I Bought A Military Storage Unit And Found Military Strategy Games!

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[Music] all right guys ashley here today wade's adventures here today grandma's not here in this video guys but she is she wanted to be here um so this is gonna hopefully be a great storage unit guys we i can't remember exactly how much we paid for this thing to be honest um because i bought seven storage units seven storage units and this is number four i think yeah so um we're gonna go through the storage units beautiful oregon out here today my goodness um and i think this is gonna be good one there's a few things i liked here um there's a cool old apple piece here this old tv i don't mind seeing old tvs like this because i'm hoping there's vintage stuff i am a little worried though because the way the boxes are packed the way that kind of things were thrown in here i'm not too sure what we're gonna find but for the price i think it's phenomenal yes and remember this is only eight minutes from our house so and about 10 minutes from our warehouse um and you can tell that they only had one lock cut and oh two locks actually so they've had issues before but there's a lot of dust out here so i'm hoping that there's some good stuff in here we're gonna go through it um also guys we have one other storage unit at the same facility we're gonna film today as well so we got to kind of hurry and get this done today because we only have until two for babysitting all right all right so we have the the truck open i'm gonna have ashley hold the camera and we'll get right into this oh and we have not looked at any of this stuff that's nice is it just the case it's just the case but i'm wondering if we're gonna find some uh there's another this is a knife oh no this is a gun holder um i wonder maybe we'll find again oh yeah so we may find a gun in here guys in this storage unit there's another one where we have a theme because one unit we already found a bunch of bullets they wanted 17 this is like 30 dollars just right here so here's another one dang okay this can go online another gun holder here this is going this is pretty oh there's some bullets wow there could be some this is going to be interesting a couple mags in here here's another one we're gonna like 60 bucks just a nose alone nope all right so that's it there no gun but pretty much everything other than a gun well it's got me interested here oh my goodness this is paperwork probably let me see our magazines yep all right [Music] this is maybe personal let me just peek yeah it's photos guys we don't like to show the family so we're gonna put that over here for personal wow they were they had a ton of trophies look at that sucker back in the 70s so we're gonna leave this here for them we played every sport they played every sport athletic next box moving right along some dirty kitchen like really dirty kitchen [Applause] oh i thought it was cutco for a second but it's it's not i might want to use this hand ooh okay there you go that's 25 bucks right there that's a big one too okay i think they might get the idea yeah but that pyrex 25 dollars right there so there's that oh okay this one's gonna be tough to show sony dvd player in there let me put this down here [Applause] a bunch of cards in here oh open there we go okay and nothing else besides dustpan dustpan okay that wasn't a great box okay do you think right now we're gonna find a gun i do actually you do i feel like this unit that we'll have again all right let's see okay some chords maybe oh there's the apple so some of this goes to the apple that we found there's an apple mouse an old apple mouse in here so this is probably personal in here oh okay what is up with those dude oh my goodness what are those something for a game building locations i don't know what those are is this a game weird there's a bunch of them in here guys what is that i've never seen those before they've got little military men on them let me know what that is oh oh right here oh my gosh there's a bunch of them in here what are those i mean he has hundreds and hundreds of them that says beyond valor information counters oh counter sheet location something to do with the military probably i don't know there's a bunch of them in there and paperwork let me know in the comments what the heck that was guys let me know in the comments okay moving around along okay does that say quarantine on it no i was like what um yeah there's nothing here guys besides paperwork and a couple of hd movies okay where's the gun at oh my god this is heavy this has to be and some games but primarily magazines oh those are final fantasy and a bunch of tech works from 1989 imaging and manufacturing oh these are all these are all computer games in here [Music] okay that's a heavy box okay got a hat pretty cool and this is what we're working with guys so we finally got into the unit we're going to continue on back hopefully find something good people are like why do you only have one glove because i left the other gloves in the truck in the other truck all right we're going to call that oh this is heavy there's got to be more up books i don't think so oh you've been getting a lot of these sony this is sony and the model number is right here str se581 it looks in pretty good condition it is a little dusty there's another one in there