I Bought The Dirty Harry Gun.... Instantly Regret it

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i like that one what does this one cost oh this one's about uh 2 800 bucks with that optic on there oh geez okay uh what's what is i like that what does that cost this one's a little bit less but we get a lot of tactical folding stock so this one's gonna be about twenty three hundred you come with all the stuff though yes sir you take that all stuff off what does it cost uh you're still probably looking about 1600 or so what about the hot dog one hot dog is probably cheaper well you would think but no that's actually a custom rifle there that one's going to be about the same 2300 or more guns are so expensive now this it is the time to buy guns i don't know how i'm going to afford all this stuff i just i want it but it's just so i gotta figure out how to make some money well think about it let me know hey man you got any spare change or anything you can help me with oh thank you so much god bless you god bless you this is really going to help you get the door for me yeah sure i got you hey aren't you that guy that was just um welcome to demolition ranch this is my automatic three you guys have seen it before awesome gun fires a 30 carbine which is a it's a rifle round but it's a small rifle round but out of a pistol it's a very large pistol round shoots big fireball one of my favorite guns because it has a huge fireball but does not kick at all the auto mag 5 is chambered in 50 ae which is the same round the desert eagle shoots so this is basically a desert eagle a much uglier desert eagle this thing kicks a lot has a ported barrel ported slide such a cool gun as well very neat this is just a 44 magnum revolver taurus raging bull so what do you get if you mix an auto mag with a 44 i just i'm saying that to sound cool because this isn't actually what you get but this is similar to what you might get this is my newest automag so this is the auto mag that clint eastwood in dirty harry had this is the automag they call it the 44 amp model 180. so it's chambered in 44 amp and what that is for those who don't know this is a 44 magnum right here it's called a rimmed cartridge and most revolvers use rimmed cartridges because that is what hangs on the cylinder to hold them in place that makes it really hard to feed in a semi-automatic gun so auto mag made the 44 amp cartridge which as you can see looks exactly the same except this rim on the 44 mag is not there on the 44 amp so this is considered a non-rimmed cartridge so the 44 amp was made to mimic the 44 mag it shoots the same bullet at the same velocity but it can cycle in a semi-automatic pistol the auto mag 44 amp a very large gun very very large i mean it's the size of a desert eagle it's huge and kind of cool looking and kind of goofy looking all the same this gun was made back in i think like the 70s and 80s uh so a long time ago is when they they modeled it very weird operation here i can lock it open you see it's got these big rods here this big bolt basically to absorb all of that energy from the 44 mag so that it will cycle and then bring the next round down wow that's impossible to do oh golly you guys actually saw this thing in a video with nigel the other day nigel shot it i have yet to shoot this thing so we're gonna do it for the first time for you today gonna shoot the 44 mag first so i can get a feel for a 44 mag and then i want to see if the 44 amp kicks less it should have exactly the same energy but kick less because it's got a little bit of a buffer there with an automatic pistol we'll see okay felt solid now the 44 amp is it less or is it the same this is a hard gun to manipulate all right first time nope that is some hot loaded rounds geez okay we're just gonna actually pause and go look at this target because you can see that one was going way hotter 44 mag 44 amp the fireball coming out of thing was crazy and the concussion the boom was insane and it definitely kicked like twice as hard as that 44 mag i'm a fan don't worry about that guy we're getting to him later i just want to fire a few more of this amp this gun's crazy oh my gosh all right shooting a little bit high right oh we did have a jam i think we're good jeez yeah wait i like it dude this gun is crazy okay so actually it has a little bit of a moving uh barrel as well kind of like a bear it does that's cool dude wild ride let's do it again but a little faster this time how am i going to shoot fast if you jam come on dirty hair you may want to get a different gun this isn't it's not the best i still like it but it does jam a bit i have a different kind of ammo now i'm going to see if this rapid fire is better it's weird my hammer's back but my trigger's not reset uh survey says no it does not rapid fire better did that reset my trigger oh i think i felt it oh i see i think i just need to push the uh the barrel more forward because i felt it click in my trigger reset interesting gun 44 amp it's a round that's made to mimic the power of a 44 magnum but in a semi automatic package that fires one at a time and then jams a lot we're going to shoot it one-handed because that's how dirty harry did it in the movie see right now my trigger's not set oh there yep okay now it is set i felt it click man maybe we just need to go clean this thing it looked pretty clean see that see how it didn't go all the way forward that resets the trigger that could be from