Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Mandalorian Amban Blaster Replica!

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Heyho, does anybody know the name of the music @ 1:23:15 ?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/YoungestOldGuy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Apr 28 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
ah this one's exciting um of late i have received a new piece of equipment in the shop courtesy of our friends at form labs they have uh given me a form 3l large format resin printer to utilize and it's a beautiful machine the resolution is incredible even its low resolution is highly impressive to me and i have many many plans with this machine because i have not yet had a 3d printer in this space for my exclusive use i it just hasn't happened yet i know i know that seems crazy but it's the reality oh also if you're wondering what this is i suffered a couple years ago from tennis elbow i don't play tennis but i had tennis elbow and i have got a little flare up and so i'm wearing the arm brace to help me with that but back to the 3d printer the forms resin printer i've used it a couple of times most recently on the crown i needed to make these little uh five millimeter balls on strips for crown detailing and it was the very first time i ever needed something drew it printed it and used it i had done each of those operations but i hadn't done all of them for one project generated by me and that kind of cut my teeth and so each new piece of equipment is like a different lens with which to take a look at problem solving it's like those things you go to the eye doctors better worse better worse so the 3d printer does all sorts of stuff that i can do already but it it accelerates some things that would take me an incredibly long time and so as i as i as i made those little ball strips for my crown and realize just how much the printer could chop out of a laborious build i started to think what what what can i build now you've already seen the title of this video so you know it's it's it's the mandalorians ambar rifle um a few weeks ago uh norm and i detailed a pair of these you only saw one but we did two of them this is war machine paintball's beautiful uh mandalorian sidearm it's just beautiful piece of aluminum all castle sorry all cnc machined aluminum and steel it's a beautiful kit but mando doesn't just have the sidearm he also has this really formidable rifle which is called an ambar rifle and because it's got this like twin forked thing out at the end it is known affectionately as the tuning fork that's how i think of it and that's probably how i will refer to it throughout this whole video see the title here on my slate so um i have spent about a week of intense research looking at every possible image i can find of the tuning fork and comparing it against every measurement statistic i have and i believe that i have come up with a measurement of 68 inches when you're dealing with something this 68 inches 68 inches is the measurement the difficulty with a with a with a with a rifle like the mandalorian's rifle is 16 inches is a long it's it's it's it's longer than my wife is tall that's that's five foot eight inches which means every photo you take of the rifle is gonna be is going like if you take it from the middle the ends are gonna be distorted in terms of their size relationship to the middle if you take it to one end the same is true of the other end if you take it at the other end right so this is a place where i get all caught up like i think i really want it to be exact but i have i have concluded that the the important measurement for me personally in my experience is the 68 inches that i know that i feel confident about that measurement i'm going with it um so to that end i went online and i looked at some different uh i looked at some different stls that people had drawn of the mando rifle and i found one on etsy that seemed very accurate for all the details i could take a look at and i bought it i'm going to start printing it out it may be that it's not quite the right size or that i need to adjust some aspects of its size that's all to be seen but for right now it's it's several dozen stl files and i'm going to compile them and send them to the form printer and start printing out mando rifle chunks very exciting [Music] hey the moment of truth this is um norm chan said to me that owning a 3d printer like a resin printer was like christmas every morning just like every morning what comes out of it um i sent one of the most difficult parts of the rifle which is i wanted the whole tuning fork to be a single piece the whole front fork thing and it's just a little bit bigger than can fit in the bed so i had to tilt it and i had to work really hard with it some supports in order to make that work but i think i got it and we're about to take a look here we go [Music] oh oh man look at this set it going one night come back the next morning that's the tower power oh so pretty nice it's like a cityscape right and the tuning fork [Music] looks really good time for the cleaning uh i've built a workstation here for the cleaning um this is the tank that formlabs makes it's great for uh holding on to the alcohol and uh i'm just gonna you know work towards getting all this stuff off of here and then we'll start doing the cleanup and the uh the final prep [Music] okay nice that separates beautifully oh oh dude are you kidding me i love it oh i think this pointer and i are going to be very happy together wow look at those supports that's kind of awesome it's standing over a vat of uh isopropyl alcohol can get a little smelly all right that one of the reasons sorry my hair is crazy today one of the reasons that um i chose this model is because this modeler managed to really see and replicate all of this fascinating detail on the inside of the tuning fork yeah it's a nice it's a really nice drawing oh yeah patience patience young padawan that's how to separate your model from the tree there we are okay uh that there and this down here and i want to clean that off so i'm going to swap out my gloves um form has seen fit to actually provide a couple of registration fins in this piece to hold on to this it's brilliant it's a really nice really nice feature um yeah i dig it i dig it ah by the way on the day that we were recording this on the day that i am recording this film legend yafet kodo passed away last night he played parker in alien he's in midnight run he's in homicide life on the streets live and let die a legendary an amazing actor legendary human being and i'm sad that he's gone yeah after kodo r.i.p man peace all right