We Instantly BROKE a $5,000 SPAS12…

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foreign clever girl she's a good kill yeah do you think peta is going to get mad about this yeah probably but i mean look at the scales on that tail gonna make some nice boots he's so good oh hey guys welcome to malaysian ranch i'm here with brandon herrera and we both have spas 12s spas 12s how do you say it foster uh spazz well the americans all say spas 12s it's made by a company called frankie an italian company and um was it how did you find out that i had a spast 12. i actually didn't know you had a spast 12. and then i remembered you did those videos way back in the day but it's a different spot 12 you have two yeah so this is actually the second spas 12. actually i've owned the law 12 as well do you know what that is i actually don't think i do the law 12 made by frankie was about the same era but it was a semi-auto only what is nice about the spas 12s is it was a semi-auto or pump you could decide depending on your your ammo load well just like you guys i'm learning something today and so i actually did own like i don't know those videos are like eight years old i have some old spas 12 spa i'm gonna say spas that's what i'm going with spas 12 videos and i actually bought that spas 12 i'm going to say i never say what i pay for these things but this one's just funny at my own expense i paid 1100 for that one eight years ago and then i would buy and sell and trade all the time and so a few months later after i made some videos i sold it for fifteen hundred dollars and i thought matt you are a genius what a businessman to make 400 profit stonks i got stonks for days and i thought i was so smart and then the prices of spas 12s kept going up and then there were like two thousand dollars i was like geez maybe i should have kept it and then they're like 2 500 bucks i bought this one a few weeks ago for five thousand dollars yeah that that hurts i'm kind of like the guy who sold out of bitcoin at a thousand dollars because he thought he made all the money he thought i'm a genius yeah yeah that's me i'm that guy uh this video actually does not have a whole lot to do with spas 12 so we'll show you what we're actually doing i actually don't know what we're doing i don't either this is the next installment of fan made homemade body armor so we have done redneck ingenuity so far we have done nerd alert and this one we're just going to call it junk drawer because and not that it's junk you guys did a great job we just didn't know how to categorize this kind of stuff here's the first one it says ranch hand edition of our junk drawer homemade body armor would you kindly let us know what this guy and what his name is and what he put in here oh quentin i bet is his name uh his name is in fact quentin it says quentin over here it is a demolition t-shirt obviously how dare you quentin washed gravel liquid nails to hold it together okay rubber stall mat metal chop saw blade that sounds safe old work jeans and duct tape to hold it all together i noticed the duct tape bit yeah i can see the rubber mat right there too it's it's solid so it does have metal so it's got a hard plate in there so it's pretty thick but it does look like it'll stop a lot so quentin we'll try that one out next up this is from adrian adrian is from northern ireland and they are a percussion instrument manufacturer one of our manufacturing processes is making drum heads which are made from woven kevlar i actually did not know that so these are no this is drum head and they've just put a ton of layers of it apparently and they have a bunch of them here i wonder why they'd be making kevlar in ireland i have bonded them into solid panels each panel as you see is numbered with the amount of sheets in each one so i guess that means this one has 15 and so on i would love for you to give them everything you have to see what they can withstand can't do adrian thanks man next up this is from i think it's a youtube channel called the adventures of big h would you let us know what's in here 1.6 millimeter mild steel internal five millimeter silicon coat he might be just reading everything i'm literally just reading it's an easy job four liters of stretch armstrong oh that's just so sticky i mean i think he he actually made a video where he built this uh which appreciate it and he like cut up stretch armstrong he's also calling it a level seven plate oh okay i don't think nij has a level size i don't think that's a thing but we'll find out proprietary military tech then dude yeah we're gonna get in trouble u.s government will be swooping in on us quick so let's go ahead and get to the video brandon yes why do you have a spas 12 uh because i you know love jurassic park as a kid and i just felt like i needed to own one i don't know if they're particularly good shotguns is there any other reason anyone owns a spas 12 besides jurassic park i guess germinator germinator yeah but yeah just movies yeah and video games yeah i mean like this is the iconic you know call of duty 80s action 90s action hero kind of shotgun it just it's kind of iconic they are only cool because they are iconic no one actually likes past 12s for how they function the the stock folder is kind of cool the pump and semi's kind of cool but what you're saying is everything is kind of cool it all looks kind of cool yeah because that is cool that is a cool looking shotgun but there just might be a reason nobody uses them anymore for anything other than youtube videos yeah so they're super expensive now because they're collectible uh i think they stopped making them in like 2001 or somewhere around then well i think only like 2 000 of these ever made it into the country oh are you serious i did not know that we have not discussed any of this prior we just i said hey bring your spas 12 out let's make some videos welcome to demolition ranch there's no there's no scripting here