doesn't it doesn't make sense like what am i gonna do put a picnic table in here like i feel really disappointed i don't even know how to make a room with this like i don't know what to do can we call romantic garden stuff the backyard can we do the backyard with romantic garden stuff maybe that's fair i think that's allowed i'm decorating the backyard with romantic garden stuff i have officially decided that this is what i want to do and so i will do it i just really want to be able to have like some chance at having a real room inside i don't even know what we would use like there's nothing here that would fit and i like literally it wouldn't fit it's not even an exaggeration like what are you gonna put a wishing well all right the kids get a play space i hate the flowers from this pack i think they're so ugly how are you even supposed to use these things terrain paint is allowed okay i've decided that terrain paint is allowed if it wasn't we'd be doomed beyond doomed i think this pack kind of sucks i've i've realized now i don't think i ever loved this pack but now that i think more about it i really dislike romantic garden stuff feeling a lot of rage towards it right now it's not its fault just you know i mean look at what it's made me do how about we get this guy over here there you go okay let's try and spin again for the inside please please give me something i can work with please i just want a bed please no no no please okay it's fine we have toddler stuff we'll use toddler stuff this pack kind of sucks too what are you supposed to do with this and yet again no wallpapers and no floors what do you know please i just need something i can work with i can put some balloons i can put some pillows i can put a slide i can't even put a slide it doesn't even fit oh my gosh i literally can't even put a slide what if it was like angled like that can your sims no your sims can't even walk around that we literally can't have a slide what's the point okay well there's a toy box and some balloons and this guy and you know what i'll put another grill because what if there's no way to make food in this house we gotta do what we can can you tell that i've given up why does this always happen oh lighting oh no is this the only light option you're kidding okay well we raise up some of these i think that's the best i can do it doesn't even light up the room you can't even see in there maybe that's for the best yeah no last room i can't believe this this is a stupid challenge okay let's turn off toddler stuff and generate the next one come on give me a bed i just want a bet there's not a bed in mosquito stuff you can't even sleep here i guess our only option was was vintage glamour so it's okay and we didn't get luxury party stuff so like it could have been worse i just i didn't really think this challenge through before i started doing it so i'm getting upset i don't know if you can tell but i i'm so i it's fun that it's bad it is fun that it's bad it's just sad really sad you know what we do have is wallpaper yes finally thank you oh my god okay we don't have flooring though but we do have wallpaper which is a first well it's a second but you know after everything we've been through i'm i'm really really pleased about this wallpaper situation i'm not gonna bother with the rugs it's a small room it doesn't fit them it's not worth it yeah that looks really good i don't know it's a studio maybe a cat lives here by itself that's why the cat has a bedroom and it's a photographer and it's friends of the toddler who comes over and hangs out sometimes and the cat because it's a cat it doesn't really understand that humans need like you know to cook so it doesn't have a real kitchen the cat just thinks that all you need is laundry so it prioritized that and you know what sure you couldn't shower here but there are sinks there's laundry there's grills there's a table there's a living room like you could sleep on the sofa technically your sims could fill all their needs here they just wouldn't be happy but that's not my problem i need to go i'm not putting this on the gallery there's literally no point this isn't good you can rebuild this box yourself if you like the shape of it just just get me out of here okay just something about this challenge that really it's fun but it hurts it hurts so bad [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 957,447
Rating: 4.9587708 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, sims challenge, build challenge
Id: qKEWrOFfsI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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