i'm not gonna pull it out guys but another sony in there i guess i shouldn't have put that box so heavy down there all right so they're into electronics here's a bunch of cords speakers and some sony speakers they look to be in decent shape but we have to make sure they're not blown okay oh my goodness wow look at this guys that's wow there is a ton what are okay just are these models or games second edition oh these are games these are military games oh that's what that's what those are from all right yeah these are military games so he's got a bunch of them in here i can't open up with my glove but i've never seen these wow these are all military games okay wow this could be worth some money let's see okay interesting yeah okay next this is kind of heaviest so i'm thinking there's more than just clothing it sounds like there's something else at the bottom this sewing kit gotta be careful oh maybe they are just closed huh wow they are just close just really heavy clothes or i'm weak this is storage unit number four so these are just a bunch of okay wow thought there would be something different in there what is going on here oh just more magazines that's why it was so heavy just he was definitely into the like that type of stuff you know and it seems like a lot of the stuff is from the 80s guys the paper says 1980s i wonder if he paid on this because it's been here for years so i'm wondering how long he's paid on this unit look at this this is really cool guys the history in the fall of the roman empire just dust them off yeah that's a pretty cool set okay look how old this stuff is you got like that old style pyrex box down there ah we're finally into the unit and there's a ton of boxes in here um there's some there's some bottles in here which brings me back to the bottle you didn't mean gram adventures did all right so let me go ahead and put this stuff away in back of the truck here and we'll be right back stay tuned let's do this i need my red bull today no you're not supposed to drink red bull it's sugar free yeah it counts for something i don't drink red bull oh my goodness dude just coffee what [Music] more those more those are cool wow i bet these are worth some money if they're all there you know yeah i mean some of them are game one yeah so i mean they're pretty pretty crazy you obviously cared about the games because that's the one thing that was like really nicely put in the box so and we have some bags some bags literally you get everything in storage units and say no more although we do get a vintage detroit red wings hat yeah from 1990s so he had a bunch of 1986 stuff all soldier definitely probably in the military you could group those together yeah some of these old magazines do sell so let's look i have to look at them and kind of see all right we have a bike here guys i'm gonna try to take this out real quick oh let me get this box and then we'll take out the black oh what wait what they're never in there they're never in there okay there's tonight okay okay by the way people do buy old maps so just keep that in mind you can sell maps there's some keys in there nothing else really i'll be careful i know there's a knife in here old red robin that's cool okay nothing to no no or no guns yet okay let's see if we can get this bike out of here tires look pretty good yeah it's in pretty good shape it looks like it's made in the united states and i don't know much about this bike someone had to get but it looks in pretty good shape and we're in portland so people love their bikes here in portland you can even get a bike on your license plate this is a bunch of the maps oh for the game that go with those games it looks like a very complicated game yeah like no i don't think it's for just anybody risk times two or three you need a lot of patience for that game yeah i feel like you in that game you have to suit up into like camo to play you can't play it any other way and it and if you lose you have to play like with the knife that's horrible all right so here's some boots yeah that's pretty nice okay i'm gonna move this stuff on the side here [Music] yeah we're in oregon they're 10 cents each popcorn maker i wasn't expecting that to actually that's right that's for the game okay shoes clothes in here somebody like this would hide anything and everything i mean so you gotta look through everything but this is all clothes and shoes [Music] and they've seen better you days have to look through them though some of those are cool small flight books american civil uh world war ii so let's put that over there okay we're getting in here aren't we this is gonna be interesting okay here's another 20 to 25 bucks oh actually maybe more i haven't seen other basics yeah oh wait that's the anchor nevermind it's got some chips on it too so that's a no-go and some cds nothing really going on in here all right strike you know well and did you say in the beginning that this was an online purchase yeah this is an online unit sometimes the pictures they don't really show the greatest yeah we're going to make money though i'm not worried about that that's a family photo a high school diploma i like to separate games separate the personal with the so that way yeah a lot of games that is a cool belt buckle maybe nothing oh those are personal photos those are gonna go back the bottom one's probably the same