just wanted to make sure you knew i need a fan blowing across here is what i need [Music] i know i should be more careful i look i'm pulling off these um supports and i know i should probably be more careful at it but i've run this first print in the um in the lowest resolution the 0.2 millimeters um so that um this is just a draft right like once i get these parts to where i like them and i'm sure i like their size i will probably reprint a bunch of them and then i will probably um i'll probably reprint a bunch of them and then i will probably uh make some of them out of metal because well as you can imagine this rifle's got to feel real to me so a whole bunch of it's going to be made out of metal but that let's be clear about that let's be clear about that all right this is the trigger my only question is how much um do these resins creep over time that's the one thing i'm not sure about um you know sometimes some resins yeah some resins move a little bit i wonder how stable these resins are that is not a question i know the answer to right now all right hi uh this is a cooking show and i'm about to put my pieces in the oven okay i could do a little more rinsing on this one two three now what i'm doing is i'm bathing in an ultraviolet light so i'm curing the final outer layer of these pieces [Music] i'm gonna let them sit in this uv for probably only about 20 minutes we will uh nice [Music] all right you stay in there and think about what you did and i will be oh one more piece huh all right um at the beginning of this project i've got to fess up i made something off camera yeah i did um i had some i had some extra walnut and i made this part sorry i'm sorry i made this off camera to just give you an idea i traced out its shape based on uh some blow up drawings i did several pieces of the rifle then i got my scale correct 68 inches and i scaled this into that and then i cut it out and then slowly planed it with finger planes and then sanders and eventually this will get a nice finish and once it starts getting beat up man it's gonna look so damn good um yeah sorry i made that off camera let's um start lining up some parts why not uh all right uh it's been about 20 minutes and i've been going through the various file stacks of pieces of this rifle my parts have been spinning in the in the in their little uh uv oven and i've been like looking at this list of the parts from the etsy seller and it's parts management that's what's going on in my head parts management is a is a is a tricky new aspect for my head in 3d printing because normally i'm making every single part from scratch so i have a personal relationship with every single part and piece in this i print out a whole bunch and i'm not sure where i am in the stack um so it's just requiring for me a little more assiduousness in knowing that what i've printed what i still need to print what i've got going and what i plan to make out of metal if anything so yeah uh so let's see how we've done here these guys now they still feel a little bit soft so i'm gonna uh keep them well they still feel a little tacky so i'm just yeah i'm gonna let everything go a little bit longer and we'll start assembling okay we're making progress i'm trying to wrap my head around this uh this rifle and i think i think my head is wrapped around it um all of the parts you see on here this is me getting to know this printer oh sorry it's a little chilly in here right now um all this is me getting to know this printer this is um i think roughly two runs of many parts of this gun in draft resin in a couple of different sizes because the first size i had wasn't wasn't perfect i also have some sintered nylon pieces from a different uh a different mbar rifle set of stls that weren't close they were free online and they just they yeah they weren't uh they didn't come close to what i was hoping for but my etsy seller my etsy rifle is all the parts are now exactly the right size um got this beautiful tuning fork here really happy with this but again this is draft resin um so this resin can creep it it's not as durable i'm actually going to do this out of their tough resin and i think i figured out the list of parts that i am going to do in their tough resin it's going to be we've got the the tuning fork the thing right behind the tuning fork the full octagon the grips the scope i'm gonna make entirely out of aluminum the scope mounts i'm gonna make out of brass um and then there is sorry there's this part right this is the this is the breech loading part this is where the cartridges go in and mandola you know lights this thing then there's the trigger and the stock so i think that most of these parts i'm going to print also out of the tough resin i'm going to make the trigger and the whole trigger housing out of aluminum and the stock is going to stay this beautiful um walnut and it's too long right now which is ideal i'm not shortening the stock until i'm really dialed in here but those are the main parts there are some detail parts within this which i may also make out of aluminum here and there um there is a catch a spring-loaded catch built into the breech loader um i am not going to start mechanically problem solving the spring arrangement and the locking arrangement for that yet because this is the draft resin and i uh basically one of the things about resin is that unlike um unlike filament printers you can't have big voids inside right filament printers are all about like how much infill you have you're never making anything like fully 100 but resin printers because the resin is liquid has to go somewhere you can't have big voids inside which means you end up with chunks like this that are like mostly solid and again these could be drawn as shells that's to be sure i'm i don't have that skill just yet so what i'm likely going to be doing is printing out the masters and then doing my version of mechanical problem solving which is to chuck these things into the middle and milling out the spaces and spots that i need to um also i don't want it to be too heavy um but yeah we're getting i i was gonna say we're close we're not close from a construction standpoint but in my head i feel way more like my head is wrapped around what this gun is about than i was before oh also all the main barrel parts that i can't i'm going to make out of metal without being obviously because they'll just look better feel better last longer and won't bend um okay so what's uh incumbent on me now is to make a platform in form of these pieces uh and start to run them in the tough resin while i am gonna work on the trigger and stock uh marrying and i'll give this a micro switch so that when i pull