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all righty welcome back for another video as you guys see we are still at the goodwill bins day two part two same day uh but today is going to be a good wool pallet unboxing um i paid 40 dollars for this pallet i don't think their sales tax i could not even see it they literally just had in the back and they're like we have pallets available so this could be really sketchy and really bad or this could be really good i'm leaning towards more being sketchy just being honest with you but um we'll see we will see usually they bring them out to the floor they had none on the floor so well we'll see what happens just waiting for it and then uh we'll do a little unboxing i have high hopes this is literally like a flippers way of gambling be honest with you um back in the day they used to actually have the box cut on the top so you can see in and uh oh here we go so i spent 40 bucks on this uh just a little background on what happened here i went to goodwill outlet stores that's where they're available you have to take everything out of there you can't leave anything left it costs you about 40 bucks and this can be complete garbage and this could be gold who knows let's get into it all right moment of truth i don't know if i need to uh well they got the tape pretty much i think i gotta cut that tape no i can rip it off [Music] i'm just really hoping this isn't like just all glassware or all kids toys i'm fine with perkbrak and dollar items and to be honest if you guys are new to the channel it's not hard to make 40 bucks back on these i mean let's be real 40 bucks oh my goodness who knows you gotta be kidding me you gotta be kidding me you gotta be absolutely kidding me i don't know if they put the best stuff on top but if those things aren't cracked this is i don't know what that is what is this being in china uh i don't know about that are these literally jugs holy smokes they are this thing is really loud for somebody who's not into antiques you probably can't appreciate this these might be the false craft ones they are not i don't know what that signature on the bottom means it looks fairly new and that kind of looks fairly new but low end at least ten dollars for this one and if this one's actually an antique it's not it's not antique it's new um so they're not antiques they are fairly new i'm going to try to separate this these uh try to separate these so they don't break you know what here's what i'll do i'll even just like all right here we go i'm gonna throw one in here so they're like ten dollars each they aren't antique so we're at 20 bucks right now between all this stuff we probably got another five or ten dollars here so we're at thirty dollars 30 bucks do i go back and ask for another one geez this thing was loaded with that i mean that thing's like 600 700 worth of just jugs all right now that looks like just oh [Music] i got some silver plate at the bottom it's got a name on it italy italy's silver plate so it doesn't look like he has a name all right well that's a good start curious what's in these things pro pack pro pack must be packed pretty professionally as i just made all right that's garbage all right dion co denim company all right why would you that's what kind of throws me for a loop of doing these is like why would you throw a piece of clothing inside one of these i wonder if this is clothing no looks like possibly shoes uh we got some christmas decor down there hey shoes like i called it uh vanoc finnick walk move life don't know much about those do they have a price tag originally style kalia black six medium might be an ebay piece what intrigued me was this one said old looks like old military ammo pouch it is holy mackerel it's marked us i guess well you know what i'll let you go i'll let you guys guess i have an idea of what era and i don't think it's world war ii but i know there's someone out there who probably is an expert in military so you probably know what this is these are i mean that thing's five ten bucks just market price and this has a marking on it as well not familiar what that is i don't see other markings in it i don't know if it's military or if it's just like you know i also say i say it's a lie i say i don't know and the reason why i say i don't know and i know this makes me very vulnerable for a lot of comments and a lot of questions about my integrity and my intelligence but i don't like to just lie to just act like i know i'm talking about there's a lot of people out there who just pretend they know everything in reality they don't know everything and there's a lot of things they're completely wrong about so i just say i don't know and then if you guys know what it is drop a comment down below it's simple we learn a little there's a lot of things i know that our people don't know there's a lot of things our people know that i have no clue about these shoes probably gotta go uh looks like a punch bowl set at the bottom that's exactly what that is it's a punch bowl set and i have some uh i got a bunch of these glasses we have some silver plate as well and these nice containers great for uh pencils or markers i'm curious about whatever this