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what is up everybody how are we doing I am off to go pick up a storage unit hi there was an auction there was auctions like last week I think and I completely forgot about him but then the district manager messaged me and said he was selling a couple of experience that didn't soul didn't sell so I'm buying one of those for 10 bucks today it's really sunny and hot out but I am heading out to go pick up one of those so I'll see you there orgasm here at this unit just paid forward I paid 10 bucks I thought it was a five by five I didn't realize it was a five by ten and goes back well worth it so that's not bad like I said the district manager just sent me a picture of it he's vocals don't look bad actually can you sit keep this just in a picture and said there's anyone with this for 10 bucks and I jumped on it so I guess we're just gonna load it up and I'm gonna go through it down at my storage unit and figure out what we've got here but if anything pops up I'll definitely let you know but I'm gonna get to loading and movements and try to get this done before it gets too hot outside today all right so I'm not very far through this well I kind of got this front area cleared out all right it just open this tote sooo was it and see if I could stuff anything else in it and it seems like it's all Magic the Gathering cards there's a whole nother binder right here feels like box sets that are full they're full chords I don't know much about magic so if anyone knows but I know that there's some cards that are worth a lot of money so I guess maybe hopefully we have some in here who knows but still just push it through it and load it up as quick as possible and then we'll sort it through my unit your bail I don't know 30 40 minutes we got it cleaned out we've got the truck loaded up and we're ready to go trucks loaded and I've got the backseat loaded with stuff as well let's get out here going through this seems to be old tools bunch of hammers looks like we've got some craftsmen so update for you found this Porter and cable charger with battery another charger the exact same one just pulled out a normal game view controller a off-brand one a wireless ps2 controller a bunch of cords a Sonic Mega Collection GameCube game got this heat gun that I looked up things gone for like 20 bucks on either this book troubleshooting our parent Florence's goes for it goes like 15 or 20 I haven't looked this up yet but it's brand new in the packaging a brand new game I've got a bunch of bits somewhere in a box I think it might be this box here said I'll probably end up putting with those and then about halfway through the truck and on the backseat still fool so there's my key box open here it looks interesting let's see I would have the tripod set up and you can see on the table but I forgot that at home not the smartest person that is more than likely that is silver [Music] so I pulled this out of the box I glanced in it and so some interesting stuff that's copper okay now that I look closer at it this is silver that's a little silver necklace that's nothing I highly doubt that's anything and that looks like just junk to the coin looks interesting it's just little st. Patrick's Cathedral coin myself case that Ginuwine whatever this is and painted in Italy Coleen's little piece of silver here's the tooth of all the magic cards this whole binder is completely full I don't know anything about these respective got to be something to figure out where ones on here like this binders completely cool [Music] this binder is completely box which has all chords and those are in like protective cases another box of cards and these are playing mats let's go more in it some sort of players gotta hide that one's empty that one's two boxes in there I guess all of these are gonna oh well I guess they got to do some research because there's of them guess we'll see a little update for you guys truck is full of trash are filling up found little Norris and keychain have one look some of this stuff up this thing it's not exactly sure did I've had that looks to be in really good shape a Kindle um Magic the Gathering both Star Wars book some other books and such some anime books this little unicorn is gonna play 12 books online not bad go 1 2 3 4 totes a flea market pulled out some Funko pops that one and then a game of thrones one there some brand name nike socks couple Harry Potter books one here one there some more random books and stuff like there I'm trying to start an Amazon maybe and I don't know how to do it so since it's up piling books but nothing real crazy this bag here I gotta look some of this stuff up up here wear shoes or things what they were but not terrible only got two more bags of clothes left and then three boxes so and I also noticed that there was some money as well going through it so I decided to put it all on and I'm going to um I'm gonna count it all up at the end because I know they're just couple that's all couple quarter books it felt heavy so let's see what we get out of the rest of the boxes just a nasty bag of clothes that's all covered in cat hair and groove stuff