How To Buy Abandoned Storage Units & Lockers Like Storage Wars TV Auctions

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it's Jeremy with HGH adventures and I'm with George we're an Akron about to browse 20 units we're open for ten thousand dollars all kinds of guns and rifles we can only hope let's go let's do this baby this is there's a hostile takeover this isn't right this is not right at all this is Jeremy and with a change of enters and we are in Akron going to a storage unit auction but today is all about training and teaching this is gonna be the 101 so many of you want to get involved so many of you want to start this out and we're gonna teach you exactly how to do it where in the world do you find storage unit auctions two places to go to financial storage unit auctions to find your live auctions go to WWE and zip comm you gotta check that out that's one of your favorites right punch in your zip code and then you can actually put in the radius of how many options are around you within your city or your zip code the other place if you don't want to go to a live auction you want to go online as storage treasures calm and you can actually bid online anytime from comfort of your home so what do I need to bring these three things at any option they have to bring your IDs you have to bring cash because most of them passionately sales and you need to bring locks to lock up a locker because once you buy it you own it and it's your responsibility to secure it lots of people will tell you to bring flashlights as well I always tell you don't bring a flashlight don't highlight things for other people to see if you want a flashlight bring it for afterwards when you're sorting through things that you need like how do you know what units to hit on George that was a really good question can you answer that one I'm a beginner as well so I would say it all depends on the individual and their preference so selling household items is what catches your eyes and you feel comfortable reselling those things been here and I want a bit of that I know what catches my eye we should but you're past that level so for you when you've been I like for a high end collectibles so household items don't don't do it for me anytime I see a mattress anytime I see a new nasty couch that I'm tired of hauling those things and put them on the curb what I look for is storage units that have boxes that are labeled but yeah totes and things are nice neat and clean because that usually means people took care of things and that usually means there's high valuable things in there as well so if it looks good run after it if it doesn't we profiled in our lives every day as a matter of fact I met George here the first time my jaw drops too tough for the arm I had to pick it back up and I went mmm I got to get me some of that so George what do you look for when you're profiling you know what are some things you see some things that I look for is dust cobwebs that just tells you that the owners of the surgery nobody nobody touched it so that's always a good sign and and if you see dust within their spaces where there is no dust something was there and then it got moved and that's always that's a concern for me that somebody actually was in there and and moved things other things when you profile I've seen units where there's just a wall of items up front right at the door but you can see there's nothing in the back there's a huge gap so why would somebody you got to put yourself in the mind of the person that owned the unit why would somebody put a huge wall of things in the front but there's nothing in the back and when you come to that conclusion you go there's either a car back there a boat back there a TV back there whatever it is something is a value back there because people don't stack nothing in the back but everything in the front they didn't want to put things that weren't valuable on top of something that was valuable you just got to get in the mind of the person that was in there that's how you profile if you smell smoke now good if you see cat hair how do you feel about cat hair and pets really not good so you want to look for nice neat clean valuable bidding is a pretty easy process you got to be bold enough number one to get near the auctioneer make sure the option air sees you so I always encourage individuals to go at the end of a line going through the store juice if you're in the beginning people are cramming you and pushing you if you go at the end of the line then you get the longest look and you're right at the auctioneer by the end the auctioneer starts high they always start high so they're trying to get as much money as possible and then they take that price down don't start bidding when it's up high wait till he gets to the bottom and then start your bidding and make sure he sees you if you're close to him you were at the end of the line he's gonna see your bid and you're gonna get a unit nobody else bids or if you're the highest bidder with the most cash if you were George this is how you would be oh if you were me I would just give you up and if you were George you it also did like this right right now that I've run the unit what do I do congratulations first of all you just bought yourself a whole pile of junk and hopefully some gold and some money and all kinds of other things so typically the auctioneers and the businesses will give you so much time to get everything out of the unit could be a day could be a weekend could be a month and you got to find out