DEEP SEARCH IN ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT! What Did I Find? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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what's up everybody welcome back to the genius family channel if you haven't already subscribe to this channel but also subscribe to charge em with Jebus which is our main channel so this video is gonna be about what I do while Jesus is in there editing when we get a storage in it and bring it back home so I go through it in depth here so all the rummaging you see in the main video on the main channel is just the surface of the stuff that we put aside in a different pile so before I get into going some stuff going through some stuff in the van I want to show you the different groups that I have set aside and in the garage area here so it's not further adue don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it alright guys so I always pull the van back so I have the van facing our entire garage this is usually where I'm gonna put somewhere in this area of stuff that I need to look up or stuff that I already know we're gonna list on eBay posh marker locally all this stuff is usually flea market items and then this pile up into the trash bags is actually trash and then over here is clothes donation and behind it is also clothes donation so we got a lot of donations to make so let's go and get into this van alright so let's pull some stuff out of the van so right off the bat what I have in the end of the van here are the CDs that we pulled out of the CD holder more than likely these are just gonna be piled up at the flea market like two $4 or eventually for four dollars sometimes so this is just sitting in a box over there and with the flea market I usually once I start finding totes I'll line them up right here behind the van so most of the stuff that we have is flea market so I can just go ahead and sort right behind me makes it super easy so stuff like this I usually if we don't have the use for it I'll usually just throw it away so I were a roll of trash bags here and a roll of trash bags in the van trash bags super important when you so let's get one already even though it will probably use this just to spray the garage when it gets like we have one of those like stinky and I have to spray the van okay for example here's more CD's goes right into the CD pile these masks this one right here is broken and this one right here is a little cracked on the outside and a little dirty so I mean I probably won't really get these will probably sit at the flea market until the very end and probably go for free so I'm just gonna off those personal I didn't even know there was a personal picture so this is for those of you that don't know what unit I'm going through it was on treasure hunting with Jebus yesterday and it was the one with the wicker chairs the old TVs the fur blankets the wooden marble table which you guys will see too because I know that have value and I know this is kind of weird because if you watched every one of a demas first then you already know the value of this stuff so it's gonna be a little weird but I'm gonna try my best to make sure I kind of match what has already been done on that channel so here we have a piece of a hood which is just gonna go on the trash and then right here I found a pair of boots so I usually have my phone ready or I have Jebus help me out with looking up clothes items so these look pretty brand new so we'll look these up so this is potentially so they'll go right there on that table these blinds right here honestly we're just gonna be 20 market and this was the clock that we found in the back but the glass broke so this is just gonna go into trash so this right here was a piece that I don't think was shown in the treasure hunt with Jebus video and this is an example of what could happen when I'm going through the van we find pieces that weren't shown and they're usually in the recap of the other channel but this looks like an art piece under the glare is bad because the Sun but it looks like just a painted background with just a picture of a man laying back and that's supposed to be the water but it is sign there at the bottom list or just do research on this right here I already know and has some chips on it it's been fixed before on the inside the battery pack looked chipped so I already know this is already alright now I came across the little stained in end table that we found in this unit so stuff like this I'll probably take pictures of and lists locally so this I mean honestly I'm probably just gonna put anywhere deb-deb the table for now seeing with this furniture that has a little bit of volume to it I'm just gonna list luckily because we go to the flea market we want our van to be like super packed like as much items that we can fit out of this garage to take to the flea market and make as much profit as possible so out of this unit honestly I probably list the wicker chairs locally all is the wood and the marble table locally I'll list the bird perch locally the vacuums and everything else would be sorted into the piles [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I wanted to say something like this that I know us for birds but it looks older at the bottom it looks like it could have been like a vintage birdcage is missing like the dome part with added wood pieces I'm just going to list locally and ask for offers I know that could be a headache some time but I'm just gonna put in the description for people to give me offers and go from there and this right here since I know I'm not gonna get more than five bucks for it is just going straight to the flea market now I can't reach anything else through the back so now I have to go obviously empty box now I have to take all of this stuff and bring it into the garage and I actually need to use his help for the rest of it cuz the rest of it heavy but before I do that I wanted to just say what I was doing with each of these so this chair right here has the hole in the middle that's going to trash this is flea market for like I don't know two or three dollars that's flea market this little red piece might go so the big red box looks like it has the same metal like color combination so I might going there I'm so I'm gonna put that with there all the rest of the stuff in here is trash this table I wasn't sure of I wasn't sure if it went with the wicker because it's wicker