Spinning a Wheel to Decide My Sims Build

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on my channel recently I've been doing a lot of like wheel spin besides my Sims like live doom that type challenges right where I have this wheel that I spin it has options like kill your Sam divorce your husband cheat on your boyfriend have a baby like all these things and then I spin the wheel and whatever it lands on happens to my sin in that episode and it's been so much fun to do and you guys been asking me to release a challenge like that but it's really hard to release rules to a challenge that changes every episode I'll put like five things on the wheel and I just do it every part and it's hard to like make rules that are official for you guys to play that way but you can do it in a build challenge and so today I've created a set of rules for a wheel spin decides my build challenge so we're gonna spin a wheel decide like the size of the lot a number Sims they're gonna live there what the house is gonna look like and then we're gonna create the build based on what the wheel tells us to do and like I said the rules are linked down below so any of you guys can put us at home it also works with any amount of packs if you have the base game only you can still play it you have to adjust a few things as there is a role where you can pick how many packs using the build but if you don't have any pack just don't spin for that you know but without further ado let's pull this up here we have the wheel spin build challenge like I said it's a Google Doc so it's linked down below but step one you come on here we're gonna spin for a lot size the world we're gonna play in the budget of the house the size of the house like how many sims would live there's how many bedrooms we need the style of it the color scheme pack limitations also a funky room to include so there's like 11 things we got a spin here to determine what we're gonna do and then we're gonna go ahead and jump into the game and get started but obviously because of the fact that like wheels aren't very practical to just have an everyday use we're gonna use a number generator to do this if you just Google number generator it comes up with this and it works great all you have to do is change the max for how many options there are for that category so I was gonna spin for a lot size with only 5 options so I change it to number 5 and I just generate a number and then I I pick that one so number 3 what are we gonna do a medium lot but we're not gonna have that didn't count that wasn't the real spin okay we're not ready yet that's all you have to do it's really simple I'm gonna spin a wheel on the video for comedic effect you could always spin a wheel if you wanted to also but it's way harder to make a wheel for each of these than it is to just make a number generator so it's called a wheel spin but is it really a wheel spin anyway all that dumb stuff aside we to spend some wheels as you can see in that game already I play it for the world's only Willow Creek Oasis Springs at new crest cuz I want to build in like one of these right now but if you wanted to build it any other ones you could always change the rules that you're playing with to have all of the world options if you have them all I just didn't really want to build them like stranger Ville so I didn't put Surinder drill on my wheel right now but we have three options for the world plenty of lot size options and everything so I'm gonna go ahead and spin that wheel for our lot size number one is tiny number two is small threes medium before is big and five is huge okay we got tiny twenty five fifteen or twenty by twenty lot I put both options I figured like not every world has all the lot sizes so I have like tiny can be 20 20 by 15 or 20 by 20 but I think I'll go for a 20 by 15 I kinda want to make a really small house this could probably end badly for me but we'll see what happens and then we'll spin for the world as well number one is Willow Creek 2 is a waste of Springs and 3 is new crest I don't even know why I'm acting like I'm scared this isn't a big deal ok we got new cress not bad I'm so used to in my other let's play when I spin wheels to be like oh god what's it gonna be but like that's when you're like am I gonna cheat on my husband and not like am I gonna build a new crest you know like oh god not new crest it's not a big deal since it's just a world ok so I'll pick a 20 by 15 lot and new crest our options are a bit limited but I don't know should we go to the left or the right hole boy I think I might pick this one I don't know it doesn't really matter I guess but we'll pick this one sure I like how has a sidewalk on both sides to be fair because we could put like a cool back entrance to the back garden oh nice fun yes ok number three is a bit scarier this is our budget spin so we could end up having a house that's worth 20k 35k 50k 75 K or a hundred K I hope I don't get a hundred thousand Somalian 20 by 15 lot because that would be so cool for 75 K it's kind of an expensive house for a 2515 lot I guess if our budget is 75 K it doesn't actually have to be worth 75 K because that would be dumb so we just can't use more than 75 K that's totally fine and now we're gonna spend for the number of Sims that we need which kind of changes this whole game because we could either get one to two sims 3 Sims 5 Sims 6 Sims or 8 Sims and now keep in mind we picked a 20 by 15 lot so if we get like eight six I don't know how we're gonna make that happen but luckily we have a fair amount of money so if you'll be a little oh we should be okay let's spin I'm kind of nervous for real this time because I really don't want to get a chance right that's this is the worst day of my life I don't want to make a house for eight Sims on the 2515 okay it's fine all right so we're gonna make a household with eight Sims in it might as well create a new sin you know maybe we can make grandma well let's pick the bottom option for all of her story cuz this kind of could decide what we end up doing for our household you know like what the are you event are you serious freak I don't okay can I just like pretend that didn't happen oh no wait she disappeared