How To Buy Abandoned Storage Units & What to Expect

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hey guys it's Brian with retired at 40 and it's a cold nasty windy day here in Colorado and against my better judgment I'm gonna buy a storage unit just so I can show you what you actually in reality can expect from a storage unit because they're not all good ones so I've been on a pretty big luck streak on my storage unit purchasing lately at the end of the last one I kind of mentioned that you get a lot of trash in the storage unit all right we've got four minutes left and it's at a hundred and twenty dollars all right I'm gonna go ahead and bump it up to 210 as my max bid so with 2 minutes and 43 seconds left I'm the current high bidder at 1:40 there's a few odds and ends they're gonna make up for what I'm paying for this unit but just a couple things that really peak my interest and there's some radio-controlled plane stuff there's a hard case right here so someone just bumped it up at 200 but we're still the high bidder at 210 I don't think it'll go for much more than this one annoying thing about this website is every time someone bids at 3 minutes - the final time so now it's a 5 minutes and 23 seconds I've had quite a few people ask me which website I use I use storage treasures it's not the cheapest website you actually have to pay twice because you're paying sales tax in the place that you purchase it in and you're also paying a fee to storage treasures but I like their setup the quality of their units is a little is usually a little bit better okay so we're down to the last few seconds here bid is at 270 and look like we won all right so 270 dollars for the final bid if nothing else this will be some cheap entertainment let's go figure out what's in it all right we're all paid up and I just experienced one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced at a storage facility like this so on the way in here I had one of the weirdest experiences I've ever had at a storage facility and apparently this is gonna be like the new thing that they do at storage facilities it's all virtual so you walk into like this commons area and all there is is a computer screen and a camera and basically an ATM machine type thing that you put your money in you're talking to a guy in a different state I'm doing all right how are you virtually and they give you the information there's a there is a supervisor here but they come and cut a lot for you and then and then you get your storage unit really strange a little uncomfortable but I guess I don't know the world's just becoming less and less personal every single day that goes by but let's go check out the storage unit all right let's see if we can make our money back quick the toolbox right here no not the greatest one 15 bucks maybe there's a little ship here's what I was after right here has all these planes cuz I'm really into radio-controlled planes and there's a there's at least four in here I'm guessing we're gonna find a whole bunch of them there's a car subwoofer a couple of really nice radio-controlled cars in here there's another plane here's another plane I'm gonna try and make some room in here and try and get some inventory well I'm making a little bit of progress haven't really found a whole lot of worthwhile yet quite a bit of tools lots of radio controlled airplanes boats sail boats and planes couple skateboards I've definitely made my money back which is so everything else I guess is just gravy at this point but I'm gonna keep digging it's not a very nice day out so I'm gonna try and load the trailer up and kind of sort through it at home it's my suspicions we're correct there's lots of trash in here there is some good stuff that I've come across but a lot of trash so I'm going to show you the reality of storage units today and I found 85 cents so far this looks curious here nothing to write home about the box is really cool totally you know all right we made it home with our trailer full of junk so what can you expect in the average storage unit well it's right here it's about 60 to 70% garbage and you sift through that so you can get to the good stuff here's all the garbage already pulled out of here so now I'm gonna go through all that 60 to 70% of garbage so I can get to the cream or the gravy as I call it which is where the money's at I'm just gonna take a minute and just soak in all this reality right here a lot of times I think to myself what was I thinking this would be one of those cases you gotta just keep digging you never know what lies in the next box well I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I just bought another storage unit so that either makes me able to redeem myself or the biggest idiot on YouTube right now well maybe not the biggest idiot so I grabbed a few things that I kind of set aside now that we've seen plenty of junk that I went through I want to show you kind of the reality of what you're gonna find in the average storage unit you're gonna find way more junk than you're gonna find good things but obviously your goal is you kind of have to weigh out your time versus what you're gonna make on the storage unit and how much trash you're willing to sort through to find the stuff that's worth keeping so I found a big RC car another RC car I found a couple of spektrum remotes for RC cars they're probably $50 apiece this one I'm not really sure it is a big scale so it's probably a couple hundred dollars this is probably maybe 50 bucks not sure on this it's not in real great shape but I did find a box that had quite a few Xbox one games those are always a quick seller some Xbox remotes and I found an Xbox one console I don't know if it works or not and then I found another Xbox console it's obviously in pieces so I'm assuming that it doesn't work it could be sold as parts and then they found this little Train Set which is this is pretty cool this is it's n scale I looked it up it's probably about $70 and it looks to be complete but I'm gonna give it a shot and see if it works here's a typical site in a storage unit a bag full of clothes there's probably dirty underwear and socks in there I can almost guarantee you but once again I wanted to show you this video because I want to show you what you can realistically expect in most storage units I really enjoyed showing you guys my successes but I also want to show you my failures this box did have some good stuff in it it's got a whole set of Ryobi cordless tools and they'll have to be tested to make sure that they work here's a grinder but those I don't know they're probably worth all this stuff is probably 40 or 50 dollars there's just kind of miscellaneous tools and things I really like going through these type of junk drawer boxes because there's a lot of smalls in there and by smalls I mean something that's small that's got a good value to it and they don't take a lot of room to store they're quick to sell and you can have a whole box full of stuff to sell that really doesn't take up much room but it's a it's a lot of value in one small package another thing that I want to address is you need to have space to do storage units I mean look at all this it fills up your house really quick and it can really just end up taking over your house if you're not careful you have to remain really really organized you have to have a place to put all of your trash that's a really important one now how do you get rid of the trash I have a trailer so whatever I can't recycle or use in a different way I'll take to the dump if I have to but you have to realize when you go to the dump you're spending money and right now I think it's about a hundred bucks a ton to dump garbage so what I really try and do is recycle everything I can I recycle my steel my aluminum all the metals that I can and my goal with that is usually to make enough money on the recycling to pay for the dump fee I hope this video helped you guys figure out whether or not you are even interested in buying storage units and hopefully it gave you a few pointers on how to buy storage units and what expect when you actually get into the storage units don't forget to tune in in the next couple of weeks and I'll have an update on that storage unit that I purchased during this video take a minute to subscribe click the bell to get notifications to get future videos that come out join our new Facebook group that I started its Facebook groups retired at 40 live life simple I hope everyone's staying safe and healthy the country is kind of in a strange time right now in the mean time this is retired at 40 remember to live life simple we'll catch you next week stop yeah I'm gonna record you
Channel: Retired at 40- Live.Life.Simple.
Views: 12,492
Rating: 4.9204545 out of 5
Keywords: what to expect in a storage unit, how to buy storage units, buying abandoned storage units, how to buy storage units at auction, how to buy storage units online, how to buy storage unit contents, how to buy storage units near me, how to buy storage units and make money, make money on storage, how to make money on storage units, buying storage units, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, storage locker finds, how to make money, buying your first storage unit
Id: FkNGGiTh2T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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