This $60 Storage unit was a STEAL! - 9/8/2018 Storage Auction

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what is going on everybody resell rabbit here and I bought another storage unit this is a five by ten I paid $60 for it and bought it on September 8th 2018 let's take a look now my main thing looking in here I saw the remains of the previous owner so the big thing was this futon frame it does not look like the mattresses in there but this frame I should be able to get 40 50 bucks at least which will cover most of my investment I also saw a key rig down here it's a cheaper model 15 20 bucks or so this footlocker I have no idea what's in it but those always intrigued me and then that jar opener in the back which is the first thing I want to look at because these can go for really good money if they are new if they are not new then they can still sell but not crazy high and this looks to be new just glancing through here the cord is neatly wrapped this is brand new I know I'm gonna get a lot of people saying yes now what that's worth but look go up this jar opener beam that is new should give me a good hunter bucks right there hundred dollars now as I'm standing on this table that's questionably safe let's climb down here this footlocker really intrigued me what's this beware of the dog oh this might sell it's got the person's dog's name but little white paint cover that up and write the new name that I go decent this is just a cheap black & decker vacuum but either way five ten bucks now let's see there's some weight to this let's see what's in it maybe that's part of the previous owner and the rest of the previous owners in here you don't know all right wonderful clothing um I always like to dig in these because you never know if you're gonna find something buried in there oh there's other stuff down here we've got what's in here it's a jewelry box but doesn't look like anything special little cheap padlock some pins so no precious metals there but does look like this isn't entirely clothing I'm gonna cover up that checkbook Oh see this is protein powder or something no what else might be down here cards journals Kenneth Cole reaction that's a decent brand I don't think it's worth much but Oh digging underneath oh here we go it's just a Casio I don't think I'll get a ton for this camera maybe fifteen bucks or so on eBay but you know it's a decent fine we have looks like mostly just paperwork all right I don't think there is oh wait there we go this is an HP laptop looks to be in decent shape it looks like a decent one it is missing the page down key and has some crud on if there might be glue when they try to put it back on but it does look like a halfway decent laptop it was originally shipped with Windows 8 if we can get this working that's got to be a good hundred bucks right there so I mean the laptop at 100 120 140 with the camera this footlocker 2 should be able to get 15 bucks or so 155 255 we'll say 300 for the foot with the futon and then all of this other stuff I mean I'm gonna do really well on this one a couple of coolers I really don't get much for coolers but overall I have no idea what's gonna be in these boxes we have bags of clothes they did put them in space bags so at least they're not gonna be all molding try not to mess up that box and it is new this looks like kitchen stuff underneath the towel so you never know there might be some decent value in there I love looking through suitcases because I always seem to find decent stuff there is you probably saw we've got a keyboard here but unfortunately we can't get into it it's locked up so yeah it's missing the key can't get in but we do have a nice keyboard stand probably ten bucks for that well this does have stuff in it I always seem to find fun stuff in these suitcases well this is not closed those too heavy to be just close it is ooh we got a textbook here that will explain the weight that is a big textbook beyond that some shoes nothing much ah let's see if we can look up this textbook over this dump open up the rabbit fan here first time I look at with when I find textbooks if I don't have time to look things up is I'm gonna look up the year this book is 2011 so it is an older one probably not gonna be worth anything let me see if I can find my phone here and we will look it up we'll start with Amazon and Amazon it is not worth anything I always check Amazon first because it was not worth anything on Amazon where it's quick and easy its quick and easy to look up on Amazon takes a lot longer look stuff up on eBay it was not worth anything on Amazon it certainly won't be worth anything on eBay so I'm gonna have to just unit out it's gonna take me a couple of minutes um I should be able get everything but the futon frame in one trip and then the free time frame in the second trip with the trusty van so we'll get this all loaded up I anticipate maybe four or five hundred hours once I get through the boxes so I'll off all the kitchen stuff it is going to be sold in local auctions dropped off at consignment stores and then there'll be some eBay and local sales craigslist offer off places like that i really don't do a lot of local stuff but this laptop might be sold locally or could be sold for parts on eBay you never know some cleaning products and one of nothing much else we do have a bookshelf no reason I can't get 10 bucks to that bookshelf so I mean not a bad unit I'd pay 60 for this all day long so hope you enjoyed this video hope it was a fun one to go through I will update in the comments below if I find anything exceptionally exciting I don't expect much but if I find some gold bars yeah I'll let you know in the comments so keep an eye there and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Resale Rabbit
Views: 184,760
Rating: 4.640058 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, resale rabbit, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, thrift shop, pawn shop
Id: 97FMC-keD3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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