I Bought A Weapon Hoarder's Storage Unit Full Of Weapons!

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we are at our most expensive abandoned storage unit of all time we paid 2 100 for this unit right here and when i open the door you'll understand why let's not waste no time let's get right into it [Music] if i have to explain to you why i wanted this one why we spent two grand and drove seven hours then you don't know me very well i'm a sucker for two things and storage units guns and safes and when i see proof of both in there game over it's mine we had to get it i didn't care how far it was and how high it went we were gonna get this one let's start going through some of these clothes i mean i'm just gonna realistically toss them and make sure there's nothing inside of them if they're in good shape and everything we'll just donate the clothes because you guys know we don't care to deal with them first big old black box what do you think yeah maybe it's more ammo someone ammo or guns either which way let's see what is that oh it's fishing fishing this is a tackle box duh uh oh come on there's got to be a way to get under there yeah but is it just drawers is it might just be drawers okay right now here look there we go fancy oh look some fishing lures our favorite nothing nothing okay so some fishing lures there i think i might see our first gun already right here before i get to that what is this this is like a dog cage or kennel yeah dog crate okay a dog crate that's gonna be worth a little something right here but i mean i can't pretend to be excited about that when i see this right here what is that is this uh i think it's maybe an air rifle i think this is break here yep i had one like this so it breaks like this you pump it like that put the little pellet right there and then boom but there's obviously nothing in it so it's not going to fire but i think those are still around 100 they when i bought mine this was a long time ago when i was like still they were like 150 so let's hope they're still somewhere around there let's see what kind of fishing stuff we got let's call it the first poll first of all i like how they have protection on it that's a good sign it shows they actually care and the brand on the reel it says lame you see that our flame okay so flame reel if anyone knows anything about fishing let us know about that we'll set it right there i love outdoorsy units because fishing and hunting stuff is my favorite and we have three more nice poles right here let's go through the wheels really quick see if we got anything that you guys can recognize for us that one says that's a berkeley that's a good well-known brand i don't think it's too expensive correct me if i'm wrong though these two are kind of stuck together and you know once fishing lines get together it's they're not coming apart for a long time that's a shakespeare and this one is a what is that can you read that right there daiwa a daiwa all right is that all of the fishing poles at the front of the unit no it's not we have a bunch more oh my gosh look how much ammunition is in here it's so full i'm trying to contain myself okay this is my these are the units i live for so we got one two three more fishing poles right here we had to keep a few of these i've been wanting to go fishing recently we always sell our fishing poles so you know what we're gonna keep a few these we're gonna pick some to keep now let's get into can i just pull this out yeah let's pull it out i can't wait no longer i see i just lost a box of 12 gauge shotgun shells too that's probably not a good thing to hit the ground let's set it right here all right we got some clothes on top again closed donation but inside oh yes is it all shotgun 12 gauge 12 gauge 12 gauge this is these are nine millimeter rounds that's a good sign 12 gauge 12 gauge a lot of shotguns so maybe that's what's in the gun safe more 12 gauge it's almost entirely 12 gauge with a few other ones stuck in there like this is a 30 odd six you can see they paid 35 bucks for that box we have i see buckshot do we have slugs in here i mean we got bird shot i don't see any slugs but a lot of shotgun ammo looks like a little thing of 22 probably little thing of winchester 22 so i mean that's probably i don't even know 150 dollars worth of at least right there um why did i not notice there's just a random pile of money underneath of the box we just moved i mean we have two gold dollars half dollar 50 cents so is that a silver one no three bucks and some change right here and we haven't even moved anything else yet i'm telling you there's gonna be guns in here there's definitely gonna be guns let's grab oh the ammo crate along with these little hardware thingies here so this stuff on top does actually look like hardware not ammunition so let's hope the ammo box does have ammo in it yeah this is actually screws things like that and a hunting magazine beautiful let's get some bigger rounds i want to see some rifle around i want to find some 556 308 stuff like that those are all nice oh my gosh one two three look how many are in here oh my gosh i mean there's got to be 20 knives