I Bought A Self Storage Unit.. Treasures Uncovered Beneath Abandoned Boxes #46

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this alright guys another day in the benchers unboxing warehouse we have an interesting story for you and a very colorful day hopefully you guys are having a very colorful today okay have a very colorful day today all right so we're gonna get right into the footage guys those are watching if you're new remember we bought three massive storage units and during this pandemic we have been unboxing every single day for you guys and so we are continuing to unbox probably got another 20 videos and then the storage units gonna be done so we're gonna we've got some good stuff for you today I think hopefully we have not been in the boxes they've been sealed and without further ado let me span the camera over but before I do that hit the thumbs up button and leave us a comment it helps YouTube's algorithm alright let's go over here so are you having a very colorful day I am why because I read the comments and I'm very bad with names as my family I never remember their names but anyway one of our people one of our friends I'm gonna call them now instead of lurkers because I think it sounds better one of our friends suggested I wear more colorful clothes and this is the beginning hmm well I I wish I had a straw right now but I don't have any straw you didn't say the words apparently guys you have to order a straw you have to say straw sonic now so if you want to buy something a sonic yeah you have to be like I want a straw which that's interesting don't say the word strong and like we were talking in the car soon you're gonna have to ask for your change back you give it 20 and it's like a seven dollar order can I have my $14 back we're just gonna have to be more aggressive yeah those straws alright so let's go ahead and see what we have today what are we thinking the unit because it was member got crazy right see there those are huge this is like a 16 inch resin juice good right here this is a 16 incher and you said this is from the 80s yes I had a full kitchen of everything in my kitchen was geese blew on it it's in fantastic condition I want to thank everybody out there the way they've been teaching me about the Moose what they eat where what they do and I really appreciate it and I am gonna take somebody suggestion and watch a documentary on on moose so if you get stranded in Alaska you're gonna be able to take one out and eat it since you know their habits what I have to shoot it no you don't you don't get a gun it's like caveman style I've been watching mountain men you guys haven't seen that show it's pretty cool and now all right what do we got well we're gonna take everything out because we got a line okay and I will start on one time you know what that is you see a jar and it's heavy even the trap this must be before they ran out of stuff so you got one layer there then you take it out of that one layer and then you have another layer so then you got to get out of that layer and you know what if you if you've noticed I have been wrapping things up like this when I ship it now because it really works let me know in the comments if you bought something from Grandma ventures if it's been wrapped very good it sounds like she's been wrapping better now well I'm wrapping we're like they do because I know it doesn't break that way okay so now we have another layer that's three so now we're down to the fourth layer this is the fourth now we're down to the fifth layer no joke that's the fifth the sixth layer we tend the six layer okay that's six now we're down to seven layers and things getting smaller okay here we are oh it's a little miniature clock you never know what until you get to the end oh I'm saying guys don't know okay so thing is it's hard to figure out what some of the stuff is isn't it working it's just some miniature clock is all it looks like it's in no wonder they had to wrap good because it's starting to come apart yeah I gotta I gotta put that back but it's a little clock probably four inches oh yes it looks new here we've got lots here Wade we got lots caffeine looks like that was a big mistake on my part I shouldn't have told you about you need to stay awake all right let's do it another good happy Valentine's Day happy Valentine's Day it's still good we can light this sucker up I see a theme going on here what's the theme I think it's candles I think you're right I think so okay so halfway through my well the habit saying it's dark let's just say if you're the last one in the forest you're gonna make easy-to-find okay okay oh here's another this is just a kind of a cheapy I'm gonna flock look kind of cool all right next next next next I'm trying [Music] well I don't want to break anything oh wow now we're down to the glacier number eight okay here it is okay all that handle it's got a cool little design now I know that I was wrong in my guest for this because I thought this jar would be of course shells are rocks but upside down it says they have it upside down the lids on the bottom large apple pie sandy candle oh now I love the smell of apple pie I just don't eat apple pie well I wish I would have some Swiss colony right now but apparently I think the mailman so we've been putting stuff out for the mailman help them out like for example we put out sanitizer because I thought a mailman might like notecards bees they were a little upset that I had more way more than I should have out there yeah so when you bite what do you guys buy stuff from her Poshmark her store it's that's the stuff that they pick up daily basically yeah you picked it up and I appreciate it so we put things out for him well I bought my mother's and Swiss colony for her Mother's Day of course they came late he got her yesterday too but I didn't get mine but I think the mailman they must have said it near those packages and the mailman thought it was for him another gift because ours didn't show up or at least they said they delivered it at 2:30 and it wasn't there hmm an apple pie so we think they can mail me that what a good old Swiss golf but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be rude and tell him it wasn't Mitford know it was