I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit FULL of STEAMPUNK ARTWORK!

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we are here and we're about to see what's gonna happen here I'm excited what's going on everybody this is Jason thrift trailer today is February 12 2009 teen and a few days ago I put in a proxy bid on a storage unit online and today marks the day that that storage unit auction ends and my bid was my proxy bid was $600 it was at two hundred and thirty when I placed the bid and since it's been a bid up all the way to four hundred and sixty dollars we've got 43 minutes left I'm gonna turn the camera around and let you guys take a look at this this is pretty cool hang on okay so here we are we're at storage treasures dot-com and this is the this is the unit that I'm interested in buying we've got 43 minutes to go guys and right now the bid is at 460 dollars so the minimum bid is 470 I am currently the high bidder and this is what the unit looks like tons of boxes tons and tons and tons of boxes all the way it's a 10 by 20 I see artwork down here okay that right there this little that little box there that box is a Funko pop box and not that that matters dating when look at this Spartan head guy nobody can seem right there but this thing is plumb full to the gills with boxes guys it's pretty amazing I'm really hoping to get this thing but we will find out very soon well guys I've got to say we just won the storage unit for $460 that proxy bid kept people from bidding at the end and it's amazing I think I think we've got a steal here but well we'll have to dig into it here in a little bit see what the heck we found it but take a look at this here it is guys here it is wham-bam $460 on the high bidder it's a 10 by 20 so 200 square foot like I said loads of boxes here let me see if I can get that a little bit closer for y'all look at that if you can look at how at that it's just plumb full and I think I think we're in for a treat that Spartan head is officially mine so let's uh let's load up and go take a look at it we are here and we're about to see what's gonna happen here I'm excited oh man holy cow look at this guys look at this it's friggin awesome this is awesome y'all we're about to do it to it and maybe we'll find something of value what do you got here pops what's in there go clunk that's old clock parts yep Oh oh that could be a good sign that could be a good sign look at all of this holy crap holy oh me oh my oh my yeah awesome thanks thanks Matt all right pop off I guess we're gonna do this thing all right just hold it and try to stay focused on me we're gonna we're gonna go through this unit a little bit and see what we got here this box [Applause] looks like nuts bags and some shoes here shoes and bags shoes them bag people shoes and bags this is brand new with tags recollections never been used I think there's anything in it what is it all right this is Michaels new stuff here okay so there's new tags yes what is this look at this y'all what says a pewter tone old tank tankard where US Patent made in Hong Kong oh that's a Snoopy Whitman's candles that's great look at that that's crazy gosh decanter second it's a little uh what do you call it nicely captured oh I stick a nerd there it is Wow that's that's pretty cool I would give you new for that day oh that's cool buddy no just trance find no money there that's wild [Applause] I don't have a clue what this is all right okay the fourth week we got a check this guy we got he's been staring at me this whole time [Applause] wow wow wow why why why well this is metal this is metal guys there's no markings on the bottom I don't see any markings anywhere this is wild I don't even have a clue this thing probably weighs to get 25 pounds maybe you thirty Wow I don't even know guys if if you guys have any idea what any of this stuff is please leave a comment down below timestamp the video so that I get the memo and this is this is pretty amazing right here this is this is metal it does weigh around probably like I said around 30 pounds I think I think we're doing pretty good so far I'm pretty excited you know what let's go Hey so I saw this I saw this when when I was looking at the unit and I assumed that it would probably be empty but I looked this up I think it was 50 or 60 dollars on Amazon this very piece and there's something in here and there it is brand-new in package brand spanking new founder 2015 Captain America collector Corps that is pretty awesome I'm surprised I'm surprised it's in there that this right here is 50 60 bucks this alone at the rate you're going about middle of next week will be halfway through okay we got a DUI beanie baby classic I can't imagine these being worth much this is a Foggs I'm getting I'm getting the feeling we have a collector of sorts on our hands here guys what is this you got an alien and it's pretty obvious I cared about this stuff you know here it is what brand new with tags says Namco 1997 guys 1997 still with the tags have no idea what he is let's see so the Martian it exported made by Namco na NC oh pretty wild guys 1997 looks brand-new okay this is family photos I can't show this this is a Ouija board William Fuld the mystifying Oracle made in the USA Oh what year wow that's old but the box is yeah the box is old I was looking for a year here Baltimore Maryland is where this was made Wow guys this is