Self-Storage Online Auctions PAYS Tens of THOUSANDS OVERNIGHT! #35

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you guys ready hey man we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this back back back again and that was an Eminem song cheney's back yeah alright so we have a lot of cool punk we have the biggest boxes we've done thus far monster boxes you want to demonstrate how big the boxes are that big and that big and that big and that big well that's not that big and do you want to point into the direction of the hole that we have now we're out of boxes over there there's no more boxes so we have that big stack and then once we're done here we're gonna work on that big second so we gotta get that done but first we're gonna finish these then we're gonna go ahead and get this big area over here done and then we will work on the back wall so all right so let's go ahead and get through here and see what we have go ahead and open the first box is yours okay okay okay so we have probably not water but I'm not gonna drink it a fishtank light okay all right [Music] water I have pieces of the fish tank over there okay this is old that is old let you be careful opening it because I did peek oh my gosh that is pretty crunchy in there okay I like this for crafters you got the tour fishermen I think it's fishermen this is a men's box oh good try well I thought crafters could use it to go they can I know I had a box like that but I didn't know it was a man box at the time yep this box is coming out good so far try the hat on weather app it's got things falling out of the top I think this is homemade take it out first there this is homemade this is the cool hat there's no brand on it I think it's just a homemade they probably even made it I like it it's an old work Oh Crocodile Dundee yeah got humid he had such a cool personality here's some boots Rockport boots oh there's still stuff falling off of it way yeah oh yeah ants we're getting a little I think this is personal okay yeah I see a baby picture in here no this is a lithograph it is 3d you've got to show them this is a this is a this is not personal it's a it's if you feel it I don't know if the camera is gonna show it it pops out the baby popped out it says litho in the United States the little piggy this little piggy you know how you do that thing with your toes this little piggy went Sherlock Becker I think Charlotte Becker did this though there are some money's I think all three of those are probably the same this could be worth some money the baby part of it sticks out like it like it's uh wrong d-dad I bet there's three of them sweet dreams all that one little rap rap it is but it's still not bad are we put in that is so cool doesn't look too bad I love the next one okay we may have to auctions that cute what let me see what it says smiling through and it's made in the United States Oh Charlotte that is so cute if anybody wanna looks up the links for these for us these are prenatal they do it without asking okay so this is a smaller one oh that is so cute there's no words on it though I think these are really old they look old and they look very unique I've never seen any like it they pop out yeah I think these are really yeah okay this is not necessarily a men's box this is about trains that would go with the Train there's some kind of a picture to it I wonder what those wood screws in okay this is a model sanyo okay all right oh my gosh okay the complete family so ebook that will go with the sewing stone this the sewing stuff yes you're gonna have quite a little sewing group there for somebody I'm trying to create a cool song cuz everybody keeps asking but we good we're getting like a little gosh you remembered Suzanne Somers when she was doing all our book stuff that's an old one yeah Suzanne Somers okay these over here what else we got Bibles Bible that is those western books oh yeah and they're in hardcover I've never seen him in hardcover Louie the more isn't it yep or something like that I've never I've only seen them in paperback we've got some cookbooks in here too let's dive America we should do a whole lot of cookbooks and then a lot in selling on them this is says dive America driving me or drive America excuse me yep you can drive around and go diving all over America Bob Bob's our imaginary worker guys here's another one okay I think we should just tip this and show [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right pick some of the boxes this must be a man's box I think this is a man box boom in stuff not seemeth nice as women's stuff we have a automotive voltmeter to check your wires and stuff and it's below and it's in the package somebody's gonna be worth some money especially packaging I've sold a few of those actually out of Karl's unit you can't point out of people what is it wait oh sure this is a time eat advanced animal analyzer made in the United States some of these I'm gonna have to look up and see if they're worth anything wait this reminds me of something that electrical do you remember when Diane wanted I won't say his name but one a Diana's husband my sister Sussman wanted you to help fix the kitchen light and he didn't turn the electricity off and it was sparkling you want me no it said no way I wasn't like freshman in high school and it was sparking up there and you want me to wire nothing nothing nothing okay all this is an old spackle some people buy these old guys especially like studios and stuff because they want that look ooh what is this this is an old light detection light or motion detection probably I don't know see my dad would love to oh yeah he loves stuff like that yep put your own axe put your own wood in there next next next next let me do it here okay there we go Wow what's a while I don't know I just like school oh they're all brand new oh my god on that garage sale we have like Christmas lights or more but these are brand-new vintage Christmas lights maybe they'll be worth some money Wow naked logs mixed together these are the old type wow there's some cool stuff in here those are Lincoln Logs and old maples some of these can be worth big money I'm just smelling good in there and I know that's odd to say but there's some kind of a nice smell okay close your eyes closed no no I don't I don't trust you