in here is that a switchblade no the spring is system rebel flag the country camo man he's got a lot of rebel flag knives in here that's definitely a cool lot there that'll definitely be one of our next live auctions coming up to you this is a dog toy looks like it i think it's a dog toy we're just gonna toss it down this has to do something with hunting i'm sure it's got a hanging there hunters in our comments let us know it's got to be something to do with it what is this uh oh it's a flashlight i was gonna say it looks like a freaking what's it called i think it doubles as a bat i mean i guess if you know the shot doesn't finish it off i guess flashlight what's in the envelope are these money no it's pictures all right so pictures of course we'll make sure the previous owner gets all those back this right here we'll take the febreze what's in the bag though uh wax melters things like that nothing important this bag though is um doritos ramen noodles okay this is this is bad this is like food and stuff but the mysterious black box that's got me wondering here it's got something on the bottom oh this is um somebody's either cat or dog's ashes it says pet cremation services so obviously this will make sure they get back for sure that's just lotion what else do we got down here an envelope anything inside nope this there's some black trash bags for us and nothing else on the shelf let's look in this white bag and then we'll take this shelf out to use our like table to keep going through stuff this looks like it's gonna be yeah it is this is also personal picture so again we'll make sure they get this stuff back now that we clear out the bookshelf we can use this as our table to go through stuff out here outside of the unit it's really hot in there hey a dollar a dollar is that a real dollar somebody drew all over definitely a real dollar what the heck i want to see it let me see come here come here come here look at this artwork somebody's done that's pretty impressive okay okay but i'm gonna spend it anything in here let's see this is school work things of that nature so this will go in our personal yeah give back pile that we've been setting up over here set that down there let's see what else is in the pink bag though that's why it's so heavy it's a literal weight it's 16 pounds or two eight pound dumbbells and a racing club i think colonel perfume i was just looking through the paperwork thing we found this is all laminated but this is a road trip of the most haunted places in tennessee guys right now go down in the comments if we should follow this and make a video out of it go down and put in the comments if we have like a bunch of people that say it i swear we'll go back to tennessee do it but we need a lot of people so if you want to see a haunted jeebus trip you better go down there put in the comments next weapon i see on the floor over here the bow so we've already found one first is this a giant confederate flag dream catcher okay that's that's the most techy thing i've seen we'll just leave that there no comment this first let's get the bow let's get the bow that is a huge bow you know i'm still at 28 years old i've shot like every kind of gun known to man i've never got the fire both i don't know what kind of bow this is or what it would go for i don't see markings i feel like they painted over it to make it look camouflage probably not gonna be able to find any markings on this unfortunately now let's see what's in that black bag that was down there as well is there a watch on the handle look at that it's actually still on that's got some battery life to it what's in the box though uh okay why am i not surprised to find this like under the dream catcher i just thought of the yellow song there's a couple of 20 lug one 222 live round and one that's already fired in there so there's ammo maybe somewhere else in here too oh there's something in the front too let's see what that is i feel it come on ammo what's that citadel uh get open little flashlights what is this hmm looks like a key almost what's up there anything else in here oh yeah that's a holster blackhawk holster uh 12 gauge shotgun shell what else is in here some gloves what are these guys this is that a red red dot light let's see hold on is that what this is oh it is look it's a laser it's not red but it is a laser to go underneath here it's got the i figure out what the piece is called but that gun people correct me exactly i just know it attaches to it good and this oh look it says moultrie on it but it's got a 16 gig stealth cam sd card in it that'll be interesting to look at for sure what else is in here uh more ammunition there's random ammunition a bunch of 22. look at this big boy here is this 30 out of 6 yeah 30 out six round right there and then a bunch of little 22 rounds oh no this one's not a 22. they got that in there but mostly a bunch of random like loose 22 rounds in the back do you know how hard it is to contain myself right now there's literally one two three safes just staring me in the face and i'm just trying to slowly work my way there guys right now leave this video a thumbs up pretty pretty