I Built an A-Frame Cabin in The Sims 4

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i was just browsing through some pictures of houses you know as i do and i saw one and i got kind of inspired and it got me thinking because i haven't built an a-frame house in a really long time and the last one i did was like an extreme budget challenge and i only did it because i couldn't afford walls i'm referring to a house like this one a house that's kind of you know like a like a triangle a lot of times they're cabins they're really pretty and i did build one a few months ago but again it was for a challenge i only had 2 000 simoleons to build a house like an entirely functional house so instead of spending a lot of my money on walls like this i used like the roof pieces because that's a wall you know so basically i made the house kind of like this and then i um only had a wall in the front and in the back basically because then i didn't have to pay for walls so that was my last attempt at building an a-frame home and it was purely out of necessity so i'm thinking that today we could try and actually build like a proper one some sort of cabin out here like wouldn't it be so cool to come stay in an a-frame cabin with this sort of view i would love that so you know what i say we do it there's even a very convenient woohoo bush right next to the house i mean it's a great location oh there's another one we got woohoo bushes everywhere out here oh and a fire pit see oh you can fish you can light fires you can pee in bushes there's really nothing more you could ask for okay i'm sorry this house though i really liked that it was black i thought it was really cool that it had the like the all black frame the black walls i don't think i've really done much like that before so i kind of want to try it i feel like i might regret it but you know we'll see how it goes it's cute we can make it work i kind of like the stone too i don't know it's not going to look identical to this we don't have like triangle windows and stuff but i think the main idea is that we want to have like the the a-frame shape i want to have a lofted bedroom and like aside from that i don't really know what i'm going for so i guess we'll figure it out okay oh i don't know how oh i didn't really think this foundation business through oh we can make this work this will be fine i probably should have like put the house on a platform or something that's a bit weird we'll figure it out okay it's all about the experiments listen we don't know what we're doing none of us do yeah you know what let's let's instead of a foundation let's use a platform is that the height that i want it to be is that too wide why doesn't it stay why is it ah oh no put the foundation back put the foundation back okay it's listen it's an experiment okay i feel like that's just not wide enough but is that too tall all right we'll figure it out i don't know i just i think i wish that i could shrink this a tiny bit how ridiculous would it look if it was like that oh see that's too tall it is too tall okay it's gonna look like this or the house could be like really skinny and we could have it like that that makes more sense doesn't it it's not supposed to be big okay again it's an experiment none of us know what we want yet i can't have the loft though if i do it like that okay no we can barely have a loft with it being this wide i mean like that's the size of the room up there well the other one has like a bump out like the picture has a bump out kind of like this you know i have like absolutely no clue what i'm trying to do right now and then you know like are we meant to put a i guess we kind of have to have something else up there because otherwise it's really sad like it's too small i think what's upsetting me is that i have this vision of the loft in my brain but also the picture i'm looking at the house in the photo is way smaller than this so i i just i can't reconcile my two ideas i don't i don't know what i actually want you know i have these two separate visions and i don't know how to like combine them okay i think we need to have this up there like i think that it needs to have a window without it it would be terrible even though it looks a bit weird i feel like it's necessary oh that does work oh okay perfect i was just talking about how you know how like this part clips but this one does not so i can have whatever stone i want out here because you won't be able to see it perfect okay and we wanted the black trim you know what i think this might actually work we use like the island living metal or what the other ones are so shiny i don't like i don't think i want it to be that shiny you know this one's not dark enough it's more of a gray let me like compare all of them i think you know what i think i like the island living one best and it has like a somewhat rustic feel to it which is kind of what we're going for the house is actually pretty big on the inside i kind of want to use the snowy escape windows i like how they're a bit smaller but then would it be really weird to have no this is fine actually yeah that's what we want pretty much exactly oh that's perfect and then you have like some big windows up there okay and then we would of course do windows like that in the front and in the back i think i might change how this looks i know this is weird but i