Mom Judges Cakes From "1-5 Star Bakeries".. that I made.. but she doesn't know that !!

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hey everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video not only is it going to be exciting but it's also going to be very secretive i have to be quiet because literally my mom hears everything she's like the gatekeeper of everything i do and say and think basically if you've been following my channel for a while you probably saw when i tricked my mom by ordering etsy products but really i didn't order them i made them and then i got her to review them and they were really bad because i made them and the reactions were really funny that video's this video if you want to watch it after this one after that video did so well i wanted to do it again so i made clothing same sort of thing happened and today i finally thought of another way to do this concept again but now it's like hard to stop whispering i kind of like it's hard to stop it's hard to stop whispering now okay but today we are going to be buying cakes from one star bakeries three-star bakeries and five-star bakeries but little does my mom know i'm going to be making the cakes if you guys saw me make lunchbox cakes you probably saw that i love baking now and that i'm obsessed and i'm doing it again in this video i hope it goes well but it would also be funny if it went bad okay so right now my mom is downstairs she thinks i'm calling the bakeries and ordering the cakes i picked three different cake designs one is a bear this one is a unicorn who has eaten half of the cake and then this gradient white to pink they all look so difficult i'm hopeful that these cakes look at least a bit believable especially when it comes to coming from a five-star bakery hopefully doesn't suck i don't know though i'm gonna try okay but so usually when people do these videos for real they will order the exact same cake from all three bakeries and see how they compare i probably should have done that but i don't want to make the same cake three times so i chose different ones i don't know which cake is gonna come from which bakery yet i'll probably put the best one from the five star and the worst one from the one star but i don't know which one's going to turn out and which one won't but i do need to get materials and this has been the most difficult part is trying to leave the house because with kovid i'm not just leaving randomly it's usually for an appointment or picking up a grocery order so she's very on me when i'm trying to leave so i made a diversion with my dad because it's the only way i can leave to get baking supplies so basically as far as my mom's concerned i need to go get my jeep insured with my dad but really we're just going to be going to the grocery store and getting baking supplies also if anyone's wondering my mom is not suspicious at all of why she's in this video because i'm actually currently gluten free i'm doing this whole food sensitivity test don't even ask about it but i told her i don't want to order gluten-free cakes so she's going to be the taste tester but really she's not the taste tester she's the complete judge hopefully it all goes to planned i need to get cake boxes i need to get icing again because i can't use the icing from the last video because it's in this fridge and you'll realize it i need sprinkles fondant piping bags cake tins i need to get so much stuff and boxes because i need to make them look like they've come from bakeries i have my work set out for me today i'm gonna go and shop hopefully i can find everything i need wish me luck let's go shop forgot to bring my car tripod mom stressed me out there that works i think that works fine no it doesn't look at me that's good okay we have diversion dad here basically i filled him in it's been stressful you guys my mom is not my mom is not easy to get past at all she notices everything literally you'll throw something in the garbage and she'll ask you about it four days later so we're gonna go inside we have a few stops this stop is gonna hopefully get the cake boxes and the cake trays and the icing stuff maybe [Music] one last brown thank goodness am i the only one noticing that there's all this chocolate here [Music] starting a cake business okay we are at the second stop the first stop was highly successful we got all the boxes and everything it's difficult because i want to make it look like all the cakes came from different bakeries so i have to pick different boxes and things so anyways you're just like the most distracting person like i seriously lose my train of thought anyways okay we're going in and we're gonna get the cakes the rest of the cake stuff here i have to go to the bakery section and ask if they sell individual like just tubs of frosting because you guys know i suck at making frosting so hopefully i don't think you do well you the cake i made you last had that frosting i bought from the store on it it was very good well that's cause i bought it okay choosing the cake type very important yeah all of our cakes so many kinds for mom to test that's so funny you're like do you have everything do you have water [Music] okay i've got a lot of cake boxes to make you probably don't recognize this kitchen this is the secret kitchen where my mom can't find me and won't know that i'm making all these cake boxes this probably won't be the fun part so i'll speed through it and you guys can see the decorating lipstick [Music] [Music] can you hear that that is the fridge that is the constant noise of the fridge and i can't fix it so i have to unplug