Trash Picking Free Stuff In FREEZING RAIN and Storage Auction Day

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all righty welcome back you guys see out there the oil truck is here and I'm getting some heating oil all righty well that was a whopping 360 $1.85 it looks like I ordered they were 150 gallons and they only delivered 148 and 3/10 of a gallon and that's because it was full so I ordered it what like two days ago or yesterday figuring that I was probably going to be around 150 gallons and I knew tomorrow was a day where it supposed to get really cold so if it rained which it's doing right now and it freezes they might not be able to liver it so I was really playing out there delivered today they did deliver today but 360 $1.85 guys ever curious about what heating oil cost it's not exactly cheap but it's cheaper than it was a couple years ago a couple years ago is like $4 a gallon this this time it's like two dollars and 44 cents so something yet to pay here in the North it's one of those things that you know the far north you go the colder it is the higher your heating costs generally are but today should be a fun day it's another fun adventure we're doing trash picking I don't know how the weather's going hold up with trash picking and if everything's just gonna be sopping wet and soggy I do still have a bunch of metal in the van because if I find enough today I can just stop off at the scrapyard identify enough and the other day so I didn't go to the scrapyard but we find a bunch we'll stop off there and then we're doing storage auction things and we're doing a local auction because the local auction has an auction today they're now doing every two weeks today's that day let's try to find some treasure let's make it a good day and let's see what today has in store let's do it me being the genius that I am I thought let me solve this price issue my playlist towel on this now just kind of helped I think I treat myself time it's like what do we have frozen piece of ice not really this frozen then why treat myself this holiday season to one of those things that you wrap around your window so you don't have this issue all right that person's having issues with their uh the game in the rice off their vehicle up there I asked him if they want to use the scraper they just looked at me like they didn't speak English so I don't know what language they speak any age thoughts crazy yeah my scrapers name that good anyway I broke the broke the decent one that I had this ice is fun generally lamps I don't take what seemed I'll bear that one thrift store was yesterday you know what miss might have to just be scrapped in some sort of way take off the brass cuz solid ice I don't know about that one still got the court didn't really think about that house man the rain I don't think that really dries out that well alright I think I see something of interest I think I see something of interest back here and this was pretty hard to see because that's kind of starting to fall off but I think it's the same color of cardboard boxes and cardboard boxes so I thought it was an old one it's not it's really nice I really hope this works because this is definitely something that's sellable but don't know how look at that how frozen it is don't know how ice water mixes with electrical cords but I let it dry off in three or four days I'll test it Oh [Applause] you know it also doesn't do well and rain furniture this looks like a nice piece that shot I can see that veneers already peeling off look at that back on it like you'd have to replace the whole vacuum that's a nice piece I can't do anything about that maybe you can replace the bad piece I'm running out of space as well that's why when I grabbed a bunch of other furniture pieces it's like you guys had to pick your poison it's it's a little bit different like if I find that kind of stuff in April or June July when I can just put in the VIN and save it for you know three days and then try to sell it it doesn't sell that week I could sell the next week ago so that we go just throw it back out but unfortunately unfortunately that's not my luxury I have and I do have very limited space to kind of save up stuff for next four or five months when things are damaged you get really really picky like that it's kind of a shame it's kind of a shame this is a wine wine fridge everywhere today those balls those not treasure no sir someone's actual dick or got some polished brass it's most likely iron I would assume yep magnet stuck to that this might clip the cord on that it's broken anyway the glasses shudder at the ridge right there all right mate the auction there's like no one here so either the weather has really put a damper on it I'm kind of early but I'm not that early or they put a delay on the auction for like an hour which they've done before and that's the case I probably won't stick around because a lot of things I get done today but the the land or the grass in front the warehouse is probably really soggy so I would have grabbed that cabinet I would be pretty difficult to park on the road and somehow drag it over without it breaking even more it's always the issue when picking up picking up furniture and weather like this is that you don't know how it's gonna be once it all dries out I mean it had a sheet of ice on it so it could have been even more ruined than what it was that is something you just don't know model plane deja vu all over and then buying candles there was actually a decent amount of good ones but someone came in and bought a ball pretty much a starting bid of 25 bucks so I was able to grab these which the Box alone I'll probably at five or ten for I'm think I'm going to put all these candles and a flat I don't know if I caught that on camera or if it really made the final clip but they had the exact same one without all this ice on it five bucks it sold for so consignor got about two dollars and fifty cents and that's why I kind of scrapped these cuz this right here described price right now it's about two bucks two dollars and 25 