please we spent a lot of money and a lot of time on this one so it would really really appreciate it that sounds interesting it's a lincoln outfitter's blog it's decently heavy it's definitely something in it all right whoa what's very random is what's in there that makes it interesting i guess uh power bank what is all this stuff longhorn what is that uh like chewing tobacco is this five gum hey they gotta pack luck and it's my favorite kind the green one thank you i appreciate it that's going in my pocket oh look at that there's a magazine right there a glock mag actually so that's a good sign some cologne some pictures again the pictures we'll make sure they get back but other than that this is very very random this is a vehicle title we'll make sure they get that back as well but the glock mag that definitely gives me a good feeling inside i always love when the former owner just storage units leave us stuff behind that's useful like for example this broom and dustpan that we can use to clean out their unit once we're done this swiffer i mean i'm not going that far i'm not sweeping the unit but i'll still take it it's very nicely and appreciated let's get out the laundry basket i can already tell you i see boxes of ammunition sitting right on top of it that's a very good sign oh let's see what kind of ant whoa this thing's getting wobbly huh what kind of ammo do we have here this is what this looks like rifle yeah 308 so both of these are 308 rounds 308 30 r6 are commonly used for deer hunting they're bigger rock brown so that's a good sign there might be a rifle in the case so that's good we found shock i like that we found shotgun and rifle ammo so maybe that means there'll be some of each in there let's see giant extension cord for some reason every time we have a yard sale first thing to go people love these extension cords maybe because we only sell it for a dollar yes what else is in here harmonica yeah harmonica a bunch of clothes some plastic wear and more clothes it smells like beach clothes or pool clothes you know that stinky like mildew smell yeah uh shoes more clothes in there and unfortunately it looks like it's gonna be close all the way down besides the random box of the ambo on top but hey we'll take it next cardboard box here and i look like i see ammo in video games are you kidding me this is this is brand new this is a brand new exist achieve video game ps4 game and then we got for honor here which is also in there so that's good and let's look at the horde of ammo in here we got magtec 308 again more 12 gauge and 12 gauge it sucks at 12 gauge it's probably like the cheapest ammo you can get ooh m118 long okay that's different that's different we got these all yeah all all these winchester like square boxes like this pretty much you just know when you see them they're gonna be 12 gauge shotgun uh what is this remington here these are buckshot more 12 gauge little box here what's that i can't get it open it's like taped shut super hit that's what it says what is it uh i don't know what the heck that is but that there is a fishing reel and other than that we got this thing and look at all the loose again oh they spill that's what it is look two things of 22 winchester 22 rounds right there and there's a bunch of little ones that spilled out over the box so we'll probably just refill that box up for sure let's get this guy down from here what is this right here that is like one of those old school like you know those pictures you take and they make them like old western themes so that'll go back to those owner more ammunition let's say ammunition ammunition ammunition that's just a blanket so that's just screws these are more 308 rounds which are great i love those that's just a black and decker thingy we don't need that we want more ammo come on and then what's in the let's look at the envelope just in case you know could always stuff some money in there i don't see any but we'll look in more detail later on more ammo no oh grantha.5 book look at these led strips i think me and this guy could have been friends i see gaming related stuff and guns these are in there we're gonna keep these let's throw some of these blade guitars if there's anything buried we don't want to look at blankets and i can lift them up and move them and make sure there's nothing in there you bring the light over a little bit whoa look an rca tablet is that multiple oh look at this a verizon phone an amazon tablet man all right there's there's more electronics back here holy crap look at this fountain graveyard why do they have so many okay four more phones let's go ahead and toss this other blanket out other blanket out is there more oh no but i know what that is if you know you know that's a trigger lock these more personal pictures again we'll make sure they get all their personal pictures like this back uh other than that the rest of it is blankets so that's just gonna go ahead and probably be donated now we've made it over here to safe number one my normal plan action with safes is displaying them and break them well because there's so much evidence showing me that there's a very high probability