the trigger it actually does something i'm not sure what that something will be but i'll include the option all right time for some computer drawing my computer drawing more like setup the tuning a fork flag before the tuning fork the octagon the grips these pieces that hold that small barrel and then there's this whole arrangement [Applause] well this guy right that business these things are solid all right so uh because i'm changing out the resin i've pulled out the build tray for my draft resin and i'm putting in a build tray for durable resin and put the mixer in tough this is a tough 2000 version one really would uh be remiss if i didn't thank formlabs again for their generosity and giving me all the toys and tools to play with this thing um i must say the uh the cleaning and washing of parts is incredibly laborious uh the parts are amazing yeah um all right let's see that comes out and then this comes yes so uh you crack the tops both of those are open now let's just get my computer to wake up to what we've got here all right i'm waiting to auto generate my uh supports for all this i think i've got a complete i think i think i think i have a complete thing here we'll see the pipe sits below the pike is the tuning fork octagon barrel yeah i mean this should all work aside from a couple of cups i think we're doing pretty good i don't see any red outlines none of my prints all over each other they come close i've also updated the printer so once this uh once this is drawn i'll send it and again this will be in the durable resin i'm not sure how long this print is going gonna take but it's likely to be you know i think over a dozen hours yep yep you're clear there you're clear there you're clear there you're clear there you're clear everywhere yeah let's send it i like this i'm gonna save it tough bit resin and bar oh i gotta install it up i gotta download an update so um one of the things you're gonna run into with this kind of technology right now is that um the companies specifically form right now is improving this stuff all the time uh and they're the improvement is both across the software written for the machine and for the interface with that machine so i just ran into this thing where i installed an upload uh of new software for the printer but i hadn't updated preform and thus even though i had built up a whole raft of parts um it was incompatible so i had to upload i had to download and update the software for preform on the computer it's just again part of the cost of business on this is that this is still a nascent technology all right are we loaded okay i want to track print online let's see and right i think i can click print here yeah i don't want lest i show anything personal i'm just going to close my laptop oh print press open on the vent uh that is these guys these little vents back here on the tops and they are both open yep yep okay so uh next yep the clasp is down confirm and it's gonna print all right it's gonna take a while it's definitely gonna take a while but in the meantime let's make a trigger [Music] so here are the three parts that i want to manufacture here this is the trigger body this is the trigger guard and the and that's the trigger so i want to find pieces of aluminum that are close to each of these oh i do oh better oh come on come on oh i recognize what that is that yeah that's a cutout but oh just wait no i think i could get you out of there uh yeah that's good for the trigger and then this guy i guess it is this yeah i mean it's so freaking close all right so i've done some layout here uh i have uh covered this with blue i have covered this with blue uh and i have actually already drawn this uh for the trigger guard and i'm gonna lose a couple of little bits of these uh these sharp corners here but that's fine being able to utilize this piece is more important than getting a perfect uh edge like right there yeah so i'm gonna do some preliminary slicing great that's a nice trigger excellent okay so there's that then there's this guy [Music] so [Music] this all right i changed my mind about the trigger guard i went with a bigger piece because i wanted to have a handle on it and i've gone with the tried and true method of drilling lots of little holes to make sawing out this plug easier and i'm actually not going to saw this one until later so that i have full access to this for filing it out this one i'm going to take on to the mill and smooth out that side and then i'm going to machine it to thickness whoop like this and then i'll worry about the details uh and this one well this one i'm going to draw uh again because i was actually it's a long story but i had to find a better piece of metal so here it is okay there's my trigger shape and we're gonna do the same thing here with this just drill a few holes to make that a little bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there we are some 3d printed parts over here trigger trigger guard housing same over here i followed the form factor uh there's probably some aspects of the inside that i didn't need to get exactly right but that's fine um this will be great and uh i've got i've marked out the center hole for attaching that and this curve here will actually get adjusted to the curve of the stock once it goes in that'll get uh actually this whole like separate compound curve but for right now got this nice display of the 3d printed parts and their aluminum counterparts i've been whoa muppet hair um i have been slowly cutting into my stock my my ambar rifle stock and i've made a slot here and i made a slot here because there's metal on both of those there's also there's this big curved piece of metal back here and i am gonna do that one it's just gonna be a big pain in the ass so i'm just i'm gonna wait yeah i'm not in a rush to do this one but um i've got some nice trigger parts here there is yeah yeah yep um this is all starting to look like a genuine thing and i think we can start to put parts of it together goes there yep and [Music] nice excellent once again when you're doing two screws into a thing get them both in loosely before you tighten them excellent okay so now this goes in here are you ready oh so pretty uh get a screw in there tighten it down excellent i drilled this one off center i messed it up a little bit i don't mind it makes it feel more like like the real thing so i accidentally screwed up and i made this a through hole when it was supposed to be a stepped hole so i have to work out a solution but the top of the rifle has a this metal strip up here so i put in the slot and i put in the strip um and i've carried it forward because i'm going to utilize all the structure i can