New Tiny Living pack for The Sims 4 is... interesting

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this video is brought to you by EA game-changers oh uh okay oh boy why won't she die I've been sitting here for like five minutes trying to make her die and it will work I literally broke everything in her house and she still won't die oh no still not dead whatever I give up whatever it's fine I don't care I don't want to see it anyway whatever oh no oh no oh no oh no Justina larsen this one crushed underneath a malfunctioning Murphy bed just seen it when we miss okay I know I said I gave up and now I feel kind of bad well happens I guess oh dear oh dear well we had a good run I guess it's official The Sims has redeemed themselves my friends this is big news okay I don't know if you noticed but like the last few stuff packs have been controversial but I don't know we had my first pet stuff we have mosquito stuff I liked mosquito stuff a lot of people were very angry about it understandably I think I don't know it was a weird one we had a couple weird ones but today I got early access to the sims for tiny living stuff which I'm gonna be real is right up my alley like the idea of building tiny houses that's my thing I think that's like a Sims community thing we all just like to build tiny stuff and I think really cool I took this trend of you're all doing anyway and they're like oh you like this here I'll help you do it better and they made it like an actual functional part of the game we got a little bit more cast off like four hairs a bunch of really really really cute clothes like genuinely possibly some of the best cast they've added in a long time they have really stepped up their game with cast items like coming from University and now into this they added some really cute stuff the future of the sims 4 is bright as far as sweaters go but I think most importantly it's a build pack based on build mode and making tiny homes so there is a new lot type and three tiers of tiny homes within that so you can change a lot of type to a tiny home residential and it suddenly gives you like a number of tiles you need to place if you look at the requirements there's three different types there's a small home with a hundred tiles a tiny home with 64 tiles and a micro home with 32 everything that is a tile counts as a tile so if I wanted to put a patio all those things count as adding tiles to this build so it's kind of hard to cheat this is already a tiny house you've missed the micro home mark it's almost too big to be a tiny house small houses have 100 tiles though so you can kind of feasibly have a two-story house I think that a tier 3 small home is like actually kind of realistic especially for starter homes I mean that's like basically the size of most of the starter homes that come in game like this one and the fun part is that it comes with perks so each different size has different tiered perks to the small house you just get cheaper bills and your sims are happy all the time which I'm gonna be real I don't really get some of these perks like I get the concept but like me personally I don't know if it will work this way for me but anyway lower bills are definitely a good one and feeling fine all the time happy inspired and focused buffs lasts twice as long which is pretty good a tier two tiny house so significantly smaller this one increases your skills at double the standard rate everything is twice as comfortable your bills are cheaper and you're happy all the time I the skill increase at twice the rate is such a big deal like for so many challenges we're thinking like things like rags to riches stuff like that where you're kind of trying to focus on skills you have a tiny house anyway because II don't have any money like this kind of stuff is gonna make those challenges so much easier like think runaway teen your Sims got a tiny house they don't even have a house their house is like this big you know so they get everything so much faster it's ideal and if you're extra lucky with a tier 1 micro home you have 32 tiles pretty small but your bills are cheaper your relationship gains are doubled your plants grow twice as fast you're happy all the time your skills increased twice as fast and you're comfortable all the time things are tight as comfortable so here's what I don't get me personally I'm coming from a place where like you know I've stayed in a hotel room with my entire family all five of us in one hotel room and I'm thinking you know I don't feel comfortable my skills aren't going up fast I'm certainly not growing any plants like the idea of being in a small confined space with like lots of people and that sounds miserable to me and like it would be the opposite of all these things like my relationships was getting twice as slow maybe at least the relationship one and I certainly don't think I'd be that comfortable but you know what I mean teach their own and I like the idea of giving you perks in game to have a smaller house and to kind of test out this system I built three different tiny homes I spent so much time making these houses but I made one for each tier and they're all vastly different and it's kind of interesting to see how the different size of them impacts it like the tier 3 small home it has space for four sims to sleep in it the other two only have to say I'm sleeping in them but you know I tried starting off with the tier 3 build we had a hundred tiles to work with so I was like you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna build a stack of weird houses so I made this like 3 storey box like tiered looking box and I had stairs on the outside of it to save space and I don't know I put on medium wall height because I wanted up the stairs as big as possible so they would look all symmetrical and it just I definitely wasted a lot of tiles as far as that goes with like decorative things they had to tile wide giant doors you know it was medium wall height so the stairs were huge but I think it ended up looking kind of cool and I fit in two bedrooms and two bathrooms the first floor is like the living space so there's a kitchen and a living room and a dining room those are all strong words there's a kitchen and a couch in a dining table but there's lots of kitchen space does have cabinets and plenty of counter space and stuff and then upstairs there's a kid's bedroom has two kids beds and the third floor has a Murphy bed and like an adult bedroom for the parents which is kind of fun I like the idea of having these like separate bedroom spaces on different floors it'd be kind of annoying because you have to like go outside to go upstairs for all of them but that's okay like you know fresh air you know it was so fun easing the new items because they have these new items that are like multifunctional so the TV that TV I put on the wall just there in the living room it counts as a TV a stereo and a bookshelf when you click on it you can do all the