Famous Artist? Numerous Paintings FOUND in An Abandoned Storage Unit #19

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this another day you know a lot of the comments that we get as peoples cooped up in their houses and they like these videos so shout-out to you guys hopefully you're staying safe and thank you so much for the support right okay so we got some more boxes to go through and we got some interesting ones almost lost the camera all right let's go we'll do the youngest first Waltons VHS collection yes and I'm sure that's about you know oh my gosh I don't know if that's the real names cuz I mean well we're about we're about to see wait is that all of it yeah it's a collection of this a lot of people love the Waltons right there's a big family so that's a lot of things it's the whole thing though yeah oh my gosh probably everyone that they ever made on the Waltons it is the guidance it that played in the Waltons the star was on dynasty recently and he still looks he looks a little older but not much older you cheer elders aged well all now these cassettes what are they yeah VHS started yes my box says sheets and pillowcases of 2011 wonder what we're going to get mm this is all of it guys the whole collection Wow if anybody in the United States wants this let me know in the comments we will ship it it was very popular I just didn't like it how many kids are there oh my gosh whoa we have a large box very large box of lots and nicely folded pillowcases from they say 2011 but I with us we're back to 70s they yeah there there's some of them are real nice they feel nice oh okay this is the whole thing full yes and I don't think we want to take them all out no no let the pretty green let's see what disorder cases the whole thing is the whole thing is sheets and pillowcases solidly packed to the brim everything else okay okay let's save the time there all right that that's pretty crazy let me that is heavy yes figurines Easter Egg light yellow right oh those are right those are the lights they're Easter eggs you hang up and the lights up those are cool oh I think you've got a good one don't say I never gave you a good box - this actually has to book your and has a phone number is it personal s you're supposed to after you go to the venture you put your pictures in there maybe yeah would you eat them what is that about time we get some break for some figurines that's a big turn he starts moving this is a very this is a big turtle I would say he's seven inches or more yeah he looks legit doesn't he he looks very real yeah okay the small little thing in that big old okay look this must be this is a bear ornament Oh hold on what's that guy that he sits also so this guy's like eight inches oh he's Jeff Fleming that I've already got some of these online let me see your a little Oh up is Jeff again he's small one here's another one now let's see what's in this big old thing I said Easter I still that's a big boy I love the Bears whoa that's like a that's like a 10 or 12 inch or isn't it that's a big bear Wow oh he's like three pounds he's a shelf bear his name is a cowboy bear oh he's a heavy whoa whoa this box over here says underwear I can't wait oh he is I know look at that I love that love that he's like sagging it's yeah enough said there but that's huge somebody just put the Easter somewhere else he's about six inches maybe seven inches - it's from 1996 yeah this is a 1996 Dreamsicle it's huge whoa I didn't know they made of that Wow look at this thing that is one massive 1996 probably 12 inches by maybe 9 inches it's a big one heavy heavy it's up she signed it on the back Kristen yep and there's only 15,000 made oh that's a price tag of 100 and $17.95 117 bucks Wow really careful actually we're probably not listed so let's just keep it over here here we have yes very heavy box let me show you I know I lifted it very it says black plastic paper fire fire holder I can't speak sunflower stamps some books some magazines and some cards okay you got me everything okay here's some magazines in the paper okay what is that is it cookie and it's a hole they're all sunflowers let me guess they're brand new Oh are they brand new yep brand new okay here's a bunch of therapy that one is your spirits therapy okay forgiveness therapy what are these okay they're therapy anger therapy there's a bunch of therapy there huh brand-new box of Moodle I like you know I haven't played it for many many years I've ever heard of that I please skip over there like new packages feels like the cards have never been out anybody let me know in the comments if you guys played any of those more brand new stamps people love sunflowers too like this one here pretty cool oh my god it's a guitar book somebody's gonna want that I think I'd auction that off so we're gonna have enough sunflower stamps to give everybody in the United States a sunflower yes and these are big ones too if you follow this but you have to follow it that's what my my stomach looks like I'm working on it these are really beautiful though okay just wait one second look at these and you can write stuff in there beautiful huh what is it the grand finale the biggest and my efforts on Holi that is the biggest stamp we've ever Wow look at that that's one where we want it probably put on line individually yeah grab this thing real quick so this is the biggest one we found so far I don't know why we have to have a huge step back paint this painting ink on it there's that let's see how okay so we are at 7-inch stamp seven by seven let's see sunflower yep seven by seven that's a big Sam alright so let's move on to another