Found LOADED JEWELRY BOX In Storage Unit! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Auction Wars

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guys I'm actually really excited we found it looks really good look at this jewelry box and then literally well it looks like a gold necklace is hanging out the bottom well the Treasuries you just got and guess what we're a and I I think 15 storage and if it is loaded from the floor to the ceiling from the lab to the right home legally packed full we split this unit with storage drugs and we spent 480 gloves before taxes about five hundred thirty dollars when it's all said and done so we really hope this unit pays off don't forget to like the video subscribe for new let's get into it [Music] so the reason we really took the gamble on this unit right here that whole dusty looking jewelry rocks which we're hoping is full of you know a couple thousand gold easy but we're gonna make a little dramatic we have to say boo you hear that you're gonna have to wait for this though when we get a little bit further into the video you know you guys we got teased you then we'll put a jewelry box to see if we struck you're rich first we follow the you look at this high-class umbrella I'll do a great job protecting you from the rain look it it's beautiful it'll definitely protect this from I don't know what now we got what is this man a bucket of look at Matt oh that era nothing at this spike yeah it could be used an arrow if you're creative enough but a random box are just metal rods that's not very exciting but this will be we thinks in this bag close no hundred thousand dollars cash oh you see you're just gonna take me out hey you know what's poppin right in the head what we got here a bag back full of money where we go lira something yeah it's too bad there's nothing in it so no fun Lulu look we got white towels that are now yellow that's always good right I always tell everybody the bike storage unit urine does add value yeah all right let's get that out of here I mean let's look at that anymore all right this big boy what is this can you see the front of it uh no there's nothing on that side there yeah grasp anything clean and carry so maybe a shot back of something that looks like it's missing the hose right here let's hope we find that in the unit somewhere hopefully why this melon obviously long all right let's get this box out of here let's see if we got in here super strong duct tape it does not want to rip some random stuff in here first any pots of purse Oh lottery tickets we got a gambler kind of fitting for us buying this unit based off the jewelry box empty empty that's usually how a gambling and unfortunately empty purses and wallets not today though not today we got this thing plumbing some power strip for some reason like these are like always definite sales at the flea market people will buy these no matter how many plugs are in them every time I don't know what they're all playing in all time but they buy them Christmas balls look at the length of this extension cord this is another thing that always sells super easily and then we also got random a random random this is just literal junk random well this got shoes in it so these one stars the guys are commoners ripoffs that's not a good sign I think this time we find her okay when you find Raval she is not a good sign please one star these are vans a lot of cheap shoes nothing else too exciting in this box this is all trash again yeah so that's it for this box what is that X it's Apple it's usually made its crappy but worth money it's max OSS the operating system oh we got nothing else to say in the box so box my seat duct tape I think one of two things one they really care about or two they couldn't find any other case sure let's help attack now shake it meetings in their matches oh yeah you gotta wear this for the rest of the day ah thanks they suggest that's broken it's like a little like this big [Music] beautiful there's a bunch of costumes down here Halloween costume biggie man I think you need some help in here I just look like an angel you know yeah you see that it's not a good sign like you're actually marking flying Mickey Mouse right no.5 yeah flying me to put these on it's like a backpack the way they show you they ever say playing Mickey Mouse yeah it's a half a flowing Mickey Mouse yeah I broke it with the dress no shirt no one I think we've got Halloween and Christmas decorations in this box nothing else too excited let's go move aside all right so we're gonna pull this one out wait you two what do you think we got joy soda from 1987 newspaper for like I don't even know next Civil War I must set this aside Oh cuz you never know that's a that's a security public storage I probably went to their lock that was on there well I don't really want to dick to partying in their beer cans and glass bottles yeah that's just cute that want to say all right let's go into this tub now Oh kevie a spongebob DVD player that's something you don't see every day dangit our collector value yeah maybe DVD players are usually worth nothing but response I want it I bet acid value it's like on there well so who lives in a pineapple under the sea might be there this little bracket to go to curtains and stuff well boy give me hangers mmm give me one one you don't belong here anywhere everyone storage units hey yeah oh my gosh look at this Hey look you killed my brother like that touch your shirt up so watch the shirts no fun I don't even care where they're expensive like I just hate looking at clothes it's just no fun to look at clothes yeah put that back in there maybe the sponge I'll give you play that's the