functionality of all three of those things so it's kind of cool how like you can see a bookshelf on the TV and like usually just be decoration but they've kind of sit now with the least last update and with these items in the pack we're like what looks like a bookshelf actually works like a bookshelf even decorative books have bookshelf functionality now and I think it's so nice to save the space and have that in here save space and money to be honest because you can only afford and be able to fit so much but when you have this like cheaper smaller bookshelf that's also a TV and a radio I mean my toddlers can bop to the music I can read to them like it covers all the bases for the record though I did play test these because I was doing kind of like move objects EGD stuff to try and fit as many bathrooms and things in small spaces as possible these bathrooms do work they look really small they're two by two but they're all placed to move objects place but they are functional your Sims can still use the top of the toilet shower and sink so don't worry I did check I swear that's the thing about tiny homes you have to check especially if you're trying to cheat and try and make things fit as small as possible like you have to double check your sins can actually use stuff because it's kind of risky to be honest some of the things we're doing plus I think my Simmons died when I was testing the Murphy beds I think one of my only issues with this pack is that you can't see the bed swatches with the bed up in build mode because you can't see what the bed looks like when it's folding into the cabinet so to bring us in here have her fold the bed down then I could check and I just kept testing it that way but it was kind of annoying to have to like go into game and fold the bed down and see what it looks like they're also kind of expensive three beds cost 20 100 each which is sort of sad they have version that has a couch on it one that doesn't have a couch on it but they're both the same price they're both 2,100 samolians and I think that's like really pushing it I wish they had given us like a cheaper version like if the one without a couch had been cheaper that would make a lot of sense I don't really understand why they're the same price that's like my one qualms with this pack like 2100 is kind of expensive for a bet that's like up throw some of the most expensive beds and they also don't have stats listed like it just says energy one on the bed which is really low I haven't tested having a sim sleep in it yet but doesn't have a comfort level list it doesn't have an energy level listed so I don't really understand what maybe it's a mistake but like it doesn't say like energy six like you would expect it to be and considering it's like 2100 samolians and it can kill your Sam like you're literally paying your life savings for a deathtrap which is fun sometimes but maybe isn't worth it they have us think about they added to though and I like this think about a lot I think this bed is really cute it's the same swatches this is the Murphy bed and it has like a little blanket at the end of the bed it's adorable I think it fits very nicely it doesn't look like a kid's bed I think a lot of single beds that we have in the game are very colorful and like patterned and not very neutral and easy to add into spaces but these are really nice and the rug is adorable the furniture is cute it like this is a win all around for me I love this pack and honestly this size of tiny house isn't even that hard to achieve like this could just be a normal two-bedroom house and still be a hundred tiles and just be kind of small and that's totally easy to make a starter home like that and you get the perks of the lesser bills and the happier Sims like it's it's definitely a win all around you don't have to make it a weird blue stared stack like I did but here she is this is my finished build I still have 11 tiles to add if I wanted to have only place 89 and that's including the space upstairs up here like this house can be pretty big I can add like a whole full size extra 3x3 bathroom if I wanted to but I thought it was kind of cute I never build something like this with a weird like boxy stack thing I've never really built many modern-looking builds this was definitely out of my comfort zone it's kind of annoying how you have to go outside to go back upstairs but you know what that's my problem it's totally fine and yet to like walk through the kids bedroom to get to the parents bedroom staircase to get I mean it's kind of a weird layout there are two desks here Sims can do their homework they can play on the computer there's like this weird room because it was totally outside it's not very well built and I had fun trying to build it and I like the blue middle box I think it's interesting okay okay I also made this one kind of a similar concept with the doors outside and like the two boxes sort of like that this one's only one bedroom it has Murphy bed upstairs and it's got a smaller living space downstairs but this one's got a fun garden and on this lot sized here too you get your skills doubled so I put up an easel cuz I figured like you probably gonna do painting for money if you if you're doubling your skills twice as fast like you're definitely gonna be doing like a money maker thing like painting or maybe writing or programming of a computer here I also put a cork board cuz in case you wanted to have like a pen pal you don't really have space to have like friends in real life come visit but you could have your pen pals you could write to them and then yeah internet friends the way to go when you've got a house like this you just you can't have friends over I'm sorry it's not gonna work in the little kitchen though in a little dining space and a couch I mean there's definitely all the things you need even a dresser same thing tiny bathroom and a grill I went all out with this I think this one is cute I always want my favorite ones that I built it's definitely a weird um look it's it's very different from the other one that I built I can see myself playing in this though this is like a nice cheap house I was twenty four thousand it's not you gonna start her home I'm so bad like I'm so dumb I didn't try and make it a starter home though you could just like get cheaper look I'll fix it okay I didn't fix it but you get the picture it's fine it's the columns it's always the columns they really get you with the columns this house is base game and just tiny living though and I think it's really cute okay I was proud of myself and I made a micro home this one's just 32 tiles it's a very different style very much a blue suburban just adorable though big fan because on this lot type your plants grow twice as fast I put a bunch of planter boxes I figured you can put them down and like grow things out here there's a grill and stuff outside so you can make use of your outdoor space because you don't really have much