it while we ice the case so hopefully nothing goes bad finally some peace and quiet okay it's a few days later the cakes i've stored away i'm hopeful that they're all like good in here okay the cakes still feel really moist i am thinking that i better do a crumb coating this is something that i didn't know existed but it makes a lot of sense in my cake baking video you guys told me it was all good but i missed the crumb coating and that's probably why it looked a little bit messy so i want to do a good crumb coating how many times do i say crumb coating in a sentence so i'm going to assemble the cakes on the plates do the crumb coating put them in the freezer and then i'm going to make them beautiful between today and tomorrow this is all i'm doing this weekend okay this obviously is not gonna be a tutorial you guys i don't have much expertise as we learned from how i used the leveler in the last video so just to just hope for me hope extra hard right now people [Music] i'm sure this is exactly how they do it in the bakeries leave enough room for the ears okay let's see oh my gosh okay not bad actually okay just to ensure that this cake doesn't like completely fall apart i'm going to poke these little skewers through here i've seen that in baking cake videos before so sure we're gonna do that i feel like the crumb coating on this cake will be absolutely essential because it's falling apart do you buy 90 of buttercream icing no oh i thought everyone did that okay that's fine i guess it's just me oh my goodness i should be doing this with the brown why am i doing this with the white okay there we go see now that i'm doing this i almost feel like i should have put the ears further apart they feel too close it's too late now so i just have to go with it [Music] okay the first crumb coating is done already we're seeing my talent level like that doesn't look right it's got potential still though so first one's not bad put in the fridge this one's going to be the platter cake if that makes sense it's the least difficult cake basically obviously there's some holes in here so i gotta fill those and do the crumb coating [Music] into the fridge okay lastly i have to turn this into a little cake how to execute it i don't know but am i cutting into the cake yes yes i am so now i want to do another layer now it's not going to be this tall obviously but just for starters oh my gosh what am i doing i got extra cake nice it's a little uneven just a smidge this is the one that the unicorn's gonna be eating so that's fun it's a little wobbly but that's fine keep those crumbs where they belong that is the leaning tower of cake oh well into the fridge it goes okay now i'm gonna clean all this up and see if i can make a fondant unicorn with zero sculpting skills okay i'm nervous to make this unicorn i'll be so relieved once this part is done to be honest so i have white fondant bunch of pastel colors pondon and gum paste tool set which i am so excited just to have this in general i also got this edible gold dust because i'm looking at the picture right now of the cake i'll put on the screen i was planning on just making it entirely out of fondant which feels like a bad idea now but that was my initial plan i don't know i'm not a huge fondant lover but i think that it will work fine what am i even talking about what am i truly am i even saying anything i would say that this is probably the head body leg leg arm arm okay it's really hard to stay positive when the unicorn is looking like this to be honest i'm not feeling overly confident for sure not especially because i'm pretty sure i told her the unicorn cake was gonna be coming from the five-star bakery so i'm gonna have to really figure that out i think i need to start over this is a sad day i think i need to start over and make this all one piece [Music] okay i'm pretty happy that i swapped from my first try because the second try is actually turning out really well also i searched up a video and apparently to attach fondant to fondant you use water so i have a little cup of water but like this is not bad still not perfect don't get me wrong it still looks more like a pig than a unicorn but you know what close enough okay i'm gonna try and attach all the pieces together now so i'm just gonna take some of the white and put some food coloring in hopefully this isn't a bad idea i think it will definitely dye my hands but that's okay let's fold those into themselves like a little wonton that looks good now i just got to make little strands of hair and a little tongue this is really small stuff okay i feel like this is turning out actually pretty good i think i should stop though just for today because my hands are hurting and also i want to add more once this little unicorn is on the cake so i will be back at it bright and early tomorrow to hopefully finish all the cakes so bye okay good morning everyone so i pulled out the cake from the fridge the crumb coating feels like the move i think this is going to help the overall look i just pulled out a bunch of icing because i'm going to start with the easiest cake the easiest cake is still kind of a really hard cake in my opinion i'll put it on the screen right now i've never done an ombre like this before i don't know how it's gonna go and clearly the sizing is different that's okay i'll just lie my way out of that one when i'm showing her i'll be like yeah i ordered the other style like whatever okay so i'm going to start with just the light i don't know what i'm doing so i'm gonna start the gradient with just like one drop to make a really really light pink i