yeah so okay all this is personal oh bunch of belt buckles yep definitely there's no letters okay so we're gonna put this one aside or here so we can give some of that oh my goodness oh yeah some tools wow that's a cool stuff that's nice military that's a beautiful hammer let's keep that one let's see these bits muppets i would not expect muppets to be in here would you no well it wasn't if it's treasure island so that's kind of along the theme yeah boom you get more war war games and muppets okay so that was interesting there's cans everywhere oh there's food in here i see some more military stuff back there all right that's this confidential one does i don't feel like if it was really confidential you never know actually you never know those are all empty boxes then we just have a bunch of magazines in here okay all right i'm trying to think this is not what is it [Music] let's look in this case real quick and see if there's something in here i was expecting like just piles of money in here yeah that'd be nice as much as i oh look at that little guy oh gosh okay get over here oh get down okay a bunch of books i didn't know what kind of bug that was it's like an earwig there's a lot of mac stuff in there yeah i'm not gonna be worth money so obviously he cared about these could be all the manuals to them no these are manuals to a bunch of games wow can you sell those oh manuals yeah and these are old mac manuals see like old mac manuals so some of these would definitely sell definitely all right oh my goodness this is scary definitely books or magazines the military yearbook wow from 1997. then you've got just everything military in here you keep lifting them like they're books or magazines yeah these are magazines look at that hair it's bart yeah i still have one of those oh they're all tennis magazines yeah okay why are we paying on the storage unit for that many years some people just like to hold on to things some people like to hold on to things yeah okay this is american that's kind of cool yeah we see i kept it all the same yep okay okay we need something good in here boys and girls okay so this one i'm gonna do guys i gotta put my bag items over here let me show you guys so we have this table here this tv this table thingy over here in the microwave i'm gonna get this stuff out and then get this big old thing out this is actually a nice table hopefully it's all there i can easily sell that for a hundred bucks um but i'm gonna get this big stuff out just so i can get to the rest of the boxes in the back because i'm assuming some of the better stuff maybe in the back so hang tight guys we'll be right back it'll go anywhere all right guys so we are back so we found this macintosh powerbook g3 and it is probably in there because of how heavy it is oh wrong way and it's in there guys so i don't know how much this is worth if any want to look this guy up but that will help scratching right now um all right the next thing we got is a old let me know in the comments guys do you ever play the oregon trail on the old apple computers um this is a macintosh 6500-250 and all the cords are here as well with it so let's look at that and then we also found this um by the way uh give you guys a heads up we got the chairs in there got all most of the furniture in there there was these sony speakers guys ss u481 a v so we did get two of those speakers they look in pretty good condition i had to see if they're blown i haven't took these off yet but um and then this is what the unit looks like um got a bunch of boxes to go through yet and then this um one chair that wants to put in there and then after we get done filming this way up there at the third level i bought a storage unit that we had to film and get in here too so all right so you want to show them this honey this is really cool at first i thought it had a bunch of like family photos in it and i was going to give it back but then when i looked there's no photos in there so we're going to keep it so if anybody's last name ends with l that is such a beautiful book and we'll put that online and then we have this the world's finest tactical um you want to open up there might be clothes let's see is there clothes or is there guns or is there gold bars nope nothing in there some sort of of course magazines that's what you put in there and then we got a bunch of clothes in here is there anything else like this unit has been interesting um i gotta be honest though these are some pretty nice uh vintage levi's you gotta look at some of these guys some of these can be for good money all right all right let's go ahead and push that to the side while you do that honey i will show them the next box all right we got over here well let me move this over to the track one hand okay we got coins oh we got coins oh my goodness there we go so we didn't look at everything we have coins we have coins 1819 this is um 1819 wow that is old what is this this camp beach right this is 1782. look at this one this one says 1797. i mean i get somebody's looked at 1820 what is there anything in the pouch [Music] i mean this one's there's oh wow you can't even see all right that's so old that is old we may need to get these ones looked at 70 something but that's not it's like a pendant or something i've got a coin guy that i trust yeah these are so old you can't even see it we may have