there's either ammo or guns in here i don't think slamming it would be the smartest idea so let me just press it do you think we could just break it easy let's try well i broke the hand i don't think i got into the safe though no come on yeah that's not gonna quite work so this guy is going to have to be crowbar 100 we're going to try a hail mary here so we found this journal right and on this journal is a four digit code it's when it has the number 52 76 79 72 now let's just hope since this one's a combination one we're just gonna try and see if it'll open that way so let's start at 52 right there and then go to 76 right there and then all the way back to 79 which would be all the way around and i messed it up didn't know yeah 79 and 72 right here just open what do you think it's gonna work do you think we should try again one more time one more time i think you go to the left so this way yeah go to the left and go to the past zero a couple times all right let's go start at 52 which is right there then you gotta pass it and you gotta go 76 which is right here yeah and then 79 i just messed it up again okay i tried it multiple times she tried it multiple times it's not working so we're just gonna move it out of the way but before i do that guys point out that it does have the beautiful don't tread on me sticker which if you don't know what that means that is a strong political statement for you know being pro-gun so i like that and let's go ahead and get this safe out of here let's see what's inside the dresser i just want to say when i set that down i had to tilt it back a little bit and there's a lot of inside of it so 100 not empty so you know what that's where the glock is bet you let's put this wooden thing right here it's heavy this wooden thing on top of the dresser oh my goodness wow so another safe right there's something in there all right but how do i get into it that's a whole nother question uh can i just break it no well we got another safe maybe he's in here we got some personal pictures but oh my goodness the ammo oh five okay for all my gun people who remembers when finding 22 lr ammo was like basically finding gold like you had to wait outside of sports stores like 4am to find 22. i still see it like that value value-wise look at all this right here this is all 308 what is that there's some slugs 12 gauge slugs whoa what is all this down here 12 gauge again one two three four five more ammo here uh what is that more shotgun yep 12 gauge if there's not a shotgun in that safe i'll be blown away more 12 gauge uh they're just gonna throw that away 22lr there's boxes of 22 800 rounds yeah there's just huge boxes of 22 rounds yeah there's two or three of them down there so i mean in ammo if anyone asks no we're not selling any of it i keep all the ammunition this is just going to stock up my closet but that's a lot of money in ammo this one i don't think would have a gun unless there's a handgun but listen it's obviously not empty i'm what i'm thinking is it could have a key in it like what if they put the keys to that safe for that safe in there you know what i mean there's a little hole in the back because you could just shine a light in here yeah that's not gonna happen but like usually like i said usually my first instinct is just slam it on its side i know i'll open it but what do you think do you think this one's safe to slam or shouldn't i think so you do oh wait what something's written right here no i saw something right here all right making sure it wasn't the combo to the other shape uh you want to just try to toss this one sure well just drop it like from hot all right this one because it's so small we're gonna change it ready yeah that didn't do anything dude i think i'm gonna have to like forcefully slam it which we should probably do outside you wanna take it outside and try to slam it one good time yeah let's do it all right let's put this thing down with a little bit of force i'll try to angle it at a corner too you ready yep it hit the ground but this one's not popping open i think because the door is you know inside not on the outside i feel like we're gonna have to actually crowbar even this small one as well to get into it but that just makes it more exciting to wait i was carrying this in i tilt it down and look the whole keypad just comes right off you said she said not me all right this is your word but this will be very easy to crowbar into you want to go get get into the small one yes i do let's go get into the small one see if you're right all right let's test your theory i'll put my foot in here i'm gonna smash this guy in here like that let's see if i think it's just the crowbar might be a little too big for the other side this side yeah is this not thinner i think so uh how much does it get in there though yeah i don't think it looks let's try this one more time let's try to hit it in there for real like this no get in there then come on it's not gonna work we're gonna need something thinner than this to get in this little safe we'll use this knife we got the crowbar wedged a little deeper i'm gonna try one final pullback see if we can pop