belly other than that all right so we got back here a purse is coming out of it this is in the purse this is the cash - right feels like it's just like a hundred thousand in here - yeah I'd be awesome nothing I don't open a purse um where's the button push no I'm gonna break it Oh God okay yeah it's a penguin I'm happy cannot be happy for you penguin that's mumble what about this one that's the emperor penguin happy feet I never watched it I'm ready now we're out to point out all right the rest of it might be all closed I don't know let's see look they're not every other rocket dogs thought they'd be hugs hopefully no no definitely look at the bottom of this this is next rate like little blocks kids have they put together there anything of any value in here no really all clothes no I mean no let's see what's in this bag over here I found something new he's usually happy with look at even right you hope you have a great day on this whole bag of nose cleaners there you go good people love you it's just you know all the pollen America my nose is so stuffed up it's nothing like finding a good ol fashioned that's figured a gun you know it's even more so impressive this bag is a bunch of dirty clothes but you know we also found this tablet in a let's hope it's an iPad that's worth some money can we get into it how do we get into it oh oh it's got a crack in it it's a Windows tablet though a TV yeah stream seven Intel Inside but it's got a crack on it why do I feel like like literally 95% of all tablets come on a storage unit the cracker feel like they didn't get the right case for they crack it and then they're like it's too expected to throw it away but they can't use it's like that's just stored keep it here because one day we'll get it fixed by this is what happens with it let's hope it doesn't value so I got an interesting looking box here and looks like we got a multiple wallet slash purses inside of it if you at least wanted it'll have some money in them maybe not that one not that one teamwork I can't get it up and there we go it's nothing like brand-new like nothing to them no cuz they're use they're dirty and stuff no money nothing not even a card I don't know what they've been used or what but yeah this block have looked exciting but unfortunately just a budget show so I found another bag that loved here's to be interesting cuz we got another jewelry box here and nothing but there's three drawer just three drawer now we'll shop good things get any worse what is that that is absolutely nothing the bottom door we got something some pins just say Pleasant Hills I helped I'm not gonna say their name get her wheels 1990 okay that might be silver not finding too much in this unit which is kind of scaring me maybe it's all have a bunch of going that one jewelry box Oh guys I'm actually really excited we found something looks really good look at this jewelry box and there's literally what looks like a gold necklace is hanging out the bottom are you ready yeah we look at the top first sure oh there's a lot of stuff in there okay hold on oh this would be great if like we bought it for one jewelry box and another jewelry box ends up delivering like that you ready let's open one door oh snap we got look at oh look at all these necklaces I think we got some money right here let's just switch one shall we take off any of them pick one let's look at this one thinking you see any markings on these Oh No I can't see nothing you wanna see if you could find anything no oh gosh your breath won't worry about this big boy here look at this thick one get up get off get off all right hold on you think that's real gold put this back not lose it stay okay look at that one and this one says it says 14k right there on it it doesn't look the right color does it look at that 14k can you see it your dark could you city polish I think it's dusty it's probably been in there for a long time but it's that's what you carry what you think it's worth right there man that right there that's the natural cycle will be our money back and just what we paid for the unit if we get that all back with one piece that's a good day see what else we got in here look at this one - mmm it's got a little diamond on it look at there like it looks like an ice-cream cone or am I just fat look there we go let's see any markings I don't see anything but I don't know until you're actually able to get it home and magnet tested and acid tested and really look into it we could be sitting on a gold mine or we could be sitting on a bunch of costume jewelry is really unknown at this point magnet we do have a magnet magnet person why since I got magic hands magnet hand back in his neck the head get around look at that by the way look at the beads and stuff when they're think these to be pearls hmm let's make the move I don't think it's gold if it sticks it's not whoa whoa gosh darn it but one good thing up Wow come on stop pinch me one good thing about it is so I got stung no I'm just playing one thing good thing about though is that we could sell costume jewelry like this stuff sells like this is a couple bucks we put all in one big pile so to someone with like a bag of costume for sure so that's one you think it could be silver or white gold even maybe one of them is good with old magnet it's nothing a little bit yeah it's probably not drill whoa oh whoa whoa whoa goody there you go check normal pockets just the one we put back in there yeah this ones are the little ones did we check this one do we owe their stead to one that's to thank mmm come on G miss here we go come on dolphin yeah you wanna just like take a walk put it all in the magnet try this one first I guess oh