I Built a Million Dollar Mansion in The Sims 4

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so last week i hit a million subscribers on youtube which i find incredibly hard to believe but uh it happened look i still have these balloons it says 1 million my parents got me those and last week to kind of celebrate i decided to try and build a house in the sims that cost exactly one million simoleons i thought it was kind of funny joke ha ha a million dollar house for a million subscribers and i thought the like added challenge of it being exactly a million simoleons would make it kind of fun it ended up being like a million and four for that i am very sorry and i was gonna make a speed build like record the whole thing speed it up talk over it as i was building it and like show you the whole build but then it took me like 13 hours to do and i don't know if you could very easily speed up 13 hours of footage um that's it's a big house it's a big house i did stream the whole process on twitch so i can link those stream re-uploads that are on youtube below again it's like 12 hours though so keep in mind if you're not up for that you don't have to watch the whole thing so instead i'm gonna give you a tour i'm gonna walk you through my house and i will show you all of the ridiculous things that i built so let's game shall we the house is over there in the corner as you can see it is quite large it's on the 50 by 50 lot in willow creek it actually costs a million and three simoleons okay we're fine see it was very close to the budget my goal was almost achieved i also used like a million packs i'm sorry i it's got like a bowling alley and stuff in it i did what i had to do that's the thing because i was trying to make the house cost exactly a million simoleons i had to keep like adding stuff i'm gonna go find a version of me hopefully one that one of you people made sorry you people okay when i say it like that like you people it sounds bad i just meant i wanted to find a sim that one of you made of me oh i look cute in this one i wish i had curly hair like that i don't my hair doesn't do anything interesting i'm gonna comment on this let's take her i should have gotten one that had my cat but i got excited about looking cute in this one so i took it and ran with it all right let's pop into the house keep in mind it is very large and very expensive when i first started doing it i knew that i wanted to make a sort of like traditional like manner exterior and i spent a lot of time working on the exterior uh so you can see it is quite grand from the outside i'll give you a quick rundown of the whole house i'll kind of point out some of my favorite parts of the exterior for one i had a lot of fun trying to incorporate this fountain this is from get famous i have never used it in a build before because like when can you use something like this in a sims build like it is massive it's got like sea horses on it how are you gonna put this in a sims build but i managed to make it work so i built the entryway hello what is that that is extremely upsetting okay anyway so i built the entryway kind of around it this is actually a floor piece that's like a fun tip and trick you can get these like rounded floor pieces which let you do some kind of interesting things like have fences that are rounded which you can't usually do so i did a bunch of that in the front of the house you can see this like entryway has some rounded pieces there's a balcony and stuff the the pathway has the rounded pieces and one of the most shocking parts about this house quickly guess how much do you think this fountain costs think it in your head you're wrong i would honestly guess like fifteen thousand simoleons ten thousand twelve thousand no twenty five hundred it costs twenty five hundred simoleons i that is absurd why is it so cheap look at it look at it so here i was like oh i'll use this massive fountain that'll spend some money no no it won't and then over here i've got like a little side gate and like a cute little pathway that takes you to a hedge maze a literal hedge maze because how else are you going to waste your money i wanted to put these cannons in the front of the house but then i couldn't make them work in a way that made sense so i put the cannons at the front of the hedge maze and then if you actually go through the hedge maze it does work there's like some statues there's a woohoo bush you can end up getting to the observatory thing which i thought was kind of funny like this hedge maze to the observatory with like a couple statues and stuff but that's pretty much the whole front of the house oh there's like some kissing elephants there's llama hedges i had a lot of fun doing like really ridiculously overly grand bizarre things in this house especially at the back i had a lot of fun furnishing this back patio i think it would be very fun to play in this house and like have all these things because obviously there's like a hot tub there's this little like chest garden with like a tea set on the table over here like the statues are so ridiculous it's all just so much for no reason like look at that it's so fancy and i love how shiny the pool is with like these beautiful landscaping there's like a built-in bar over here i mean i really do think it turned out wonderfully but you can see i was trying to spend money like wherever possible so i was just putting as much and like the most expensive things possible everywhere i even put solar panels on top of the house because i was like oh that'll spend money like that's that's additional i could have probably used more expensive windows the ones that i did use are kind of cheap but i liked how they looked so i prioritized that over them being expensive and then when you actually come into the house i'll give you a quick overview of the floor plan you can see it is absolutely massive technically there's like a whole butler's apartment so that's one bedroom plus two three four five six six bedrooms also like a spa a gym in the basement there's a bowling alley and a movie theater so it's technically six bedrooms and ten bathrooms