portal this Mike on bag I'd seen the box for it but unfortunately it's just a lens and a flash who knows maybe the camera is still hiding in here hopefully it is nice bag but the lines and stuff for some so we'll just set it there and hope that it doesn't pull here are these quarter books that I'd see so let's do oh yeah we've got a bunch of quarters in this book the two little georgia quarters they're 50 state commemorative folder looks like we're going to pay for this unit just out of course perfect so that's nice successfully done here I'm found a brand new Tommy Hilfiger wallet these are the same one I don't like to mean 20 books I think um and then did find another Amazon Kindle here this white house of wonderment and a couple more books I feel look up but that's really it I also did find this I forgot to show it it's this cool little Pokemon the Pikachu bank that works that's pretty neat but I'm just going to look up a few things pack up some stuff to go home and then head out of here I got those golf clubs there too hang up this mess so you ended up with one two three four and a half two it's a flea market over there I mean there's well over $10 where the stuffy nose and then all the magic cords are in there and a bunch other stuff it's worth some money so all at all let's say it was a pre successful unit the vacuum here did work yeah there's a bowling ball in here a little art set right there little fiber of a fiber-optic Christmas tree I can't talk there's a couple other things that are tossed up there nothing really crazy these suitcases I mean there's two good one in here and then this one the mornings out here in this one this one's really nice too I'm not sure we will get 10 or 15 books for that guy alone maybe who knows and we got some script pulled up here but other than that we're pretty much done some look some stuff up and then I'm gonna give you a count on these quarters just look at these two books real quick this book is going anywhere from like 40 to a hundred dollars and then that one there is going for I think it's 45 bucks Matthew Chevy you just go look everything up it's got a few more things to go and then on to those quarters once again another $60 book here and this is all you Bay person to you this isn't Amazon I want to get an Amazon but I don't know that's just a beast that I'm afraid to tackle but I guarantee those are going for more on Amazon but I guess I'll stick with me baby for now but I mean still it's like 120 books and two books over a hundred books like it's crazy for two little books all right pretty much everything dealt with I've got those two boxes right there that's all eBay stuff and then of course the magic cords still got some books up here that I didn't look up and this whole stack here but I'm pretty much done I wanna go get some dinner that's really about it but let's get to the money so we've got two dollars and 23 cents here now let's get to these $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 eight nine ten forty seven forty eight forty 75 plus 23 48 98 it's almost fifty bucks just in coins out of this unit that I paid 10 bucks for and then who knows with these magic cards of words there's probably I'd say just keeping the low balled five or six hundred dollars in those two boxes free even and then just there's probably few hundred bucks and that one's a few maybe two $250 in flea market stuff maybe maybe $300 maybe a little more because I'll probably it like 25 bucks with a vacuum maybe 15 bucks for this suitcase 10 bucks for this guy but I gotta say that's not too bad and then tomorrow I'm actually going to pick up another unit that didn't sell at another location just to get it out of their hair maybe something in there who knows I do have to say that's a solid comeback from not buying units for like three or four months so I got a buddy of mine who knows sitting there was a decent monster but a decent amount about magic cards this is back so we're gonna figure that out damn I look like I've been sweating all day and I've had a haircut since January and it is June 8th night something like that but I'm done so I'm gonna finish her up and all this up put everything away and get out of here all right we got the truck loaded my drink for the ride home and everything's basically put away I'm heading out of here and I'll be back down here tomorrow to UM go get that other unit so we'll see that either in this video or the next one probably the next video but stay tuned guys catch you later
Channel: Corey Woods
Views: 1,024
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, buying storage units, storage auctions, storage wars, flea market, storage locker finds, storage finds, storage unit auctions, finding gold, storage auction finds, abandoned storage units, storage unit finds guns, dumpster diving, storage unit guns, fortnite, storageauctionpirate, storage pirate, crazy finds, gold find, abandoned storage unit, corey woods, storage unit hunter, found money, storage unit finds money, magic cards, mtg, magic the gathering
Id: DrcvQpn_pyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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