if i don't need it i can cut it off but if i do need it it's there and so there is that's the hand manufactured parts of my ambar rifle i still need to work out the engineering but parts are still printing that raft of parts i sent i said yesterday morning and it won't be done until tomorrow around this time yeah tomorrow afternoon it's crazy but you know high level of precision print on a stereo lithography machine it's gonna take some time um this is i'm i'm really really happy about this i'm dreading this this is this is something that's just striking me as just like how do i do that um i mean i suppose i could just take a dremel and just do it but also i mean i could chuck this into the mail and do most of most of that right i can't do any of that but i could get all the way from here to there right yeah i mean i could ah um i may have to make a tiny little plate that goes on the underside of this that allows it to be a counter sponge thing uh like little 172 screws blind tapped from the back i mean i i guess i could also mill out a slot put in a little piece of aluminum and take it in um but this is uh i'm happy so far i'm happy so far this is this is great um [Music] there's no flathead screws visible on uh mando's rifle but i put one in um and i'm putting in a couple oh yeah how am i gonna do this if it was peter lyon he'd just sit there at his desk with a dremel and be like peter lyon is the swordmaster at weta and ev almost every time i go i see him working on some exceedingly fine perfect detail on a sword like yeah i is my gonna fire anything i don't know i know i have to do those three holes there too but that's um that's fairly straightforward that's pretty pretty simple all right once i get those parts out we can make some real progress okay i have a solution for making this from a through-hole into a countersunk hole um hang on so the problem i had was i had this screw and i wanted this to be the screw that sorry there we go the problem is i had this hole and i had this screw and i wanted the hole to stop this screw and i accidentally drilled all the way through because i had a really sharp drill bit so what i have done is i have milled a slot in the back of this oh there it is see the slot and i have that's not blood that's dycom uh i have made a little piece that slips into that slot i'm going to join them and i'm going to yeah i'm going to join them and then i'm going to make my countersunk hole there so here's the piece this slips in here goes here in the top and i wanted to hold it down i wanted to hold it down with this screw so i drilled a hole and then i made a countersunk hole and i accidentally carried it all the way through so what i'm doing is i milled a slot on the bottom here and i've got a i milled a slot in the bottom and i've got a piece that fits that slot i'm going to put it in yeah there we go like that and now i'm going to take a a a punch and punch on both sides and really kind of join these two together toss in a little crazy glue and then i'm gonna countersink it all right there we go we're back in business i'm pretty pleased it's uh got a nice solid hold look it's not this this isn't a super strong engineering joint but it's a perfect solution for just fixing this right now yeah i'm gonna put threaded insert what is a threaded insert uh this is a great question i will tell you um when i am doing something like attaching something to a piece of wood using a machine screw this is a 6 32 which means a size 6 with 32 threads per inch when i want to hold on to this these threads i mean yeah i don't have to give you a super close-up you know what threads look like they've got to grab those little angles 60 degree angles of the threads have to grab the wood and the wood is soft and the metal is harder i mean it's a soft metal it's brass but it's very easy to strip out the holes in wood when you're trying to hold on to it with a machine screw enter the threaded insert um i am going to show you a big threaded insert quarter actually let's show you a really big one 3 8 16. so let's show you a big threaded insert let's say you have a hole in aluminum that's 3 8 and it's munged out so it's a piece of aluminum like this that was tapped and threaded for 3 8 16. all right yeah 3 8 16. when that hole is stripped out what do you do you can't make more metal i mean you could weld the hole and then re-drill and tap it or you could drill it out with a larger drill tap it out with a larger tap now this is a threaded insert tap and what this does is this opens up the whole wider for a specific thread pitch which is this pitch and this is this hardened steel spring and it looks like a spring but um if you were to cut this spring and look at the wire it would be in a in a diamond shape sorry like this 60 degrees 60 degree angles so what this is is effectively a thread for a 3 8 16 and you are putting new threads into a hole this is a beautiful solution for engineering into wood especially for small screw sizes they make these down to 256 and the biggest ones i've got here are do i have half inchers no 3 8 16 is the biggest one i have so there it is this is a threaded insert i will um i'll show you in close-up how this actually works so right here here is where my hole is going to go that's to allow this to go in there and i am going to drill it out with the proper drill size for this threaded insert these are the 632s and then i will tap it all right now we're gonna tap it and you know what i like adding a little oil to my tap even for wood so i'm gonna use a little bit of this molly d i know it's way overkill for this but here we go um if i was doing this into a different material like delrin i might use the drill but for wood tap wrench gives me just much better feeling okay that goes back in this is the threaded insert insertion tool and here are the little tiny 632 threaded inserts um i just need one so the threaded insert goes on the insert tool and it's got this little the way you're able to put it in you see that little piece crossing the hole that's a little piece of spring steel and it provides a stop on the insert tool so the insert tool can actually pull the threads in it really takes only finger strength to put this in there we go now like i showed you i've got that little piece of wire across the hole all you do is bring over just a rod like this and you give that rod a little thwack like this there we go because the spring because there we go this is what that piece looks like and because this is hardened steel and it's got this little notch here it actually breaks off so it allows you to install it and then you shatter that off with just a little bit of a tappy thwack