cents two dollars so once you take your cut from an auction house you know and if it doesn't work and the person wants to return it some auction house to let them some auctions don't so yep that's probably why it so that's that's probably why it's gonna be scrapped and now I know down the line I mean if I find in the Box I'll try selling it but something in that condition how soaked it is frozen just ends up being recycled into maybe a new one alright so I'm pulling behind the scrap yard now not the scrap you know what I'm saying the gas station over here to get air free air so yeah this is actually the gas station it's the back side of it dad this really cool bulldog up there like a Mack Bulldog guys can see that I just noticed that it's just the other day it should work I put some air in this van because I stored that light that popped up I did the right side the other day like it numbnut all right what kind of it was like 80 is one and then the other one was like 50 so we got eighty in the back 65 in the front all right hopefully this will clear the system all right so I just put air in it I think this takes a while before that clears they get the drive around a little bit before that clears but the back back tire that's not the one with the skirt it but it might have a skirt the back one was off by about 8 or 10 psi so I should do it hopefully I think hole disappears shortly okay so moving on with the day I caught more packages here that will be posted in a couple days I mailed it out beat holy Jeep gang out here we saw some ice falling off of that so I decided I'm going to run to the scrapyard I had to run home quickly and then I completely forgot that I needed cash for the storage box if I buy something there's a cache clean out the pause and there's a cash buyers premium on the locker because there's not that many lockers that go for sale there is a buyer's premium most auctioneers wouldn't do a buyer's premium on a storage auction but when there's only a couple lockers going up it's you know it's a lot of work for the auctioneer to come out there to make 10 20 30 bucks so we are here I got my drop off the rest of the brass the brass head frame which I already got about 15 or 20 bucks out of Emily like seven or eight dollars and then I have that one large fan so we'll see what we get I also have that a washing machine and that wine cooler do I need this I don't think now I don't need that I could just carry this stuff by myself all right the brass which I cut up this actually was part of it and then this fan [Music] all right so made a whopping twenty twenty-one dollars it's pretty spot-on with the brass and I'll show you the receipt here the motor itself that fan motor it weighed a whopping twenty pounds it's ten cents a pound to us two dollars the yellow brass I had six pounds of that came out to eight dollars and ten cents so I made about twenty three bucks on that brass head board which I know a lot of people said to possibly put on Facebook marketplace and ask twenty or twenty five I end up making twenty three and scrap and that's that's what brass being down to brass usually when I used to scrap for past couple of years is about a dollar sixty it's down to a dollar thirty five and then light iron it's currently up to four dollars so jump another fifty cents over the course of maybe five days so we're at four dollars that's great that means the other yards probably will be have four dollars and fifty cents soon and then it usually means that we're gonna be had five bucks soon so at five bucks I'm happy with that I think this summer was up to four dollars and fifty cents now I was perfectly fine for four dollars and fifty cents because you throw a couple of couple washers couple dryers in the back you come here make twenty twenty-five dollars just on a couple washers so at four dollars it's great that was about ten bucks so he came out to twenty one dollars so head on to the storage auction hopefully buy some lockers over there person and if not there you go what are you doing that's a couch that locker so for 10 bucks I stayed away from me at a couch and a mattress oh so we're gonna a nice white Christmas tree just in time for that cycle that's a rare collector's item kid everybody $50 class not be 10% fired premium because of mr. Hong since you find any personal effects such as a tax returns and things like that we've driven through the office we'll try to get a homeless person in return to it's getting carried away it was like a $20 there now I didn't see a I saw a container yeah yep taken yeah it's all she wrote I bid that Locker up to 75 bucks he wasn't gonna stop that was kind of in there it's like the 20 25 but it's 70 bucks I don't really even see anything really in there for 70 I don't even know why I picked the 70 but I figure it was close by I can load it up today and be done with it but at 75 bucks I mean I was like I got carried away myself there oh there's more lockers that go off tomorrow in style my thought process was worse I can pride by that same exact locker tomorrow for 20 bucks so so it happens tomorrow hopefully guys enjoyed this video I know I've been all over the place I tried tried to bid on some lockers is what it is catch up you guys tomorrow for tomorrow's adventure hopefully smack lightfoot until next time have a great day keep living the dream whose [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 44,113
Rating: 4.936326 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking, found for free, free treasure, treasure, found gold, found money, recycle, scrap metal, scrapping, junk metal, garbage found, found abandoned, storage auction, storage locker, storage locker auction, storage wars, repurpose, auction hual, found in dumpster, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster diving find, speedy diver, scrap pallet man, scrap yard, scrap metal price, scrap metal prices, scrap metal iron, taco stacks ebay, ebay
Id: 6dNTZYQ_wrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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