I Bought The WORST Storage Auction Unit Of All Time

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all right everyone welcome back to the channel another day another storage unit clean out I purchased this locker down here so all three lockers I bought were on the bottom half of a double very fortunate with that because kind of sucks to go on a ladder and try clearing a locker up there but uh yeah I paid $30 for this locker is 35 I know it's kind of confused with the last two so it's either 30 or 35 for this unit I paid for it a couple days ago and now is the time to clear it out so I do remember the big thing with this a lot to close on the right and just like a huge chair or something right in your face so I have no idea what's behind that chair might be a television it could be blank to beat nothing organ should be packed with garbage I don't know this is going to be a true mystery hunt join me let's see we bought in a storage unit storage unit auctions today let's do it here we go this might be bad this might be bad alright I'll be honest with you I don't know where to start nice fleece starting off with a northeast police wow that's kind of shocking there's not expecting that it's expecting to subscribe the old garbage that stinks that really reeks what that was maybe something in here just reeks no there's that back this looks like it's gonna be all closed so this was actually the first unit that I bought at the auction I was kind of sweating us like I need to buy something and I think I'm over my head here it's a big one too it's like a 5 by 10 I was not expecting that nobody oh no for you I'm gonna get our money back here I just buy the worst possible locker of all time there's a very good possibility wow what is this how would you store that these will sell we get some look at a couple good pieces out of here I mean we'll make our my back some practically just end up going like 90% these clothes like this looks like a thrift store locker like they literally just took a thrift store or one of those donation bins and just dumped them all in here this is not like somebody put their their living room in here and just said you know what I'm not gonna pay this definitely looks like a thrift store locker one of those donation bin lockers I mean I just you got everything I don't even know what could possibly be in here I have no idea all right so I've done three trips and that's how far I got this is what I take me quite a few hours oh but yeah this is all I got another pair of Jordans out there I got two pairs of Jordans North Face and a lacrosse stick this is all just going to be donated or thrown in one of those bin Solway clothes but it's nothing really too spectacular some of the stuffs gonna have to get recycled there's some books in here at our just nobody what was that start walking around now roof right now well it looks like a lot of this is why do people do this but this is what drives me through you can't that's great but why would you save tomato ketchup like that's where I just think like did somebody get evicted from a house everyone throw everything in here pots and pans I can see you know mustard it's something decent then we finally get something decent though some people might be able to guess what that is [Music] now they look like they're all 50 cent comics nothing too crazy here a whole stack of us there might be five bucks of comics there if I'm lucky but that looks like that that that was kind of interesting and random food definitely a house clean out somebody drew all the stuff that the person owned in here they probably got evicted I don't even know what that says Japanese maybe I don't know what this is bleach I don't know this is an absolute disaster this doesn't look too bad but it's a lot it's a lot of it's a lot I just put it that way and I'm not even halfway done it looks like there's big stuff in the back I don't know what went on here now I'm trying to figure out how many believe pack my band now if you guys were ever curious about buying storage units this is probably I would say our lockers that have stuff in it this is about 60 to 70 percent of what lockers or units generally look like and generally have in terms of what are you know a contents inside it's generally if somebody's been evicted or moved out or something the landlord comes in they throw all the stuff that they own into a locker and then they just don't pay on it so if you're ever curious and or you know wanna buy unit in the future this is probably what you're going to end up with 60 to 70 percent of time if you buy lockers that are filled with stuff and I usually get a good deal sometimes you don't but it's a lot of work I'll get a title that says Jaguar on rock with a Jaguar print or cheetah print all around it's kind of cool I think that will sell on the back it says Family Dollar ten bucks so I guess that's where I came from originally nice thing about that class isn't broken yet washer wonder lane a pool clock it's got it all hey got some toilet paper case it starts raining some good items we had yourself an umbrella honest those umbrellas are actually perfect for auctions because you you know the smaller one someone always comes over as I hey can I could we share it and like those you kind of get in between you can just say no but you and someone else you want a pal can uh can share an umbrella this is got a whole milk crate here of DHS's that's kind of neat it's for candles a little tea candles get yourself some vhss what else do we have for you almost looks kind nice this might be a this is Brian made in China it's kind of like an imitation brass vase made in China elegant expressions so one day I'm trying to plan this time is to plan get all the clothes out those will all go to back in the man and then I can't I put this stuff on top just based off of like how I unload my van I'll be honest the good thing is it's right by the door that's the first floor but if somebody was like hey I gotta get my locker there we'd be in trouble we'd be in big trouble put that over here a bunch of toiletry geese toothbrushes that's kind of nice don't think it's old but I think it's nice pan over here's one or a heater a DMM fire so surprisingly these things all yourself thanks for your shower or your bathroom some people say it's great to display postcards or letters on whole bag of pots of pans a lot of these these aren't them but there's a lot of these green pans which I think are no no stick all right so gang kind towards the end here this was a lot of understanding about how to pack my van it's a great learning curve but found ourselves another north east this is like kind of like a puffier jacket so this actually worked more than the other one but yeah this locker was a ton of work and why'd they get out the rest of this here shortly the band's pretty much packed down the ha want to fit the rest of this but we'll figure out a way because I'm not making the drive back here but yeah this was a lot of fun in terms up the treasure hunt it wasn't a lot of fun and in unloading and loading everything but usually not much left I will have to get the rest of this out I see a piece of glass right there as well alright everyone so it's finally cleared out the whole lockers empty that was pride took me about three hours three and a half hours I'm not completely done so the whole thing is probably to me four hours in terms of I haven't completely filled up my van it's full Bob pretty sure I can fit the rest it's almost like you're playing Tetris with yourself consistently I feel like and uh yeah you know this was not a not an excellent locker by any means is this kind of what I got in terms of resellable stuff now everything in the beginning has a value but when you do this buy and sell stuff and he do storage auctions and and try to buy these units there's definitely time invested as well as you know there are some things that just don't have a secondhand value to it for example this television which is probably broken and it's got tape all around that they're just not in desireable anymore but but that's gonna wrap it up here hopefully you guys enjoyed this video thank you for coming along for another storage unit clean-out if you guys want to see more storage units and see the storage units I've done in the past I've come across some really cool items subscribe down below check out my storage unit auction playlist there's been a blast I've done I don't know 10 or 15 or so I've just done a couple myself in the past couple days so check them out subscribe down below so you don't miss any future treasure hunts and I'll catch up you guys next up for next venture as always have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 35,092
Rating: 4.8624053 out of 5
Keywords: bought abandoned storage unit, bought abandoned storage locker, storage auction, buy storage auction, buy storage unit, bought abandoned storage unit inside, taco stacks storage, found drugs, storage wars, storage unit win, storage wars episode, what the hales, storage unit finds, storage locker finds, locker nutz, found inside storage unit, abandoned, military storage unit, rich person storage unit, most expensive storage unit, found gold
Id: OMwWzGdfbvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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