indoor space this one sleeps two Sims as well and I love the layout of this house I want to play in it so badly I think it's so cute how there's like the couch back here that is actually a Murphy bed there's like these little pouf things that kind of work like a couch but it also kind of looks like maybe a coffee table when your sim puts the bed down there right at the end of the bed there's a TV back here also a bookcase and the stereo works as all the things plenty of counter space for cooking and there's like a little barstool section got a computer you have a full-size bathroom I mean it's got everything you could possibly need I think that Island counters are kind of the way to go with tiny houses as far as like having functional eating space because then you can have a place at your trailer sims to cook but also seating for them to eat at is if I were to put a table I mean I need to have like three tiles being used up you know this is for but at least it counts as the counter for them to cook on you could also probably get away if you wanted to make it a little bit smaller and we have an extra bed you could get away without having like an extra counter sink in the kitchen because you at least have a sink in the bathroom like you could definitely make this place smaller if it needed to be I just think this is adorable I I just like the layout of this a lot I think it's very realistic and it doesn't look like a bedroom that you're sitting in what is the perk of the Murphy bed cuz you can put the bed inside a living room and it just looks like a couch but then when your friends are gone you can pull it down and actually my bedroom in there there's plenty of space I don't know I like this place I love this pack I had so much fun doing these I spent like three hours this morning building tiny houses like I'm having a blast something I was very curious about but just to answer your questions I think you might be worrying too is if you could turn an apartment into a tiny house a lot and unfortunately you can't because you can't change the apartment lot type into a tiny house obviously but I think it's kind of sad that you can't get the perks cuz this is a small space I mean it's eighty-one tiles in here but I could at least get my small home lot perks I could be comfortable and have lower bills but no sorry Selim unfortunately you do not get either of those things in your stinky dirty carpet nasty apartment I kind of have a reputation for being negative somehow about these pets people are mean to me about it it's not fair but listen just because I sometimes call out when they do things wrong doesn't mean that I hate the SAMS I love the Sims I love this pack I had so much fun playing with it I think I can use these items and all of my gameplay like it doesn't feel like I think a lot of packs sometimes feel like they need to be intentionally used in order to get any use out of them things like stranger Ville you kind of have to like make an active choice so like move to stranger Ville and play the story which is fine but isn't necessarily like an easy to fit into your regular gameplay kind of pack but I can see myself using these items all the time and like this feature kind of blends so well into all the challenges I play and stuff like that like I was saying earlier I can use this drives riches or use it with my legacy challenges in the beginning to kind of have some boosts in the beginning of my gameplay and the items are also small and confited on my cute little tiny bedrooms I love to make smaller house it's not necessarily tiny homes but like most of the houses I build are kind of on a smaller scale cuz I think it's more fun to play in smaller houses and I can just see myself using all of these things so much which I am really excited about there was one thing though just one that I must show you just for the record mods are disabled in my game right now so before you accuse it of being that they aren't in my game but there appears to be some sort of mistake with the swatches they added there appears to be some sort of mistake with the swatches on the female hair styles because they're out of order and I don't understand how that's happened because all the swatches forever single pack for every single hair they're all in this exact same order and these two are wrong to the point that it looks like one of them is missing they're in like they're like in a different wrong order when I first saw it I was like they're missing the one of the swatches but this is actually a swatch it's just so light you can't see it on this far side background but the swatches are in the wrong order and I don't understand how this happened genuinely like I don't why it's a dumb thing but like how why is that there why that like is genuinely so annoying everything about that is so annoying it's not necessarily like a gamebreaking problem but why oh well hopefully they fixed that soon as in like in the next patch immediately cute hair though oh no I think it's a fun pack I like the concept I like the idea of them adding on to things they know we like to have already I mean I know I said it before but this is definitely a good example of them seeing us liking something in like a community-driven idea and then being like oh you like this thing I'll help you and I think that's awesome if they could take more of our like challenge concepts and things that we love to do and turn them into packs to benefit us better I'd love to see more of that in the game coming soon I mean it's trendy in real life tiny houses is trendy in the Sam's it's just cool concepts all around Wow lil Sims II didn't make it everything wrong with tiny living video cancelled she just can't win she hates on things she could say she's nice the things she gets hate I'm sorry I don't mean I don't mean to seem bitter I like this pack okay a genuine had a lot of fun playing with it and I think that's that's a key sign of this right like I had fun I play with it for a long time today and I could definitely see myself using it again in the future so a plus 10 out of 10 and you can get an official stamp of Sims II approval from me this pack comes out on Tuesday the 21st cost $10 on Origin as all the stuff packs always do and I'm looking forward to seeing your tiny house built it's so fun okay I'm sorry I'm gonna go bye I've seen people complaining about the fact that your Sims can die from Murphy beds but generally the idea of my Sims having a random chance of being killed by a bed amazing that's like the essence of the Sims that we all desire it's so dumb but so good [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 959,254
Rating: 4.9535809 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, tiny living, sims 4 stuff pack, new stuff pack, sims 4 pack, let's play, speed build, house build, sims 4 build, let's build
Id: _U_mH_cv3U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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