that's so weird I wonder how that happened grandma just like disappeared I don't know listen I know I'm doing a wheelspin house but I'm not doing a vampire house okay oh good evil look good I kind of like his beard okay Oh criminal with the herbalism logic and um that's it skills also with high starting funds which kind of makes sense for our story but his name's gonna be Devon Irving ooh I like that sag oould family name all right I'll just give him I don't know I think he's a pretty classy looking guy yes there you go Gramps looking good I might meet grandma also I mean this is kind of fun making random Sims just to see what happens to the story and here we have grandma I don't want to give her outfit so I'll just randomize it for her luck oh she's a doctor Wow Julie oh she looks like a Julie I like her glasses maybe grandma can wear a sweater dress oh I love Julie she wants to be rich okay cool but they can be married of course we have make six more Sims I just make a random one and then call it their kid yeah it doesn't need to look maybe they adopted kids you know like you don't know what their story is oh okay wait I just randomized Julie and this guy her husband Samuels son he looks kind of good and I'm kind of annoyed by Randy what a name it took me a second I randomized him Sims so we've got our grandparents julie and devon their kids Samuel his wife Veronica and then there are four kids Randy who's a teen they're twin daughters Nikki and Eve and their son Sean who's a toddler so we've got um quite a few rooms to make pretty big house to build but I'll move them in I'll give ourselves our budget and then we have a few more things to spin for oh my god okay I'm setting it at 75 K because we will keep our budget I promise now I'm gonna spin for the build style which is kind of fun because there's seven options here we've got colonial ranch mid-century victorian modern Mediterranean or craftsman and we're ending up with number two ranch wait I'm sorry it's gonna have to be a ranch style does that mean it needs to be a one-story because I have eight tips no wait you guys wait this is actually really bad wait because ranch dough houses look kind of like this they're all one story that's the point of it being a ranch style you're really gonna play me like this game you think I can do this because I cannot okay what if I mean I guess if we make the lot like be kind of sideways like it's super long I'll figure something out god well we'll spin four color scheme while we're at it we could get neutral bright colors cool colors warm and cozy or black and white and we have ended up with cool colors okay we can make that work it'll look cute and then we have to spin 4-pack limitations which should be interesting we could get base game one pack three packs least-favorite pack or all packs and we oh my god we just got number four my least favorite now the question is what am i considering my least favourite pack my least favorite expansion game pack or stuff pack I'm gonna pick my least favourite expansion pack just so that I can get more options for things to use and I'm gonna pick get famous okay cuz I don't like that pack I like it as a pack but I just like it the least out of all the expansion packs so we'll use the base game and get famous only and last but not least I know we've been spinning for a while I'm sorry we have a funky room option okay now there are nine options here for things you might have to add into this build I'm gonna go ahead and spin that wheel we could get a home gym an art studio a kid's playroom a music room a bar study garden pool area or outdoor entertainment area we got it number two an art studio okay so what'd you think about this just for one second we've got a bedroom for the grandparents a bedroom for the parents a bedroom for the son a bedroom for the twins and a bedroom for Shaun so we need five bedrooms and an art studio all in a one-story house on a 20 by 15 a lot right okay we'll see about that one game I'm gonna go ahead and cut to the build with this then and I guess I'll see you guys in a second oh boy okay so we're back here we're building this house now it took me like an hour and I have to do so not too bad but definitely um more time than a 20 by 15 lot house should take me we can all these things out in like 20 minutes okay but like it took me a while to do this one not even that long but it took me a little bit to do this because obviously I'm trying to make room for eight Sims which is a lot of people on a very small lot also one story this ended up being a lot more challenging than I anticipated because I kind of was like oh wheelspin challenge easy we'll just like make a fun house didn't expect to have some very restricting limitations as far as this all goes luckily we had a good budget because if we ended up with like twenty thousand simoleons to do this it would have been a very for looking house obviously we could have done it still especially was just one story and everything like it's a small house we could have made that work with 20k but we had 75 K and I thought I was too much but I ended up using almost all of it the house ended up costing like 73 thousand simoleons but to be fair I knew I had a lot of money so I kind of like stretch the budget a bit I got nice appliances and a nice TV and stuff like I wasn't trying to cheap out on decorations or anything because I knew I had some money to spare however we were only using get famous and the bass game so it's not as decorated as I'd like it to be there are a lot of things that I wanted to use but couldn't I also I use the proto patio fence in the backyard without even realizing and then they went back in the end and I was like oh no I have perfect patio in here I have to fix it so I put it into a base game fence so ends up being less fun looking but still nice I liked the idea of the patio being I like the small backyard I kind of want to put a hot tub there but obviously we did not have a hot tub that we could use because there's no hot tub and get famous or the base game unfortunately it comes in perfect patio stuff but we made it work it still look cute I have like a table and a bar out there I figured cuz there were like