Did Someone SERIOUSLY Throw These Away? Trash Picking Ep. 292

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all right staying with the projects look at that it's kind of rigged together but i finally have a faucet a hose or outdoor spigot winds picking up as always it is a trash picking day at some point i'm going to want to wash my van i realized my last van i never hand washed once and obviously it won't go through a uh one of those washing uh car washes that touches your car so like stuff like this if you spray it down with water it doesn't come off uh same with this you actually have to you see you actually have to touch it to clean it water just doesn't clean it so this van will be getting washed sometime soon it's due for its first oil change in about 500 miles but it's trash picking day fun fact day i went out this morning grabbed one item i also returned those red buckets so i'll include the clip and we find the item uh first and then we'll just try to make it a fun one see what happens let's get out there and see what's in the trash today and hey let's make it a good one let's do it what are we out this thing is tiny i think it's an antique what are you gonna put on there three hot dogs three hamburgers i don't even know it goes up to my waist also which is kind of cool this is an old one these are the old cast aluminum ones a little early morning pick she's in there dog crates for days all right this is throwing me for a loop i don't know it's a trailer i mean that's obviously a scrap metal it's a trailer scrap probably but already just like hauling scrap down here they're like hey just take the scrap out of it this one's gonna be an absolute beast this thing just looks heavy i don't want to happen is the freon to come out of this if they did not take it out so you kind of have to watch where you're grabbing i don't know what's going off the trailer so [Music] so [Music] i fortunately had the tools to take the freon out of it but you don't know the freon's out until you use the tool now that thing got punctured in here probably lose a decent amount of life a decent amount of life expectancy so try not to have to happen mattress over there this is the people who had a pile out last week and i got beat to it some lululemon whatever it is lulu brooks brothers just empty boxes i think uh do you think it's gonna be really stupid jay if you're watching this man i know he does he finds them once in a while at uh i don't think he wants brooks brothers he finds them once in a while at uh thrift stores the box might actually help sell value i don't really look for it but i think he does all right so today has been a good day so far um there's nothing down that way nothing down that way [Music] this is where i found all the uh the chairs last week and i know a couple people said they came from a steakhouse got a name in a steakhouse i don't know why i think it's like nordste or something steakhouse who knows these people are in the middle of the road all right uh thank you for telling me that like that's like something and wave this person by uh like i was saying that was that's something like i would never ever know that that would have came from a steakhouse and oh they got some speakers over there those are kind of old but i really appreciate when people let me know about that stuff because i don't think whatever brain that was whatever steakhouse that brand that is there's none within i don't know 50 miles of here or 100 miles of here and there's none where you know i grew up so how would i ever know it's like one of those things like how that thing even end up here is another another mystery to be solved but so far a decent day got mulch leaves everyone's doing their outdoor stuff a couple throwing their stones around and the chairs out it's really feeling like spring now we got a nice warm day 65 65. so hopefully we'll find some more stuff swing up here [Music] how's it going it's actually i was looking for one of these what the heck do we got out here all right no idea what this is no idea maxing rack don't need that's a nice nice ornate things here that's not where neat what am i thinking losing it these are cool they don't sell well but the oval one might a bunch of hardware down here it's gonna that would definitely sell so with this went to go through all that at home i didn't need those chairs and i guess i was a magazine rack diamond does everything's really cool it's uh it's that tv wire i should know that i'm not scrapping that at least for the time being i'm not scrapping it so i'm working on my deck it's almost finished it's we started nailing it down and uh ran into some issues with the nail gun so almost done but i did want to put some uh some table there nice planter i don't know if it's trash what are you guys planting in there it's always an issue right now planters what else lawn mowers lead whackers chairs chairs not really that came from paper moose she's uh she's always trying to find stuff in that first town so we met up and she gave me more boxes of metal really really well i have one when you can have two right what the heck's all this stuff it's a jewelry box got jewelry in it well that one does at least looks like it does i'll get the thermos at home i guess i probably should take that what am i going to do two girls why get one when you can have the two oh man i just got [Music] these are definitely not the aluminum ones this thing weighs this corner piece is probably aluminum this probably just gonna be chucked right in garbage it does have weights there might be something in here just mold just mold how am i gonna fit both of these i