think i might um swap it around a tiny bit let me raise this up so i can see how oh god yeah i want to do it in in different pieces does this make sense i'm trying to have them all be separate pieces wait i forgot to expand this out all the way but i want them all to be in separate pieces because that way it doesn't clip on the roof it's so annoying how much it clips on the inside so this way it helps it so it doesn't clip as much so when you like look in there it's not as bad we could even change this like i could totally get rid of the clipping altogether it's a bit annoying to do because you have to like place the roof in a million different pieces you know but when you just drag it all the way across it clips but if you put one there and one on this side it does not clip and then the loft space is less ugly and that's what we want we're aiming for less ugly part of me is kind of leaning towards these stairs even though i know that's like really weird this is really not the loft of my dreams you know this is not really what i was going for because i want oh stop oh no make it a tiny bit lower why does that look weird to you yeah it is weird because you can see that okay ugh it clips why this is so frustrating okay no no that's fine that's fine that's fine and then it doesn't clip in the roof but what i wanted this whole time was a loft i just want a loft but then like what is that what's the point of that it's so small in real life it would look better because in real life you know you wouldn't have to have a wall here you could have the fence go all the way to the roof so you'd like this piece this like weird triangle piece you know that could be open in real life but in the sims you have a wall in the sims you can't just like expand it through the edges you know there is no like shorter wall height it doesn't do this okay it's just that we want to have like a wall like that you know but then this is ridiculous and too small so this house doesn't have good bones you know what if we like redo the hole upstairs flip the stairs around to be that way well then this room has a view of the the water which is better you know we could have the desk in front of that window instead of i mean this is a nice view too but it's not as good maybe it was better before oh hang on we're experimenting okay oh no i think what i was trying to do just then was have the bedroom be in the back but that's that's bad never mind go back some people are like so much faster at this than i am like some people just know how to build and i know i realize that like i look like one of those people you know i i i know that i seem like one of the people who just knows how to build in the sims i don't i don't just know how to build in the sims i know some things but i i don't know all the things okay well then this would just be a big open floor plan in the main living space which makes sense one of these metal stairs be like so unpleasant to live with whenever i see them i think that i'm like imagine walking on those barefoot no thank you i have a vision what if what if we do a sliding oh it doesn't come in black what it doesn't come in actual black it just comes in gray okay okay okay this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine this is fine deep breath deep breath it's okay it's gonna be okay no i want to get a big patio in the back of the house i think that would be really nice i'd love to have a big sliding glass door like wouldn't that be so good but it doesn't work you would think that black would be a safe bet because like oh it's black you know everything will match no there's a million different shades of black and they won't match none of them will match and you'll cry maybe i'll use the sliding doors from island living instead i like the bigger glass panels better but at least these are the right color like these like they match the windows above them you know okay can i do it like that instead i just i'm doing this because i don't want the fence to like i did that wrong no no no wait did you not already go underneath oh anyway i'm trying to do this because i i don't want the fence i don't like how it goes all the way to the end like that i like how theirs is horizontal metal bars with like the wood trim i want something more like this but this does not come in black so oh oh maybe oh stop that no no no no no no no no yeah i can't put it right to the end anyway i i think this might be nice i'm not sure what style this is but it's gonna work okay it's gonna work yeah i guess we can just do the same thing and like delete the fence too close to it and then it's still a big patio so your sims will still have a big spot to come hang out and then we can have like a i don't know like a stone patio space there too oh what if i scoot this over on the lot no too tall too tall i know we have a short oh there it is wait i can get rid of that hang on because there's like a foundation in the middle i should be able to get rid of the foundation in the middle i think it's just the ones on the edge that we need because we don't want it to look like there's nothing there because otherwise it would be like empty and that's weird and then i can make this be even with the house it goes like into the roof you just have the fence like that way i don't know i kind of think that's interesting although i don't i don't know