amazing this is amazing all right I gotta set that this is it this is amazing I'm already like wow this is a signed print or maybe you know I think it's signed it looks sign it's definitely number nine 32 mm I have no idea whoo here we go Nene Thomas illustrations any-any this is from 1611 North Classen Boulevard in Oklahoma City Nene Thomas says here devotion $20 but it is a it's a numbered and signed print so this is something I need to look into and here's just a little wooden engravement here's one from Karen Hollingsworth fantasy and children's illustration and it is also signed and numbered one out of 250 well like already tell I can already tell the QR rent you are hopefully addicted to this stuff hopelessly addictive I guess I should say especially if we score like this all the time it can't be bad at all this is signed I have no idea this is an original it looks like it could it looks like an original it could be a print either way it is signed I love her and it says Elaine be Eska Arts and illustrations so that's pretty nice what are you what do you think so far guys we haven't even I'm still standing in the entryway I haven't made it one foot into this place steaming up the future this is very very no idea I have no idea Oklahoma City's premier steampunk event so 2012 2012 2012 ok 5 May 7th 2012 yeah so steampunk we could look into the near future of this storage unit here here's the same thing here's another print same person is the last one Alain visca I believe that this is a print it does look signed it's not numbered that's really cool-looking yes it is like the world [Laughter] February 29th to March 2nd 1980 and it looks to me like a UFO is taking off with the doghouse date the doghouse that ain't the doghouse that's the outhouse oh that's the out boaters britches that's hilarious guys dude I don't even know ok 17 it says copyright setting on Henry ok this right here is copyright 79 this was put on there afterwards I believe it looks like that is very interesting Wow this is this is crazy you didn't take care of that stuff and to think that I'm the proud owner of all of this now this is crazy Cheers here's another looks like okay this one says dragon Canyon it's it's written with with all of you can get pretty close to that says Dragon Canyon it's written with pencil and there is a signature there Sara Clements dragon Canyon that is just magnificent why would somebody like this I do not understand this is a lot of artwork more than I ever anticipated celebrate the magic and wonder of Disney with Cruise Line and this is just a great big Disney pin and here's another pin here and it's on it sits so that you can frame this that's a that's pretty amazing remarkable I don't have a clue what any of this stuff is worth there's this stuff is usually pretty collectible the older it is the better okay again another original art piece this is signed and the 15 of 75 it's numbered and signed lady culprit is what it says looks like a something like a Disney character honestly but that's this is something I'm gonna have to do some research on guys yes this is Mary Hansen Roberts 1607 Queen okay Orlando Florida here's another dated April 25th 1985 Mary Hansen Hansen Roberts it's just a picture of dragon here so again another original piece here now this one I believe was probably purchased here at the Oklahoma City Art Show says 15 inch or 5 450 this is just a print I don't see a name on it anywhere this is this is an original well I say it's original it's a print if they're numbered it's a print correct yeah okay this is a 16 of 250 by Randall or Spangler it's called watch dragon that's pretty amazing there's more back up I think actually it's all together okay there's those here's another one similar to the one we just saw we have bucks guys this says number 632 lone wolf stained-glass wolf is what it says on the front on right now angel wings a fanciful art gift shop okay let's see this thing wow that's pretty amazing that's really cool-looking Wow I just feel like I for some reason I feel like I just hit the lottery here's another print numbered number 4 of 195 the Unicorn tree is what it's called and I have no idea what that name is I have no idea but that's that's pretty amazing okay it's just never-ending guys it's never-ending this might be this is probably okay yeah this is a I can't show it to you but it's a certificate certificate this person was a certified internal auditor and it came from the Institute of internal auditors so this person obviously was an auditor yeah Wow November 1991 so that gives you an idea of how the age of this person see if they were in college they graduated college 91 then that would be to probably what 23 24 years old and 91 so 2001-2011 44 where we're going it probably around 50 years old 50 between 50 55 this I would have seen this pewter it's made in England guys it's made in England and it has a stamp wa6 three four five what do you think pop off you think that's pewter a dollop is pewter because pewter is a soft material okay I don't know what that would be but you could research it from those numbers I believe I don't think that I don't think though that silver would have this kind of tarnis to you that's confident okay so it might be silver plating the plate yeah good eye good eye so this is copper well I know that this had here silver plate this out here but it's probably all silver plate