it you ready yeah oh oh no hold on that was so close that was so close you need to get it on the other corner now if we can get i think it's like i could have got it back there could have stepped on it i think it would have popped it ah [Music] okay i kind of got beat up by that little safe so let's just go relaxing and go back and go through the dresser and find this no not quite but belt why is it padded okay little shirt some cleaner this looks like one of those things that what about the glock in here maybe what is this hunting gear do you think this is what's actually in there that's the question it could be whatever in there you could think of but no okay it's actually next it's brand new so that put the glock here no some more random stuff yeah not in there that's all right we got more drawers we got more drawers what about here a dvd a vape a bunch of underwear what's in the walmart box it is oh an amaze fit i feel like an off-brand fitbit type thing let's see if it's in there come on it looks nice the box release looks nice get out oh i think it's already been taken out yeah it's already been used dang it that's all right uh what else is in here pills it's like a call for something for hunting yeah just bathroom and underwear yeah this little one that one's empty what about the bottom one oh no it's got some more bathroom in it cotton swabs and what is this uh well it was some type of box here for our phone so that what about in this drawer oh i see ammo i see ammo we got some total ammo 223 that's a good sign these are what most of your ar top rifles take uh this one that's a fishing line maybe something like that then what are these things right here uh blunt life okay that's cool some confederate flag license plate hey we're gonna take this for the car this is the best smelling air freshener by the way by far uh oh a scope i didn't even see this thing in here this is looks nice what brand is this uh radiations performance right there some of these if you don't know about rifle scopes i mean they can go from like 40 bucks to several thousand dollars so that's definitely a toss-up right now because i don't know anything about the brands uh more air fresheners we'll take those not too much else in there next drawer oh whoa is those all knives holy crap look at the size of this whoa now that's a brutal thing right there chip way handmade look at the sheath even that is super nice okay what else do we got and there's another big old knife um oh that's cool it's definitely a nice knife there look at the giant pocket knives it's robert this person's really obsessed with like civil war with all the confederate flags and now the robert e lee knife let's see if i get this open that's pretty cool they're big knives too and that's like a folding knife actually it's a giant robert e lee like folding pocket knife that's crazy and then this is probably a display for one of those i'm going to probably guess the robert e lee one that is a lantern one more drawer let me get more knives now this one looks like it's closed and closed all the way through let's see if there's anything hidden in the laundry basket other than dirty laundry i'm just gonna kind of dig through it because i mean for the most part you can see and yeah unfortunately this is all dirty laundry but we'll donate it and if there's anything hidden in there you can bet we'll find it what's in this little tupperware ooh is that more shells i think i see a magazine too let's see what's in there it looks like a holster uh definitely a little looks like a 22 lr magazine some shells what the heck okay okay bullet art wrenches wrenches and empty bullet shell for the most part i look through all these metal things because i'm looking for keys keys will make my life a lot easier right now with the safe so that's definitely on the lookout list now let's try to pull this wooden thing which is a beautiful gun cabinet by the way i don't know if there's anything at the bottom looks like there's a cab there's no rifles in here unfortunately i can see that but the bottom i don't know let's just set it right here there's uh key slots on the side i wonder if that one pair of keys you have uh the one way the one we found where did it go uh i found a pair of keys it wasn't even on camera but i just put in my pocket i tried it on the stage and didn't work i don't know where i put them did i lose them no here they are all right let's see if this is what the key goes to come on no dang it okay there's two keys down they're different so nope nothing this either we have this mystery set of keys i have no idea what it goes to and at the bottom here it opens up and there is nothing inside but take a look at that it's got the buck there and it looks like it can hold about five rifles this open no it doesn't but that is super super nice and then we have this big old beautiful fortress gun safe which if that little safe beat me up we're not even gonna play with this one today but we'll definitely going to get into it before the end of the video so i don't think we're not going to do that but for now oh there's definitely here rattling in there let's just for