She Sold Me THIS At Her Garage Sale...

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all right everyone welcome back to the channel uh another two-part episode i think i've been doing a lot of these two-part episodes which is good in a way and bad in a way it's good because well it's more content put into one video that way i'm not doing like a whole video just like filler stuff um i'm going to try to get to a couple of daily vlogs here in the fall because it's going to be a lot harder to do these content things such as yard sales and flea markets and stuff is that as it starts to get colder things like that are just going to shut down around here i don't live in a very warm environment and a lot of these things kind of uh they rely on these warm environments like a flea market it relies on being warm out that's when it's open uh same with yard sales they kind of shut down here in like november uh so that's that but today well today right now we're going back to that one house that i helped out i think it was in like march her name is holly uh she is putting the house on for sale or i think it's up for sale and she still has a couple things there at the house that she wants gone so we're going to head over there and i'm going to show you guys what i grabbed from that pile i think at the beginning or the middle i should say at the middle of this video i'm going to end up doing yard sales and i'll be doing those yard sales tomorrow but i'm going to include them to this video with the new gopro 9 that i just got just a couple hours ago so that will be fun we'll see how the gopro 9 holds up it is a much larger camera and there's a couple things wonky about it but we'll see we'll see that when we uh we get there so let's get into this video let's make it a good one let's do it all right and we have arrived all right just like that we are gone oh that really kicked my butt moving those boxes i'm it's going to have been on storage yet to end tomorrow it was loaded with what looked like avon glass maybe avon glass boxes i don't know um walking back and forth really whoops my butt but thank you holly she gave me a bunch of good stuff uh we'll check out what's in those boxes here in a bit as i drive home it's an easy ten dollar bill just sitting at the curb it's one of the heavier ones is actually this is a good good quality costco cart it's got the wheels yep still got all four wheels always stopping for costco carts those are easily ten dollars every day that one's actually a really good one so i might be able to get 20 for that sometimes they are electrified where they have the uh the cord so you can put like a hot plate on it that one i don't think had the cord whoa so this is actually what's the one piece i can actually see is my favorite piece aside from the costco card i just got uh i just made it back home they even get to the warehouse and then we actually just keep this stuff in here for the flea market i don't like touching stuff three or four times the big problem doing anything like storage units or anything is you're obviously always unloading a storage unit you're loading into the van then you're unloading into a warehouse then you're loading it back into the van then you're unloading at the flea market and if it doesn't sell you load it back into your van you unload it and if you want to go back to the flea mark again you have to load it again and then unload it so there's a lot of loading unloadings that go with it i don't like touching stuff so many times the last time i want to touch this stuff is when i unload it and sell it hopefully at the market but i did want to kind of just go through a bunch of this stuff and see we got so we have some stemware glass and here it looks like coffee cups some mugs that's kind of cool a lot of tapestry kind of stuff fabric vegetable hanger no it's all sealed kind of hard to do things with one hand oh this is definitely gonna that's an awesome piece i love that that's almost like a uh it's like an elephant table yeah you're supposed to put a piece of no that's the bottom yeah that's so it doesn't scratch i'm pretty sure that so it doesn't scratch your floor then usually it'd be like a glass top up here that's awesome i love that might not want to part with him as you guys see tacos written on everything uh so greatly appreciate this holly there's a lot of neat things in here this looks like a waffle maker it's a waffle maker as i say knee press i've been dying to have one and i've i've had a couple in the past but they haven't worked as good as the one that i i had in college um oh this looks like it's all lantern oil as well right lamp oil so that's cool i'm not going to get to everything but if you guys are curious and want to see where the stuff ends up and what's in here make sure to check out my flea market video in a couple days we have some more glass where it looks like there also looks to be some china at the bottom that guy's kind of cool little duck thing antique lantern with led lights brand new still in the box there you go so yes a lot of cool things there's uh oh also we got the sleds box of dvds she gave me this air conditioner for scrap so i have to rip that apart but uh i'm going to plan on keeping this stuff in here probably organizing it a little bit better um because we go yard selling tomorrow which i'll include into this clip or in this video but the day after that i should be doing auction stuff which is essentially i think tomorrow's video and if i buy anything at the auction i just want to throw it on top of this right take this all out and then just reload it back in so i'm gonna keep it all like that but a costco cart as well as a bunch of other cool things always great thank you holly for that uh i always appreciate subscribers and all the support you guys and girls have done so thanks holly and uh yeah let's get into uh yard sale time all righty day two jumping into your still time these houses are all newer houses but these houses are amazing all righty did i see yourself yeah i did see yourself garage sales too right here on the right looks like that says four houses i think up here is where i bought a bunch of hats and basketballs as we see already see other people out and about it started three minutes ago i guess i'll go this way first garage sale this way don't see any but yeah jar sale time oh probably where all these cars are parked wow there's a lot of people out here wow i have found one of those a very long time so this is five bucks but it's brand new i'll grab that what's my size still brand new tags um but there's another one at old carriage you see that one yeah what all right all right i don't know i mean where yard sales are over here so i think this isn't palmer naomi's local this is a palmer and then i think we're going to forks i did grab this one coffee cup or mug at the other sales there's only a quarter um trying to think like class of 63 i think that's when my dad graduated easton no i didn't graduate in the 60s trying to figure out because i know what year my mom graduated college and i was trying to do the math