I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit FACILITY SURPRISE UNIT!!! #49

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you guys ready hey man we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's going on oh I've seen a little twitch over there so we're back we're back so those of you who are new to this channel subscribe we buy storage units kind of like the show storage wars we come here we unbox it we also unbox it the storage units which I particularly like and then I like to bring here and unbox it we have a lot of good boxes for you today and we're we're back-to-back filming today so we can get this box that you guys know now I know the last video I probably got a lot of comments we didn't choose last box well guess what you're about to see the last box now what was the contents and what was it again okay we did not peek had a little suspense on the last we did not peek I do let's see what's in there I know I said I would and next flap Oh what is in here it's heavy whatever it is Oh while we have it once stuff let me let me put all Oh what let me let's take it all the Box real quick so we know there's something breakable in there yes yeah I was gonna have to move myself oh never mind I thought it was the Rat Pack for a minute on its origin pelvis look at the headline coke is coca-cola yeah okay those are cool this is interesting I'm looking at the table it's full when I'm wondering how much box is it like a magic bottom ooh chocolate-covered cherries but you're gonna get me to try one okay let's see what's in this thing okay get the work okay we're gonna show the people we're not is it personal I don't know if you consider it first or not you decide what is it no I don't know this is anything that's like in the 30s and 40s I know okay we're showing them pretty cool black and white stuff I'm okay with showing them nothing current no it just says promotional certificate I'm in the Army now or am I in the Navy am I in the Navy or the army I don't know they're gonna have to tell us okay but I do like this little astray it's a it's a metal ashtray from new Pine Creek Oregon I never even heard a new pine creek and its nest Nettie steak house and it's metal it's an advertisement they must've gave it out as advertisement possibly it's it's busy that's for sure yeah Oh a little risque over here I think it's cool all right and then we have a Chevy manual for a Camaro Wow Oh some some older older manuals can be worth money then we have our Welch's chocolate covered cherries my dad's favorite okay is there any cherries in there no but there's weird middle oh this is classic yeah I've never seen little tiny glasses have you that looks kind of vicious if you got stabbed with the plot this plastic what is it this is a property of the Franklin High School it's the United States by Steinberg hmm the United States by Steinway remember this is what you store in your cedar just what do you got in there an empty box oh oh nothing in there wow this is kind of different hmm and they're not there what is it well since they're pineco well maybe it's pine cold artists but they haven't it's a kit and they haven't been finished yet the pine cones and everything's still there yeah pine cones are there okay this is something about there's no way in this world I would even try to pronounce that or or take a health book in consideration that was done fifty years ago okay what are you these are old they're 1956 Oregon books of some kind 1956 Oregon books magazines magazines kokis coca-cola huh look at all them enjoying a refreshing taste he looks happy he must got the lion's share of the the cash he's like ah my portion is small and he's like I'm out of here after this anyway okay we have some metal Wow those are cool they sold for a dollar 59 in the 50s in the 50s this one sold for 69 cents Wow look at that and then look at these these are the dollars these need to go on Poshmark somebody will love these things of course they have to make sure they're not worth a ton of money a 99 really yeah highway 99 it's a restaurant had those as a placemat on highway 99 back in the day back in a long time ago day hmm all right oh wow where we have Washington High School oh that might be personal yeah I think it is we need to give this little box back look how nice it is yeah keep it nice and keep that give that back baby Records look at the Oregon Centennial from 1959 that is cool here's 1956 let's go they wanted 10 cents for this back in the day another official publication coca-cola these actually may be worth some money DiMaggio isn't that the baseball player that now I could be wrong am I thinking who was that was it that married Marilyn Monroe didn't he have a restaurant I don't know yes here's the menu should we see what's on the menu this man would have us prices I'm not gonna devote a buck 85 for for fish entree you can get a broiled swordfish steak for a dollar 90 broiled Oh get this you can get a New York cut strip for two for $11 you can get a broiled extra cut New York steak for four dollars Wow double cut French lamb chops for 350 look at the wideness and the price of the wines in the back Wow I'm thinking we need to go back to that time Wow where some steak here's some high school books civilization yeah there these are all schoolbooks rise of America nation and we have a little bit here a little bit of odor here's a material that's cut out just bit older aprons been in there a while yeah I need to air out and they see them yeah yeah thanks for telling me every fall right grabbed it well okay next Oh no they're cut out their quilt their quilt pieces or scraps cut out okay so just more scraps in here yeah yeah this is more of that I wonder what the gas smell is the what gasps oh that's more of that this is actually pretty cool fabric though that's more the same Wow no stains Holly hobby hobby brand-new Holly obby I'm not sure but isn't this called plaster of Paris or is it not I don't know wow that is so unique oh this all it needs is the word whoa and it's in perfect condition all it needs is the border Wow look at that so ladies said so would love this all they'd have to do is put the border on um how old is it do you think oh I think it's at least the 50s Wow sixties maybe but I think it's more like the fifties by the looks of everything else it was in there that is unique Caleb will sell that in the auction yeah it's quilted all done except the border will survive I think wait this is a personal okay here's something else head out with Tim you don't get stabbed no oh this is for boating