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what is up everybody welcome to the third edition i guess you could call it of this these seven units that i'm going through out of the trailer and everything um like i've said before i don't want to make the videos too long so i'm kind of just cutting in and out and all that so i hope you guys enjoy it let's see what we can find today all right now we've got this big hamper thing that's nasty i'll come out of there and there's a big rip in it lovely towel shirt i just flipped it inside out stay on the gosh let's go stay in the center i need to change this trash bag all right new bag is in a pair of pants there tiny pants a nice little figure another gross town some of this stuff is just nasty glass plate a little jewelry box but nothing in it looks cold or silver look through it here in a minute it's used that one's empty rag another rag there's a broken box more used cream and part toilet powder and looks like all that's left in here it's just towels and rags yeah that's it just brags nothing else in there won't be on a toss this guy i'm just going to see the jewelry box this earring is marked 14 karat gold i think this hairpin is marked 14 as well i just can't read it a little hairpin it won't focus and then a little silver earring clasp nothing special but a little bit of gold and silver is better than none all right we're on to here now little pair of goggles christmas lights is not what's in there we've got some towels christmas balls which i can never even give away a little purse with some paper in it it's not a bad little purse some papers and nothing in there and we got some shoes some little sketcher crocks aren't in terrible shape some converses they aren't the best shape but they'll probably sell got some nike airs i'm gonna have to look them up even though they're not in that good of shape another pair of jordans that are in not good shape but we'll look them up anyways never knew they could still maybe so so that was one of the things is most of these units had like a mouse infestation too so like those shoes are just destroyed all right guys we've got this little three door thing here phone box feels empty and it is empty a bag with salmon rolls in them gross we got here tread safe i think those might be like non-slip shoes i'm going to look those up a little box sounds empty let's see we've got two bandanas in there that's it oh and a little baggie wonder what that was use your imaginations a board game which looks to be all there a pair of nike sandals i think that's a bed sheet a couple belts that one shot that one doesn't look too bad that one's a marble but it's brand new six dollars on the price tag and then some sort of pump tube some personals and the last door they destroyed um i'm gonna work for that bag and two little things i'll still be able to sell this clean it up get a couple bucks for it and then underwear on to the next one we got another box here i went through a few bags of clothes just to get them out of the way i did find this little thing is brand new in these two little shoes this one is marked made in france with some logo i don't know on it right there so it's hard to see and then this little shoe pin over here i'm already tired of going through clothes a lot of this stuff has been so gross some school work some cardboard some sort of cards that's not used that's trash that's gross a little keurig coffee pot looks like it's new let's look that up a little case someone might buy it lunchbox looks to be in pretty good of shape got a tow cable another little lunch pail it's got some stains all over there a little purse toss it over there this looks like beer bradley but it's fake oh it might be oh it is real actually i'll have to put this to the side look the design up and see if it's worth anything it's broken wherever it is that's disgusting a couple pokemon cards flash drive and that looks to be it for this box all right i've got a bin here that i hope is not closed and the first bag feels like clothes i remember this unit this i'm just going to throw these away the ones that came out here this whole unit was just completely tested as you can see the whole bottom of the bag is eaten out look at that in a second i'll go to this one in a second see what we got here some gross stuff football little matchbox truck someone might buy that clean it up a little bit got a transformers action figure a penny we're rich a little basketball it's brand new body lotion it's a little showy or something like that i'm gonna look that up too a keyboard missing all the keys that thing's destroyed another penny another penny two pennies and a craftsman screwdriver it is getting hotter by the minute let's cut the cord on this and that's it for that we'll grab these bags next all right guys we got these two bags now i actually just set up a fan because i'm dying i did notice when i went to go dump that toad out that i missed this knife that was in there a little [Music] shimano i don't know if it's worth anything or not i'm gonna have to look into that guys this does not look fun it's like just full of mouse bedding and [Music] it's just a jacket i'm not even dealing with all the mouse poop and nastiness that's in here apple jacks really empty pill bottle a cord [Music] [Music] some petroleum really good cut these real quick and then move on to the next you
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auctions, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, storage unit guns, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, gold find, abandoned storage unit, corey woods, storage unit hunter, found money, storage unit finds money, vintage shoes, vintage, found gold, storage unit finds gold
Id: MaJGTjeLcI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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