yeah sticking fake oh sorry now let the laying on the table just testable that's not good I don't think that's good at all well this one ah maybe it's kind of not sticking as much maybe oh yeah it's stuck oh oh yeah but let's go another beautiful piece regardless yeah besides a little bread tie they put on there mm-hmm I think we could be silver right here no wonder that like a wire I don't even know what this it is it looks like a wire it might be silver that's sticking with this hint let's read it you got 9925 yeah silver chain the one I want to guess this fake is the real one all right we have a come off I'm gonna say it's gonna stick oh yeah I think it's gonna stick - mm-hmm yeah but like you did the other side don't forget to check the pocket nothing in there nothing in there anything in a bunch of earrings and pills what is a C centrum what centrum for the moon I mean the silver is boring what you want it to be like something drama oh look at this we both say the same Tyler yeah it's a pretty little earring see any markings on it no but it might be silver that's nice I think that could be going up the big one if it is Oh that'd be nice you got the magnet ready and it didn't stick a 1 oh wow see the work sterling silver on that sterling silver ear wires but there's a lot of little pieces in here that could be good do it I see writing on this one too and it didn't stick I don't know if it's just marking it's not a marking oh whoa come here I'm gonna get you little fella hmm sticking it yeah not having oh I like a look at that what is this to watch and have a new watch look at this that is answer yep I took it right out of my hand just a bunch of fake but still like you said costumes where people do buy it yes they do that might be real gold right there probably the smallest yes maybe you think so bingo bingo bracelet just sticking like it could be the chain on the inside sticking and those could be real you also gotta remember if something's 14 karat gold you still have ten other types of metal in it 14 out of 24 is gonna be gold that's real nice the charm bracelet yeah sure that could be gold either way it goes the lady's gonna like it tomorrow yeah that looks like a Jebus room yeah make Megaman well some new markings in it yeah so I was gonna say some guy let's go Oh what are we happy what is this first of all 24 karat gold gold more makeup mirror just uh magnet in there see it happens let's do it you know you caught about everything except these that looks like silver what do you think that's oh yeah that's silver it's a nice piece of silver to to let that ugly well that ugly but snug that's nice set that aside like to real thing it's the silver to are here oh no stick we have nine to five all right racking up the silver no gold band is it it's abandoned right now what are these little earrings are they're pretty nice too earrings they might be real world could be vintage earrings well anything else oh yeah George is loaded you wanna just drop the baguette well he grabbed everything you know what I'm gonna say it those are gold Jebus well we got some gold we have some gold not bad either two little pieces what about the earrings any stick no stick we just might they don't have no stamping but our gold guy will be looking at this oh yeah when we go to the flea market we're gonna give them the whole jewelry box [Music] that's cool yeah I'm pretty sure that's cool two tones using when there's two tones there's gold on it this is that'd be nice it's that was cool yeah put it to the side just in case we're gonna show it all to him regardless but still look at him and this is silver is it this is silver I said it myself okay you want a magnet test this thingy it didn't stick that would be nice oh well genuine something then you know what cause the name those are good that's good someone tell me that that's a good thing all right I'm gonna be honest I've never heard it look so no it's not there what last one just a couple bracelets okay that's obviously not gonna be mad that's real pretty though it is so this one how do you guys do it if I'd ran behind it that's it let the camera focus the taking sure you want one of this tv7 well here we have this four easy payments of $49.99 so at our I'm a professional first look with a magnet looks like we got a couple pieces impossible right here for gold couple pieces that are silver but once we take it all the flea market we have a guy that's professionally at this will test it all and you be able to see the flea market video how much we get back for it all right so we got for this part of the video so we actually have another video for this unit coming out tomorrow too and guess what it gets even better and better and don't forget we split the universe storage stalker so if you want to see even more of the unit go over to his channel I think he's got two videos coming out for this unit too and well it just had a lot and a lot of stuffing in well I don't I don't want to spoil any surprises so you didn't have to wait to see their second video or head over to his channel check up some more and you'll just see how much he delivered so if you did enjoyed this video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs over to free now and I already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time maybe do want to falls on our social media links you're gonna be on screen cook links down the description below and make sure you falls on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 48,698
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction
Id: rklvap83910
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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