to take these thickpoint guy and see if there's anything cool in here yeah look at all these it's rubbed off it's so old that's an australian queen that was a penny that's a massive penny okay let's go and put him back honey we gotta take him to the point guys we'll give you guys a uh follow-up we'll get you guys a follow-up on this i got a ticket to the coin guy you just never know there i'm complaining we don't find anything great in this unit and then there you go nice okay okay okay all right so looks like we have this it's in there made in the united states genuine leather it's you know seen better days but let's see a lot of people like these just for um decoration and decor in the house ashley keeps a bunch of them for decoration huh who are my grandpa's old ones okay all right all right let's do this let's do this next box next box oh we have a vhs player panasonic if they have the remote a lot of people sell them 150 bucks depending on the brand in the mall but sometimes more water canteen or jump a little alcohol in there oh no this is a um yeah oh it's in there okay okay okay um yeah it's in there what's in there i'm not even going to look at these it looks like magazines guys things are heavy too all right [Music] oh my goodness there's a ton wow look at this guys i don't want to get them dirty oh they're all the same the next one isn't that oh oh i guess it is it just looks different wow you know i'm not a big fan of buying veteran storage units if they were a veteran i've never liked doing that but somebody will love these hats there's some hollywood or hard rock some of these can go for money if you sell them and smithers okay hats are cool and they're in there it's just not very good condition all right some random stuff in here this is heavy this is heavy i'm gonna guess you're probably right oh what oh wow oh my goodness wow it gets better this is a whole case wow look at this guys no i was not expecting that we got a playstation here it needs a little tlc a lot of times these have a hard time oh it opens a lot of times that that part's broken so that part's not broken he actually kept pretty good condition of this i mean oh this one's got some issues there might be able to fix that two controls in there and we have memory cards in here we have some games in here power cords so yeah it's all in there wow i'll put that in the front of the truck so it doesn't get some nasty okay this is pillowcases leave that there i wasn't expecting that is that a couch oh my goodness this is heavy this is heavy folks oh yep vintage people love those oh a bunch of them in here okay plates i don't want to go through the plates because then we have to re-wrap them and that just takes so much time i got another unit but kitchen you see how quick the camera is one kitchen we see them all all the dust is making my nose sniffly all right hey i'm gonna take this personal photo out back to him there was a playstation game in here um not anymore no okay okay what's the year ah 2003. some sort of tour is it a metal no these are cds oh wow must be like the whole thing right here yeah it is okay guys i need to put this stuff back stack it up and then we'll finish with the remaining four boxes oh what's in this what just happened okay oh it's in the it's in plastic what do you think i see the word boise in there but the end has something different i don't want to take it out because i don't want to get dirty i got that song stuck in my head shake shake shake shake shake it why have you heard of that song before yeah but why is it in your head i don't know oh okay there's some good ones in here i'm sure grandma adventures a loved one here you want to get this dirty oh wow wow that's nice that is cool it's vintage it's a medium so if anybody wants this u.s navy um jacket let me know got a couple issues but really good condition you might have to wash it yourself if you want it yeah i don't want to ruin it i think i got food okay i'll stand out of your way heavy food yep yes yeah i was gonna make a case for something but i was like you're gonna say some of it you could still use well sometimes you find like foil paper that stuff's expensive you know but we've kept yeah with that or ziploc bags yeah stuff like that although we bought the biggest foil thing at costco and it's lasted us a year yeah oh yeah what is this the gun no but oh a knife oh it's in there it's in there not never used wow cleaver i wonder if your dad would like this do you think he would i bet he would it's all in there what type of knife set is it as seen on tv okay some of those can be good it's all in there not sure what you like for your turkey we're gonna put that in front of the truck i'm gonna give it to your dad as a gift all right oh oh forgot did we forget the box [Music] this is a beautiful vintage made in japan pizza cutter now she does it like this you do it like that now she shakes it like this you shake it like that come on baby shake shake okay you know what i've got such a beautiful voice that i think i'm gonna get a you know the video taken down because they're gonna think it's the real singer singing that yeah i'm sure and a diary and now it's going to go back to the personal there okay one more box over here of course whatever that is kitchen kitchen and possum fans it's all wrapped up guys i don't want to mess with that too