think that's what i want to do poke that on i probably should just put this in a piping bag but i'm just going to do it like this brighter pink on the bottom oh my goodness is this going to actually turn out i don't know it kind of looks decent actually okay we've got the gradient going on now we just got to try and blend it all seamlessly okay this is not by any stretch of uh the word perfect but it's not terrible i mean the ombre is definitely there it doesn't look like the picture this might have to be the one from the one star i don't know but i'm gonna put the ruffles on the top and we'll see how that looks i think that helped a lot it's sprinkle time [Music] okay guys the first cake is done honestly it's not a bad cake i just don't know how good it looks next to the inspiration photo but this is the best i could do this literally took so long to make i feel crazy right now seriously so much stuff is happening oh my gosh i'm like noticing how close together the ears i made are look at the inspo picture versus what i did what was i thinking i should oh my gosh i should have told my mom these are from all one star bakeries how would she ever believe any of these are from a five star [Music] no that looks bad this is gonna take me a while to cover this whole thing and i don't have the right tip but this is the closest i could [Music] find okay ow my hair that was a lot okay look at that i'm actually feeling a little bit more confident about this one now that we added all the fur now i'm going to take the black and make the eyes and the nose i just don't know i just don't know about this second cake is done here's what it looks like in comparison to the inspiration honestly it's not great but it's not terrible i don't know if she'll believe it don't get me wrong i would be thrilled to get this cake in normal life but in comparison to a professional bakery i don't know i don't know okay last cake this one's gonna be the hardest to construct i feel like it's also the most wobbly and bad looking i just mixed up some blue that looks like the blue in the inspo pick so first i'm just going to try to cover this and make it look smooth okay i have icing all over me seriously okay gotta do these big swirls this is such a leaning cake i tried to level it out but i don't know you guys i just don't know how well this is going okay before i do this i just want to rip out the piece of the cake that the unicorn ate this almost makes me sad to rip into the cake i want it to look like little unicorn bites okay i feel like that's pretty good i don't know i don't know oh my goodness it's so heavy here's what it looks like i'm gonna add some sprinkles to the top and then i'm gonna bring out the fondant unicorn oh my goodness trying to get just the yellow ones out of here not so simple oh my gosh i feel so stressed out in a good way kind of not really but anyway it's like feeling good because it's actually like coming to a halt soon over there oh my goodness he stuck to the bottom oh gosh okay oh my gosh that looks cute actually okay but now i just need to add more hair and also do the gold dust on the hooves okay here's a closer moment look at this cake this is not half bad this one definitely is gonna have to be the five star one because the rest of them don't make sense as the five star okay i just gotta finish the details on this little unicorn oh my unicorn's face looks kind of weird close up so just don't look closely okay guys but this is the last cake i am so proud of how this one turned out oh my goodness it makes me wish this wasn't such a wobbly leaning cake because i feel like it actually turned out really similar to what we were going for so i'm very happy i'm gonna put this in the fridge then i need to eat something cause i've been surrounded by cake all day and i haven't eaten then i'll come back because we're gonna package everything up to look all professional like it's coming from a bakery but the cakes are done so unless something crazy happens and i drop one we're pretty good okay i'm happily fed now i didn't really clean up though as you can see behind me this is all of the stuff i have to make it seem like these were bought from different bakeries i feel like this should by rice be the easy part like we have the cakes already but i'm concerned about this part especially because i don't know if i got boxes that are big enough oh my goodness i love these boxes i'm gonna open a bakery just kidding that'd be so much worse but okay i have the boxes let me go see which cakes fit in which box because that's now my new concern okay all three cakes are here i need to really analyze which cake is from the one star and which cakes from the three star and the five star because i just don't really know you know this one i would say is the five star for sure i just feel like it is the most professional the best it doesn't even look that good but in comparison to the other ones i don't know both of these look very one star to me i don't know which one is better i think i'll put this one as the one star i don't know why i just feel like maybe that would be more believable oh my gosh don't break it now that extra oomph okay i'm looking for the um factor oh my gosh it actually looks really professional that looks adorable i almost feel like this might end up on there okay what that looks so cute in there i'm obsessed i'm just gonna set the cake in here because it's the one star bakery so no fun tissue paper or anything oh my gosh the unicorn's legs do not fit because the legs are like hanging off this plate it doesn't quite fit in this box n-o big n-o