tappy swag there that goes there it's right see that and i can finger tighten that almost all the way down watch this there we go nice there we go hi everybody uh so the mando rifle precedes a pace and the very exciting development has happened um the stock is ready to have parts mounted to it and said parts have come out of the printer and have been properly washed uh in a 15-minute long agitated bath of isopropyl alcohol um several passes of scrubbing and air blowing and they feel good um it's really nice it's a nice model uh it's a highly accurate model um and this is my first time feeling official parts this is a a form labs tough resin 2000 v1 and um i really like how it feels i like its weight it seems it feels like it's a got a little bit lower of a specific gravity than the draft resin but i've got some parts here i'm going to remove the support material and then do a final ultraviolet cure on these and then low it's actually going to be time to start like attaching these things to each other that's that yeah very exciting very exciting um it's just it's lovely to see these parts and see them uh so let me get this material off and uh we'll start to figure out how to uh how to work with these i'm really the post-processing is real um you know it's like i know that the public perception is of 3d printing is that you push a button and something comes out but no matter what the process there's still a lot of work on either side of the equation we don't quite have the star trek replicator yet not that i expected we would but you know it's good for everyone's expectations to be set correctly including mine um and you know it's a real thing to make sure you've gotten rid of all the uncured resin um i've you know read into a bunch of forums and talked to some friends who use these professionally and uh you know the best practices really work uh making sure you've washed it for long enough making sure that you have uh scrubbed it and let it dry um letting the the the first isopropyl alcohol wash dry for 24 hours was something a friend told me and i it really looks like it worked gangbusters okay i'm going to stop talking and start working that's how this is going to work um i will tell you i can feel i've gone with um this brew connection here is 40 uh 0.4 millimeters instead of the standard 0.6 that they set it at um and even with this lighter one i can feel how much how tough this resonant how tough this resin is yes as advertised the tough resin is tough the 15 minute post cure is done and i think that means that i can pull my parts out of my 3d printing discotheque and actually start to work with them they all feel amazing two this is really exciting um a couple things i did not realize about 3d printing is how much about of it is parts management like you end up with all these like dozens and dozens of files for each thing you're making and keeping track of what you're printing what you have printed in what material and where it's at within the production process non-trivial it's uh i'm i missed a couple parts they're printing behind me they should be done this afternoon but that won't stop me from the engineering that i need to do right now [Music] so what i've been doing is slowly engineering these two pieces which make the main continuation of the rifle after the butt i've been basically just adding some screw threads so i can screw these together that's the next thing i'm going to do i'm basically just i'm starting with the stock with the nice amount of meat i've got to grab onto here and i'm just moving forward first up we do this one now the thing about these two is that both of the screws that go into this go through both oh we got a really nice grab come on hold on there you go there's one so now here's what i have the butt is mostly complete the trigger arrangement is attached to the butt and now i've got a screw that goes from here in through here into here and another screw that comes from here down through here into here i know i got a little bit of a broken spot there that's because the res is a little more brittle than i'm used to but i'm getting to learn it all right now it's just about moving forward oh progress progress oh um it's proceeding faster than i thought it would um and it's all really exciting i uh here's i'm i'm here now uh my butt which is made out of walnut has an aluminum trigger assembly and is firmly and beautifully mounted to the uh the cartridge assembly of the ambar rifle the next stage is uh to attach this front part which goes there and then start to attach all the barrels and eventually the the the tuning fork tip i'm going to do some machining here i'm going to make this part out of delrin instead of 3d printing it is a really straightforward part it's easy for me to make and so i shall um i can't remember which way this goes but i'll figure that out i am also going to build the scope from scratch oh yeah i have a beautiful piece of aluminum for the scope it's perfect in the size and it's actually got this nice center bore um so this is like a um this is a one inch tube with a half inch hole so it's got quarter inch wall thickness this just in you can buy aluminum round tube in almost any like outer inner combo you want okay not any one you want but like a wide range of wall thicknesses are available i know my hair is crazy i know it's uh just what happens in the morning good morning everybody uh so uh the next thing i'm going to be doing is oh right right right sorry this goes here and i've got to mount that to that and then this goes here i'm so sorry this is the next stage is to provide a all right so mechanically here's where we're at i've got like 40 plus inches of barrel to attach to this part of my rifle this is where i'm at right now this will go here and actually i think it goes like this yep uh and then no no actually it goes like this ah that's one out of four uh anyway so i'm at the end of where my hand is will be 40 plus inches of barrel um that's a lot of torsion on this joint here so i want to make it very strong so i think the first thing i'm going to do is actually uh i am going to use two screws to join this piece to the cartridge assembly that's the next stage then once i've done that then it's time to i'm going to machine this piece out of delrin instead of 3d printing it um because i actually think i want to make some long tabs on it that connect into this thing yeah and i'm also probably going to remove after i finish all that i'm probably going to remove some meat from the inside of this cartridge assembly just so that i've removed some of the overall mass that's one of the things that i've been considering yeah um