now slide it out of the way until we can get into it let's start pulling down up here get this big brown box right here come on down that looks like what is this ice scraper no oh you know what this is you put it in the ground rest the rifle on it so you can zero in your shot basically uh hunting shoes this is definitely meant to hold some ammo uh other than that this hunting gear stuff so let's set that there and slide it and then i guess get the basket right sure let's get the basket and see if it's just more clothes or not oh um it looks like i'm seeing yes a lot of clothes a lot of hunting hats uh what is that is that a wallet ooh we found change in dollar bill already nothing in that one on four actually there's a zipper section too let's go into the zipper come on bang no nothing in there what about the other side of the basket the other side no unfortunately just more hats and more like immediately like two seconds after cutting that clip this whole thing fell this way i guess that whatever was on top of it was like literally balancing it because this went tumbling so let's see what's in the big box let's see what's in here whoa little video games or dvds might be both that'll be cool let's see i see some blue cases they blu-ray oh they're ps4 games let's go skyrim epic game that one's in there that looks like a blu-ray these over here look like more ps4 there's grand theft auto 5 gta 5 one of the best games ever black flag assassin's creed this is also one of the best games ever red dead redemption 2 both discs nice black ops 3 decent game that's in there what about this one is this a game no it's a blu-ray and other than that we're seeing a lot of dvds in here what about this one is this an xbox game where's it is green it's just green but other than that i think we got about what'd you say 50 to 100 dvds because it's a double stack there's multiple stacks down there so i'll say at least 100 dvds in that one this is another beautiful gun cabin as you can see the glass door opens right up this one can hold one two three four five six rifles or shotguns in there but they're it's empty again you know why they're both empty right because obviously all those guns are in the gun safe that's why they're empty fingers crossed at least but again that's beautiful check this beauty out here oh that's nice this one says okay do not dry fire this is what it says on there the compound bow but again it's a trophy ridge but again bows are just one of those things and it says bear here i don't know anything about so all my bow hunters in the comments definitely sound off is this like a 100 walmart gun or like a 600 high-end bow definitely let us know let's see what's in this little see-through bag besides more confederate flag stuff already i see that much but anything of value we got what is that okay nice nice rebel proud southern tradition all right another it looks like another confederate fight oh we got some signs i love these kind of stuff lord make me fast and accurate let my aim be true and my hand me faster okay that's pretty cool let me die in a pile empty brass oh let's see the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be in friends we're part of shanna don't you understand you know what our wall that one's we're keeping that one ooh same with this that's beautiful look at that the second amendment a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep in their arms shall not be in frame say a lot of the people in the back we got some more flags here and these look like some personal photos which again we'll make sure they get all this kind of stuff back and some more flags what is that i love my gun love it second amendment again you know what i'm keeping a lot of these i love the second amendment ones is that like a squirrel maybe a snow it's more like a raccoon tail you see the stripes in it yeah i think it's a raccoon someone's got the whole what's his name boone going on i can't remember the first name i'm feeling stupid right now look at the brass knuckles daniel yeah there you go brass knuckles more pictures just a random nine millimeter bullet in there other than that the rest of it is a bunch of flags so we got a window ac unit a single boot another confederate flag let's see two gas canisters smaller one bigger one this little this is a confederate flag blanket and then let's see what's in this box ugh right here oh it's taped i think it looks like more um movies to be honest with you but we're gonna see if i can get the freaking knife open without cutting myself looks like dvds but let's cut it open to be sure yeah make sure there's no more video games though uh nope that's a big old box of dvds right there i say at least i mean that's again 50 to 100 somewhere in that range so money all day this is the last tote in the back and then we can see what this metal thing is then we're going to talk about these safes all right what is this what in the heck this looks like one of those like war horns i'm gonna put my mouth on it but i'll blow in it let's see a bunch of candles we always appreciate that tanner right okay somebody help me i'm not sure is this the stuff