inside here but there's also like animal skins safety like hide so I don't know what this is worth and if it goes with the set this right here I think it's about I don't know 40 or 50 new if I had to guess I think I can get like 20 bucks for this so this might go locally if I can't sell it locally within like I don't know a few days or a week or something like that I'll take to the flea market this needs a little bit more research but I'm pretty sure this is just going to be local sale again if it doesn't sail within the week then it'll go straight to the flea market so let's get this stuff moved in [Music] alright guys as you can see now I have this whole pile which is all the clothes plus the crayon but most of that stuff if broken is going in the trash if not probably take to the flea market this whole thing was full with clothes as well but I can probably sell the chest um honestly probably at the flea market for like 10 bucks um this is being taken out but this is a little heavy because of the marble in the middle so Jebus is your home away with that and Jebus is also gonna help me with this because in there there is a DVD and VHS combo in there and with the remote with the chords if it's the right model could go for above $100 so we have to see if it's the right model and if I can find that remote so let's get this stuff moved out alright well sometimes when we're going through the van in comes this big guy mr. Chavous um he he'll come in and as he's heading through the video you guys see the prices pop up so he goes to ebay or wherever finds out a price so the in this unit there was the big great Panasonic like VHS TV thing that he said it was worth a lot and he needed the model number so different ones certain Trina sonic TVs with VHS players apparently on eBay are going for over 100 bucks and I didn't see that specific one in there I just saw the VHS player on the side I shouldn't see one like that so that means two things nobody wanted are super rare B P so I like when it comes out here because that means we just found something good so now that you know that that TV is could be possibly worth something I'm gonna set it over there on the table and honestly really the only thing that's left to do is go through some of the clothes separate the clothes depending on their value I'm not gonna look them all up the one with the the bag with all the ones with the tabs and just kind of kind of go off the price tag usually if we can't get 20 to 25 or more for the item we won't list it and it'll just go straight to the flea market so I'm going to go through the clothes also go through these which has the VHS and DVD players set those aside except for the combo one that's gonna go on the table the other ones are gonna go to the flea market and then what was left oh the the marble and wood table with the open open face at the bottom that's definitely gonna be listed locally because I think that has some value so I might take offers on it I'm gonna research it a little more to see if I can find the exact one hopefully I can but again I think it has value and then the footlocker down here is pretty much all trash it was all dirty clothes and bathroom stuff so yeah that's getting dumped alright so been going through this box of clothes but this is what happened no no you're recording and this is good that TV we gotta test it if it works and plays VCRs it sells for $175 plus shipping on ebay this one this one I don't know the one I saw did not have a remote but if it's even in four parts only it's sold for $40 and 60 shipping so to minimum it's like $40 if it doesn't work if it works 150 plus and at least we see on eBay that Oh 60 shipping that's something we always worry about is shipping because the heavy items are always a hassle to ship but I mean that's good we gotta find I said every time he comes in here he has something good to say or something like kind of valuable oh they know we want to otherwise probably did flea market so I like I like seeing him anyway but you know finding remotes no oh gotta look for our boat remote can only make the value go like this by alright guys finally all I have in the vin is this red trunk clicking thing don't know what I'm gonna get for this but it's metal it's heavy-duty so hopefully a good amount I'll probably list that locally by the way all this stuff right here is all flea market starting with this table the chairs this thing right here the bird purse the vacuums that's all local as well as the stained glass this goes in the red box this table this is list this right here could pay for the entire unit potentially and I'm pretty sure we might take the record player along with all the records to a music store see if we can get and all the rest I either need to do more research or I'm gonna list on a hundred percent eBay or Poshmark so let's get it into the ending alright guys so that's it for this video I hope you did enjoy it it's a lot of work doing this storage unit stuff so I'm glad that since we do YouTube and the storage units that we have the two people and very grateful for that so he gets there it goes in there and edits and I clean and sort and research I guess we both do research but it's good so I feel bad for you guys I have to do it alone I know it's a lot of work I understand so props to you guys for doing that but without further ado with all that being said I hope you did enjoy this one if you did leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button here and also go over to a treasure hunt even Jebus and hit that subscribe button as well we're good we have merged up on teespring I want you guys if you guys want to support the channel support just wearing a shirt around just to be cool obviously we're a member just cool use coats spooky for 10% off and do that ASAP I think it only lasts like two days so do that ASAP if you want to have this out and thank you in advance if you did or already have laughs more have fun peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Jebus Family
Views: 14,311
Rating: 4.938292 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned antique storage unit, i bought an abandoned house, i bought an abandoned mansion, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned vending machine, storage unit finds, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: PPHNjuU64Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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