just just close your eyes for the camera who's ready for a second okay well wait I got three I don't I don't feel close your eyes closed right yeah close your eyes hurry up oh oh it's a big candle you put it so close I couldn't see what it was just know it oh it smells so good yeah you keep up your you know whatever but I think you should keep it this I made you sell is a big lot they're old those Lincoln Log and those are some of the first legs you can just tell this is a massive bag yeah when I was a kid we have all those Legos and we got to watch our I skip the white what we have a that's for little white computer another one brand-new yeah those are brand-new those are brand-new these are brand-new so this is maybe interesting I don't even see if they're worth anything cuz the Icicle kind and they're old and they're brand-new guys they've never been super bright string this dream and they're the ones that hang down icicles I love the icicle lights and they've never been used they're in there you can tell one two three four five boxes and these are brand-new Wow I got to put these online super-bright 150 light vintage all right what's in here I don't know Oh John right it's John right cast-iron baking pan Wow and it's brand-new is it cookies you'd make in that it's cast iron why would you use cast iron for I don't know but it's heavy I bet you can bake other things in there Oh oh that is cool this is going up on your Bosch mark so if you guys want this it'll be on grandmother - kevie - uh-huh it's just it's it's it's about having here 14 inches oh it has recipes and they're all cookies you can do pound cake cooking sugar cookies Swiss cookies maybe actually we want cookies just something that one can go okay we have and it's in there a man thing a time old like that's in there what's it for an industrial i'ma it's an industrial timer may in the United States enlarging printing timer mobile are sorry model number m-72 alright we also have a brand new old pencil sharpener and two electric typewriter supply I don't know what these are for is this heavy wow this is thinking stuff I think single pack ribbon huh is that heavy um I'm gonna get it and now it's not too heavy okay I'm gonna move the candle let you get it down on it big okay let me take a quick water break guys make more water guys okay first though we have we have I see a basket I see you more oh I see two baskets I see a bunch of baskets oh and chill watch the shells and baskets do you like baskets I know I do I love baskets actually now I got enough there's a lot here there's some baskets of shape and kind okay big box what is it here it is do you need water I water without water but I don't want dust in my water whoa oh you're gonna love this don't peek okay oh my gosh one for Disney bag oh now I see where the dust is coming from that Moss that's baby Xmas this is what I think you'll like oh I like it it's a cute little sewing basket oh that is cute it's got length okay well show a few things we'll put back this is an Easter basket probably yeah stop the Easter grass that's nice you know who I can sell baskets to is a floral companies oh he's our wallpaper we have more of these wallpaper we had a lot of wampum these could be drawer liners too though maybe that's what that is Oracle you think they're some cardboard cardboard never know when you get this is what you like I like it but I'm not gonna keep it and it's sewing stuff in here right that's gonna go in our sewing lot we could look at this this is eight oh I think we're just gonna put it with the sewing lot I think I'll just make a big sewing and it's got a bunch of sewing stuff in there it's so cute yep I told you we have more sewing stuff I think we're gonna find lots of more all kinds of stuff here's bags now never throw away the bags because these are all Disney packs and I just sold four or five days ago maybe six days ago a bag with Disney bags for 50 bucks I'm not sure I think oh I know it's a blender and a toaster cover that's a blender in a toaster cover I recognize the shape and they put it on the bag he didn't want you to think I was so smart I could figure it out oh that is cool that you put a make a reef around that it's been in storage for long yeah let me see it does not work yeah no nothing it's big well you make it a floral wreath in the middle of it and hang it on your door Chris it's a solid brass made in India not white hit it well here you go decorations for Christmas this is great crafters will want that I would put it in the craft lot while in between it all right they must have dusty that's okay you don't need to open the whole thing up but it's bunch of moss we sold a lot of these Christmas stuff already Oh yep ooh oh catheter Disney they're not know we both got it but they're still cute there are they plastic or glass they're plastic ah but they're oh that would kids would love these they're all kids pipe balls oh dear wait I don't know now close your eyes and open it oh but I'm gonna actually keep this for shipping Oh that'll be great for sure now I'm jealous cuz I don't get that yeah there's gotta be some more stuff in here oh there's a quarter right dance in here okay moving right along we have toilet I thought it might be one of those you know portable toilets when you camp I guess I can adjust the toilet they can't have any germs on it because it's been in here for 12 years right we have the best auctions we want to have one bad thing every time in the trash well that one's cracked you see oh yeah Oh the reindeer lost its head oh that one of this yeah and it's here it's all broke yep I will fix it will we yes or I've got to actually have a lady to fight that stuff she loves what do we have here well if it's what it says we have another juicer but I don't know brand new it says juicer on the box it's brand new never open and look at it it has a spout from the juice I guess it has been open I think that's permanent you're gonna be sorry if I do quit Matt and tell you to hire because he's imaginary Bob stand in mind cuz it's your clothes okay [Applause] some of the antique light fixtures to go for big money guys they're so pretty but we don't know these are these these are her man boxes yeah that's for your man cave you have a man cave because you got lots of stuff for it now yeah