there if i could have just stuck to the plan and kept the unicorn on here oh my gosh it like just fits you guys that is so snug but i definitely can't close it without squishing it so i'm not going to if i could go back in time i would make this cake just a smidge shorter it's hard to know what to do with this one because i'm thinking if i wanted to like wrap it like a kind of a present see i'm playing risky games right now because i could ruin the entire thing ow i just punched myself in the kidney why did i have to get a small box i don't think any bakery packs up their cakes like this that's the only thing [Music] oh my goodness okay i wrapped this one up fully i'm exhausted this has been three days of making cakes i take my hat off to bakers everywhere this is no joke so i want to leave the one store like this but i'm gonna add this little ribbon and this little card and i'm gonna write thanks for supporting local and i'm gonna put that on there just to make it look more legit okay i gotta write this in not my writing so i don't know why i decided to write in cursive because i suck at writing in cursive but i did that oh my gosh i feel like that looks like my writing i'm a little concerned whatever i just won't let her see that everybody simultaneously cross your fingers for me that this works out and she believes it because i still don't know but i tried so let's flip to the reveal okay guys so it's the day before the big cake reveal i just called tate because i'm setting it up so it seems like he's picking up the cakes at the bakeries but really he's just going to put them in his car and drive them to the studio later in the day so that my mom isn't confused by it so i just need to call her i don't even know i'm like confused my eye has been twitching for the last two days because i'm so stressed out about keeping this a secret so i just need to fill her in that tate's gonna be bringing them later so we'll be reacting to them tomorrow just so she knows i don't know i don't even know why i'm filming this i don't know what i'm doing i need to act now this is quite literally the scariest lighting ever hello hello hey what's up girl i completely forgot to fill you in on a very major detail which i think will affect the day slightly tomorrow oh what's going on so i got notified that two of the cakes were gonna be ready on saturday oh and i was like that was super quick and then i just checked my email and the last one's ready so i just called tate and i asked him if he could pick them up tomorrow morning because there's like a holding fee if they keep them too long oh okay sounds good and then i was thinking well we could film the reaction to them tomorrow i mean why not i was going to film a different video tomorrow but may as well do them if we have them i'm excited okay sounds good okay sounds good the chicken is in the coop all right the next time you guys see us we will be reacting to the cakes let's hope the transporting goes well and tate doesn't drop a cake but yeah i hope this goes well this was so much work okay let's see oh my gosh it's been a while since we filmed together my mom is going to be in this video for many purposes to judge the cakes but mainly to taste the cakes it's a hard day it's like 11 30 in the morning on monday and you're gonna try three cakes when you told me we were doing this i'm like what you want me to be your taster because you can't with your food sensitivities i'm like oh mia i'll do that i'll help you with this they won't taste good i can guarantee you you won't be missing anything i'm trying not to be too excited okay we have a cake from a one-star bakery a three-star bakery and a five-star bakery okay and i gave them info pictures so i will show you the inspiration pictures there's a few changes when it comes to the sizing and a little bit of the colors like some of them said some of the sprinkles weren't going to be the exact same i just said whatever like as close as you can get like i don't know perfect what a fun idea okay so here are the cakes first of all i ordered this one from the one star bakery really a one-star bakery that would automatically be a three star at least like that is so cute oh why what does it look like like yes this would be a five star yeah you've seen that's one star i don't think so and then this is from the three star pretty simple yeah i think this one's gonna be ten by ten though like a ten by ten circle that's a lot of cake clearly the sizing is different that's okay i'll just i'll just line my way out of that one i think this one's gonna be 10 by 10 though this is from the five oh that is adorable i know right that's so cute they might not have the fancy boxes it's true they're one star immediately i've now turned into a cake snob literally okay this is our inspiration picture okay i have yet to see in here oh my are you ready i am okay let's see oh oh my goodness it is so cute it is adorable oh my gosh oh they nailed it the ears are a little close together but like the giant is so cute oh my goodness oh you know what they gave it character by putting the tilted little smile on i just don't know it is so cute i feel like they did a pretty good job honestly he did a great job i'm into the one star it smells so good that smells so good oh yeah and it's heavy like a really quality cake to get that expression on its face they are underrated well let's see what it tastes like okay okay yeah oh my gosh oh wow it cuts nice it does cut nice oh chocolate right i couldn't really remember wow look how moist it is right away i'm feeling like on those baking challenges i'm