what that timeframe is and then you've got to move it all out and obviously you've got a couple options you can keep it you can sell it you can donate it you can do whatever you want with it because you now are the legal owner of everything absolutely everything that is in that unit you own it you got to get it out though within that time frame after you pay for it one thing I forgot to tell you once you buy the unit you clean out the unit you got to take a broom a dustpan usually garbage bags with you as well you want to get that swept out so you can get your cleaning deposit your security deposit feedback but if ya don't want to get that deposit back you can leave all your trash there you're just paying for your garbage disposal and it happens to be in the storage unit you bought so I own this big pile of junk but I don't have a tragedy so how do I move it out of the storage you got a few options on getting all that stuff out number one go buy a truck try that hopefully you got enough money in that unit to do that but if you don't you always can go rent one so I hear a lot of excuses people go I could never do this because I don't have a way to actually transport everything you do it cost you 20 bucks a day to get a u-haul move everything so no excuses you can get into this business just like anybody else and then find some high school students with big muscles if you need help moving it family members it doesn't matter somebody can help you somewhere somehow some way on a tight budget I don't have a lot of money how do I get started in this business my encouragement find you a brown shoe them that's what I did but there are other ways to do it as well very few but there are some storage unit facilities will accept the credit card you get a credit card you've got a 30-day billing cycle on a credit card so if you have a maxed out your credit card to cash they buy a unit on a credit card you've got 30 days to sell all of those items make your money and then pay off your credit card I do not encourage that if you're gonna carry that balance and pay interest fees that's the foolish thing to do credit card should be a tool that works for you not you working for the credit card so I don't have a big old warehouse like Jeremy so where do I keep all this stuff once I have it great question and the reality is you don't need anywhere to store it so you can take it to your mom and dad so you can put it on the kitchen counter in the basement but it's already in a storage unit why not actually rent the storage unit for a month and sell it directly from the storage unit you could have a garage sale right in your storage unit sell the items from the storage unit posted on Craigslist Facebook marketplace people come right there and buy from you just rent it for another month you can run a business right from the storage unit once I own everything in the unit and I have it sorted where do I sell it what do you think George or should you sell it household items so really good at a local garage sale and I had a garage sale first weekend of April a couple years ago I made over $5,000 in the weekend Rod's eBay yep high-dollar collectibles yeah anything small anything big if it's collectible eBay is a place to maximize your money this market place huge for furniture and household items that's a great place to get rid of stuff even Christmas decorations this time of year people go crazy boys and you'll find that in almost every unit family coworkers what about Craigslist hey you guys on Craigslist what about you've had this stuff for a month it has a move nobody's bought it which we do that you mean what you've done a lotion auction I've never been to a lotion auction but sounds interesting so if the stuff hangs around too long you can always box it up and send it to your local auction house and they'll auction it back off to the highest bidder and you still got Bank erst of all I'm not a legal expert I'm not a lawyer I'm not an accountant but what I can tell you is there is a legal term called casual sale if you have a garage sale that's called a casual sale non-taxable income it's non-taxable income up to a certain threshold you need to talk to your legal consultant or you're out as far as what those thresholds are I can tell you if you're selling on eBay and you do over a hundred transactions or twenty thousand dollars worth of sales in a given year they are going to send you a w-2 it's gonna be taxable income what if I get it cut you this Enrica reality is is you're probably gonna end up getting a done unit here and there for most people this is a volume game so you may buy ten units nine maybe duds and ten maybe a killer unit where you make a ton of money and it makes up for the other nine but if you're properly profiling your units you're looking at them you're making a good assessment as far as how much you're willing to spend how much profit you think is there you're going to win every time you all registered and there are not 20 units anymore they didn't tell me exactly how many there are probably more close to ten so right of redemption law applies I just got to find George Where's George we're twinning twinning now if we can just go get some winning [Applause] [Applause] Thanks goes back pretty far 30 bucks 40 bucks it's already dollar bill he'll be 25 get it going 20 bucks 20 bucks 15 any interest we don't take the other work in the interest [Music] Peter called one hundred seventy five hundred fifty one hundred twenty-five hundred bucks 7550 40 bucks 30 