what i'm going for would it be better just to have like this one but then again this is gray and not black let's come back to that issue for now i want to figure out the house so we have a really small bathroom here this is the bedroom we could always get a nicer bathroom to be honest like that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing i don't like that the windows get cut off though well what if it was like this at least or oh maybe it was like this i don't know i just want the i hate how long and skinny it is i want to have like a weird like l-shaped room this is a fully functional bathroom size though like you could totally have the shower back there you know like that that works we're gonna have like a black wood flooring in here is that what we're going for this house is warmer it's not like black and white you know i almost want to have like a stone floor that's like the opposite of warm isn't it you put a stone floor inside okay that is from batu which is rude of me to do to you you don't deserve me to use the batu pack but that's kind of what i want it to look like that's kind of what i'm going for and then we could get away with like wooden counters oh we could do like an island back here your sims can eat there then we got the living room space here i still don't know how to make it work how i want it to and obviously we need to have rugs like if we don't have rugs this is miserable i don't like that because it looks like the stone it's like the same pattern i don't it's too much that's the thing right like it's i want to have the sofa against the wall then obviously you know you can't have a tv because it's too wide but then when you put it like in the middle of the room it's right in front of the door which is too that's not good you know you don't want to be right next to the door because then you walk in and then you walk straight into the sofa which is not good i think i just need to accept that it's a small house so it's gonna be like that i think that would be so realistic oh we don't have to have a tv or we could do it like that because then you walk into the coffee table and you don't walk into the couch make it up like a bookshelf back here or something that makes sense i just realized i didn't paint the outside maybe i should do that maybe i should come back and do that i'm always so bad with this i just i always paint the house last that's just in my mind my method you know like i just if we have like a vertical wooden paneling you know what the issue again is that we can't paint the underside of the roof like theirs is cool because the whole thing is black but ours like this bit this cool part the overhang is not it's like weird and gray i think the less texture it makes more sense yeah you know what i'm gonna like change this in the thumbnail so it looks less bad i'm fully gonna pretend that you can paint the underside of the roof that's my dream is painting the roof i'm not kidding i would do anything to have that power it doesn't look how i wanted it to this just looks so much cooler why am i so bad at this that doesn't look as natural as i want it to either what if we had stuff growing on the building no it doesn't look good how do people do that and make it look nice i see a lot of people using this stuff and it always looks really good meanwhile i feel like i have never in my life successfully used this stuff i don't know how i think i like the structure of this one because it like has the trellis that doesn't look good this stuff just looks ratty you know we can't use that and there's some debug stuff that came with university but you know like we can't really um yeah i'm not sure how that's gonna work it's better when there's like a taller building i think it's just it's hard for us to fit this on this building because it's so triangular if it had like one big flat wall it'd be easier to use this oh i didn't know we had a little mushroom i'm gonna make a mental note of that one okay yeah see i can't even use this piece here size down because it's too big i wish i had an in-between of these two sizes because i want to stick some more up higher but i feel like i can't yeah and these don't they're just all so bumpy it's like you know like all of them are for corners if i flip it backwards does it still work see no it doesn't fit just got random leaves floating they're floating pain i wish we had more of these i i look forward to a future pack possibly having more stuff like that i don't think i realized that if you flipped them backwards they didn't look too bad let me see about that okay scoot it over a tiny bit so it doesn't clip you know what maybe we can make that work i'll put at least a little bit in the back too okay should probably have wood on the second floor right it'd be weird to have it be stone and i guess it's not that weird to have a b stone i just i feel like it makes more sense to have wood on the second floor and then this will be the office originally i wanted the bedroom to be in the loft but it's not the right size i mean it could be a bedroom we could put like the kid's room up there but i feel like the kid if we had a kid they deserve more privacy than this i mean their room is just flat out in the kitchen at this point you know so it'll be an office it's fine i like the snowy escape bed a lot i really do we could probably use a bunch