Dirty Harry - Best Quotes, Lines (Clint Eastwood)

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well a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife hard-on I figure isn't out collecting for the Red Cross I think he's got a part I know what you think did he fire six shots or only five well they tell you the truth and all this excitement I kinda lost track myself I being this is a 44 magnum the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off you've got to ask yourself one question do I feel lucky well do you bunker what do they call you Dirty Harry that's one thing about our Harry doesn't play any favorites Harry hates everybody mind these makes hebes that day those [ __ ] monkeys chicks your name it how's he feel about Mexicans Pascal me especially [ __ ] what I'm saying is that man had rights well I'm all broken up about that man's right I know what you thinking Punk you're thinking did he fire six shots or only five now to tell you the truth I forgot myself and all this excitement but being this is a 44 magnum the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off you could ask yourself question do I feel lucky well do you punk and I never had to take my gun out of its holster once I'm proud of that you're a good man lieutenant good man always knows his limitations excuse me captain I know this may sound silly but can you fly nope never had lesson they came for the Academy after me they stick together like flypaper you know everybody thought they were queer for me does it tell you something the rest of you could shoot like them I wouldn't care if the whole damn department was queer we seem to be lost we were looking for the interest to San Quentin you know what that is it's back there don't you see - good yeah I see fine I just want to know whether you knew where San Quentin was and you do don't you [ __ ] [Music] you heroes have killed a dozen people this week what are you gonna do next week it's not just a question of whether or not to use violence simply is no other way inspector you of all people should understand that [Music] either you're for us or you're against us I'm afraid you've misjudged me anyone who threatens the security of the people would be executed evil for evil Harry retribution that's just fine how does murder fit in they will please start becoming their own executioner's where's it gonna end huh Briggs pretty soon you start executing people for jaywalking and executing people for traffic violation then you end up executing your neighbor cause his dog pisses on your lawn your organization's through rings there's a lot more where they came from believe me move out of the way move it it'll be my word against yours and who's gonna believe you you're a killer Harry a maniac man's got to know his limitations what about me I'm your partner I may have to move fast and I don't need too much linguini that hold me back got a lot of class hurry run jive-ass bastard what do they want want a car what are you gonna do [Music] what makes a man crazy enough to join the cops you find out you let me know you're the cop now I'm in a market see you've just caught me dead bang it to 11:00 in the act but I'm coming out see and I got a hostage a kid with a gun at his head there's no way you're gonna take me alive and you've got ten seconds to make up your mind here I come what are you gonna do what you're you're under arrest Reid poor little boy do something god damn it do something hey you're late Callaghan sorry about that see look I I think he also said something about winnowing the Neanderthals out of the department hypothetical situation huh all right I'm standing on the street corner and mrs. gray there comes up and propositions me if I come home with her for $5.00 should put on an exhibition with a Shetland pony if this is your idea of humor inspector all right what are you trying to do here Callaghan I'm just trying to find out if anybody in this room knows what the hell laws being broken besides cruelty to animals that's a conspiracy under Title 7 section 182 paragraph one of the California State penal code a conspiracy to commit a misdemeanor is in fact a felony and according to People vs bash or no that's right good answer thank you officer Moore you'll be notified of your great ease I'm coming down there at five minutes you better have those files open you pencil-pushing son of a [ __ ] okay I give up what's this this is the Bill Maher chapter of the VFW very few whites I don't suppose it would do any good to suggest wait in the car inspector no concern yourself perspective through socializing we do have work to do these people off you can but don't do it with me that's it Callahan you just got yourself a 60-day suspension make it 90 180 give me your star there's a 7.0 suppository captain what did you say I said stick it in your ass but the people who were killed or isn't it against the law anymore we're not debating the point I'm simply telling you you're out of it but you telling me is anyone who's got balls enough to grab a hostage you'll do it and can walk right away from it I'm telling you you're out of it and if I hear otherwise you're finished as a cop in San Francisco now I want every bit of information that you've got in this case every lead is that clear may I make a statement McKay go ahead your mouthwash ain't making it think um this is a protected operation you can end up with your balls trying to tell me you got a lot of clout with The Syndicate enough to blow you away with one phone call get the hell out of here these charges old man you're just a maggot who sells dirty pictures hey Callahan don't look so cute down better luck next time fool Punk to me you're nothing but [ __ ] do you understand a lot of things can happen to [ __ ] it can be scraped up with a shovel off the ground it can dry up and blow away in the wind or it can be stepped on and squashed so take my advice be careful where the dog [ __ ] yeah how you boys put those guns down say what well we're not just gonna let you walk out of here who's we [ __ ] Smith & Wesson and me [Applause] go ahead make my day I ought to bust your ass down the traffic well better yet kick it off the force you're a dinosaur Callahan your ideas don't fit today just what ideas are these that murder is a crime that it shouldn't be punished Hey don't choose lecture me you son of a [ __ ] you know who you're talking to hmm you know my record yeah you're a legend in your own mind got
Channel: TheTop10Channel
Views: 4,641,708
Rating: 4.822721 out of 5
Keywords: Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood, Magnum Force, The Enforcer, Sudden Impact, Do you feel lucky, Make my Day
Id: Ze1xp9hYDl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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