what is cool about these i guess the reason they made them they are pump action or semi-auto so you can switch this and it can go to a pump like we were pumping in the intro trying to demonstrate there we go so it can pump oh and then your semi rocked it forward and now it's in semi and it should run in semi-auto but they have a very heavy spring and they don't run except super heavy loads on semi-auto so it's the pump is in case you want to shoot light recoil loads or bean bags or whatever and it's not going to cycle it you can also pump it for those other rounds now there's some bad features of spas 12s like this safety sometimes when you flip it to fire it fires well you're flipping it to fire so you want to fire sometimes the safety acts like a trigger so these actually these are called i think they're called flip safeties they were recalled recalled and they put a push button safety in which my other one did have um ours both don't fire but apparently it is a thing uh with spast 12s you want to they haven't fired yet ours don't fire on safety flips yet but someday they may so you got to be careful that ours both have skeleton stocks that overfold which just looks super cool brandon's is missing a key element the hook the j-hook the hook is the big deal and actually you can take the hook out as well um i think you rotate it around flip it over so it's not that big of a deal you know yours hooks left mine is straight you know everybody's different no i would have taken it and run that's like a bench piece of sheet metal that's like 400 it is they're stupid expensive because people who have spast 12s without hooks want the hook and they'll pay stupid amounts for them that's true so anyway if anybody has a j-hook i know a guy who's looking for one uh sell it to me for 400 and i'll set there for six it's gonna be great i don't like this game up first is a volcartson 22 long rifle this thing is nice this is kind of this is trippy i've never shot one of these before i can ask if you're right-handed but you can't shoot it if you're left-handed no you just can't so if you're if you're wrong-handed you're gonna have a very hard time with it yeah it's all made for a right hand to wrap around it is this uh even remotely road uh you're on demolition ranch so [Laughter] you all good yep did you get any ricochet because all the trees around us did yeah i heard that kind of everybody's good back there no holes we'll stand back a little further on the subsequent rounds on that one don't worry this one just has a saw blade in it yeah it'll be fine uh we got eyes on okay and so all three yep all right big h puts something hard on this front layer that's just metal there's a problem right there so that's why the bullet came this way instead of keep going that way we should have been back a little further quentin good job uh it did stop somewhere in there so oh you can see the blue jeans right there quentin stopped it the drum wow actually okay that's thin stopped 22. all right we're gonna move it up now nine millimeter time i'm gonna shoot everything again we might just go back just a little bit if you're ever in a gun fight in a guitar center jump behind the drums yep duly noted next up nine millimeter out of the glock 17 l this one's not suppressed we're back a little ways just you know because the ricochet stuff one two five quick math oh it barely stopped i think it did stop though is that hollow no it's got all the stretch armstrong goo in it but did it all go to the bottom uh i don't know if you look it doesn't look like there's anything in it that does look very hollow in there so maybe we need to shoot it again down low maybe either way hey gates you're on thin ice here you have a two inch thick plate that pretty much almost led a nine millimeter through sorry big age not great not great at all uh quentin center hit how'd you do oh ouch quentin yeah i'm pretty sure i think the cinder block let it go through right here and then it took off um yeah there's a hole you can't see it it's healed itself but i think a nine millimeter did go through there drums [Applause] where'd the bullet go the bullet should still be around stopped right there is it is it in there in between those layers oh yeah i think i see some metal yep yeah oh yeah there you go there's the back end there the uh the lead so this was kind of an interesting one because he said we could shoot them individually or together we decided to do it together but like these that didn't get penetrated they did help stop it they were pushing on the back but that's pretty good i mean and theoretically it'd be up against your clothing which would also kind of help yeah you know that's always great when your armor relies on the strength of your rib cage to make sure that it doesn't penetrate it's true but um it's better than these two guys so far that's fair well you want to shoot this one with bigger gun we'll shoot them all again with bigger gun but i think these guys are i think they're out doesn't mean we can't shoot them we should shoot them again of course next up is my auto mag 3 because brandon has never shot a 30 carbine out of a pistol i have not it's the best thing you've ever seen really actually the best thing this is this isn't the auto mag that had the rapid unscheduled disassembly no right oh this is the automatic that i like okay duly noted so fireball out of this is insane it's super loud but it really doesn't have much of a kick that's kind of wicked because that's the uh the 30 carbine is what the m1 carbine shoots yes and i've never seen that in a handgun before yeah so it's it's a rifle round which is why there's way too much powder in this round and so that just puts a big fireball at the end you got this all righty don't miss you're right that really isn't too bad it doesn't kick much it's like it is a lot of recoil almost it's more than a millimeter it pushes it doesn't like jolt it's not a 50 like a 