is all right we'll see what this is high hopes that made a lot of noise oh it's roseville not old roseville new roseville does not appear to be cracked at all so this is roseville ohio let's flip it over uh six quart i would hate to ship this on ebay but maybe this is a facebook marketplace piece roseville is one of those things like around here i mean you're not going to get ebay price for it but the newer stuff you're going to get somewhere com competitive with that because people just enjoy it that looks like all cups and plates which kind of stinks in a way because that stuff usually i end up just donating or tossing this might be sneakers that's what that looks like let's go through the rest of this bag um that's for a towel rack i believe i've had a bunch of these in the past actually kept one for myself a little black and decker smart driver looks like we have more kitchen wear and there and a lot of stuff for uh teflon kitchen uh forks and spoons and stuff bachelor don't want to bore you guys too much with moving right along it looks like we have a whole bag here of sneakers that's exactly what we got a whole bunch of uh used sneakers some cleats these are made by bass a couple dollars there it's not a no ebay piece there oh joy curious what's oh wow this thing was probably really expensive back in the day this is a what the heck it's made by rubbermaid so i'm thinking it's got to be something with a cooler bag yeah cooler bag for a month holy smokes never seen one of those so in terms of making your 40 bucks back as long as you do like garage sales or flea markets or yard sales i'm telling you it's not hard to make 40 bucks back it really isn't terms if you're going to ebay so far i think i've only found like one item oh the military stuff that would i'd ebay that the crocs and the jugs i probably wouldn't anything would have to ship fragile shipping i'm not all about that we have some needle print of lighthouses well this is nice i don't know why but we always find these prints these look very very common kind of crate uh they did tear up there i was gonna say kind of crazy that sometimes these uh or thrift stores don't rip open the bags or rip open the back i should say because there's old tale that a lot of people used to save money and store money in the back of old pictures so if you ever come across like ones at a thrift store you'll often see they're often torn right across in the backing i don't know how the heck i want to get this stuff out so it looks like couple frames and then we got a bunch of just typical books with a lot of cobwebs on them just going through this box we have a used thing of tape this thing i don't know where this was stored but this thing is really dusty it looks like a lot of books that were um is this one of those recorders it's gotta be i feel like every kid so i was gonna say these books look like someone who was probably in high school and had to read certain books for high school or class i feel like everyone had a recorder why in the world i guess that's exactly what it is why did everyone growing up in the 90s have to learn the recorder it is one of the most random instruments we ever had to learn i probably still have mine then a harmonica some people had to learn harmonica that might be more shoes i don't know how i might grab that but i'm going to jump in here this might not be shoes hats clothes who knows oh geez that did not sound good a new shirt and a duffel bag any names on the duffel bag sometimes oh disney world all right a couple dollars there and a workout shirt maybe another shirt i used sure all right disney world thing could be worth something looks like we have a bingo bingo apparatus over there in the corner that's what all that the balls are inside that plastic bag this thing's broken i guess now you can't get towards the uh the garbage part for stuff that's kind of thrown down there oh the entire box then i go through we have some smaller ceramic thing that might be for a candle one piece of depression glass this i don't think is actually no it's high sea glass so it's actually is depression i believe that's from gettysburg we have a bunch of looks like corral all these are corning fairly similar so i got a couple dollars here these plates i'll probably end up tossing i know people don't like to hear that on the channel that i throw away stuff but i can donate them again if there's a set here bingo cards and here's your bingo holder your numbers you got one piece of depression glass some christmas wire also um all right we'll look in this bag last i think got somehow disposed of that picture without cutting out my hand all right next step probably get the rest this out i probably try to tip this thing over because i don't think i can really get in there all right you know what actually we'll go through the wrist bag whatever this is i saw a max fly on the side which is golf geez that didn't sound good i don't know what this is i don't know if it's golf stuff or not this why do i think this might be a chair it's not i know what this is i have a cup an idea what this might be you guys see there's netting in there i don't know if that might pick up on camera i think this