another boating I know okay so it's just they they haven't done it yet then whatever it is no it's got to be sewn together but one of those swords might like it because I feel the pattern even must have they must have picked a husband like passed on generations but some of these actually may be worth money like this is the San Francisco well here's hotel I mean somebody's actually maybe yeah I want to look at some of these prices here's some more hobby material how do y'all feel a tiny little bit oh yeah okay whoo this feels so soft and nice what is it it's baby flannel and it's a big piece you can do it use it as a backing for a baby blanket or you could use it as its itself but it'd be pretty up on the back of a baby blanket yeah Oh didn't that just stuck my hand in there but I did it what did you get out get some scraps of material that has no meaning it's the kind I usually got rid of oh there thought even big enough for quilt squares oh here's some more very pretty brand-new hasn't even been unstapled flannel its flannel and then we have some iron on it's all iron on this is old yes it is for callers and stuff look at this that's iron-on transfer paper yeah a map to iron it on with yeah oh we got our army hat still now this is all polyester well Oh this material is beautiful the Browns and blues and beiges that that would make a beautiful western shirt and there's like three yards there it's soft yeah it's very nice oh here's another piece there's enough there to make a man's shirt or a woman's I wouldn't mind having one look I like I like the beautiful blues this is woven I'm not sure what it is I think it might be confident there's like three yards there yeah yeah like that yeah and this is polyester and then we have more polyester wow they're the same but a little different this point three or four yards here yeah yeah then you have this guy I think there's like two and a half this is interesting if you're watching all right oh my goodness about me to run the camera to be the director and the producer for a while I don't know all right guys we're gonna be right back and then we will unload this sucker we'll be right back all right we are back it took us a total of like 15 minutes to get this out on the box holy moly this was all in there no wonder was about a 200-pound box heavy stuff so alright so let's cool let's figure out what the heck there's like I don't know how many cups in here and we'll figure it out all these cups are going on grandma ventures pom well oh wow I mean this is such a beautiful piece - that is very unfortunate China up there gold rim it says 1987 Christmas collection Arby's this is Arby's 1987 this is so cool oh this is a yeah Dom 1994 limited edition [Music] made in Korea and it is a cup of tea I hope we find more of these and then we have we're gonna do a massive tub aware lot weighed somewhere I have one of those already yeah that's a beautiful place this is english translucent china Wow then there's this that goes with that yeah that's cool yeah little smaller ones there could be oh then you come up with the rim sent old Sacramento California and it's a train the downtown oh then we have you already have one of these Horning United States look at this there's another one over here I need to go get it real quick let me see if it's the right one I don't know how he could remember that but the way this warehouse is but he has it does it looks like chaos but he has it in a system you know good system look at this I found two of them these are Corning ware and here's another one so I had two of these you said that this is a good one yeah and I have it right here oh wow it's a ticker mug in good shape on it mayn't Island not a chip on it yeah shall I keep this and then we got this one from Trader Joe's House Blend Trader Joe's coffee dark roast you guys ever watched seen the cartoons far side that's a far side mug Wow born to be wild this is 1991 okay you undo the plates over there - just to make see if we've got this is a old mug though Chicago Illinois say - oh yeah but still yes that's the most 30 years all right well we have another Trader Joe's Trader Joe's can be very collectible birds on that one stoneware look at this warning I'd break I break for coffee [Music] hallmark made in Japan mean China okay this is a coffee with stuff felt bottom to it here's another one of these [Applause] that matches this here's another one didn't you have some of this online already stoneware they're they're numbered and we have some Tupperware we've got a lot of vintage Tupperware we're gonna auction off on the YouTube channel guys it's like Christmas every mugs on up another one of yours Christmas okay couldn't come at a better time right nice these are plastic all right this is made in the United States no but you want a talking bird eventually right so if you guys know anything about talking birds which one knows the best English let me know in comments with wit if you guys are any bird experts which one would be the best for English and and also one that can talk what's the best talking bird I know they're like five thousand or something [Music] Wow look at this this is another 1990 time yeah so I bet you there's gonna be a set eventually so we might want to wait to put this online yeah I mean I know this is a replica that's still thirty years ago pioneer remember the cheese that comes in these these glasses a cheese comes in them and then you take the lid off and you have a glass used to be able to buy a spread cheese in there pioneer please yeah this one oh this one is chip though but it's still good another 1992 yeah somebody will still this ones on the bottom so would you sell them separately or would you sell them all together on the side of yours up here's another Corningware these are worth money this whole powder now we have four of them you're gonna sell them in a lot with your car now I'm gonna hunt them on here well maybe actually yeah on YouTube auctions here's another one I got a little small chip there yeah another coffee me in the United States not Wow people collect cows too oh my gosh Wow this could be worth some money here yeah looks old and doesn't have a marking on it that I can see wow this one's kind of cool oh we got another that one's beautiful Wade yeah because someone on Poshmark it's not a mallard or a pheasant it is it is a seagulls Mallard or pheasant here's one you're gonna have a full set here I guess [Music] [Applause] yes I almost might keep that one 1994 1994 Betty Boop would have been a nice orange it's always it's always bad with