i completed this legendary jump through hole challenge and this happened

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all right we're checking out the only game where sanity goes to die it's gta so this gigantic arrow is pointing me straight toward pain as i understand this is a board that makes people want to off themselves oh penis hey i might get to land in a pool for once oh anyway this map goes upside down everywhere rockets into hell and back and i thought since this is ruining so many lives i should probably give it a shot oh yeah so far so good this is no big deal now that jump is slightly longer than the worst al penis i landed on the ninth green the power of rockets compels you in case you're wondering what's actually powering the rocket it's anguish yeah all right one two there we go slick that's nice what the hell do you have to have to do like a 90 degree aerial turn this tube is not in line with this other tube uh okay so what the [ __ ] oh i guess what do you come out like this and then oh my god no tell me vehicle do you enjoy cocaine i think i understand now why this board made so many people die inside actually i might be able to do this without the boosters hold on a second there watch this ah okay so you do need the boosters i can get close shoot out of the cannon of ecstasy there we go that is oh my god i almost went flying out the side i came in anyway i'm gonna call that a checkpoint i have to do it again yep sure do okay i mean i pretty much know how to do it at this point so yeah oh god hey i get to see the rest of the board this is fortunate what does it say over there i think it translates to don't do it ouch okay thrust i missed the hole considering the shape of a lot of these things in this board i feel like that's going to be happening a lot i see a glorious stack of arrows in the distance too how many different things have you fueled insanity with in this small tiny bit of hellscape a subtly eating like a dash of rosemary if you will hell yes with all kinds of wall rides and crazy [ __ ] in here i'm over here driving around speed races like yo ass is crazy do you have to just what the hell are you supposed to like do it upside down what the hell okay this this oh my god you have to ricochet off the arrows that's awesome sticks to landing ready here we go ow do it oh hell yes here we go perfect upside down full flip all right well a fourth of a flip never mind full flip checkpoint okay where's this board has so much drugs involved in it what the hell am i supposed to do now up oh i think there's a checkpoint up there i'm pretty sure there is right i just have to tilt back jump and then thrust in that order jump back thrust ow all right come on now come on come on jump back thrust there it is see it counted it's like the only straight road the entire map okay i oh god okay so you have to jump over the wall into a wall ride okay so up back tilt jeez all right maybe i should come at this at a slight bit of an angle and then oh there happens to be a wall transfer on top of course there is why wouldn't there be ha all right hop back the power of jet compels you okay and then oh sadness i'm gonna stick to landing okay here jets there we go okay and then transfer i don't really know the aerodynamics of this car yet it kind of flies like a uh alcoholic abusive piece of origami i would say yeah definitely an abusive piece of origami on the plus side i am really getting used to sticking to a wall drunken origami go there we go hell yes what is this you know i'm not going to touch that i don't know what it is all right come up at an angle like a high angle rolly penis thing really throws the back end out when you jump all right apparently i have to hold down on the back end to keep that [ __ ] down otherwise we're going to end up meeting the ground many many times god who owns this freaking car satan's cousin okay so you have to stick to the wall jet your way over you have to make this wall transfer in the most perfect of ways because if you don't the damp tires on this crisco machine like to slide all over the damn place and then from there on now it's all jet fuel to try and catch each platform yes yes see the the worse the joke the better i do all right okay we're back to f1 thank you jesus uh are you kidding me right now all right guess we're going upside down and so we're good straight down okay oh starting to lose traction this is bad never mind totally have traction this is fine maybe i can bounce my way to the portal negative they weren't kidding when they said that this board does in fact go upside down and right side new plan i hate to do it but we're doing this part in first person so prepare your anuses you're coming with me on the ride of a lifetime oh yeah oh my god hey there we go ah whoa i'm actually in a normal area for once my god how horrifying oh there's pins around hold on huh go forth my pin brethren and slay many seagulls on your way down some poor seagulls probably oh i just retired today this is what you get for stealing my double cheeseburger three years ago you little ravenous bastards alrighty time to oh this looks exciting i think there's a checkpoint up there on the right all right so jump thrust wow i screwed that up okay i've got i don't know what the hell i was thinking all right get inside the hole up thrust good enough okay uh a checkpoint where the hell are you somewhere over here all right so it looks like i have to shoot out the side then basically like sidewinder missile around the curve and hit that green area maybe possibly yep that's where it wants me to go okay you say so onward satay oh my god what in the holy hell am i supposed to do i'm just doing this so that i can see where this wants me to go and where the checkpoint is all right how about if i yeet out the side maybe i can get a better look at there you tricky little bastards a pop turn thrust oh a little bit more all right getting closer and i'm glad i don't play darts i'd be killing everyone observing every damn news crew would have like a thousand holes poke down all right i might need to do this first person uh yeah what's the worst that could happen this looks safe pop turn oh [ __ ] got it man that was a great penetration if ever i did see one now i have to go to the bottom one okay that one's at least kind of easier because i can sort of fall on top of it right here slightly easier i say okay i think i actually need to come out backwards for this one so hold on a second kind of go like this there we go here we go backwards ugh let me have this hey how do you like that forgetting it from the free fall into the thrust all right now portal checkpoint and it looks like we have just normal jumps here wow leave it up to me to fail something so simple as a regular jump all right i need to line this up perfect there it is ready here we oh it's not perfect neighbor how can we shift it what the penis [Music] ah this lovely mobile decenters itself slightly when you start to pick up speed that's nice oh you know what screw jumping on all these pain the other white meat go oh i can't actually make it i don't have enough umph oh maybe i can hold on all right i get quite a bit of space here to pick up speed i think i can actually do this go go go go go go go go go go go oh you bastard all right guess i'm doing it the hard way hat you didn't put it all the way across by the power of satan i have the power i actually still can't make it i want to do this every way but the right way that's such a small tightrope you have to land on this thing hates driving in a straight line i don't know what it is it's it's like it has an allergy okay that was slick now i can probably just jump this part which is good because straight lines are not this car's strong point okay go go go go go go go go oh actually it's pretty straight now huh maybe i spoke too soon oh no i didn't speak too soon you lied to me i just want to let you know car this is why i have trust issues go go go go go oh it blocks you too hmm all right if there's one thing i hate it's someone who understands how to handle cheaters ow oh that was freaking close no you don't not today satan you can come after my soul but the only thing you're gonna get is a mouth full of sadness baby that's a checkpoint or okay now it's a checkpoint the hell is this oh you have to jump through the circles okay and yeah perfect all right this circle might be a little bit harder because i don't get a lot of speed here yep and the full thrust i believe i may have thrusted a bit too hard i'm kind of going out of bounds now okay up thrust oh man i gotta arc downward quick scott baio nice sorry scott bailey is like a random curse word for me this is a very glitchy area i'm in all right jump thrust arc oh pp go oh maybe i can just slam into it like that i'm gonna tell you i'm getting really good at smashing into things at high speeds do i have to go through the thumbnail hole i do i have to go through the thumbnail hole but i don't get to see it can i just jump this or do i have to rock it through it ah no you gotta rocket it this is going to be obscenely painful now ah and go okay a little bit faster i love whiplash too early the good part is i appreciate that oh man if florida man ever needs to find his teeth they're all just sitting on top of the steering wheel jesus i got through [Laughter] go okay i think i can actually jump this part there we go the problem is just stopping so i can get the checkpoint there it is perfect i appreciate that you couldn't even give me like an easy checkpoint like i still have to jump in or to get this can i reach this just like jumping normally there we go backwards slightly and then thrust up and sticks the landing i'm giving the ground a nice red tinge it's not paint it's brain matter well there's a problem pop rocket there it is all right loop-de-loop time i love it let's do this i did not do it i i almost landed it damn it okay so you gotta keep speed the whole time sure just get my camera so i can actually see what the hell i'm doing oh yeah there it is we're running it now yeah we running it now oh my god i'm still alive first person meta go oh oh ow ow ow ow ow ow ow this is a glorious massage on the scrote uh uh oh jesus oh no i don't know where i'm going okay so right at the end i need to come out of first person so i know where the hell i'm ending up at poor gryffindor all right there we go oh i'm upside down i am literally upside down you have to do this board upside down all right now that i know where i'm going i actually don't need to be in first person anymore because i kind of understand where the vehicle is hot jesus all right i gotta make sure i'm right on center here i was nowhere near on center there it is we going upside down boys all right i didn't hug enough this is gonna be the run right here beautiful look at all the tire marks of death that was the old gray the failure gray oh my god to the one who made this board i hate you for all time okay if i time out the thrusts on this thing i can actually get two thrusts in one right here ah all right i've got to be able to see the road in front of me so we're doing it in first person oh my god go go go go go go go go go ah damn it so close so uh am i like attempt number 25 in this thing luckily although the aerodynamics makes this thing constantly point straight to hell i do have a plan i gotta stick to the loop i gotta stick to the upside down road and then at the last second i need to boost so i can ramp upside down onto the final platform yeah that's how you do it baby i love it how much more is there is this just a jump because it looks like just a jump that's unusually easy for all the crap i've had to do so far checkpoint okay ah the the double fisty pumps here all right jump and then down the hoop into the jackpot yes we have a winner well i'm gonna go mix up a nice rocket feel martini and try and forget that ever happened anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode gta until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,176,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro hacker, graystillplays, graystillplays gta 5, impossible challenge, spike tightropegta, caylus, caylus gta, caylus gta 5, jelly, jelly gta, jelly gta 5
Id: R7AOxCM_hDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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