that's that's not that's not throwaway stuff but it's made in England so [ __ ] garage sale stuff Wow all right so there's that and here's a much larger piece right here oh wow and that's the old stuff that this is uh let me see if I can find a stamp somewhere this silver on copper there's the answer right there it says silver on copper so it's silver plate on copper I'm not seeing any other stamps discerning where this was made but that's up that's a quite a sizable dinner tray I would assume is what this is it takes a research oh yeah don't don't polish it oh no no do they think to it okay that's why [Applause] here's a brand-new never used static duster say that mantis design copyright 1993 so this right here is it's a noted Roman what it is so no idea what this is I mean it's a course it's a poster it's a poster but it's from 93 and what's strange about it is it's got you know it's got emojis all over it so huh that's interesting what about your basket the basket to label I'm not I'm not seeing the label off the top just from what I'm looking at yeah I don't know we're here here it is natural storage solutions is 40 $40 is so there's this basket again you know it's brand new with tags but it's not anything special I get 20 bucks out of it baby let's go let's come right here and see what we got here this looks like quick print this is just whatever yeah it's just little invitations I think so we'll we'll set that off to the side here guys I did not bring what I didn't bring a knife wait yeah I did you're lucky you got here yourself side of this you bit about this Oh still just as excited every single box is like Christmas just close to try [Applause] [Applause] clothes here wow what is this this list that's shook silk what that is what is this what's the brand here is it man that's pretty wild-looking I think the lady of the house my bit oriental from the looks of things maybe and this doesn't look to be this is silk thank some type of dress this is all handmade I'm not seeing any any kind of tags here guys look at this and that's linen I think the way it looks look at this guy's let's get in here look look at this see the detail this stuff right here this could be some of it could be some dollars now you're not folding those clothes back up are you what 6 to be the problem here won't have to go through this later on okay guys this is clothing so I'm gonna take their word for it my clothing but see how meticulously they pack this stuff look at it yeah there's a bunch of clothing here a lot of clothing here says wolves but it's been marked out now it said clothes likely clothes but the clothing here you see that they took the time to put the clothes in a bag in the bag in a box what they to tie Halloween party official racquetball rules cadet autobiography Army ROTC so she was a cadet in the army [Applause] Wow well could be he could a bit heat she well it says a net oh it could have had a at night yeah this is I mean this is a lot of paperwork but I'm just gonna have to go through guys there's no telling what you're gonna find in here every single every single i'ma have to go through every single paper there's no telling what I'm gonna find in here there's a lot of photographs postcards these are postcards look at that postcard from what year I don't know the photograph was from 1944 I had no idea some postcards can be worth some money this thing's plumb full of postcards here Wow looks like she was also a rider so yeah there's I don't even know I don't know where to begin I don't know where to begin it's an empty file box here's a big deal [Applause] okay we got clothing and shoes in here and belts so you know it's one of those things that this is one of those things we'll have to go through later on you know there's dragons on that we'll have to go through this at a later time guys we can't go through it here we got to move this stuff out we only have 48 hours you can look right here and tell what I haven't how far I've gotten not very far all right let's take a gander here oh I see the wallet here's a wallet guys there's no money in there that I see that's personal property partial stuffins DragonCon 2007 that's interesting this person was definitely there's a social can't let you see that this is definitely pretty wild so far right this paperwork but here's Alamo belt buckle San Antonio Texas serial numbers 210 a little belt buckle that's cool just in a file here Wow don't have a clue with this piece it's a lot of handwritten papers here baby personal stuff this you know what this may be it could be letters from war or for being in the military you know it's possible some personal personal photographs in here guys seven hole punch still there's just a lot of paperwork in here we're going to go through this a little what's in this [Applause] I have no earthly idea but it has a tag on it says twenty nine fifty each I don't have a clue what that is don't have a clue what [Applause] [Applause] yes no runes the Viking executive decision maker is inscribed with this is the the rune of holes wholeness yes on one side and the rune of standstill no on the other what are the worlds that bake these people were into dragons as steampunk other like what is oriental it's just what I think I think she probably was already actor it's quite possible we've got a look at this though now here's here it is have no idea it looks like a tooth that's