that's not going okay that's what I'm talking about it's got metal and glass it looks like it means the metal needs to be so clean it doesn't need to be rewired yeah it's old it probably is a 12 inches and it has the sealing thing to look at this there's another one oh there is this one man this one's got a slight issue it's look cool it's decide it's broken here I don't know not my style but they're nice you know but we're not overly excited thanks for an error and this is just needs a globe it's an old one okay next Bob next Bob we do need more boxes can you put those over there for me I've been wondering about this box for a while fragile breakables but it says it's empty but it's too heavy for me empty so we know that it's not empty boxes can't weigh that much I think this is gonna be a fun one we've been looking at it for a long time does anybody buy any of your dream symbols yeah oh speaking of yes I have so hopefully they can see you oh all right ready they don't really need to see me oh my gosh come on are you excited yes works yeah I am not that excited Oh God it's in here guys okay open one up okay they're not empty here you open you work on these oh my gosh this thing is so cool Wow look at this they're all in the boxes look at this you don't even have to do anything just take a picture oh you do that show them the aren't those cute little bitty ones they're all in there guys Wow oh dear this is a whole fortune these are nice these are big look at that snow angels wait this one it's so cool where's my phone oh darn it I don't have my phone I was gonna check little Dreamsicle holding a bunny look at this thing it's in there Wow it's one of those real heavy ones I'll put it back in a single box and they're more money when they're signed these ones are mine that was back in 98 look at these why would they say here's some more I didn't even know there was such a thing I didn't either Oh Mike this whole thing is just full of them here let me take them over you're gonna end up taking home anyways and I'll keep this box these are all gonna be on grandma ventures Poshmark guys this one is signed in 98 that one's cool yeah they all are I don't really collect them but I love I love them and I love selling them if I collected everything Wow whoa you almost made me drop a Dreamsicle so look at this thing I'm not gonna take a little plastic oh it's big maybe you better much get it yeah wow this is probably six pounds that is a wonderful one it's probably six pounds guys it's a big boy it's like 10 inches or 11 inches yeah and it's signed on the back a bullet Dreamsicle playing music oh I wonder was that other big one the big ones are so heavy yep aren't they those are the ones you put on eBay no these are gonna be on the grandma ventures Poshmark guys thank you you take these ones because I got so much oh that is so cool he's playing you think music wow he's playing The Rolling Stones right now he's a happy woman another five another five pounder probably what is it it's like I think there's dogs or bears they're heavy are those bears or dog they're bears or bears whoa it's a wedding couple yes the because she has a veil on 1994 oh how unique is that I like the color too okay this one look at this face it's a pouty face they can't always be happy nobody can notices I like the pouty face okay Oh oh my god elephant this is the circus one closer my favorite a circus this one's signed 97 look at that one that is a really cool piece all right now you got me interested here good I'm always interested up here is a little angel and you put your jewelry in there yeah those are the little uh you know when you sell those they don't go for as much but they're still real cute yep I showed this one alright then so this one is this one's a dream set go help him out a little boy tell his prayers at night that cute this probably about a pound and a half guys found an album have been signed so far some of them work that we had but this group seems to be another one I love it I mean look at all this guys any interest there's so much here I mean this is plumb cool and I don't know how they got to they use every inch of that box did they see them all yeah yeah that's today's video so what do you think of this video well I'm not pretty good ended out really well I'm glad I got that extra box yeah alright guys these are all gonna be on grandma ventures Poshmark so she has her own store how many items do she has 1600 items all found in storage it's night and day on it whenever I'm not doing stuff so if you guys want to do you guys want anything from her store the link will be below and it'll say grandma ventures Poshmark I'll put it in the comments guys all rights that being said have an amazing day thank you and I'll see you tomorrow smile smile seriously thank you from Iceland to Africa Australia the UK we read all of all of them tears all of United States thank you yes love you guys see ya I wish I could remember names let me put the hand back I know me too I I can't even remember yeah yeah I only look at like icons sometimes but we really appreciate you guys leaving comments too cuz yeah we read every single one of them so alright guys have an amazing day icicle out dreamsicles what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got a word about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark Oh our thousand items you can go here and shop weights ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course 434 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's Ventures YouTube right below or she's me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wades ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 16,798
Rating: 4.9476895 out of 5
Keywords: Self-Storage Online Auctions PAYS Tens of THOUSANDS OVERNIGHT, Self Storage, storage, storage wars, storage wars fight, storage wars full episodes, storage unit, storage auction, storage unit finds, storage locker, storage hunters, storage treasure, storage box, storage unit living, storage unit business, storage unit sizes, storage unit office, storage unit wars, storage diving, storage shed, storage room, storage auctions for beginners, storage bid, storage sell
Id: kcn8GtmlvDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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