here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi you hi crazy here you probably noticed that um the 3d printed part you've uh you've probably noticed that the 3d printed part that fits on the front of here has these facets to it and i did not follow those facets in making the part that i was making out of delrin because i found some reference uh of screenshots that make this this piece just forward of the barrel all right yeah there um it's it doesn't have facets it's actually rounded um i have some other stls that are more rounded but they're not the right scale uh so i've just modified this one to fit the other parts of the 3d prints i i like this relationship i like this relationship i'll have some detailed parts here it is nice and solid grabbed grabbed grabbed grabbed and then i have a hole here in the bottom of this which actually screws this part all the way into this part yeah with a threaded insert it's nice and strong so now i'm just going to take this onto the sander and finish it off we're coming along coming along i'm going to sling this over my back any minute now [Music] okay so we are we're almost at the last engineering challenge here um this is great i'm really happy with this piece as you can see it's uh way less faceted um than the 3d printing model it's the only part of this uh there's two parts of this i found that were slightly less than perfectly accurate uh that and this uh this piece this shroud that covers over the front of the breech part it's just a little bit fat i think it's a little bit too fat here uh but reducing its thickness is a a real project i may do it i probably won't we'll see um so the next challenge for me is the fork the business end here so this is the tuning fork and this has got to go out on the end of this barrel so far i'm really happy with how this whole thing is mechanically connected i've got uh i've got screws holding these two parts together i've got one screw coming up from here through into this part i've got one screw coming down from here into this part uh this is mounted with two screws coming through into the main body this is mounted with a quarter twenty screw that goes through this and into this really nice um this tube goes all the way to the back of this and goes up to about here then this continues on this and this brass tube sits in the middle of these two octagon octagons octagons um i will have to you know finish that seam and make that one single part but now the question is how do i get the fork on the end this this is going to take all the abuse right everywhere you're moving this this this this bit of costume you're going to be banging this right now i already molded it out of the form tuff 2000 v1 and i i really like how tough and flexible it is um so the the material i printed out of the material i printed it out of hopefully will aid me in this not destroying itself when you're moving it around but the other thing is is it's got to mount to the end of the barrel not gonna mount right right there and i can't just glue it i need some structure inside this so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to chuck this into the mill i'm using a pin up at center here chucked into my collet on the mill and i'm going to like guide this into the vise holding onto it with a couple big pieces of wood and some clamps and then i'm going to open this hole up to receive the tap for this half inch threaded rod the half inch threaded rod should give me the strength that i need to go all the way uh into this uh this front piece yeah um this is the only thing this is the only 3d printed part on this on this gun that um is not 3d printed here in my cave this is printed by some friends of mine and centered nylon um it just happened to be a more accurate piece i i've been running sample parts for of this rifle for a couple of months now little little runs here and there to kind of wrap my head around the structure and understand it and i end up with a box of semi-accurate parts when all this is done um all right so i think i have my marching orders got to get this fork see let me just explain why this is an interesting problem to solve this hole that is that is through here yeah you can see it there you go it's got some support material which i can get out but that hole is parallel but if i tried to widen that hole there's a lot of opportunity for it to get less parallel and that's sometimes it doesn't matter for this it totally matters because every bit that this is off is gonna look and feel off it's it's a long cantilevered piece straightness it's like your eye is going to be able to see quite clearly that it is not straight when it is not straight and that's going to be problematic so uh the mill is how i'm going to solve that problem so [Applause] [Music] so i know i just said that i was going to go on to the mill and do this whole thing with this and then i realized i could creep up the diameter of this hole a 32nd of an inch at a time thirty thousand fifteen thousand either side of the diameter given that it is possible to maintain a relatively s good concentricity uh and um i even uh on the last one i just did a thing where i like spun it in the drill and my hand went in here and i just i put my finger down here and like it cleared right so these are turning on center still not a very scientific way to figure it out but good enough for me good enough for government work all right uh i did actually so i turned down the very front of this half-inch rod and drilled a little hole so hopefully we will see be able to see a little barrel sticking out there i'm just gonna put this in now let's see how it works it's a nice fit this uh tough resin this uh tough stuff uh takes threads well that's for sure uh i'm gonna need to get a little gription just to continue with the last bit come on all right i've tapped the hole i'm putting in the uh oh look at that yeah i like it i like a little bit of steel poking out there that's great okay so uh tuning fork is ready to be mounted i just have to figure out good all right ah that might have been it [Music] yup yup yup it's happening it's happening it's beautiful all right now it tightens up really nicely come on oh is that it that is great that is that's one part okay let's see how well uh right this is only the last mechanical problem to solve or the last big structural mechanical problem to solve there's still a host of some other problems to still solve but this was the once i've got this start to actually think about some other stuff okay so let's bring that out just a tiny bit great great okay let's see if it uh i feel like i'm loading a musket all right so i'm off by a tiny bit i'm off by that