because she's such and such years younger than my dad and it's just like i don't know but it was a cool mug like i if it didn't even have the class of 63 i think it'd be really cool it's an awesome red rover uh mug going on but i grabbed all those tennis balls for salsa i don't know if she has a lot she probably does she uses like a test ball once a month so it's not like a big thing of her i feel a little different all right so i grabbed that i think it's a cool topper i don't think it's a quilt i paid 10 bucks for it um this is the right one for my mom she's like their antiques this that i she had another one that it only had the right design on it for about a third of it so i figured this one has the real quilt-like design that you need or at least my mom needs i don't know if well i don't know for ten bucks i'm really worried about it all right another yard sale this person's just still unpacking i do see a pyrex bowl what looks like over there might just be a strainer i wonder how expensive that one is i'm gonna go five bucks plus it's a strainer four dollars that was close come here oh wow i might grab that one all right someone grabbed this small bowl that one's four i thought it would be five it's really scratched up um this i mean it's a dollar i'll definitely get a dollar back if not three or four i think it's worth it and then i grabbed that richmond tin some longer burger the back ones are 20 this one's five got like sharpie all over it those are all accessories for a long burger alright so i'll grab this that one's mark 20. hmm [Music] so i just went to this yard sale on the left and then there's another one down there on the right and i grabbed this awesome layer thing as well as i believe the bottom two one of those lawyer bookcases a box of paper ephemera and that actually goes those are like the reefs for this so this is actually really cool i'll show you guys that in a bit my camera died as always um this is probably going to be the last day i use this gopro the gopro 9 should be ready for the next video i was going to use it for this one but i do have to run some trial and errors before there's people i was the first person at the sale 30 minutes later than it started and now it's slammed with people all right so we are back uh i did grab a bunch of stuff i noticed back here in tennis balls but somehow i managed to misplace one of these uh so i got a bunch of tennis balls for salsa i got one pyrex i think this is like golden butterfly or something uh not a really desirable set but for a dollar i mean you really can't pass it up i got one easton pieberg shirt this is actually awesome i can't believe i found this uh frat collection fraternity collection t-shirt this was when i graduated probably a year after the summer after this was i can't even tell you how extremely hot this stuff was these front pocket t-shirts these shirts on their website were like 50 bucks and the really crazy thing about it was you can buy them off the website for 50 bucks put them on ebay and sell them for like 75 80 dollars it just it's crazy i think i've only found one of these in the wild other than today so to see another one i don't know if this company's still in business it probably is uh it just kind of it's just really crazy because it's like it's just crazy to me because this stuff was all over social media twitter everything in about 2013 2014 i ended up getting this quilt topper i hope my mom can appreciate it and can use it because otherwise it's going to the flea market but i think she will um she repurposes them this seems like it's ripe rally so she'll be happy with that grabbed one easton mug easton high school for 25 cents i also grabbed this jacket which is brand new size medium the usa patch this is the world baseball classic jacket it looked like it was probably at ross or something burlington coat factory it was on sale at one time for something else that they ripped off still tags this is about like a 45-50 jacket on ebay so expect to get that for it it was only five dollars i would have picked this up all day at a at a at a thrift store especially being new that's just like kind of crazy to me so that will go inside throw it onto my death pile of ebay stuff i did end up buying this 110 for a dollar this is that richmond t or richmond virginia 10 sawyers it's like a little spice tin this thing right here this is all the reefs that go on this thing which doesn't look that great in this sunlight but it's really really cool i love it i think i'll get 15 or 20 bucks for that that's a nice old piece uh end up buying all this paper for three bucks this was a dollar and this whole bin was two bucks this is a scrapbook i just really like the cover this is from 1964. had all the names on the back and there's just a bunch of assorted paper in here we have an older comic tamaqua a bunch of smaller paper ephemera kind of items these are all your stamps play money i don't know it's like a voucher or something statement of wages paid so those are your what year is this let's have a year it doesn't oh it does 1944 powder company so where is that atlas powder company i don't know why i'm thinking that's kind of in like martin's creek area water supply company are these your bills i don't know it's a whole bunch of paper ephemera for two bucks i think rene will want to look through that so she can look through that and she can look through that for three dollars i think she'll be happy with that uh that goes over there this is the bottom two i believe a lawyer bookcase it's in very decent shape it was repurposed on the back you can can see that there's been a new piece of wood added that looks like the only piece that's been added these lawyer bookcases are so expensive i just thought it was an awesome drawer this was five dollars so my total bill at that one place was 10 bucks uh little falls new york it looks like a lunch drum the only issue i've seen besides the uh the back piece was this little piece taken off on the veneer but other than that successful day of picking hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another episode of yard sales and garage sales she sold me all that for 10 bucks found some really really cool items to jacket as well as well as all the stuff that holly gave me yesterday uh which i added into this video so yet again another fun adventure hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button subscribe down below for more treasure hunts i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 56,330
Rating: 4.9354539 out of 5
Keywords: garage sale, estate sale, found at yard sale, found at garage sale, buy and sell, resell, reseller, reselling, sell on ebay, estate sale buy, antiques, american pickers, antique roadshow, episodes, garage sale find, best garage sale find, found gold, found money, what the hales, paul cantu, thrift store find, thrifting, thrift, thrift shop, make money on ebay, self employed, taco stacks ebay, etsy, amazon fba, ebay taxes, ebay sourcing
Id: 3ppIWBonZ_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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