bucks 25 now interested 25 we're moving on people been sitting on this stuff thanks for the light 175 150 125 hundred bucks 25 50 bucks 40 bucks 30 bucks 25 bucks I got 25 here now go 30 25 mile go 30 when you got 30 out there to go 25 now go 30 30 anywhere you go last call for $30 25 on number three best one nice a nice old packs my guys 20 $30 Iron Tail anybody out there 130 dollars 25 now 30 last call for 30 25 all right people look at him a quick $200 win 51 2500 bucks 10 bucks 25 50 bucks but I'm gonna move 25 and 30 200 he's boxed Atlas clean he's at 30 bucks Oh I guess ago 45 anybody else 45 ASCO 4:45 $40 your number his storage unit auctions you what do you think see anything solid wood chest back there that's solid wood that's not particle that's big money that chest [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we missed it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 30 40 45 fine 45 you guys go have fun somewhere else let me have fun on this one number seven I think that way from 20 units down to I think it was seven in a hurry now after all you learned today what was the best unit you saw I remember a number was but I liked the one with that armoire in the back the giant wood and then there was another one with that white cabinets the dressers yep I would say the one with the dressers that was probably the best one for resale value that armoire I would have kept that put that up there in the house for George they are all happy had a little bridge to Narnia George and fake George what did you guys learn today that I want to make um also that just be patient don't bid right away and kind of feel it out see what people are willing to take in the unit and you kind of get a feel for what people are paying for what types of [Applause] what about you you want you never and what was your favorite part of today yeah I hope it hurts mmm go open that bad boy up how much how much was this 140 bucks and we definitely want to know what's in there we should we should save that to last don't you think I know okay we'll do that what do you like I really like that battery charger and date and battery charger is pretty nice I see an old clock in the back where's that out right back here looks it looks older somebody's some of these boxes are labeled this box is dads hey he got a treasure chest there's a treasure chest 19 piece it's a 19 piece treasure chest oh this is gonna be amazing America we love America a couple donation boxes so far bag of garbage all right let's see what else you got here more sweaters if you want to destroy my sweater oh wait you got what you got looks like dad oh no oh wait just a baby lazy angel that's baby Jeremy I was born with wings just like that yeah that's whoa that's not bad that's a good fine there and another sweater can't beat the sweaters yeah but it's alright would you find the old scale here Wiggins it away right yeah way right USA Co date on there anyway anywhere is Chicago still works it just needs a little cleaning up man that's a beautiful piece actually people would love it just like that not even cleaned up they look great in somebody's kitchen up on a cabinet yeah there you go it's cool imposter Jorge what did you just find we found the world's worst riddles all right let's hear one what's big black and eats rocks me a big black rock eater my goodness horrible that's terrible terrible that last one was so good we need another oh that happens to be true with a storage unit as well Panasonic radio huh oh yeah like a General Electric see a date anywhere yeah that's old it's kind of cool there's a little price tag of 10 bucks on there maybe you bought it at a garage sale yeah 10 bucks on that one too those things are so cool ya see a date back there no I'm not seeing that treasure chest is one of the smaller I've ever seen see what you got in your treasure chest whoa knives watching a full set it's not bad set there it is a nice little treasure chest mm-hmm nice score we're down to the little bag and then the big bag [Applause] best 40 bucks I've ever spent my life Oh worse 40 bucks I ever spent in my life that's horrible good thing good thing you're taking this all right hauling this all your oh look at that happy way and ice and that's the truth last bag happy George well nothing really rhymes with George George national hi well this is what we've been waiting for come on come on gold bars gold bricks is it heavy is it light it's it's a little heavy it's not light really how heavy a couple pounds maybe uh come on come on more sweaters well I know who's gonna win the ugly sweater contest this year at what the Hales Corp Wow yeah that is won't you be my neighbor that's it that's it [Music] nothing in there that's it this has been Jeremy and and George Jr and Jeremy jr. with hjh adventures thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe next week I'll be unloading and unboxing that Star Wars huge massive unit that I bought in Medinah you're going to want to be there to see that and remember adventure awaits you have to find it now go go George there's all kinds of going on there knows and when I go Where's George then peek out ok ok don't move I gotta fart fear first no I just my stomach so upset from those 5 or 1 bars you made me eat I love
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Views: 53,041
Rating: 4.8440433 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: ZCmyG0ivSUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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