much i just have to shorten my brass pipe by that but dude and dudettes this is an almost impossible thing to photograph yeah there's the whole structure the disruptor structure oh yeah oh yeah take care of crate dragon yeah that is you really recognize that from the show right it's like this comes way down yeah that's really neat all right um i've got a little detail i'm gonna put in here uh it that's the 3d printed part but to fit the ridges in there with the slightly raised barrel arrangement i made a vacuum form of it and i used a brand new vacuum forming machine we have a one day build for that new vacuum machine in the comments below it's like just over 100 bucks and oh yeah that'll work perfectly in there but i'm getting ahead of myself i'm just really like kind of excited that this is the form of this is mostly uh complete and now i can have fun with the aesthetics oh this is gonna be a fun paint job yeah 58 inches man five foot eight inches it's a big big thing [Music] so [Music] all right there's my scope um you know i've taken a bunch of screen grabs of some museum exhibits i think there was something at the arclight i can't i don't know exactly where all my reference material came from but you know just tons and tons of google searches of mandalorian and his rifle and i finally found some pictures and allowed me to break out the measurements of his scope to my satisfaction and i that's the next step i'm going to build his scope um i'm going to build mandalorian scope for the ambar rifle um out of aluminum i'm not going to 3d print it i have a 3d printed version of it it's not as accurate as i would like it to be and also this is a part that's like sticking out so there's like two brass arms that hold on to it i'm going to make the whole thing out of brass and aluminum so it's like a nice robust part of the of the uh of the build it's going to take a little while uh this is this is like kind of its own knockout little build but i should be able to do it in three or four hours half a day we'll see i love this process of like taking all the screenshots and figuring out how to make them work until i get something that i can actually machine with [Music] [Music] wow [Music] um i have long heard that wd40 works great as a polish on aluminum um i'm here to say it works got a beautiful polish using wd-40 dude mandoscope yeah there's there's all sorts of little things that aren't perfect about this but yeah yeah ultimately i'm really happy with how it looks and feels so um we just completed this it's totally wrong um it's not totally wrong i just look i i collect reference material from all over and i attempt to sort it into buckets that are like fan makes commercial remakes official movie remakes screenshots like i really try and divide up my information so i understand the sources it came from and i had what i thought was a shot of the rio mando rifle and then i found the sequence of mando loading the breach on his ambar rifle and suffice to say this doesn't look correct at all um i'm about to print it up again luckily i have one more piece of this half inch id one inch od aluminum so i'm going to do it again [Laughter] uh this is not a bad test run i am still getting to know this multifix system of tool holding um it's an adjustment because i've been using elora's bxas forever but i really like the um angular angularity of these of the multi-fix it's a lovely thing i even bought it for a late that i don't even have in this shop i bought a separate system for uh my other shen y lathe um at any rate this happens all the time you make something you realize when you look at the reference material you had that it's not right got to do it again sometimes i get so like upset with myself it takes me a week sometimes i'm like nah i put away the project and i come back to it months later today only an hour later i'm gonna remake the same part again i mean yeah say lovey here we go okay so i need my live center in here oh there they are excellent like occasionally when one is lathing one ends up with like a little ring like this that is like a cut off and i kind of love those so much i saved them so here oh whoops oh yeah yeah yeah i see so here is my collection of lathe cut off rings who knows what i'll eventually use them for but i don't throw anything out over here that's not necessarily an encomium uh okay so i've got this set up um i'm gonna still do a turn down to the diameter because it's uh 0.925 right but this is i gotta remake this okay okay so um here's a piece of reference that's not enough reference for me this is the uh this is one of the stunt ambar rifles slung over mando's shoulder um it's good for some proportional details but not enough for the other stuff here is the other piece of reference that i found it is a shot of him actually yeah of him loading the mbar rifle and since this is taken from an actual screenshot i will say that i consider this to be oh come on yeah there we go that that's canon i mean from the so it's entirely possible that i followed reference on some behind-the-scenes prototype i found online or uh there might be different there might be different scopes for the two different seasons i don't know i don't need to know just suffice to say that this one i i'm not happy with it so i'm gonna chuck its reference and i'm gonna go with this reference so now what i'm to do is i'm going to take this clip it put it into photoshop straighten it out print it out the actual size 7.9 inches plus or minus 50 thou and then i'm going to take measurements off the actual piece of paper mm-hmm i'm going to take measurements off the piece of paper and then i'm going to use those to uh to transfer to my piece of aluminum chucked into the lathe [Music] just waiting for it to print sometimes sometimes i send a print takes my hp laser printer like 25 minutes to spool up a single print i wish i knew why okay we're good um so here is my reference now printed out and again look i'm going to have some camera parallaxing and there's not much of a way i can take care of that so because at this end it's fairly straight on whereas this end it's at this angle if i held this up against the original some of those measurements just aren't going to track perfectly but again it's only a a precision problem not an aesthetic or visual problem so i will follow these steps and critical measurements to remake a plan for just how big this scope is [Music] there we go that's the new set of measurements looks like to be a outer diameter of uh a maximum outer diameter of actually this one sorry the outer lip oh right yeah yeah yeah okay so the the outer day diameter is 0.85 with this this and this all having