much but all right come in here honey let's show them the last box ooh another pyrex that's 25 bucks right there but yeah those are those are disgusting those need washed all right guys that's the storage unit what i buy this unit again no but we did get the um what was the playstation no we get they get the playstation one and we have to check on that money and we have the old coins and we have all the gun stuff and we have um all the games what else do we have we just found something oh and the knife set so that definitely made our money back but this was an interesting unit yeah the reason i like the unit though is i did notice some gun stuff in the photos and i did notice the big tv which meant vintage to me so i was hoping that there this would be a little better unit um but that's what you do um i took a gamble on this but especially since there hasn't been any great units pulling up lately uh and it was only eight minutes from our warehouse anything eight minutes from our warehouse i'll take a gamble on something so yeah uh if it's an hour away now but all right guys hit the thumbs up smash the like button if you want to shop grandma adventures yes my mom grandma ventures poshmark she has 3 000 items guys so if you want to show support for grandma adventures she's feeling a little under under the weather today if you want to show support and love you don't have to but if you want to click the link below and you can shop um her store people get this all the time they're like is that my store no grandma ventures lists the items and she ships the items and those are all her items out of storage units literally that's all her store only the link will be below and so if you guys want to shop her store even if it's a four or five dollar item all right guys much love see you soon hopefully you guys like this video and can't wait for the next one hopefully it's a little better alright guys see ya all right we're back guys bonus footage found more money i'm gonna take it to the coin guy looks like it's canadian stuff though so probably not worth the time who knows i found the cookie monster in here we're just looking for that personal box you always go look at the personal and this is the unit guys it's all clear it's all clean remember if you're looking to buy storage units clean out the units don't leave anything in there because the managers they remember you if you leave crap in here they won't invite you back and you do not want to miss up on great opportunities last thing too completely free i have 150 videos on how to buy storage units 150 and it's on youtube so go to my main youtube page go to the very bottom and you'll see storage unit business 101 videos there is and fifty three to five minute videos on everything you need to know about buying storage units completely free so go watch that playlist right now business 101 storage units right below on the main page and you can learn how to buy storage units all right guys have an amazing day see ya what's going on guys this is how you get to our online store so many people are asking how can we purchase stuff in the storage units guys well let me tell you so all you do is you go to any one of our videos it doesn't matter which one you click the video guys and then what you'll do is you'll scroll down and the first link of any one of our videos will be our online store link guys it's it's always pinned at the top comment of any one of our videos so you click that and then it will take you to our online store this is our online store for grandma ventures and myself 3100 items in this store and a hundred percent of everything that you see here is out of storage units guys so if you want to support the adventures family and you want to purchase something that you see in one of the videos it's going to be right here this is called poshmark guys if you don't have an account you can sign up it's completely free to sign up for a poshmark account and you can see it see anything that you possibly want that was out of a storage unit click it and you can buy directly from here directly from us guys so that's exactly how you get to our online store hopefully you enjoy all the items you see in storage units guys and again if you want to purchase anything that you see in any of the videos just click that link in any of the comments of the videos and it'll take you directly to our online store where you can purchase all this cool stuff that we find in the storage units all right guys have an amazing day thank you thank you for the support much love and let's see you to the next video don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wade's ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 17,286
Rating: 4.9185753 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, Military Storage Unit, Military Strategy Games, storage locker, storage, self storage, storage wars, storage videos, storage auctions, storage auction videos, treasure hunting, storage hunters, auction hunters, treasure hunt, Military, army, top 10, us military, usa, special forces, marines, armed forces, us army, usa army, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit finds, how to, Lumnah Acres, diy, homestead, homesteading, modern steader, wades ventures
Id: ll6UHEX6FiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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