but you can't even mark it as having ten bathrooms on the gallery the max you can have is nine on the gallery so it is a big big house let me show you around the place though so you can see you come into the entryway yet again i was doing things like trying to use the most expensive items ever there's like two of these night statues that cost like 8 000 simoleons these are marble stairs also very expensive in the game how much do they cost look at that 7 000 just on the stairs oh that is expensive okay this is actually the informal dining room that you come off of the entryway into it might not look that way but that's what it is it's the informal dining room it's the small one and then you come into the kitchen which i think looks so good like i was really impressed with myself on this kitchen i had so much fun trying to decorate it i just think it looks so fancy these are star wars lights i used the star wars pack twice in this house i'll show you the other one i used their flooring from star wars too um i also used obviously the most expensive fridge and stuff this is the like thirteen thousand dollar fridge but this flooring is also from the star wars pack but look at those lights they look pretty good in there i think right i think it worked i also tried to use these paintings like this one cost a million simoleons too i was trying to use that everywhere because again i was trying to make the house cost a million simoleons so everywhere possible i was like yeah get this 8 000 simoleon painting you know what was funny when i initially went to place the flooring so like i built the whole exterior then i went to do the floor plan so i came in there's no walls yet or anything i just put the flooring down this like wooden flooring that's kind of checkered like this so i just put the flooring down this fancy one and it was like 10 000 simoleons just for the first floor just to put flooring in which made me laugh a lot but anyway there's the kitchen you can see it there's a bathroom on either side just like a half bath pretty simple bathrooms but that way like your sims kind of access to a bathroom from this side of the house and one from this side of the house because over here if you keep going from the informal dining room it takes you to the formal dining room which i had a lot of fun furnishing too because i made this massive table i'm just picturing like this grand banquet hall in this mansion and so i put this giant table that's actually two tables put together luckily they have a bathroom as well things like a globe bar more night statues and then off of this room is the ballroom yes the ballroom so there's like a dance floor there's some tables you have like the banquet thingy your sims can stock this with food and also they could like fill the fountain with punch or whatever there's even a stage with like a piano a microphone we have this fifteen thousand simoleon violin that's not a joke it's a fifteen thousand simoleon violin if we had platforms i would have put a platform here to make like an actual stage but we don't have platforms yet so i couldn't maybe i'll go back and like redo that tomorrow after the updates and then going back through the like entryway into the other side of the house there's like a little formal sitting room maybe like a tea room or something it seems kind of fitting to have this off of the entryway and then through that there's a little games room this is actually just a hallway that takes you outside but there's like a card table in it i was just trying to make it functional plus a bathroom that you can access from this side of the house and then here is like the more informal living room like the the family room with the big tv and stuff they have a fireplace some expensive paintings you know the drill and then you can see this hallway this is ridiculous there's like a hallway with a very formal front door that's the butler's apartment the butler has their own apartment they also have a fish and a cat litter box but the butler's apartment has like a formal living room they've got their own kitchen also with the 13 dollar fridge of course they've got a bathroom this tub costs twelve thousand simoleons also the laundry is off of their apartment i figure because you know the people that live here wouldn't do their own laundry they've got a butler for that so the butler's apartment has the laundry room in it and they have their fancy bedroom with you know the really expensive bed 10 000 simoleon computer like i ended up putting this computer in like every single bedroom because i was just trying to spend money you know i was like okay we'll do this bedroom with the most expensive bed and a 10 000 simoleon computer and like anything else i can think of back this way is the library which i think looks so fancy i love the like leather chairs in here i can't support the leather business in real life but in the sims it's pleather so it's fine but i love like just the big massive bookcases and like how fancy it looks in here you've got a chest table and everything and then off of it is the office you and then off of it is the office i didn't put like doors into them or anything my chat was kind of like kayla you should do that because i was streaming this and while sure it does make more sense to have like doors that close into your office i liked how the big arches look and it's the sims there's no noise traveling in the sims like you can focus just fine so i just left the big arches but that's the entire first floor as you can see it is very large and i was just doing every little thing i could to spend money marble this marble that extra lights get a fancy chandelier ten thousand dollar computer but then there's a little staircase that takes you down into the basement off the living room this was like a last minute addition because i had furnished the whole house and then i realized that because of like depreciation and stuff i thought it was a millions millions and then it was only like 800 000 and i was like oh no so we had to like rush to spend some extra money so when you go down into the basement there's a little