meant for him but I was on those yeah you were her favorite my family he probably did us a favor he did do me a favor but I was gonna share with everybody cuz Ashley really likes them okay so I would say Ashley do a small birthday cake yeah it's like a two-person cake and the squirrel outside would even look at that and frown well I was trying to be virus sensitive and order things online Wow I think they're all gonna be like this you want me some ball they even went as far as wrapping the outside and then wrapping the inside that's just like the one there I see it I think we should make them separate special paper though it's kind of got a wax to it yeah oh yes we're only open like five things and that's we're giving you a commentary of our life like the missing yeah it's calling me little filled brownies is there any news on the killer bees a lot of people in the comments gave me a lot of information on that so I haven't heard any more on the news okay you guys a little bit gotta know what's coming right we got to have a sense of humor about it or we could all sit around and be miserable and let's not yeah yeah so I try to have a sense of humor even though it's serious and I take it serious yes but we can't laugh about things and try to find some humor in it then okay well I got one more thing open here on this I'm trying to think of something to stay what should I be saying where did you buy your colorful flower sock I don't want to say okay so I give you something to say oh my gosh no I'd rather not say here's this oh here is so yesterday I got a comment on one of my old oh it goes like this is it what's inside a candle um I'll let you guess a bunch more stuffing trying to get this open I think I got a lock here but some people were watching our for Vegas 2019 and 2018 yeah they got some so if you guys want to watch a vlog series there's like eight videos when we went to Vegas and and that was when Ashley really edited the videos there called eBay open 2018 and 2019 on the channel Oh candles now there's two of them just don't drink you know how these people like to make their own cards and Wow you can tell they decorated that they did we sold Wow they had a lot of time on their hands very creative yep that's interesting it's even on the top part this might be this might be interesting I'm not gonna give it away of course you can tell it square and it's in but you don't know what kind these scissors don't fit your hand very well out of all the suitors we've got all right you've got the last package I'll put this over here learning my I'm learning it must be a candle it's square it's a skin but I think all right I'm gonna tell you what I see I think it's a decorated box and I'm wrong what's new what is oh it's got shredded paper is why is there shredded paper in there cuz there's something in there let me see can they see what I'm doing yes they can not that I wanted they can see you pull it is it watch out okay maybe if that's all we have one little right that's all no says what's up here miniature silver and gold package let me look miniature silver and gold package secret thing this is fun I love trip heavy it's heavier than the tin they really stuffed the tin with paper this nothing special I mean that's a lot of shredding oh I love it it's going online the silver little whoa have to say that so fun line I'm joking this is really cool since 1998 the model number is CL - X 13 a weight if it goes online can we do it in this tin also the way out yes and it is a quartz I can't see that the brand is valuable little clock I have a feeling it feels like it's real yeah it's got a little screws in there and the way they did it it has to be special over there all right no I'm glad we're kind of doing that box that took a while I know but we had that was pretty that was pretty cool that last little fun oh now we got a dirty old suitcase next nerds don't worry I would worry you may be nice on camera but we'll we're off if I drop the camera the camera oh my gosh oh talk about color yeah here's some more oh wow this is dress that's a flannel is it a nightgown or a dress looks like a trap it's a flannel dress yep it's kind of cool I like it actually let me see that be very comfortable to wear around hmm yep soft flannel it's an older piece boy they are ooh these are this one's handmade out of a pattern yeah I wouldn't put it past them to make some handmade dress now this one is I can tell by the so in fact I think a lot of these are they made their own clothes how would you have time to so when you're doing so much artwork looks like well I got I spent two hours sewing I got a hurry knew this artwork all right what I used to wear those in the old days yep Sundaram no I remember do you know thanks for including me though I was actually probably talking to people that I love this black at least that's a seashell one yeah this is where you wear a cute little dress to the beach and it flows in the wind yeah you got your no shoes on you're walking in the sand there you go all right that's a movie that was actually a Diane Keith that was Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson all right oh that's a nice one shift yes I'm all these Connor that's cool I feel like I could fit in there for 20 years there's a dress okay cute little black dress for that night out let's see what movie was that that was Sleepless in Seattle yeah okay that'll work except they didn't go out together they didn't even see each other who this is a beautiful seashell dress back is this a homemade one let me look yes they made this themselves you can tell by the lining it's real though you know I bet you people would wear these today they're cute yes I know they would people like retro retro clothes we got them I like this one I like the solid little little simple ship with the sexy buttons up the side there you go all right next oh he didn't like that one what's that that's a cool pattern this is a soft silk up the beach pattern doesn't it look like maybe another country oh yeah maybe maybe I'm trying to make descriptions here but I think I'll just kind of what do you got there let that go Oh praying this up Nike it's a next era next era hmm kind of cute isn't it first summer wintry morning