of snowy escape furniture because i want there to be more wood in the house i feel like right now it's a little um i don't know it's just not what i was going for i wanted it to be warmer seeming it's not very warm nah that doesn't look good never mind it could be black i'm sorry i like the gray color of the bed and maybe we shouldn't use this bed i appreciate you coming on this journey with me as i try to figure out what i want because clearly i have no idea and you're just along for the ride we we are just hanging out trying to figure out what to do with this you know i wish we had more square rugs ew i hate that swatch what are we meant to do with this i've tried to use like every single bed in this game none of them are what i want i think we might um circle back to snowyscape i hate this bed i'm telling you i never use this thing i i like genuinely despise it i think it looks like a face to me and that's why like with the eyes the eyebrows and then the mouth do you see it i think that's why i don't like it it's like a robot or something i don't know i just yeah oh wait maybe oh the mid-century vibe could very much be what we want okay get famous this may have just saved the day i think that's that's much more what i was looking for i do wish that the nightstand was a little bit smaller hear me out i did this once in an apartment build that i made snowy escape oh too big snowy escape rug sized up and layered on top of itself see it has some other we can always go for like a creamier swatch or something but that has that like you know kind of rustic but it's better sort of vibe i feel like that's more what we're looking for i feel like i found the vibe i've been i've been searching oh no i forgot i sized these down this is why i never sized down things because when when you have to slot stuff it doesn't and then you have to go like this look if i want it to be on the right height i have to never mind i don't want lamps we could do sconces that's like totally a thing that people do in real life is they put they put sconces next to the bed what if we did that i don't i never do that maybe i should this room seems cozy we could get a cool painting on the wall for like some more color in the room huh i really like this i think i think it's working okay i think the bathroom and bedroom are done now we just got to figure out how to properly decorate the inside we like laid out where everything needs to go but we have to actually like decorate it you know god i put on debugs and i have to scroll through all this random stuff i don't need i just want to find a shelf kind of like that right what goes above the sink then i don't know about some butterflies honestly i like that but i don't know if that's the plan i'm not sure that's what we're going for with this like the landscape painting makes more sense i want to use this thing but i just want to use it for the sake of using it like because i can which is not really a good way to go about your furnishing plans you probably shouldn't just use things because you have them that doesn't look like what i want this is more what i want and i liked how the dresser looked too oh you know what i don't like how the blue pebbles in the bottom of that look it's okay no i wasn't gonna put a tv do you think i should no i'd rather have a painting i'd rather have decorations the tvs are ugly and like it's technically too high up anyway i want to use this but i can never like i can't fit it anywhere i made a whole video complaining about plants recently and that's why i think this eco lifestyle one could work should i use the same rug yeah i do kind of like that it doesn't look like the same rug you know because we have it scaled differently so you wouldn't know would you think i might swap around oh no i think i might swap this and have the stuff on the opposite side because i kind of want to put the wall here i just i'm trying to like separate the space a little bit and then i feel like this way we can also have like tile behind the kitchen or something just some like slightly more interesting texture you know that's what i'm trying to do is just make it look different and hopefully better yeah i don't want to do the stone i think it needs to be tile oh you know what i kind of want like like this snowy escape one something really simple uh if i do that doesn't look out of the shelves now like if i did this would i need to have like a more crisp looking shelf i think the answer is yes there's also that option oh i wonder if that would work with the shelves maybe no no painting oh i think that's okay does it come in white maybe that's better maybe that works okay so your sims will cook on the island they can eat at the island how about that i don't know what style i'm going for oh what if we put this in here does it come in the right colors oh that would be really cool i like that idea okay i think the downstairs is done ah i was trying to delete the desk i deleted the whole room that happens to me way too often you just miss click and then all of a sudden everything is gone imagine having like a view like that out from where you work my view is of this thing i have it sitting on my monitor that's what i stare at when i'm working the wall and this not like a beautiful dock in the ocean and some mountains like come on this person is living the dream i'm trying to think