that you shoot and it blows up look at it it's called um tannerite rifle targets i'm like i gosh i don't want to be wrong but i feel like it's just stuff you can put down rage and shooting and it explodes somebody correct me if that's true that's awesome a few candles another scope a dead ringer 39 by 40. that looks nice i wish they put the covers on them but they didn't so a bunch of the target stuff dixie road more pieces more pieces oh another nice knife man that's nice it's a bud k you could tell it's like somewhat similar than the k bar the military style knife so that's cool another siren thing killer a scent killer for deer hunting so a bunch of little you know random hunting things from there so cool the box there too last thing we haven't gone through this right here we showed this unit after our live auction the other day and i'm pretty sure somebody said it looks like a hunting dog set up and now that we're here and have it open i'm gonna say your baby right i don't know anything about hunting dogs or anything like that so but the fact that there's hay in there makes me maybe second guess that maybe it's like birds or something maybe we can use it for our ducks maybe i might just put it on there these are for the ducks i'm gonna guess because of the hay i don't think you put hay in there for dogs but then again like i said never know anyone knowing hunting dogs so i could be completely wrong someone let me know we have the little safe that we try to get into the medium safe over there and of course the big mama over here which is the gun safe instead of me trying to break into it right now we're actually meeting our family for a little mini vacation tomorrow so i say best thing is when we have a lot of men together we bring all the safe safe breaking party safe breaking family bonding yeah so we'll see you guys really soon and it'll be tomorrow it is now the next day and we're here at the hotel waiting for everybody to show up i'm now well rested yesterday i've been up for about 30 hours already making that video so a little bit tired i think it's time for round two with this guy here still can't get into it but listen you think i just throw it straight in the air now that we have a whole open parking lot to ourselves do you think you have to throw it straight up or put more force down what do you think try up first all right you ready yeah let's get into this little guy no the broke part of it i saw something go flying nope all right so you think i should just slam it straight down yeah we i think we got this side broken we got to get this corner so i think we should try to hit that corner all right ready come on no really hard yeah how long did the police show up i don't know oh my goodness i say just keep doing it keep doing it slamming it or throwing it both anything oh my goodness guys it's so close it's so close oh look at the door i think the crowbar can do it oh yeah the crowbar would definitely get it right now let's try to slam it again on this side whatever's in there can you hope with me that it's not fragile because if it is no longer good the safe is like crooked though you look at it the safe is crooked it's like a what is it i'm gonna do it again parallel uh look at this it's so close anger hey you got it what do we have what is that oh there's a pocket watch in there that we destroyed oh yeah first off what's this this right here is a it's a 12 gauge shotgun and a nine millimeter luger pistol purchase okay we definitely destroyed this pocket watch though oh let's see what's in this one hopefully it wasn't like a super good one if it's gold it's called scrap scrap this is a another rifle purchase but look at that we broke the whole thing yeah we definitely ruined this oh boy let's see what it says um e-glut quart base metal swiss okay this is why we don't slam the other two we're going to open the legitimate way because i don't want to break something and hope that wasn't expensive i looked up that watch on ebay all together it was selling for about 70 dollars that's what somebody had it listed for it hadn't sold so i would guess it was probably worth about 50 bucks so kind of sucks we broke it but at least it's not a 800 watch or anything like that long story short we didn't get no help with the hotel we ended up just playing in the pool everybody for six hours and well it's the next day now we're heading home when we get home we're gonna go old school and try to crowbar those safes to open without smashing anything wish so we are finally home we got these two big old safes right here the gun safe and the sensory safe to try to save us some time we went by lowe's asked what kind of drill would be best to get into it they recommended this hammer drill i think is what it's called so we went ahead and bought this and i said it should be able to go through there so we're gonna put that to the test you want to start with the gun stand for the century safe run safe all right let's go gun safe you ready by the way i looked this safe up this thing's like 280 dollars brand new so if we sold a pre-owned might get 100 bucks cost 80 bucks to get a locksmith so we're not doing