have to come back at the other one this thing already came off that's what these things weigh so much that's what it is now something else uh what did i want break on that thing all right that one's in there probably just keep the other one standing up probably should have wore [Music] long sleeves these girls are unrealistically heavy i don't know why that one's so heavy that's why both these were usually a girl like that probably weighs like 60 pounds i don't know that just gave me a whooping gotta say nicely mowed lawn looks pretty nice cabinet drawers over there this is actually a really good rack for something i don't know what i'm going to use it for but i feel like i probably use it for something i sold shoes on ebay that would be perfect all right and we are back wow what a day what an absolute day for a second i was like did that head just fall off that item however it does not appear to be so um this looked like there's jewelry in there i'm looking at now oh there is i'll even take this out try not to break this ceramic stuff smart thing right here would be take off all right there you go there's no jewelry now what am i looking at i saw the spinning things that's like oh that's jewelry up there i just thought it was upside down but it's not the spinning things spinning things i think they're called uh the uh well you'd hang your jewelry or your bracelet off of that most likely uh these are probably gonna be donated because well this one you know i'll try to sell it i have troubles on these jewelry boxes unless they're filled with jewelry this one's probably going to be thrown out because it's all moldy however what a day so we got all sorts of cool things here whatever this piece is i think just hold uh [Music] at least i think you'd hold this go from your ceiling kind of like a chandelier but i think you'd hold a candle in there that's kind of ballsy that's not getting scrapped this also is not getting this isn't cast iron although it looks like that's wood that's just paint that's not getting scrapped restless looks like scrap these are like that's a shock of some sort that looks like the shell to a motor that's something else there's some newer stuff in here i don't know what i'm grabbing right now but i see whatever this is that's not getting scrapped either it's new at least it looks new yeah it's new i think this was to hold a hose you put it against your foundation your wall and you put the hose around it it's kind of like a hose wrapper kind of thing i'll probably end up not scrapping that uh other than that it was voila a great day of picking i'm going to take time and go through and try to get these things off i think i see those display cases everywhere display cases a lot of things like carpet door knobs door pulls things of like you know that kind of nature anything you'd have you know as a showroom paint samples you see them everywhere i do see them everywhere i'm surprised i haven't seen like doorknobs in a while like just out in the trash my good late friend dale he used to pick up that kind of stuff from auctions if you ever come across one uh like an old say like an old not warehouse but old hardware store and have all the old hardware on it and displays look really really nice i know he's had a couple on his day um so yeah it was a great day all around awesome day i can't believe we found what three girls today in total can't beat them join them i guess um but yeah it's uh it's it's starting to get around we got that wooden stand as well it was a great damn we actually take apart the air conditioner probably tomorrow the day after so i get that out and when i have time i want to sit down and probably take that apart i know we're still in kind of lockdown face here in pennsylvania i know a lot of the country is still opening up um but we're still kind of locked down so flea markets around here aren't open just yet however whenever flea markets do open i'm going to be bringing a lot of stuff although i do think this would sell and that would sell i'm going to be bringing a lot of metal and a lot of iffy things so that way if it doesn't sell i can then scrap it or donate it or get rid of it but at least i know in my mind that hey look it just doesn't sell but this i know would definitely sell and somebody can definitely use that that way i can free up space rather than bringing things i'm like you know what it's probably going to sell oh the right buyer didn't come along and then i end up just storing it again and bringing it another week so always bringing fresh inventory this was an absolute blast hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another trash picking video can't thank you guys enough for all the support uh these videos you know the comments mean a lot the views mean a lot likes me a lot uh it really goes to show that you guys are really enjoying this stuff and i i greatly appreciate that you guys are uh so thanks for all that if you guys enjoyed it smack like button subscribe down below for more trash picking videos i'll catch up you guys next time for the next adventure and until next time well have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 111,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Scrap Metal, Found in dumpster, dumpster diving, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, recycle, recycling, scrapping, junking, garbage truck, garbage pick up, garbage find, found in garbage, dumpster dive haul, scrap pallet man, omar gosh, taco stacks garbage, paper and moose, easton pa
Id: 0eO5b85TLhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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