Today I BOUGHT 4 LOCKERS at the abandoned storage unit auction! I've gone totally Locker Nuts!

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[Music] all right yes I don't know what I just did I just bought four units at the auction oh boy old boy oh boy and yeah they told us that they'd give us one day to clean them out so obviously I might need a little more time let's see what we got ourselves into here you all right what's up wok Ernest we are at the auctions today live auctions undisclosed location I'm not going to tell you where I'm at that's gonna remain a secret but what I will disclose is that I got four units today crazy this one it's not the first one I bought this is actually the third one I bought why am I here first well because the easiest one to clean out i'ma show it to you right now you're gonna see what I mean ready I was wearing my lucky shirt today too that must've been part of it okay you guys ready to do this that's it that's all she wrote to you two suitcases and a duffel bag a little bit of junk on the ground that's it let's take a closer look okay view from the doors just that not much a little bit junk down here I'll grab a garbage bag but here's what we got oh oh that looks like garbage okay so we got these two suitcases right here this is our hope Oh empty empty oh oh oh oh guys I think I made a mistake on this one oh okay that's how we're starting it off huh I saw these two suitcases and what do you think I thought suitcases full of money right same case full of what who knows my imagination definitely got the better of me I definitely overpaid for this [Music] right yeah I think this is garbage right here okay all right well at least I'm a overpaid on this one all right I'll tell you what I didn't overpay on the other three I'm gonna pick up another one in just a second we'll take a look at that too but here's the deal the management this first time I've been at this auction the management said they do not want us going through the stuff on the property they want us to take it off site and go through it there I'm not sure the reasoning for that but I'm gonna respect it right so I'm gonna load these up put them in the car and let's head over to the other unit take a look at it okay guys Locker number two which is also the last one I bought today this one much better deal I want to pay $2 $1 let's take a look at that you ready all right yeah I mean this one's not gonna be the big huge find of the century or anything but for $1 this mountain bike right here looks pretty decent mangu this I know this is a cheap brand long just used to make good bikes but that doesn't look too bad though but this is a oh look at this this is from a moving company I believe so hmm we got a heater here temperature turning things getting colder that's good these lamps mm-hmm take that straight to the thrift store I don't really have much luck selling those a little bed frame there Justin what looks to be moving paper like that they wrapped stuff away so this is definitely looking like a left over Locker then we got a little bit of DVDs in here okay CDs that's not bad okay in books that's not good either then we got uh so what do we have here mattress board it says one piece king two piece king queen hmm what is a mattress board mattress board maybe it's just a mattress box huh these mattresses in there yeah I think that might be what it is mattress board Moon's mattress box so let's hope those mattresses look pretty decent cuz I can get some money for those but I'm gonna get these again I got to get these loaded can't go through it here load those on the truck and let's bring it all home all right yes and now we're back at my unit about to go through the stuff that I pulled out of those two lockers it's big duffel bag here let's start with that it's heavy that's a good thing [Applause] [Applause] and when we have here I'll look at this some kind of a ziploc machine huh vacuum and seal okay we just sold one of these not that long ago when I got now that the unit and it's sitting in my garage forever it was sold for 85 bucks I don't know if this is the trimmings or that's actual bags okay that is kind of interesting we've got some aloe gel here here's another duffel bag Wow it's okay so it's not quite as big as the outer one but it's not a huge duffel bag those definitely come in handy okay here we go the vacuum sealer rolls this is good this will go with that ziplock machine vinyl examining gloves after someone's in the food service powder this I think put on your hands before you put the gloves on I think it's a good sharpie since this is another one food saving this is like the other one that I got but that one was brand new huh food saver there's an accessory port right here that's for alright here's another one food saver you know we're gonna do with these we're gonna bring these home and look them up let's see how much they are some of these do you have some pretty good value I'm also going to figure how to work them so I can test it it makes it work so there's a whole bunch of these walls most of them defeated like that which is why I thought it was garbage but a few good ones too like this right here so this is good stuff really good stuff I'll bring some food money sex again it's all cardboard another boxes see the rolls is pretty good one mainstays what is that target for anything oh my goodness yeah there's another one okay well you remember I paid 120 for this for this locker with the suitcases and I was really disappointed first because those are empty we got four sealer machines so far and a lot of bags and stuff there's gonna be some value in this like I said I had one of these food savers brand-new just recently sold it for 85 but it came with a huge box of these there's another one another sharpie and another scissors decent interesting brand new razor Gillette the box okay I got the garbage kind of sorted out yeah he's laid out back here yeah what else we got here for Brees couple for Brees bringing replacement indicator replace when the dot turns blue maybe these are supposed to go on the side of these little baggies that get sealed by these machines dirty socks in there all right no we're jumping around a little bit but this is that box that I found in the one dollar locker that I paid let's see what's in here a bunch of CDs Christian music Michelle Bernstein bass is how it should be done a lot of fitness DVDs are brand new not open which is why fitness DVDs aren't really worth all that much on the resale market because I think a lot of people buy them don't use him to sell him but I'll tell you what this morning I just this morning I sold this kit is one of the step kits I have the big plastic step whole bunch of DVDs a weighted bar I don't know what you do with it but Fitness said it was called the