oriental stuff Wow zip it up there's a Disney copyright Disney for the dragon and I can't remember her name this is amazing there's all sorts of stuff in here guys everywhere you look this wrapping paper something very intriguing all right on to the next thing [Applause] this looks like copper copper not to be used as a measure okay Huffman tools Dayton Ohio us this is a oil canister that's pretty cool then this guy I don't know what's a QT liquid I guess so that's pretty weak this is tin I think this is copper yeah they're fixed to get your skirt blow it up again when you start bailing it looking in there here yep cuz I think there's a lot of fake there's a lot of a lot more of what you would get down a while ago now that's that's about as painted that somewhat this is handmade crossed it and it wasn't completed that's right I can tell it's cross stitch there's the needle and thread right there not man that would have been really cool this was supposed to be a wizard yeah cross stitching completed cross stitch stuff can go for some good money from what I understand and that's that would've been really more I'll see if she waited she was working out that had to put it up what happened to these folks that's tapestry what to call tapestry it's a head bag it's a handbag tapestry and see here's another cross stitch that they were working on see ya we didn't get very far with it to work Jessie but like that see I like to finish those she likes to do that sort of stuff put in this pillowcase here yep and I think this was supposed to be oh wow they were really good at it though I don't think out too bad it'll never be finished life happens life happens you know here's the thing at least I'm buying it and it's not going in the trash you know this person's belongings are gonna go to someone who wants them and that's just that's far better off than it going through the dump I can tell you that right now so here we've got I have yeah I see that okay this is pretty neat-looking I'm not entirely sure what this is from this paper I'm not sure they had something going on here not terribly sure what that is what is this okay okay this looks like it's probably a completed cross stitch here Wow look at this guy's tell you that it's hard to see but there is a that pleaded that stitch is there is a famous painting by somebody old old painting this has a title there's an old painting out of the world of this this is from that old painting that's uh Wow I don't know I don't know the name of the patty but I have seen it what it was up here on art display what time stuff I don't even know how old this stuff is so I gotta be as careful as possible here's here's a few others but God went away in 1989 1939 1989 Gone with the Wind that's pretty cool that looks like just paper and then this says if ever I cease to love New Orleans so this is a picture of a Mardi Gras New Orleans yeah that's pretty cool what there's a roach there the otters have got roaches yes that's their state blood that's our state bug this looks like a frog maybe Jiminy Cricket don't know it's hard to see oh what's hit what's that dude's name I cannot remember his name I've seen him many places but there's that so the other side with the top hat well that's about the backside of me that's wild guys that's wild wow wow wow wow wow so yeah a whole lot of cross-stitch stuff here did I get some place up keep putting my flavor from the lens I'm not intended to about I thought you just had on these cameras myths and legends the Egyptian collection it's just a box but each piece is uniquely hand-painted by W you looks like Fox's class this is looks like your last okay we've got glass panes in here these are just glass panes but cata gives me a clue that there might be a much more picture frames here so for that this says the main gallery 37:20 West Robinson Norman Oklahoma the Pyramids of Giza Egypt that's uh that's pretty cool that's that's pretty cool [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay so this one is written down here says Twilight arrival that's some steampunk stuff right there man says Frank's unlimited I think this might just be the where they got it framed but I don't see any I don't see any writing other than that but that's not to say it's not on the print itself it would be out there because that's part it was actually afraid what they bought it okay arrival yeah okay here it is Randall there it is right there it says Randall Spangler 1-80 yeah swagger was also some of the other ones you looked at yeah that's pretty amazing right here this is interesting Wow okay there's a frame brand-new never used here's another frame brand-new never used this says david roberts grand portico fillet i guess if that's how you say it 1838 this is a print obviously a little over a little bit this would be the line there you go is that it's a just a print here looks a ytube baby yeah it's reflecting in the side you can see this is a pretty nice frame actually I have no idea what we have here I don't see any markings or anything nothing on the back from what I can see so they liked that's something quite intriguing that's a really nice frame try to decide if it's an old frame or not my attitude is fine it's the world that sucks unused frame there's another unused frame this is the Egyptian state railways that is pretty wild Zaki Cairo 58 at centre 38 of course it's just a print but pretty