all that for 30 bucks possibly we're going through it ready [Music] it's not even turning is it make it turn let's put this setting here so it spins yeah it's not turning at all so i think that drill bit was just a bit too small for this job either that or the people of those don't know what they're talking about and this is not the best way to do it but we're going to try a bigger drill bit and go in there again ready yep all right so the drill wasn't quite doing the trick so you know we went to old fashioned beating the crap out of the lock with the crowbar and now we got two crowbars in there so i'm going to try to pull them back at the same time see we can pop this thing take it to work good let's see i feel like this safe's gonna be too late i try to take the green one out sure it's not really doing anything all right [Music] got it all right you ready [Music] oh hey here it comes see i knew my big weight would come in handy one day so close well the lock's definitely broken in there just these lower hinges now yeah all right there he goes [Music] oh there it goes we're getting it ah it's going slowly but surely you're good you're lifting me all right all right let's see what about this i mean i can just go in here now [Music] ready [Music] dang it come on you open open [Music] aha all right do the same thing in the top there we go ready yeah one two three [Music] can it open yet let's see no oh my gosh it's hot all right put your foot like right here ready [Music] no are you kidding me nothing what is that is that the key where in the corner this better not be the key right now i swear to god is that really it uh i'm gonna turn it actually we destroyed it so we can't even find out well that's a hell step one to get into the sensory safe we gotta break this dial right here because that's gonna expose the whatever locking mechanisms underneath of it so you think i just hit with the crowbar it'll break it uh let me back far away that didn't quite work okay well i got that piece off and look right here this i think if i hit that it'll come off rank it a little more there it goes i think that should expose this maybe we can drill that i'm not sure but at least we're making some kind of progress all right so we got a little crowbar trying to get into the crease here this is what i hate about these century safes this like i might have to stand on that side right here yeah see my big sauce comes in handy sometimes maybe i remember like this was like the exact one we found one like this very similar and it took us forever to break into this thing because it has like a cover then it has like the powdery cement stuff and it has another metal door on the inside so we just watched a tutorial on youtube and apparently you can drill two holes right here is where some type of liking mechanism is at and if you can break those the door will open right up so let's see if the drill will go through this safe they went through that like butter i think you just have to find like where it kind of stops uh should i just go like right underneath of it yeah i mean just try to make multiple holes and see where it stops that's where the mechanism is let's try one closer to the lock and see what happens i think we might have found where exactly the last two times it went through pretty easily you think we could have punctured it i don't know [Applause] i don't know how you would open it still you think it would just smooth yeah it would just smoothly move yeah let's try another one right here then calm down buddy [Music] keep going down keep going yeah that's right still nothing what if you make another hole in there like right here yeah let's try it [Music] yeah it's hitting metal right now i think this might be where it's at [Music] [Applause] nothing down or up down i don't know but it's definitely there's metal right here i don't know if it's the metal we're looking for or something else let's try one more if this doesn't work we're switching up the strategy on down all right if i open this safe there's a glock with a perfectly put hole through it i'm going to be a little upset now we got another problem we'll come out what lift nope still nothing we have to try a different strategy so we got this right or the left side of the safe open the two like metal rods that are in this wall over here out now we have to work on this right lower side so what if i could stick it in and then take it this way and do it like that yeah okay now the top rocker there we go yay what is my favorite pull it out whatever that is this is part of the safe i don't know if i should get this stuff on me this is a aaa card this right here oh what is that uh desiccator ink i'm not sure what that is okay unit pack there's like one a 22 point two lr bullet in there but unfortunately there's no guns in these safes
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 1,714,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, found in storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus, abandoned storage unit
Id: EfUP3QdfqZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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