firm that's what that's who makes it and it was brand new in the box we got it out of one of the lockers actually was Jana's junk-mail Locker and sold it for 150 bucks this morning just this morning on eBay I just dropped it off of FedEx right before I came here so there is some money and some fitness stuff and I'll take most of this stuff like this right here mmm my Bible people then telling me always check your Bibles cuz there's often money inside I've never found mine and said there's a photo inside but no money ok guess I'll take this stuff home I'm gonna look these up probably list the food savers locally this other stuff I'll probably just put in a box at home for the fleet next flea market rip that box with the books I'll donate it's just a thrift store I don't really like dealing with books of too heavy got the couple duffles here garbage bag starting so we have this heater right here this little 4 heater seems not bad it's just a little dusty but it's a DeLonghi this is decent should get five dollars for that easy and we got these suitcases so I know that you feel empty we're gonna open the heart to see anyways American Tourister almond always those for 20 bucks each I don't know if I'll get that much my luggage vent they are a nice condition they're a little dusty so we'll bring it home will clean them up and get those listed ASAP they look like they've barely been used a few piece of clothes it's all it looks moldy when you first open it looks moldy it's not mold I'm feeling some baby powder her stuff in the suitcases very suspicious isn't it very suspicious I don't see a powder problem in this one this is a I thought it was American Tourister as well but it's not it's an iPhone there's a nice suitcase and then this Mongoose right here we're gonna also take this home I think and clean this up get this listed this is nice easy 50 bucks I'd say what do you guys think 50 bucks on this one 506 one aluminum well maybe it's a little bit better it's not that light though but we've also got that bed frame right there and the two mattresses so I'm gonna look I'm gonna open these up right now and take a look and we'll see if those are clean sellable they're very light so I don't think they're a very good brand the the better brands tend to be kind of heavier in my experience but these are light but I'm gonna take a look and see what we got all right that mattress looks pretty good the boxes are doing their job because they're keeping it very protected the mattress is clean at least the box brings clean I didn't open the other mattress box I ran out of time I'm gonna have to go back over there take a peek I didn't see the brand on it but you know what as long as it's clean I can sell it and I'd say if I have the to clean mattresses and the frame probably 40 50 bucks and if the boxes themselves I might have to look those up I think I can get 20 bucks a box and that's probably a really good deal but I might keep those because they sure do come in handy but right now let's take a look at some of the other stuff I've brought home all right check this out and pump the tires up tighten the handlebar and gave it a little wipe down this thing actually looks pretty nice surprisingly I think these bikes sell for like a hundred and twenty dollars on Walmart could that be right that's when I googled I found it 120 bucks I don't know that just doesn't I don't know if that seems right but nice looking bike I just listed for 60 bucks online I've already got like four people on inquired and one guy's on his way right now to get it so this will be gone soon not bad for a dollar all right some good news these guys have some pretty decent value I think each of these sell for at least 50 bucks each and with each one I just list them locally 425 and what I did also is a bundling each one two rolls of brand-new sealer so the sealer rolls are about 11 bucks brand new so you got about sixty one dollars retail on sale for twenty five not too bad but this guy right here this one's a little bit better surprisingly this one's over a hundred dollars and I don't really think there's that much different it just has a spot in there you could put the roll and feed it this way and you can trim it this way I tested all them they work perfectly it's pretty cool put the little plastic in there and slide it in and sucks the air out and feels it close open oh no son yeah that's a pretty good seal doesn't take long either it's pretty quick so I tested them all they weren't great so 25 25 25 and I listed this guy 450 and I'm including four rolls with this one so that's 125 bucks that's my locker cost if I get it so we'll see so we're gonna be alright thanks to the food saver the vacuum sealers luckily I think we're gonna be all right as long as we can sell this we can sell the luggage we could sell the other doodads we're gonna be okay but the dollar Locker that one's all profit right so all good but I did buy two others that day one for fifty bucks and one for 250 bucks unfortunately in my $50 one I didn't get the footage on that one but the 250 I did and I'm excited to show you guys because this one I'm most excited about I can't wait to get back and dig on that one but here's how that looked right start going up some some sausage all right so this week I'll get back I'm gonna look at the $50 one which is also good you'll see that soon enough it's really really interesting it's got some interesting components to it but the $250 one I'm gonna be digging in that one for a while oh wow I'm not actually sure how I'm going to do that since it won't let me go through it at the facility well we're gonna have to figure it out we always do I hope you guys like this video and the story that we're telling here if you do give me a thumbs up show me that you like this sort of thing and make sure to subscribe and hit the notification button so you'll be alerted when those future videos come out all right so we got great stuff coming guys but you're gonna have to wait for that until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locking it's alright guys so for the next video I was thinking about getting to this little stack of boxes right here this is all from the vintage gamble Locker I still have a little bit left a lot of old paperwork and photos this this thing here's got some old fragrances so we'll see but the electric company is about to cut our power out because of the fires so we're going to have to see if we can get a video done or not
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 21,934
Rating: 4.9291644 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, found in storage unit, Found cash, What's inside, Huge profit potential, Big money maker
Id: VofVx98kI4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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