cinema room here which is actually not so little but i had fun furnishing it because it's got like the red carpet and the black walls they have like a little area off of it it's got a little like kitchenette thing with a popcorn maker of course this tv is so expensive look at that 10 000 for that tv and then they have a whole bowling alley an entire bowling alley in the basement with a bar and everything which i'm actually really excited about i think it looks really cool in here i like the lighting of it a lot i want to play like i want to live here in such a weird shape basement though because it's so long with the bowling alley i should have put a bathroom down here or something but i didn't that was dumb of me anyway that's the basement and then the upstairs we have more weird rooms to show you so you go up the stairs and you find just there's a lot so let's let's kind of like break this down let's go into the hallway and kind of break it down right so you can see there's just doors everywhere but i'm going to take you down to the other side of the house first we're going to come down this way because this is where the spa is yes there is a spa an entire spa there's like a sauna off of the spa you've got this massage room see in my mind like i was just picturing that you would have people you could pay to come here and you know massage you it's even a waterfall but i was just trying to think of ways to fill up the rooms and i was like you know what they're rich they would have a spa and so they have a spa also a gym of course classic it's got like a yoga mat gym equipment everything you might need bathroom kind of nearby both of those if you go back down i'm gonna show you the main bedroom like the parents bedroom the master bedroom because that is through these fancy double doors and this room is probably the biggest bedroom i've ever made in the sims they've got it all in here so you actually enter into a sitting room because you know classic it's a fancy house and then it walks you through the bathroom and that might seem weird but i've seen stuff like this before in like mansion listings i haven't been in too many mansions myself to be honest with you but i have seen stuff like this before so they have this like shower with two shower heads classic fancy walk-in shower we've got the double sinks and the big big vanity there's that 12 000 simoleon bathtub this is the thing because i was trying to figure out how to spend as much money as possible while also making it look as nice as possible and so they have like those fancy corner tubs and these things look like super nice you know except it's only 3 000 simoleon this one is a jet set luxury bath and it's 12 000 simoleons so it doesn't look as nice but it's more expensive so i ended up using that one instead they also have like a little toilet room off of the the bathroom which has its own sink so it looks pretty nice in here it's a big bathroom and then you keep going down another hallway they've got two closets one for for each of the couple both of them have windows in them too these are really fancy closets look at this couldn't be me i i do not relate and then this is their actual bedroom which has another sitting room with a fireplace they've got like a vanity this really expensive bed they have two balconies off of the parents bedroom so the the whole parent's bedroom is like an entire wing i will build houses like entire houses that are smaller than this pretty often like this is bigger than a lot of the houses that i build in the sims and it's just one bedroom but their views are really nice off the balconies and stuff i think it's a pretty nice house there is another hall bathroom that actually does have the corner tub which is good this door right here takes you into like a little room with a ladder into the attic because there is an attic this is yet another way of me trying to spend extra money so when you go up the ladder into the attic there's just like storage and stuff there's like gnomes and random things like old cribs a lot of this stuff was me having like very few simoleons left right and i was trying to make the house cost as close to a million simoleons as possible so i was like i have 23 simoleons i need to spend let's put 20 down right here with this thing so i'd be like okay i need to spend 40 more simoleons what can i spend it on how about this weird tiny plant and so there's kind of an odd collection of things up here but this was mostly just me trying to spend money and i figured i could just add to it if i needed to spend more okay but back down into this room there's another bathroom off of the hallway like i said we've got another sitting room and another balcony this is one of the the kids bedrooms like one of the many family bedrooms you'll see that i tried to use like very expensive beds and computers and stuff in every room this room also has its own ensuite bathroom of course classic back around this way there's a big long hallway this bedroom also very expensive bed their own ensuite bathroom that's a trend of this house you'll see is the ensuite bathroom it makes sense though to like have a mansion like this of course every bedroom would have their own bathroom like it would be ridiculous if they didn't there's like this gallery wall because these paintings are kind of expensive so it's down the hallway because there's a really big long hallway into what i would call like the grandparents bedroom this one's the worst one it's kind of absurd looking like the color scheme is not good but you see it's very expensive they have like this fancy desk in front of the window for some reason they also have a balcony also a big ensuite bathroom you know classic stuff in here and then back this way one more bedroom this is the pink bedroom you can see like the expensive computers and beds and again an ensuite bathroom all of the bathrooms in this house are the same which i feel like is not that unreasonable for like a really fancy house like this although i guess if your house was this expensive and fancy you'd probably have a designer and they would probably do