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what's up everybody and welcome back hey I'm good another fun-filled video for you today I'm on the way down to go pick up my small trailer bought two units the other day take two hundred for one of them and 325 levelly for the other one so I got to go pick up the trailer to move the bigger one of the two which will be coming up very shortly so stay tuned and you get to see what I got all right here's the first unit that I got for 200 I believe it was lunch tools and stuff who knows hopefully something Goods Harden in there we'll see successfully got that you loaded up all the trash is back here and then the trailers full with the gate the doors closed we just loaded it up as quick as possible cuz I got one more to do on to that one this is another 325 for there's a it doesn't look exactly how it did when I got it because we've looked a few things all these shoes are in the boxes brand new except for that one these all those like basically brand new in the box Nikes air maxes there's some Jordans back here that whole things for shoes I did just notice this much going back here empty that's really load this up real quick which are all in the wreck we're gonna load this up real quick and get out of here so out of this temp right here was this Invicta case which when I first opened it thought was empty and then you move this and there's two Invicta watches right there so what to check them out but that's the one in the truck alright so get the last part load know each other like 20 minutes it's uh TVs back in there and that's really about it grab that clothes rack and then she's empty this should be a pretty good unit so I can't really complain load the rest of it up and I'm out of here so any of you guys do real quick because some of the stuff that's sold recently that's sold like an hour after listing his Bell helmet racing helmet Double Dragon Ball Z ps2 games long burger basket this phone sold for parts 25 bucks within a few hours after listing it Metallica CD lowriders oldies CD this BMW business card holder whatnot and money clip and then the model core right there that's it they need to be packed up there's a few boxes over here that have already been packed up but I'm just currently working on getting some stuff here listed gonna be doing all this military stuff here in a minute and then probably working on those wrestling action figures that are in that box afterwards so that's what we got so that most of this military stuff hold out there's tons of buttons and this entire bag is full of ribbons things in there I mean it's pretty thick there's another ziplock bag there full ribbons just tons of military stuff bunch of medals and everything there but itself is on I mean some of its worth some money on it oon whole bunch of patches I'm just gonna put it all up as one big lot and just try to get rid of it in one shot so about an hour later I got everything laid out but then tons and tons of Bourbons too so we can get four all right I'm back down at the good oldest storage in it these totes here's some from that one 400 or $325 unit right there go through those but I really need to work on organizing some of this up here with my table and figuring some out getting pictures of stuff for online and then I need to dig through some of these clothes I'm supposed to have someone come this week to buy a bunch of clothes which would be nice so we're going to work on that stuff up there and then get to this because there's some stuff that I want to pull out like North Face stuff and stuff with a good brands bar and everything like that but I'm not gonna sell for 25 or 50 cents a piece or whatever like that so that's the plan some of you are going to just tote with all this automotive stuff that wasn't it I'm actually pretty decent stuff it's that thing's huge this whole bin of just random handfuls some jack stands and then all these guys were in there to make sure they work some big machinery that was in there not to bid adieu all right little update for you guys working on all the clothes clearing out this whole area strata goo all of those totes that are on that rack those ones back behind the tire I've got all these ones lined up here as I'm putting the stuff back here that I'm keeping like jackets and stuff like that cuz people were buying them I'm pretty sure it's all gonna go overseas to where they don't need coats and big jackets everything so I'm just pulling all that aside because I'll sell it on my own but that's what's stacked up right here and then I've gotta get do all the rest of this I'm working on a box right now and I've got to fill it up full clothes for them to look through tomorrow I said that's what we got not a whole lot of much going on that's interesting but where he's getting through it so I just got done with the people with the clothes they're coming on Sunday today is Thursday to come pick up a whole bunch of that I'm working on a couple boxes here did a little tiny bit of reorganization taking pictures for stuff to get listed online go into this box here and write an ad this little booklet was an iPad that I almost threw into the trash luckily my hands built the metal on the back it's cracked up but someone gets some reports I think it's the second generation due to the charging port but maybe it works who knows it's not too bad and then also pulled out an Apple TV remote I always saw those ones and then whatever this sorting basis for an Apple product pretty snazzy pennies down here that's it folks I'm gonna go grab some lunch and then get back to work between this guy here's the packaging full trailer already two units back to veneered and these movie full time to get working all right guys it's flipped open this Jordan box and it looks kind of interesting so it through the camera empty damn my bed do an Apple TV some of us today are working on this boat did you well this piece right here it does a bunch of watches in it mostly like Kenneth Cole and stuff like that nothing crazy in there not too bad a few books I guess when I start working on this - I actually got pretty interesting pretty quick pulled up some of this film and then just so happened for the for an instant max little camera this entire Vegas stuff - it may be love to see but I so all that together I could get some more money to work that's what we're gonna try to do and then oh damn that's to light the box [Music] whatever it is that's just sounds like personal people working stuff not too bad there this guy was in there series a trailer for so far um means about six o'clock up in nineteen years it's like eleven working bunch of stuff that I had in there and everything but um about that another year in eat some dinner but there's these two pieces there's four from there's one two right there and there's also two more in there in the storage unit which all parts looking entertainment center like it open so you look discs or whatever it's pretty neat it's real wood so that's nice but still a lot more stuff and basically everything in here is just boxes and totes and Bubble Ball freezer but that's the trailer for now I'm gonna throw that snow blower back up in here and then uh I'll show you guys what I found today here's a few things there so back waist scanner for for this order Toshiba left oh and then that New Balance boxes there's watches there a minute ago some Toyota core man manuals the laptop charger car radio back to LA some of this stuff I stopped a little cup you've seen the camera just some other core parts the Apple TV all the camera stuff good find an iPhone right there this guy a little iPod shuffle some gift cards I need to call some air pod covers just run this it's in the box an Apple pencil I'm some HP ink you think this might go on an Apple walks not exactly sure let's see what else we got use empty tool cases none of these Apple boxes and stuff you see what we'll do with them some batteries and then back here there was that vacuum in the trailer that trash can that trash can those buckets um these two tubs got filled up just a whole bunch of random stuff there's a in this one there's a Keurig and the UM tile saw some other stuff I honestly don't remember what's in that bottom one but who knows just a bunch of stuff that rogue TV but that's really it for today so I am heading out of here for the day I guess just wanted to say thank you guys so much for watching this video um if you don't mind hit that like button down there the beginning of the video was my Instagram and my snapchat if you want to have me go ahead but thank you so much drop a comment if you want to have any questions or just want to talk whatever I'm down with it and stay tuned for the next video because they're gonna be a lot more from those two units so catch you guys later
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 41,646
Rating: 4.6787148 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auction, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, garage sale, storage unit guns, fortnite, making money, reselling, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, crazy finds, gold find, storage unit finds car, coin find, silver, cash find, mystery box, mystery, mystery box reveal, money
Id: J-bq2F_7Sdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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