what else because it'd be nice to have some more skill building items up here but i also don't want to crowd it too much how about a grand piano thoughts just yeah who needs to walk upstairs that's fine or if we could i mean you can't really just stick a punching bag in the corner that doesn't really especially not in front of the window it's probably not the brightest idea i guess practically if you were playing in that house you might do that but maybe for our purposes it's not worth it and we could just try and get like a bookshelf and stuff like that up here instead okay i think we did the interior now i just gotta figure out the outside again which i don't really know how to do oh i never put stones here i think i want to get like a subtle little bit of gravel in the front and then we can put landscaping around what are the people in the inspo pick oh we don't have landscaping okay that's really helpful thanks guys they did have potted plants oh that's kind of cute or do i want it to be bigger because do we want like something like this what vibe are we going for with this i'm genuinely unsure i don't know what my aim here is i kind of like that better i guess we also want to get some debug landscaping i want to use like some of the trees that are around like these trees for example ought to debug i think that would be nice just so it blends into the surroundings a bit better i like these trees and they're free which i for one am totally cool with you will not catch me complaining about that okay let's get rid of the foundation for a second we'll put it back i just want to like put some of this landscaping around okay you know what like genuinely i don't think we need a ton of flowers i think what the house needs is is this like i i don't think we have to add much more to it after we put these bushes down and we don't want it to look like it's really manicured we just want some natural looking bushes right if i get terrain paint we gotta you know we gotta change this that looks bad we'll fix it that's the hard part about this too is that there's not like a a driveway for this lot or anything there's not like a clear spot to have a path this is the front of the lot right yeah okay sometimes the gallery throws you off like you think this is the front and then it's actually this is the front but it's not it's fine i think the reason that i say that is because it looks kind of like there's a path over here sort of a very subtle like terrain paint one so i wasn't sure but no we're fine oh no okay wait foundation goes away again i think i put that too close to the foundation before let's try again yeah there you go we put like dirt terrain paint underneath the whole foundation i know that like ea used to do this in their base game builds i never do that maybe that helps it adds like some dimension to the build or something huh yeah i kind of like that who knew okay now i just got to figure out what sort of path we want to have because i really do not know what if it was like really subtle and we just had it like super light no i don't like that one though it looks like tile that's the thing it's really hard because you know with these tile terrain paints you don't have like faded stones it's one thing to have like a faded dirt that makes sense but like stone's opaque you know you don't have faded stones so i don't ever know how to fix it but we can do this then we can stick like uh it's too big never mind well we made it like a dirt path so we want at its core the path to be kind of like that right and then if we just add like some extra i just put down like every terrain paint we have and see what happens how do people do this don't get it i am by no means an expert that's for sure you know it's kind of growing on me i don't hate it i don't like it either but i don't hate it what if we had a hot tub this could be a really fun vacation home like if you had your sims come visit and vacation in a rental lot that could be fun i don't know who would live here but i can see it being a vacation rental okay there's no trash can inside but they have one outside so they'll be fine who needs an indoor one when you've got one right there oh you know what i like this place i think it turned out pretty cute it's very much different than my normal builds but it's kind of fun one bedroom one bathroom you know what it's also cheaper than i thought it only is 38k i thought it would be like 80 000. i'm not gonna lie but i guess it doesn't have a tv so it has a kind of expensive computer and like fairly expensive appliances but it's not like you've got like lots of rooms and stuff it's a one bedroom forty thousand simoleon house but i think it turned out all right i will link that two thousand simoleon a-frame build that i did down below because that could be kind of funny to compare the two because they are very different if you enjoyed this video feel free to subscribe and um on that note i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody oh my god i have a meeting in seven minutes i didn't realize the time i have to go ah okay bye love you see you later you
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 615,796
Rating: 4.9781246 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: qi1h-JNbdDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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