like it's moist yes could have gone in the oven for 30 more seconds you can tell like it seems very homemade like you know not i also sell on facebook marketplace like this is local yeah like what i'm saying is it's not like what you would make like from a box because like it feels way more dense way more consistency like it is a true professional cake i would say that's cool i wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a box and a real cake really but that's why you're here it is so good is it good you're going in for another bite mia i just want to make sure that my review is right um you are like the funniest reviewer ever did they say like nothing but yet so much this to me is a very delicious chocolate cake like it's super moist okay i i can't even believe it's a one star this is highly underrated highly underrated so what would you rate this out of 5 stars i would rate this 100 5 stars i can't think of anything that would be wrong with this cake i love how it's very similar to the picture but just got its own little character too like the smile like it wasn't perfectly straight it's off to i think it makes it even more adorable okay well let's do this one five five stars for the one star it's five bring in the three stars oh that's neat it's very cute thank you oh my gosh i feel like that looks like my writing i'm a little concerned whatever i just won't let her see that it's very cute thank you i want to keep this that's my girl you save and reuse that you never know when you're gonna need a ribbon the key feature of this one is the ombre right open it up the box down if you wanted to oh wow all these cake like mats are really nice yeah the bear had a tin one the bear one was better bear was sushi cardboard the bear was sitting on the blue board i don't know about this did you just hear what i said where was sitting on a bougie board i don't know this looks a little too little bad to be honest interesting this is a three star okay yeah well definitely it's more fuchsia-ish it's way more fuchsia like way more bright yeah this is cute if i were just to glance i would say that's that cake yeah okay it's very don't look closely yeah one three one two three that's right and i can see the cake showing through in a few areas yeah they didn't do like a crumb coating or whatever people were saying you have to do the top looks great and like it from looking down mom getting them this is good all right should we cut it we should shall we we shall like how many reviews did that one have to make it one star because like if they only had one bad review that makes a difference i i think it was like around 20 or something like they must have been new wow oh my gosh it's so thick oh yeah i want to feel how heavy it is to lift it up okay oh it is so heavy oh it's confetti oh hey that is looking like a cake mix though because i've seen that confetti look that looks just like a cake box and it doesn't look as dense as the last one right there's something interesting here it looks like oh it feels very moist that's nice no cake box confetti cake that i've seen would be this heavy truly okay here let me oh my my so it is just one big pie cake there's no layer in there that's kind of scared and i've never seen a cake that tall in just one piece no okay until today oh my it is so good oh my it is so good i cannot believe how moist these cakes are they're fresh it's so good now did it deserve a three star rating i don't think so it's better than a three star i think so okay last cake is the five star okay okay i'll be right back this one's the unicorn one oh wow yeah [Music] oh yeah so five star five star does go the hardest for the rapping they did email me and say that they ran out of boxes this small because i ordered this as a mini cake oh so they said they kind of had to configure one and that's why it's got no like they usually do like a cellophane or something on the top okay but they had to do it like this but look at five star wraps in uh gift wrap yeah like yeah it's pretty intense five star does that they do that they did that look what five star did okay oh this gosh oh it's so i have no idea if they'll be able to do this because this is kind of like sculpting right it's wrapped cute presentation five i hate marking things because anything that's made by hand i just don't want to judge it poorly because somebody i know put all their hard work into it and like if somebody put their hard work into it even if it's not exact like the picture somebody tried their best and i can't be critical of that i cannot mia they've got the color right can i colors right oh my gosh it's adorable oh my gosh no oh my gosh it's five star it is five star it can be not five star oh it's so cute i'm freaking out because it's so cute oh my goodness look at him with a little cake this is a special cake because this you never see like this is unique to have the ability to make a tall cake [Laughter] and to have this little guy sitting here not expecting it to look so good it does you know like i had high expectations about this cake and like this did not disappoint oh hang on hang on it doesn't have a horn oh no it doesn't the unit they completely [Laughter] our unicorn looks kind of like a pig still looks more like a pig i can't not think it's cute though like it is so cute our creature our creature can i see it again like what kind like the cake oh yeah and then the cake is a different shape too it kind of goes inward and it's like really tall okay so you know what this is very cute did you ask for exactly that yes that's cute that's cute oh it's real you