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so we are back at this unit now I'm gonna start working through it and yeah that's really about it so we'll hopefully find some good stuff and I'm just gonna power through today Super Bowl Sunday so I want to get some work done before I go to some game festivities and um yeah so if I find anything cool I'll let you know and let's get into it all right I'm backing this 10 by 20 literally back in the 10 by 20 I climbed through this little hole just trying to peek around nails screws some furniture looks like a couple chairs a dresser a bunch of stuff this is a pressboard dresser or something little fire truck but there's boxes and stuff here's a futon that looks for the in decent shape from this angle a little skateboard and then just a whole bunch of random junk throughout the middle not made it very far and right in this corner here looks like we have a we a weak chords for the we maybe some other stuff so not a bad little fine right out of the gate just got a little flea market thing going little trash bag and we're just moving through lots of paperwork looks like the people were home schooled this is all homeschooling books which kind of sell kind of down I'm going to try them and see what they do but not a bad little fun so far digging through this box right now pulled out two little jewelry cases there's sound like nothing nothing that sucks but like always just one guru see what we can find just pulled out this case out of the same box and I thought the little things I felt on empty but then that's what's inside this looks cool just from afar I'm pretty sure it's mark 14-karat right I can't read it and then we've got this ring too which is more 10 karat don't know if you can see that I'm working in there right there 10 karat so that's not too bad I like it not even too far into this maybe there's some more hiding in here the same exact thing happened with this case I felt empty and this one's like stuff at the top of it when we have another 10 karat gold ring marks right inside there it's a nice little ruby ring just a good back in the case it's the popo I did find this charm - I didn't put it on video but it's a little silver number one mom charm so that's in the pile as well you just made another little discovery got this trio 16 gigabyte tablet right there this box I'm still just working through this same exact box right in the front and it looks still interesting but this guy ruins that or real see if the clasp is real if the clasp is marked 14 karat gold right there upside down but real pearl real bold fast so there we go I'll keep in toss this little storm in there we lose that in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 14 karat gold right there on the bottom looks like it is some sort of possible gold coin in the middle and then it's marked 14 karat gold on that little clasp thing too not sure if that coin is gold or not but that's a nice piece goes to the pile I don't think what I'm looking at this that close the only thing else in here is gold maybe that class maybe silver down there but that's not bad that's a good 14-karat piece right there I like it just gonna digging through the bucks doesn't even see this ring down at the bottom that is 14-karat gold it is marked right there on the inside of the band you can see that with the camera I don't think it's really able to be seen but another gold ring and then these were real pearls with a silver clasp on it but I think that's going to be out of there but still that's not bad at all you just kind of a close-up of that coin too if you can see it but I like it here's a little update for you it's been a little slow process the truck is getting full trash found this holder and heater for like hair curlers and flat nose and stuff I've sold that before with all the pieces but I don't have the pieces for yet they might be in here I don't know but they don't want to close a lot of stuff that's just disgusting but I did just pull a pink gameboy advanced donkey comb two century two or something one country gentleman over there out of a bag and then I did find this security officers bit just kind of cool but that's really been it um a lot of trash nothing to really write home about got a bag of personal belongings going on and yeah I'm just working through it slowly but surely hopefully something good pops up soon trucks full of trash I am about to start packing up and heading out of here soon I just wanted to get a start on this since I had some time this morning but I guess I'd say Superbowl Sunday and I've got some stuff going on so I am about to be done I did just pull out a little Samsung tablet right here so that's that nothing really crazy today except for the gold the gold was nice to find I'll get that tested our tested or whatnot see what I made a little hole back here we can kind of see looks like part of a bed like a bunk bed or something eggs and stuff there's mattresses back there that looks like a dresser maybe this dresser here I still just drawers full of stuff couple leather looking chairs some boxes a little stand more boxes but I ended up running this unit back I think I might have set that before my floor but I ended up renting this back for a month just to give myself some more time and this is really close to my house so it just makes it easier to come up here and just work on it through here instead of driving all the way down in my store exam did get a couple - it's a flea market that nike big just find these books early some sort of role-playing game for Star Wars anything might sell them I try to look them up yet a little scrap in going but that's really it for today I'm going to UM pack up and head out of here get everything ready for Super Bowl Sunday so that's really about it now
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 3,852
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auctions, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, storage unit guns, fortnite, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, crazy finds, gold find, abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds car, corey woods, storage unit hunter, found money, storage unit finds money, toy find, lego
Id: 7KKXD8biFrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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