four adult Sims here I never put bars in my since built so I was like you know what I'm gonna put a bar on the patio a juice bar obviously just for juice but no worries guys also I should clarify I've gotten some questions for a sling but my plant in the background which isn't there right now everyone's like oh my god what happened to Jeffrey he's totally fine he's at my parents house till I went traveling to Italy for like two weeks and because my neighbors my parents house we're gonna watch the cat's like my cat once my parents house and my parents cats were there and stuff and so I brought all my plans to my parents house while I was gone just to like have ease of them just watering all the plants and all the pets there basically and so my plants are all in my parents house still I've been back for like a week but I just have had a chance to like go there and bring them all back and like carefully transport them and stuff so Jeffrey still at my parents house he's visiting his grandparents don't worry he'll be back soon I think maybe on Thursday or Friday I'm not gonna bring him back today but I need my dad to help me with his truck because I'm not trying to risk any plant issues okay I will keep them as safe as possible so Jeffrey still visiting his grandparents like I said I'm also live on Twitch right now doing some more building in the Sims in case you guys are curious I stream ever single day on twitch just as like a quick little self promo plug and live every day at 4 p.m. Eastern Time that's 9 p.m. in the UK so you can kind of like pace with our time zone you are if you know them based on either of those things there you go but ice cream everyday The Sims 4 I'm gonna do some more building and stuff so you want to check that out please check it out link in the description box if you want to check it out please check it out yep Thank You sensi mm-hmm that was great but anyway you can see even the landscaping this house I try to keep that like cool color scheme we got a sign I use a lot of blues and greens in this house a lot of blue green and grey was used here which kind of fits I like the little blue flowers so I thought that's kind of cute to have that like extra added touch I did use red brick on the outside because I wanted to use those get famous columns I probably could have used like a grey brick instead to keep that like extra cool color scheme but it's okay the interior is very cool no worries guys I also like said use some nice appliances we got pretty expensive fridge and stove there but they looked good and you know what there are eight Sims here four of them are like adults or older we've got two adults and two elders they've been working their whole lives okay they can afford a nice stove alright to be fair if you've got eight Sims in your household you probably have a fair amount of money if you've been playing long enough to have like two elders and four kids have been born hopefully but I doubt you'll play in this house to be fair like if you've got like 75 K to spend in the same house I don't know if you're gonna spend it on a 20 or 15 lot because you can find something a little bit bigger you know maybe some more space not too crammed but it's it's not a bad looking place I really enjoyed this challenge I want to do it more often because obviously there's so many possibilities for different outcomes you can get and I'm gonna add in probably each time I do it like some other like different rules obviously the rules are linked envelopes gonna play it yourself but I might add in some more myself also if you want to add in more you can just copy and paste all of those things into a different Google Doc and you can add onto the tables and you can add more things if you want like you can oh it just it helps you have a list but you can always change anything you want about this challenge and add your own rules like I think it'd be kind of fun to put in like maybe like some weird items you have to include like put like the future cube and a scarecrow or like some weird items maybe you could like roll spin the storyline of the family you wanted like you could do all kinds of things to randomize more about the house you could even randomize like each room individually if you wanted but I mean it's just a way to like give you ideas for builds basically because it kind of like tells you what to do you get out in different styles you wanted different worlds obviously like the different packs you use really change what the house looks like on the inside cuz if you only use get famous like your furnitures gonna look very different if you had used like island living you know so there's lots of ways to to customize and change this again if you don't have all the packs obviously don't need to use all the packs in your spinner you can just delete the ones that you don't have you might have to renumber them but it's alright you know how to use a Google Doc you guys are good you're smart you know okay just copy and paste it and do what you need to do because then you can mess around and do tell yourself I like the idea of doing this if you like don't have a build idea and you want to build and you want to like push yourself to build new things you wouldn't usually do like obviously when are you gonna build a 20 by 15 8 sim1 story home like that's just a weird combo right with get famous and wall packs to it like it just kind of is fun to to transform it a little bit you can always like randomize use like three packs or no packs I have also like the least favorite pack thing is kind of funny cuz if you ended up using like your least favorite stuff pack what do you get like a the base game and my first pet stuff only in your build like it just could be kind of fun there's lots of room for activities okay and also I have that last section where there's like the random room like the the funky thing you can put in your house there's a lot of things like the art studio the gym there's like different backyard things like a garden or a pool or a hot tub or whatever you could add in all kinds of different options there there's lots of room to like for like maybe have like a a game or a room or like a full-on like aquarium or like an