can't not love it okay should we cut into this oh yeah it's an odd shape it is oh what feel it it's so dry because it didn't have like the icing to hold it in oh my my oh yeah that's fondant pure yeah it's pure fondant should i cut right from there yeah why not oh look at how nice that came out that came out really nice it's holding it's like a vanilla chocolate mix swirl thing yeah this is the five star okay what do you think i need one more bite before i give my final thoughts um the icing is so good did you buy 90 of buttercream icing no oh i thought everyone did that the cake is moist i had high expectations for this cake the cake itself is a bit crumbly but it's very moist at the same time i've heard that if you can pick it up on the back of the fork is a good thing and i'm definitely picking this up on the back of my fork you are interesting though is this cake five star compared to the one star because like this definitely is a high ranked cake right it definitely is no question you don't just go anywhere and get this cake like this is from like a bougie bakery this is like from someone who like went to school and like knows their stuff inside and out yeah yeah and you can tell like it's smooth it's just like from someone who like went to school and like knows their stuff inside and out yeah do you want me to bring them all in and we can judge them see which is the best look okay one star three star five star which was your favorite keep in mind this one was like a hundred and thirty these two were like around actually what was that one i know this one was like 60 which is quite a bit i feel like i think this one was around 40 which is still a lot but this was 130 yeah oh my this one is highly underrated for sure the one star is highly underrated this one because it was small where you can't hold it against it because it's small right like but it is pricey like to get that five star they really inflate the prices obviously well and this probably adds up to a lot i think so yeah they all should be rated the same like i think that how would she ever believe any of these are from a five star this deserves to be a five this deserves to be a five and that deserves to be a five yeah like it looks like the same person made all of these i 100 agree like and i think like all the cakes were good quality the bakers knew like how to obviously bake a cake i get the feeling that one expert baker made these all weekend don't tell me yeah i have a weird hunch that my eye has been twitching for three days oh because i have been baking all weekend oh my god and these fresh cakes yesterday these got baked on tuesday i baked them on tuesday and then i crumb-coated them on thursday and then i finished them on friday and saturday and then i went out and got all the packaging for them oh you've been a busy little baker and like they turned out better than i thought i thought it was gonna be funny because they were gonna be really bad but you were like oh i love them yeah you're a baker now i'm a baker i'm an expert baker you've already these aren't boxes this is five this is five this is five and now you're a baker look at this he came a long way that's where it started oh my goodness it's not a lot of work oh my gosh you are you nailed it thank you you genuinely liked them i genuinely like them all i felt bad for this bakery though i'm like i got it up there i got it up there i was concerned about that one but once it finished i was like actually yeah it is kind of cute it's very cute wow you packaged them like in that in that uh pink box yeah and actually i had to i bought cake plates from three different places so that you would be like oh my gosh you went through so much work and even you wrote a little note i didn't want you to look at it for long because it totally oh my goodness you did such a good job thank you like you are super talented super talented thank you but you can make with these hands you were able to make these with these hands like that is a talent you're a five-star baker now thank you for reviewing this cake these cakes oh my pleasure thanks for having me i can i'll come and eat cake anytime and sample food with you for you well it was a lot of fun to be honest and i have been like i think the twitch amaya will go away i hope you guys enjoyed watching if you want to see my mom get pranked again i did a video very similar to this one first one i've ever done was i made etsy crafts and then we went on and i made clothing from a website and then you went on and did a few too and then we had it for a long time so here it is again we let it sit for long enough that my mom wouldn't be suspicious and it was a success the only problem was i actually did a good job i guess so it wasn't you did it too good too as always thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and we will see you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Mia Maples
Views: 2,135,278
Rating: 4.96526 out of 5
Keywords: mia maples, mama maples, cakes from 1 star bakeries, cakes from 1 3 & 5 star bakeries, judging cakes, judging products, diy, diy cakes, my mom and I judge products, buying the same cake from different bakeries, cake prank, pranking my mom, judging cakes from different rated bakeries, funny prank, making Pinterest cakes, baking cakes I saw on pinterest, tricking my mom into thinking cakes I made are from bakeries, cakes, bakery, amateur builds huge cake
Id: OQzTUjwhEU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 32sec (2672 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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