our chip there right by the whip these ones are cool these are expressos from Japan yep yeah it's definitely older yep well the railroad some railroad man's gonna love that [Music] [Applause] you got a full set here oh wow this one's not chipped this is for rvs yeah there's another one for my face too so we have three or four of these now from 1987 rvs yeah another one of these and another one this is going to be one heck of a ship this pack it all in and anything else you want to add to that another 1987 there's piracy that one's chipped in the mouth okay there's four of them then affords perfect Wow look at this we went through all that we have a whole store here I mean that was in that one box my favorite baby boo my next favorite to train your next favorite yeah what's your next favorite after the train yeah I would think okay all right guys so we're gonna we got to put all this kind of a way and figure it out and then we'll open one more box stay tuned we're back can you read please I need you know it's the table is clean so everything's in the Jeep right now going to Grandma ventures Poshmark everything most of it alright so what is this label say on this one 13 lucky 13 more mugs it's like a muggy kind of day yeah and we're not picking these boxes out on purpose for love no he's just starting at the front and working his way back okay oh oh it scares me when I see garbage bags deserter respects oh don't sort of legit color a mug okay in there really is that like oh they're there in there wow this is gonna make a great lot for is a great it's from 1999 option yes yeah yeah oh there you got mugs got plastic mugs guys let me count them real quick they're all the same alright let me bring it over here out they use ninety nine twenty years ago yes there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen then they were telling the truth alright what's in the next one I don't know what was my biggest surprise maybe the real garbage time that paper doesn't surprise me anymore and all that other but I really did not believe that this place actually had garbage there's our mugs I'm gonna be doing a Christmas pet or a Christmas Lodge no that's a birdcage thing because that was a Christmas birdcage or birdhouse oh that one does choice of the season okay okay that's a pretty cool lot I liked that garden oh that's beautiful yeah we're gonna do a Christmas slot there you go you have those by the quickest box in the world oh oh oh okay let's open it let's open it okay is that meat for you that truck No it says fragile glass and it is for a while it is a very heavy like an hour long okay this one's good oh well no wonder is it was intact right you know you've noticed that they pack really good but there's last items items are not packed very well this one has glass [Applause] [Applause] [Music] one way or the other one way or the other you're gonna find get to get you one way or look at that it's got a few little chips in here though and I don't know if this is Pyrex yeah it's got chips right there blondie isn't it one way or the other I have no idea yeah this is Pyrex right just me in the United States I don't know you have little luncheons and you put your cup here in your oval sandwich here back when the parents trust the kids with glass well back from my mother's days not my game these are both put in the broke there's a darn that's horrible ooh this there's glass popping out everywhere wait all right don't worry we gotta be pressing when you clean this up so I don't want the janitor I don't know if this is Pyrex has nothing oh it just has a number right here I think it might be a lid to wine it says to seven I think are three two two two breaks my heart there's a lot of pirates jimmy-jack thing this is Pyrex to May the 8th see it's got the lines on the end one way yep this is pirates all right oh no this is where those are oh this is Corning ware probably that's beautiful it's got a little packet but it just old-fashioned Oh 22k Gold oh the other one is in a box for you to list to it's got a couple chips but another Pyrex I might do a Pyrex lot on the channel I mean it'd be a lot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's another was a set poorni where maybe the united states one liter 7201 hot the luckiest things that ever happened to me we have two friends I've never seen one like this look at the design on that I've never seen it yeah I mean there's a lot of Pyrex collectors out there oh and this is a big one to match it and not chipped or broke no there are set that's cool you got this think you got some more Corning ware here says California l 64 may the United States [Music] [Applause] well I think there's three of them there's play three of them and it makes a circle it's the same but a different color and that that color was the one that was broke man so maybe it was one white one Orange California el 64 there's some more of that real neat design yep so you got three pieces may in the United States but it's Pyrex yeah yeah just make sure when you put it in there [Applause] we're over here yep is that all those [Applause] there's not that little box I mean other than the fact that it's all a lot of it's broken this isn't stuff so you got good stuff out of it yeah all right so I am going to clean this up and get the Pyrex out of here and get the glass broken glass in the garbage can but thank you so much guys for hopefully enjoyed this long video beautiful yeah beautiful stuff yeah we're gonna we're trying to film a few videos today so that way because we've got a busy week we have an auction Thursday and then our auctions Saturday and then I'm doing a little guest appearance Sunday so busy week so we're trying to cram and get all these videos done have an amazing day guys and any last words hope to see it smart and don't break your glass right don't break your pipe Pyrex Pyrex I did not say it like hi what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,394
Rating: 4.9532166 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit FACILITY SURPRISE UNIT, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit business, storage unit sizes, storage wars, storage auction, storage locker, storage hunters, unboxing, treasure hunting, auction hunters, storage locker finds, storage locker auctions, storage locker living, how to, make money, funniest video, best video, surprise unbox, found gold, dumpster diver, garage sale, dumpster diving, wades ventures
Id: PAaQ3HetITg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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