here this'll match somebody's luggage I've seen that on a luggage before yep a little vest here's a cute little vest ooh little heart heart buttons ugh oh those hearts are awesome oh here's like a Western vest well no not Wester that's not what the back looked Western the fresher doll it's got big buttons here's just an ordinary sweatshirt for those cold days that was not ordinary has a little button at the top I'm wondering what this is house of love to her new friend I don't know Amy Grant oh wow it's in good shape music concert from 1994 and 95 people love concert shirts well a lot of if you had any more of her thingies that will be nice to throw in with the auction yeah I do as a little bonus if you have Amy Grant CDs I love flannel shirts so does my mom see alright they couldn't see how can they glory nothing too crazy now this reminds me of that movie Diane Keaton and her turtlenecks yes where Jack Nicholson has a heart attack in her home and he's dating her daughter oh I didn't wash up then he starts just wanting to date her what's up but kedo Reeves is in the picture oh that's a Mary englebright is it yep and it doesn't have a has a couple stains on the bottom wow this is a vintage Mary Engle break yep everybody loves dragonfly yeah it's it's this could be something right here I like it it's got something on the arm too wow this is I love dragonflies is that a dragonfly or a Firefly you love them so much you could identify no no it's perfect this is House of parts and on grand and Taylor in Portland Oregon okay it's a business shirt an old business shirts okay I like the zipper in this sweater it's unusual mint yeah let me see it there I Sierra it's an old tag and we're almost to the bottom what do we have here Mary Fishman's this a Christmas fishing shirt I've never seen one before it's an older piece made in the United States like it's hardly been worn yep it's kind of cool for a fisherman isn't it yeah we have fishermen in our family in Newport okay that looks like a fifties cute little sweater yep and they wear those cute little skirts with there you go here's another one wait thinks I'm not serious but they really did have poodles autumn what's that one this is a hooded oh I always like your descriptions a hooded flannel shirt all right okay okay oh I actually love this Robin Williams favorite town San Francisco I won't mention Nancy Pelosi but anyway all right that is a really cool that's all I don't know it's High Sierra a good brand it's not really I am oh that's a nice flannel shirt but it's made in a like a dress-up way some of the old flannels do well Navajo like colorful all right all right we've got a new green bag now yep all right what next all right so let's go ahead and do the orange owl right there oh we had a green turtle once I still have him to by the way we don't know for sure if the orange owl is in here I don't know because there's a lot of other things and supposedly in here I don't like it when we went to get an odor before you get things like oh did I smell tiny little smell it's not that bad rubber made an orange out of whack laughs I'm not thinking oh wait Wow we have some old rubber made because there might still be an owl in here it is a great box you got me Oh a bunch of small stuff put it online yeah that's good now I have to I remember this another oh you know what I don't think this is a now what is it I think there's a I don't know there's a lid some other it's out of play no that's a lid that's a play it's beautiful these are gonna be cool little so Ramy yes oh and they've got the little Firefly er butter or whatever look the thing that you say these got the gold room no that's silver rim like China like oh they don't say anything in them Wow tiny little cup of tea yes please would you like a cup of tea oh just a tiny 100 now we have this one it's a cool looking one I'm trying to cut down on my tea so this is the cup I use we can go on and on with that now we've got two of them here I like these I just I think they're really cute we're almost there oh oh wait till you see I'll do it last well we have three something wait always likes wait I think that is gold I don't think that so no it's silver her yes no this is this is actually gold yeah this one's chipped then at least it don't have a gold rim yep oh yeah you can have a cup of coffee and cut your lady this is weird why did these look like lids do they go on the plate well there's probably something else in one of these boxes that we're not that we need to uncover okay you know that they if you have little tiny cups then you need little tiny spoon we have silver and gold ears and gold Wow I knew you'd like those you like those you like those yeah there's no oh wait oh this is main Japan 18 - eight stainless steel Japan you know I think they used to actually use those little mini and maybe you saw silver and the silver ones I bet there's gonna be more of them then we're gonna find aren't they cool I I love those Wade all right show what it doesn't stink what is it you tell me I don't know what these are actually used for they're dirty looking okay we got big bobby pins and some of these older bobby pins people love and these are hair clips from the old days yes oh the only thing you know what wait I think I know what this might be okay now I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack if I'm wrong cuz I'm gonna say this anyway I think you tied your hair up with these oh yeah you're wrapped hair around them and tied them up it could be see I bet you you put the hair in there and tied it up in it Wade would you demonstrate a doll somewhere or continue I'll continue now for the sore feet here's some epson salt in its brand-new unopened finding epson salt that sounds great next why am I getting all this kind of stuff right now are you couldn't and you're back there laughing oh it's a joke on me the ho I got to get through this okay everybody knows when in the 60s these are the suitcases all the girls had I had one Diana had one and they were in sets like this do you think we should auction this off I don't know what's in there sucks all right sweaters nice nice sweater okay well that was interesting yeah as a Diana and I have matching suitcases for art