box here Oh help me out Ashley what is that I'm gonna I'm gonna have both of you guys chicken soup and noodles what you see the writing anywhere I think this is a surprise box it's I think it's Oh does it say alright yeah I'm gonna guess it's oh you think it is full oh maybe or just show all right let's see if she let's see if she gets right 8-track holder or a shell yeah but it felt heavy oh yeah I have to have the 8-track see it to be that heavy but it's definitely up I'm gonna walk out because it's definitely they made the box for it okay oh I think you're right is it speakers I am good I'm surprised wait wait wait wait after how many stores hundreds of storage units you're still surprised that you got it right yes okay that's like a custom box for it to you oh it's a Sony it looks in really good condition I bet you we find another one there can we can we can you Turk can you turn it over so I can see the model number on it it's a Sony speaker okay so says model number SSU six one zero and it yeah it's made in the United States Sony now normally I'm not a big fan of selling these big speakers but can you flip it around are they in good condition oh wow and it doesn't matter about that box anyways cuz I would have to double box this look at that yeah it's 3-way speaker system twelve inch woofer that's a beautiful shape Wow we're gonna to look real quick let me just spend two seconds and we'll do it live with everybody watching let's see if this thing's go for now just because they don't go for a lot on eBay doesn't mean I can't do it locally let's see oh wow so two of these right now now they're not sold they're going for a hundred and fifty bucks with ninety dollars shipping this one's gone for two hundred dollars now the most important thing does you guys see if they've been selling and they've been selling so a pair sold for a hundred and twenty five remember it also depends on condition this one sold for two hundred dollars yeah and I'm sure there's another one here somewhere so that they're selling hmm well that is a pretty cool find so right there between this and this stuff here we could be looking right around 500 bucks and then of course you got the stamps and that kind of stuff so don't look too happy over there they can't all be big dreamsicles okay all right here's what we got we have mood in nature CDs whoo angel kiss and woodland Lake 2011 like tropical moods woodland garden evening rain okay or they didn't sleep very well and they were searching for whatever it takes to sleep well you know like rain you could put on the rain if you want to be tropical you know where I'm going with this please continue know if you wanna be already crying stops I am the Seas one okay let's go on to the next Ashley what do you got it's that's a nice package yeah we have some Jurassic park's in here Little House on the Prairie we all remember her oh the whole oh it's nine season nine yeah but I think there's other seasons yes now I did watch a little house on the prairie as a kid I loved it Landon Michael Landon was in that what else we got in here help real funny but not named Landon after Michael my mom help let me help ya I know I want to see there's a nice yield in there there's a steel about the bottom layers home movies oh this one's long what is what is carbon riot though there's a lot of it is that what is that it's out of shows I don't know personal computer how do you use one this one's sealed how do you use one and the rest are home movies okay yeah we'll try to give those back okay okay so I've got a really heavy box for you this one since we're excited about your last one I'm gonna go ahead make sure you have this one here there magazines videos or art supplies we don't know which one Kerry put in here Wow I think it could be videos because it's heavy [Music] okay I'm trying to be excited for the magazines where we have world of faith magazines they're good magazines okay well you have Ashley our pencils oh my god okay wait one second let's show these first okay now are they in there you go they're in there are you sure cuz you were just given you were being a downer about it just a second ago let me see well I can't be up all the time okay how many actually which is my neighbor this would be a great auction item I think somebody would like this well starting over here OOP gotta be careful this is old Wow love that artwork they were definitely talented someone was a real artist rocks on everything cards rocks look at that daven wrote are they even true on the Starbucks thing oh my that looks like dad's barn that one looks almost identical to it in that other NH line although signed way some of them are some of them are not see old barns to me are just I wanted to have a whole wall in my house or just nothing but pencil drawn I mean it just full some of its in color pretty amazing you got a show okay we're almost done here and then oh this is that old paper off on I'm not there what's so amazing that you can tell that they you know they're freehand and done I mean they're yeah and look at this I hope oh is that Europe I think your guys here weighed your FedEx you want to check for me and I will continue yeah it is him it might be the trash no no trash comes on its taste what do I do with him this one's signed just incredible is it oh yeah maybe the recycling guy okay we'll go quicker here I love every one of them that's cool in the beginning talented okay wait Alan Wow all my stuff isn't beautiful mmm covered bridge lost one there used to be two by your grandparents house remember all right you were too young to remember that's a beautiful piece