indoor pool you can add a lot of cool different weird things to include in your house maybe you have like a bowling alley inside of your Sims house like that'd be kind of funny like you just spin and you get tolls make a starter home that also has a bowling alley in it bowling alley starter home interesting see there's so much room for activities hopefully you don't get a 20 by 15 lot though can you even put a bowling alley on a 20 wait I don't know how big those things are they're pretty big I'm not sure you put them on one of these lots you probably could they're not more than 20 are they but like would it fit inside I guess it's my question I'm kind of should I open my game back up and check hold on guys loading up my game we're gonna find out how many tiles is - bowling alley stay tuned for an update but yeah it'll take a second Tillett we'll do that as we as we go through but you can see I made like a kind of generic kids room I was gonna make it pink and then I was like wait no cool colors and so I made it blue okay but the twins have their room there's also one of those cool la-la lights so that you know we're not trying to have nightmares okay that's not happening I absolutely refuse for my sims to have nightmares I actually turn off the monster or the bed thing with MC commence oh they're starting to turn it off I refuse to have my toddler's have nightmares or my kids wake up from monsters like I just it's so irritating possibly one of the most irritating things in the game I just can't do it so I use the MC sing something to turn it off completely because listen we're not trying to have monsters here also my game is open on I'm gonna check us out here can you have a bowling alley on a 20 by 15 lot I'm guessing yes like you'd be really dumb if you couldn't but like they're pretty big so I don't know oh yeah you definitely could oh yeah no worries guys you got like five tiles to spare so you're totally fine it'd be a really small bowling alley but it would work all right that's what I thought so yeah put bowling alley on your challenge I'll add it myself to the challenge before I publish it before I publish the challenge I'm gonna add bowling alley to it but I try to keep it all based gaming most the challenge rolls but if you want to add bowling alley to it by all means you can put like different lot types to like I have obviously it's all based on like a house but you can make it like you make a cafe or a bowling alley or dog park you could put lot type random eyes instead of the number of sins to live there there are a lot of ways to make this wheel spin challenge very different and obviously like this is a very basic thing I created just but it's just to help you guys like have a template you know I've created the template now you go run and have fun okay like that is link down below if you want to check it out I've done a bunch of wheelspin things on my channel for example that lesson I was talking about I've got like eight parts of it if you want to watch the wild ride that is my poor simile is life she's gone through quite a lot in the past few parts people are dying she's miserable it's great so please link that please link that down below yep nope it's linked check it out if you want to and also like I said I am live on Twitch I do some wheels fun things on Twitch too and that's kind of fun I had a wheel spin challenge that I start I started it on twitch actually for the first time and I had a wheel that had like a hundred options and there were something like take a shower or like walk your dog the others were like adopt a dog have twins get divorced like oh they're like really kind of drastic ones so I'd spin or turn someone subbed on twitch and someone's cell then I'd be like okay cool I'll brush my teeth and then someone else is someone I'd be like oh yeah alright so we're just shooting my boyfriend now that's awesome cool casual stuff it's been kind of fun to do I don't know I'm at the wheel really like just changes the game you know it's so much dumb stuff happens and it's so fun and listen there's links in the description box like I said but here we are the bill is done let's go ahead and hop into real time and check it out some more I cannot believe I just built a house for eight Sims on 25:15 a lot but we did it and hate to be honest it looks kind of good so you watch me build this whole thing so I won't talk about it too much but we've got the ranch vibes okay we've got the cool colors even with that outside landscaping I've put a bunch of cool stuff outside I wanted to like maximize our tiny backyard space so I I did my best and we have all our bedrooms one for the tea and one for the twins one for the toddler the grandparents and the master bedroom we have our art studio which is so small but it works it counts okay it's a studio that's all I needed it also happens to be a hallway but you know what make the best use of the space that you have okay it's also only two bathrooms which might be fine but for a household of eight Sims it's probably not ideal it's just we're not only gonna fit another bathroom on this law are we like I've maximized the space we're literally building up to the edge of the lot on all the sides like we just can't fit anything else in here but it kind of cute and I really enjoyed this challenge like it was fun to spin a wheel and see what happens but on that no I am gonna cut off right here I hope that you guys enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those fun YouTube things and in case guys didn't know I posting videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody not to like self promote or anything but I am live on Twitch right now okay just a reminder of 4 p.m. Eastern Time every single day that's 9 p.m. in the UK just come check it out I don't know say hi follow me please follow me follow me please please follow me [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,220,603
Rating: 4.9501925 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, wheel spin, sims build, house build, sims 4 build, let's build, let's play, build challenge
Id: Uv5yMuW3ZKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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