we each had a different color but I know that a lot of people out there had those kind of suitcases back in the 70s probably late 60s duh what are we got now pressure cooker that's what it says you know they used to we used to be able to count on what it says lately we're not we're not a hundred percent we have some faith wax these things can't be cheap this is 93 was a 93 zero three zero three oh here we go it's really in nice condition there's no stage it's very heavy yeah we may have to look this up online and the seal okay prestige the seal looks pretty good on the steel okay and there it looks like it hasn't been used to tell you the truth there's no stain on it it's maned India interesting this piece is probably like 50 pounds here's that is heavy isn't it it seems heavy huh we may have to look this up it's a little different than what I thought it was yeah that's pretty crazy real nice shape all right what's in there we don't know yet what is in there we shall find out first what you scissors weighed this one don't fit my hand thank you [Laughter] [Applause] it's actually a miss miss sweater I have a little berry pot oh I'm no wait a minute that's not potpourri pot it's a crock pot yeah but what do you put like yeah we already have some of the silverware somewhere so this is just extra it's real pretty I don't know if it shows up yeah Oh different scents this is a solid but the other ones um I had the luxury of looking what is it there it's a huge lounge chair cushion that looks like it's rim it looks beautiful camera it looks beautiful actually I like it that'd look good at your house cuz you gotten great yeah I just get something here so I can lounge around I need to take a break lounge around when you need to take a break you know so I can no not you me I said what I need take a break I never seen you lounge around or take a break in months so I would I would really enjoy seeing you lounge around okay oh that's what is in there I might have to stand up for this that's a big that's a big boy it feels like what's there let me see are you sure oh maybe they just use this for packing yeah this is all empty guys there's nothing in here you would think of me I told you get one stamp one stamp uno stamp uno stamp yeah one sec not one box no my word if I get one stamp I like this one oh now you get a behold box but this these are the signs my stamps yes Wow okay can we dump it out carefully your house bounced and there's a lot of them and they're so cute yeah there's a lot of them okay be very gentle I am being gentle let me know in the comments that she'd be gentle with the sample oh my gosh look at this one that one is just gorgeous I wouldn't mind having this box of stamps but that is just gorgeous man this box is so they're big nice beautiful how you a mouse talking to a fish wow she real and they're all signs 1993 down there 1993 oh but their name like this says pet clinic and they have all the mice of names on here look at this house Mouse designs this is just gorgeous these are so nice these are wait these are very unique we haven't had any house mouse this nice we've had a look you and that one oh look at the one painting candy canes Wow and everything every mouse has a name and every an enum and there's a number for each stamp they spent so much money on these they're nice sunblock this one's but look at this it's putting sunblock on another Mouse they're funny they got sent to humor this one's teaching the frogs they're having a birthday doughnut and guys these are big stamps they're probably four or five inch stamps oh they're big they're big they're five by fours I mean they're beautiful oh look oh wow New Year's Eve 1 yep pop in the Kitab oh he's taking a bath that's a cool they're all cool yep oh there's a balance 9 8 times day would a chocolate heart that one's very interesting oh it's given the Valentine's and they're all pretty much the same company they are all the same company designed they're all the same company they all have a number and I'm repeating myself and each little mouse has a name on the wood and they're big they put a lot of time in into these and they're humorous I love him they're they're funny cute yep more is better a better word all right well your little your uh people that love stamps on your auctions are gonna go crazy over this yeah by time they see this wait till they all see it they're gonna love them all right guys so that's it for today's video let me know in the comments if you like the bright colorful way doesn't like no I like it no I know you like it hit the thumbs up button guys I it's a creep down here Oh stretchy all right man there's a lot of work oh yeah that's true and this was a when I was painting in at the house Ashley's like you always paint in your nice clothes um anyways guys how'd amazing today thank you so much hopefully you enjoyed this hit the thumbs up button share we're trying to get to a hundred thousand subscribers so I get the play button are we close we got little ways to go alright guys see ya tomorrow's video bye now what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got a word about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayde's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to eBay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units $34 it comes up to 25 cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for 34 bucks and then right away you can start watching 136 videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to Wade's ventures YouTube right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 14,727
Rating: 4.9583025 out of 5
Keywords: I Bought A Self Storage Unit.. Treasures Uncovered Beneath Abandoned Boxes, Self Storage Unit, Treasures Uncovered, Abandoned Boxes, I Bought A Self Storage Unit, storage unit, storage unit finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit business, storage wars, storage hunters, storage auction, unboxing, storage locker, how to make money, self storage, mystery boxes, treasure hunting, storage locker finds, storage locker auctions, storage locker living, Storage, units, lockers
Id: 9fSyzNPkyXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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