really cool [Applause] really cool [Applause] this is a mini Mannion I don't know a mini mani yes but its mini mannequin oh [Laughter] okay is there any sketching I think oh they even we talented they're weaving something here these must be special pencils and I know there's an artist out there that wrote in the comments how she loved our pencils I bet she knows that these are special pencils are not for archon support I bet they are I bet they are they're just raves they just look at don't think yep Oh have one of these guys all these beautiful windows okay some of these pens can go for good money you got to make sure there's ink and I'm still but these are really old the cover had felt falling apart and he put it in this cardboard but it's very old pictures of that okay wants be really careful let me actually do this on that here's the cardboard oh these are pictures of bridges oh never mind their old way yeah well he was really into tape yeah well I'm at the Falls Oregon how cool is that we're just we're just touching on this box okay sketch this in here oh this is sketch how to sketch animals brand-new yeah these are pages that he hasn't beat oh wait a minute this is on cardboard Wow and then these are empty pages definitely talented these are just empty pages empty different types of paper to use that's interesting haha all the books sometimes they have like one page already started Oh this is the only thing in this book look at detail not those are nice charcoal circles you know I know there these are expensive I'm pretty sure they're special here's another one way okay one second do it quickly yeah this this is quite a few years of drying these we have all these guys I'm in awe I just wouldn't it be wonderful to have this talent where you could just draw something that you love and have it look like it all right what else we got in here a lot more just talented these are a little bit different very talented he like landscapes I haven't seen any people drawings wouldn't that be cool to see Terry Wow [Applause] this is a lot of time in here he did do people oh that's cool let me see let me see okay oh this is a heavy guy Wow look at that just incredible there's a lot of them in here I know I want to look at that one later what are that nothing in these two ears what a wonderful box seriously like whoa whoa we all like artwork all right all right you one more box will do this guy right here pants not them sweatshirts and t-shirts and tank tops and underwear okay nice doing a good job getting the tape going it's not dad's pants I would perfer dad's pants no these are great lunch boxes I guess they watch their takeout dishes and and captain may be in Las Vegas where they had all their shampoos and stuff who knows this is a great box okay let's do one more I'm just trying to make up a seat let's do this last one you know use our imagination okay let's do that one real quick this is Kerry jacket you know two pairs of shoes from 206 okay all right could be some good stuff in here all right come on hoodie okay what brand is that one lion's den that's a nice jacket I haven't heard a lion's den brand before though this is actually very nice what else we got when we spill weight oh look at that - BAM it's really light nice this is nice it's a large - so that's Canyon what's that one this is a size 40 purple weather ooh great what's that say ooh that actually may be that yeah this is what what kind of material is this made out of this is like it feels like purple leather it feels like real leather okay so this is the why are you blurry okay now you're not blurring those are nice they don't look like they've been used kind of a western snap look yeah animal print some people love the animal print what's that okay let's see uh just as main Poland a lot of times are in the inner pocket area on a percent pure wool oh here we go it's it's Christian Brooks or Christopher Brooks we have a motive kind of like a turtleneck sweatshirt okay I was like your descriptions that's why I'm who that is a beautiful jacket you see oh yeah yep it's a vintage piece [Laughter] okay we're going to the next more sucks more sucks do we have anything else in there yeah oh oh they're sticky these are sticky here here you go all right guys battery's dying I see the blinking light and thank you so much for watching this seriously this guy was very talented we're going to take care of all the drawings possibly even auction some off so let me know if you guys are interested all right this was today's video see you tomorrow and any words of encouragement before we go hurry hurry the battery's dying what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got a word about 1,300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop Wayne's Ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this public account 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures of YouTube right below or sees me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,934
Rating: 4.9359431 out of 5
Keywords: Famous Artist? Numerous Paintings FOUND in An Abandoned Storage Unit, Famous Artist, Paintings FOUND, Abandoned, Storage Unit, Paintings, Art, art Paintings, art paintings gallery, art painting videos, art paintings famous artists, crafts, artist, oil painting, acrylic painting, drawing, sketch, illustration, artwork, famous artist painting, top 10, storage wars, self storage, storage locker, storage hunters, auction hunters, storage auction, storage unit finds, treasure found, 2020
Id: x8V3BhWAKAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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