um minimal dimensions of 0.75 uh these bumps are both are both .85 and then this little arrangement in the middle i'm going to have to there's some of it's a little blur i'm just gonna have to make some calls there and then this and this diameter those are both uh point [Music] what are those 0.7 yeah 0.7 all right yeah diameter of the bottom ones of the of the inside here point seven oh right left right right right right right right um yeah okay i'm just gonna have to drill these out differently these are gonna be the brass holders that hold on to it i'm making them from scratch but that should be fairly easy okay to the lathe boy wonder [Music] do look at that my goal was 0.85 that was 0.85 [Laughter] that is dead on the money it didn't need to be dead on the money but that's good practice okay so now it's time to uh now i've got this thing turned down to its important uh measurement [Music] all right so now that i've marked it out i have three levels here i've got the outer level which is 0.85 then i've got the slightly lower level which is 0.75 and then i've got the lowest level which is 0.7 um so let us we'll touch off on the outside and then we'll uh zero it out [Applause] so now let me take this in [Applause] uh hundredths out right yeah 0.85 just double checking yeah seven 0.852.75 so a hundredth out [Music] [Music] for the record that was uh a final pass with the lathing bit then um an application of some 220 grit sandpaper to take out the machining marks then uh scotch brite the brown stuff and then some quadruple zero steel wool with wd-40 and i think that is a good looking scope let's uh let's cut it off now let's cut it off and see how it works here we go [Music] whoop there we go oh yeah and let's take a look at the reference material yep yo what the what the after all that i totally forgot about these these two rings up here these two bumps what a dope um maybe i'll um for right now this is fine [Music] so that is the notch that will fit the standoff that will hold on to the scope [Music] [Music] oh that's not a bad part a couple little doodads there yeah i know it's not click spring but it's pretty darn good yeah lathe grip all right um i have completed this part this is the uh the barrel stand for the scope i am about to cut right there see that black line i'm cutting right past center so that hopefully this will actually grab the scope yeah we'll see so i've cut it just past center right so up to center the lines are are parallel but past center they're tangential this way so hopefully this is coming up a little bit and it'll actually grab the scope see that see it doesn't sit all the way in oh come on come on just wait wait wait wait wait i'm sorry i look at my reference material here for a second okay so the long one is on the other side and that goes right about there nope nope nope this is that one it goes right there yep yep yep yep yep okay so hey [Laughter] nailed it i i might be overly excited about this but that's pretty cool i'm i'm pretty happy with that okay so uh if that's the case then this sits here damn that's sweet okay so oh right okay it comes off of this thing right so this guy gonna be the same deal so then i'm gonna have to cut this down and it's a little it's just a tiny bit too long all right there it's possible that i'm done um okay here we go time for the assembly the assembly uh right right right right oh this just sucks yeah all right yep that's one and then oh trigger trigger trigger right um hmm i'm gonna get out some springs come on little doggy that's it oh will you actually not work there oh you won't you gotta work there dude did i really just get that i did hey [Laughter] awesome i'm not sure i did i wasn't sure i could do that okay so we put this in here comes yes there we go nice next is this bad boy so then find the right one but you got the breach load locks good uh this thing goes in here [Music] so i'm going to put this in here right come on that's it there you are come on that's it [Music] i think that's properly deburred yes tis all right so now these guys wait a second right now that sits like that this okay oh [Music] oh yeah oh yeah dude uh okay some details [Music] so [Music] all right i've added the little a little sorry i've added a little and i've given a coat of primer to the rifle i'm uh oh i'm gonna use a little furniture polish right now just to bring the shine on this up a little bit see what i can get i'm just gonna let it soak all that in ah there we go yeah mm-hmm all right uh where should you live you should live and there it is perhaps the most difficult to film prop i have ever built because of its crazy length um yeah here she is this is the mandalorians ambar disrupter rifle and think i'm missing something in there uh i've taken this a little farther than many of my mechanical constructions in that i've given it its final coat of gloss black for its finish coat and that will be a totally separate video but it is ready i am uh i'm really pleased with how solid this feels and how i'm pleased with its aesthetic fidelity it is just gorgeous and i cannot wait to paint the burnt metal pattern on this tuning fork that's gonna be the hardest part and it's probably gonna be the first part of the next video thank you guys for joining me for this one day build i will see you next time thank you guys so much for watching that entire video if you would like to support tested even further well i'm here to tell you that you could become a member if you follow the links below you'll see there are several tiers of membership depending on how much you'd like to pay and how much access you would like to me and the tested team and membership comes as always with some excellent benefits including uh questions that i'll answer in live streams the questions have been so amazing and exclusive videos and exclusive content follow the links below and we will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savageā€™s Tested
Views: 750,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage one day build, one day builds, adam savage tested, tested one day builds, star wars, mandalorian amban rifle, adam savage star wars, adam savage mandalorian, adam savage mandalorian blaster, Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster, amban blaster, mandalorian rifle diy, mandalorian blaster, star wars blaster, disney plus, adam savage one day builds, star wars props, prop making, adam savage star wars props, mandalorian blaster prop, mandalorian prop build
Id: Cj0uLKibPW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 37sec (5857 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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