50 ae right it's fun ooh ooh i don't think the drums did that's a lot of energy on that last one yeah we'll see what do you think very neat i kind of want one now dig it that one ripped right through a big h there 30 carbine is basically it's similar size to the nine but just going way faster and it said see ya quentin oh there is some stuff in there though if you look in it's not hollow yeah he was wondering if maybe all the stuff had settled and so we were shooting through air but nah nah not good um what happened here that's the the first hole right oh is that another one oh yeah there's the other hole that's the bullet right there it's stopped on the concrete i think i mean yeah quentin you're done you're done all right you know he's not done this one oh there you go so that stopped the same spot this one did right yeah right there there's our jacket and there's our lead so kevlar is nice turns out kevlar is good at stopping bullets weird you know they should use that for bulletproof vests we should call the police department right now we need to patent this idea don't release this video yeah we're going to hold it all right let's shoot this with bigger things though well do you want to shoot it with something else yes past 12s that sounds good okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we just filmed some more stuff and i watched through those clips that you have not seen yet and our audio was messing up so bear with me this is demolition ranch and nothing's ever very good anyway so it's not like it's a you know big disappointment but some of the clips you're gonna be like this is annoying to listen to it's only like a minute or two of stuff some of them are gonna be so bad that we might just end up playing music over it and just putting some dumb subtitles but anyway i love you thanks for hanging in there someday i'm gonna learn how to youtube better i'm sorry about that uh brandon throwing his collectible that's fast from the dirt not in the plan it is such a good tactical shotgun and so much just to collect shotgun but a great collector's piece i hate and love this gun not one ounce slug so let's see what happens with the one ounce slug the slug stopped in the first one and it just kind of liquefied it uh do you want to just shoot it with an ak or something earlier i was making fun of her for not having to hit that he doesn't even have us i love that gun so much this is brandon the ak guy with an ak guy ak see this is a gun i know i can drop i'm not gonna do that oh gosh it's your gun it was my gun an aluminum waffle mag that he gave me look at that it's a russian goodness you know well russian made goodness he said russian and goodness in the same sentence you're gonna do that in current year all right see what you got see if she'll stop i i think i think we stopped it i thought yep i mean what do we do now i feel better you killed like four velociraptors it went through everything so that first round yeah it started de-sheeting the kevlar i believe it's the technical yeah i'm pretty sure that's what they say but i drum kevlars uh basically you made level 3a armor you did not make level three armor um no one else i don't think even made level three armor so we're gonna go with you are the winner adrian right yep adrian you are the winner we're gonna send you a sick box of bunker swag it's coming at you we were actually gonna send the winner of this my gold bear at 50 but since you're from northern ireland we can't so we're just gonna send you some shirts instead also um thanks for coming yeah dude thanks for having me he has a breaking news shot for the record that was you uh he is your dirt your dirt did it yeah i did he had a spas 12 as well i was like hey man bring him out i've never seen two spast 12s at one time and it was fun but two other guys also have spast 12s kentucky ballistics has one and grand thumb has one so i'm sure on all three of those guys channels you'll see probably actually not yours probably not mine already it's it's in a state of disrepair yeah he needs to work on his and then he'll have a channel but those guys are going to put out past 12 videos as well and how many subscribers are you at right now uh 1.83 million dang that is really close to two million do you know if anyone else might beat you to two million i think iran thumb is going to beat me what's the alien he's at right now at time filming 1.93 oh it's close that is close he actually told me today he was like i think iran's going to beat me to 2 million so i was thinking to thank you for coming out here what if we helped get you some more subscribers which most of my guys have probably subscribed to you but if you are not subscribed to brandon herrera there's a link in the description below go hit him up because we got to get him to beat grantham and if you are subscribed to grantham unsubscribe from grantham's channel let's do this demolition let's get this guy up you can subscribe back to him later or whatever but unsubscribe to grantham today make those numbers in the red and let's get this guy at two million first mike this is just a joke we love you we do love you but let's just do this all right it would you gotta make it would be funny all right i love grantham uh thank you so much for coming on the channel today man i hope your your gun heals up and if not i'll buy it for 1500 this just keeps going lower and lower uh it's rusty i see it rusting over there it just rained a little bit because you're having people pour water on it yeah that's how we roll thanks for watching this episode of ranch i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] we're really gonna enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] okay it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,208,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: IMy6RoQmThU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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