is a golf net yeah it's exactly what it is so these are your stakes not your rib eye steaks but your steaks you put that in the ground whatever it might be you make this into a net and you can use it for golf probably use it for a lot of other things a lot of other sports but that's what it is it's a golf net should sell ten dollars five dollars twenty dollars top to lid which i didn't see the bottom that was with the hull yeah or not the hall the rose the roseville i wonder if the best option really is to tip this probably will break stuff but what am i breaking that's the real thing the shoes might be all right i don't see anything else whatever's in that bag jeez that was stupid they didn't tape the bottom so after stuff is on the ground aeropostale bag it's kind of amazing you know so many stores really hot mid-2000s early 2000s abercromy i think hollister has kind of changed their whole uh clothing i don't know if you want to say agenda but they've adjusted some of these stores that just like kind of just went in and out so we call them fast fashion fast fashion so that thing that bag there the mystery bag was just uh like garland all right i'll try to get the rest of this out let you know how i made any of it shows up maybe that curious george saying story story book treasures hmm all right this is actually a pretty neat piece it's a shame it's torn it's not an original that's cool i mean it's not like yeah i don't know like obviously it's not original but it's cool i don't know what reprints of these things cost i don't have any idea this one also looks like there's a whole bunch in here buffalo bills wild west rough riders ringling brothers oh so it's like a whole stack you see there's six here all right could be worth a million dollars all right i gotta put these somewhere else these are really neat these do not get thrown in the back of the van i really hope i didn't rip that just by being careless i could have and i could not if you guys enjoyed this video if you guys enjoy this kind of treasure hunt palettes storage you haven't already subscribed down below i plan on doing more of these through the spring um if i would buy another pallet i would probably buy one today but don't know so my issue right now is storage february and march storage becomes a gigantic issue for myself uh maybe next week we'll come back and buy something or buy another pallet who knows but you'll see like there might be five dollars worth of stuff left here but this the rest is going to be garbage but it's the honest truth of this you're gonna find some gems and you're gonna find some junk that might offend people but keep in real all right so kind of wrap it up here this one looks like it's all there uh i'd say like 25 30 on ebay for this i didn't really look it up but it looks like it's complete there's also this one piece here jamestown virginia it's 1992. we got ourselves a little brass apple so not too bad i gotta flip over this box made an absolute mess but yeah i mean alrighty everyone so made it back home been a very very long day but awesome day all around gotta love doing those palettes uh this is probably the first time i bought a palette and there's been like antiquey style stuff in there usually it's usually just housewares um and probably 50 of time the pallets seem to be just stuff from like the goodwill outlet store that they couldn't sell that they just threw into a pallet rather than throwing out so very very fortunate this time it seemed only like the bottom layer might have been stuff that they had that they couldn't sell because the bottom layer also had a couple items with the goodwill price tag on it but for the most part it seemed pretty honest and pretty cool uh very very awesome that they kind of got ballots pallets back in stock i know a lot of people did request for more videos and more content of that if you guys haven't already subscribe down below i plan on doing a bunch more here in the future especially during the winter months so there will be definitely more treasure hunts just like that so make sure to subscribe down below if you guys want to follow me on instagram i'll also be posting some bonus content over there if you don't follow me it's at taco underscore stacks and uh yeah see what happens tomorrow with tomorrow's adventure who knows what will happen then hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you guys enjoy hit the like button catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep learning a dream peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 69,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodwill pallet, mystery pallet, pallet unboxing, unboxing, unbox, unboxing pallet, amazon returns pallet, amazon returns, ebay, etsy, amazon fba, goodwill, goodwill thrift, goodwill bins, goodwill mystery pallet, goodwill donations pallet, goodwill donations, savers thrift, paul cantu, paul cantu thrift, paul cantu trip to thrift, antiques, american pickers, episode, antique roadshow, abandoned, found for free, river diving, dallmyd, aquachugger, mystery pallet buying
Id: 2OvxDS8oxVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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