fancy different things in each bathroom but i had a lot of house to furnish i was not trying to be creative with each bathroom okay like it's already so busy like looking at the house if all the bathrooms were different colors too it would just like hurt your eyes but that is the mansion that is the entirety of my million dollar mansion i'm sorry i don't have a speed build for you but like i said like it was 12 hours of footage so trying to speed that up it's just not worth it like you can just watch me tour it this video is already kind of long for what it is to be honest some of my favorite parts we're getting to use a lot of items that i never touch like for example these plants i never use this item and i put it in a lot of places you can see i've got it like all at the front there's a couple by the doors there's some more in the back of the house but i had a lot of fun trying to use things that i don't often use also all the balconies and the columns were kind of fun i was doing so many little things like just detail work that maybe wasn't necessary like putting extra railings right here why there's no point but i was just like that's that's a tiny bit more money we had to spend money in every way possible i love the big raised backyard though i think it looks really cool like i just i love looking at it from like this angle with the big patio and the pool and stuff and i think it's hilarious how this entire wing is the parent's room it's just ridiculous it's ridiculous and that's that's the best part also honestly i think my favorite part of the whole house is this woohoo bush this maze was like one of the last things i added and it was me trying to spend as much money as possible right at the end and also it's kind of fun to make hedge mazes so my chat had been asking for it the entire stream and i was like no we don't have space for one and then we got to the end of the house and i was like i have to spend more money the house is furnished what else can we do what other random things can we add and then it was the hedge maze and i loved being able to put like random little alcoves that you would get to and then put things in them like statues and bushes to woohoo in cannons i think the cannons are my favorite part of the entire house i love the stupid cannon also i think the whole idea of a ballroom is so ridiculous i really enjoy that it exists i love how this whole half of the house is just like for entertaining like they have a whole wing for parties like the ballroom the dining room like this whole wing is just for parties which honestly would be so useful for sims stuff like for actual gameplay and for playing with this rich family having like all this space to have those big parties is so fun because you don't often have stuff like this in your house you could have a whole wedding at this house i mean you could put the wedding arch out here like you could you could organize a wedding here and it would be totally fine you have everything you need and more although i wonder if trying to have a party at this house would be a bad thing because your sims would be like so scattered i don't like playing in big sims houses like it's fun to think about how you might use a house like this but i don't personally enjoy playing in houses like this because your sims are just everywhere all the time i mean there's four floors granted i don't think your sims would go up here very often but there is an easel and they might like try an auto paint or something when there's so many floors your sims are just everywhere and i hate having to like bounce between floors trying to find them and then when you get down here you're like okay where is the sim it'd be literally anywhere there's so much space and there are so many weird items that your sims would try and like auto use you know how they like autonomously want to go in the hot tub all the time you just couldn't get anything done they get distracted too much so anyway moral of the story is don't download this house i did just build another mansion by the way i'm like on a mansion kick i'll post a speed build of this one i think though possibly this weekend we'll see oh no the new pack comes out i don't know i built this yesterday though so we'll hopefully look at this so i'll show you this soon but this is the house on the gallery like i said it uses a million packs how many one two three four five six seven eight nine 29 packs 30 if you count the holiday celebration pack this free well like i said don't download it but if you want it's on my gallery thank you again by the way for a million subscribers i still want to do something more fun i want to bake a cake or something like i i want to make that video i just the new pack is coming out so i've been so busy with like pack content that i haven't had time to like sit down and bake a cake although we have had quite a few things to celebrate the past couple weeks so maybe i should i really do think this house might be one of my favorite ones i've built in a long time i'm just kidding about don't download it like it's up to you if you want to play in it i don't i just i wouldn't want to play in it but actually building it was so fun like it might have taken me like 12 hours but i loved every second of it i i just thought it was hilarious trying to figure out how to spend so much money and like figuring out weird rooms i could add like the bowling alley in the spot when else can you put a bowling alley in a spa in your house stay tuned i now only build mansions in the sims from here on out that's not true i'm more of a small house kind of gal okay on that note i will see you all tomorrow thank you for watching goodbye what's your favorite room in this house like what do you think is the best part let me know in the comments down below like i said i'm still rooting for the woohoo bush [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,777,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, mansion, million dollar mansion, sims mansion
Id: aVZf074Z7Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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