limp wristing because this thing didn't come all the way back no it actually didn't it did come all the way back that thing is just stuck in the mag we have experienced about uh 20 different reasons this thing does not work very well great pistol semi-automatic it's kind of a joke now that one i think worked that one i think didn't i think a lot of it's the mag and i think a lot of it's the ammo and i think most of it's the gun well this is the 44 magnum auto mag and holds a 300 grain cartridge and if properly used it can remove the fingerprints assuming it doesn't jam took his fingerprints right off this is our friend winnie the pooh because he doesn't have any pants on what we're actually doing in this video is trying to get this mannequin stand up we have a bunch of expired body member from premier body armor they sent it because they don't sell it you can't you don't use body armor after a while because it degrades and so you have it for a certain amount of time and it tells you when it expires just like your milk does and uh then we want to see if expired body armor will still stop a bullet so this is level 3a should stop up to a 44 magnum so theoretically up to a 44 amp we're going to see if it's spotty like spotted spotted by your armor bullet this is 30 carbon we're going to shoot it first it actually could go through i mean that is there's a lot of powder behind that that's 44 mag so a 30 carbine is about the same size as 44 mag in total length of the case but the bullets obviously much smaller so it's going super fast you'll see a giant fireball out of this gun there's a chance it will go through we will find out together let's just shoot a few first because this gun is like probably one of my favorites just because that fireball is insane and it's just a great pistol this one does not jam all right going straight at the body armor as you can see this is why i love this pistol here's our hit right here i have a feeling it went through he just reacted oh oh no it stopped cool it just dinted crazy so that bullet's still in there somewhere you can see there's no hole in the back wow we shall move on to something bigger now time for the 44 mag aka 44 amp got it first try all right straight at the level 3a vest the kind of energy it takes for a bullet to push him back onto the table i would not want to get hit with even if i had a vest on knocked his head around i backwards it might have caught it actually yep it looks like we just ripped the outside layer which was just cloth not actually kevlar nothing on that kevlar the 44 mag did not go through which is pretty good oh wow come in close come in close took his fingerprints right off dirty harry was right about time we shoot the 50 out of the automag 5. so this is a 50 ae very powerful and uh this armor is not rated to stop this and we'll see if it does he's flying back harder and harder every time that's where i cut it with the knife yeah it's still in there too you can see the back wall here the back wall of his rib cage nothing went through okay stopped at 50 ae also rifle time five five six it'll go right through ow my ear plug wasn't in all the way bad news that's our in and that's our out 556 blew right through oh wow it's because it was expired i guess no it wouldn't have done it even before it was expired stay down there bud next test we're gonna shoot that 45 amp at cinderblocks i'm thinking it may only go through one and not go through the second but we got six here place your guess in the comment below if you get it right i will personally send you uh a thought of a high five check your mailbox 404 mag 44 amp the auto mag going at the cinder blocks we got it how crazy is that bullet comes in here rocks the first one here it is right here that ow it's really hot that's just the copper i don't know where the lead is there's a piece yeah the lead like fragmented it's all lead's all broken up in here did not touch the second cinder block well that was the automag model 180. so basically what we realized today is automag makes my most favorite gun and my least favorite gun we'll just put this back in the box right here and close her up and pretend that we just never i'll just put this at the bottom of the closet somewhere so we'll pretend that that never happened we never we never bought the automag 180. dirty harry actually has a cool gun that works really good and we've never tested it to find out it's a big piece of junk thank you guys so much for watching this episode of blizzard i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor hey mason good to see you um yeah i bought this from you a little bit ago let's just uh and see i was gonna return it see what price i could get for it your return again yeah return it yup well i'm not going to just take it back why i'll give you a maybe like a discount of like a return okay yeah what do i get for it i don't know no it's not no it's not broken it works fine it's fine nothing wrong with it bro you can trust me why are you trying to return it no reason it's a good gun most of the ammo is still there it comes with all that ammo that's a good deal i'll give you 600 bucks for it all right deal
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 4,631,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr., clint, eastwood, clint eastwood, dirty, harry, dirty harry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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