intriguing nonetheless okay this says okay just hit decline there this I think is a authentic piece here it's not numbered says Benjamin chichi 75 here okay looks like it's a swan a swan right here it says dancing goose benjamin chi chi's so I think that this I don't think I bet that right there is the authentication paper in it defy it look at this guy's okay it's a print Wow this I'll have to look into that that's crazy this is crazy you need to put that stuff that keep it funky bit up though yeah it's already pretty good app that's pretty interesting that's pretty [Applause] alright guys guys it just just keeps coming it just keeps coming yeah hit me yelling out loud stuff get stolen for it's on its turb the neighbors all right well it's a fuzzy poster yay here's another huge fuzzy poster big fuzzy poster of what what is a fuzzy poster [Applause] oh wow this is heart I think this was [ __ ] yeah this is okay this is a hand-drawn sketching tell this is so you must have been doing some Hovick some hold MA well they're just you know I think this was their their personal stuff here their personal artwork so I'll have to look into this there's a whole bunch of stuff in here we just don't simply don't have time to go through it here but so there's that there's another frame that hasn't been used and another frame has been used wow this just looks like a cork board okay once here man more [Applause] [Music] this is okay this has got to be an original I think I don't know it's on that kind of it looks like rice paper - okay that up to about you up to tobacco they're protected back but that's what we've got there I guess now we're gonna go through this box here we got this is just paperwork take a look here mister board backing more paperwork this says female dragon number six of 200 del Harris illustration and design from Muskogee Oklahoma dill Harris 1981 six of 200 that's pretty cool here's another del Harris this says male dragon six of 200 and it hasn't it seen better days but it's still here well there's the piece do it not there I love her Wow that is I even know 85 pale wood costumes and accessories Gulfport Mississippi this says Erickson 43 of a hundred storm singer that's pretty cool but guys I'm not gonna go through all of these here but we've got this whole thing is plumb full of prints I mean entirely full of friends that's crazy I don't understand what's going on right now this is far too much for my pictures by Philippe Mikado this is Wow Philippe Mikado Rio Grande or Rio Grande it's made with different machined parts here that's pretty clock parts clock parts Clark parts my grandfather says which is what you have a collection of clock parts you down there that's pretty wild that's this is pretty cool Wow okay there's just way too much for us to go through all of this here I don't know there's so much so much here so much okay so here's this box even more artwork so far we've we've had just a bunch of artwork all right let's see what's in the suitcase I'm intrigued we'll bring it out here okay says pawn gray jewelers guys those could be these could well I don't know if they're real I don't think they're real Casey held it up real they're not real man I was getting excited to go second I thought I found a pearl necklace it's pretty intriguing though to say the least that was in this little bag here nothing in here no let's get into the guts of it alright y'all are gonna see before me anything clothing lots of clothing yeah there's a bunch of clothing here nothing too exciting there but yes we got a long ways to go this is pretty phenomenal let's get back over here see if there's anything on here nothing in there there's something in here Office Depot this just looks to be just laminating pouches nothing in there but here we have plate 83 view of Toledo and then Joanie crass Nance key just a print watercolor watercolor this might actually be an original I don't know for certain but it looks to be soaked on the back I can't tell Oh pull okay style bye so this is the person that framed it I I don't know much about art work guys I can't tell if this is original or not but who knows who knows I don't even know who it's by I mean I got a I even have to look in between cardboard because you there's been things in every spot imaginable pouch especially for that wow-whee their artwork data plastic cross stitch again another cross stitch looks like they were still working on it possibly could be Jeff puzzle caddy it's a puzzle caddy what's that I guess it's you can just put your puzzle in there turn it up I'm trying not to there's a puzzle in there yeah okay Jess you're like this wow that's pretty wild that's crazy I don't have a clue what that is it's something some kind of tray all right guys right here made in Hong Kong it's a little oiler I guess it's a Platt sprayer water sprayer for plants what is that not crazy Subaru barked I don't see a mark somebody wrote in sharpie $12.99 up here at some point but that's full of collectibles that's great I think that this is I think it's with stirrers looped Methuselah it's got the snake head yep that's pretty that's pretty you guys we've got brand new in the box Hallmark ornaments keepsakes Larry miniatures this is Mickey and company brand new in the box that's Pluto hallmark keepsake Lerman brand new in the box yeah that's in it brand new in the box here's a keepsake ornament Charlie Brown brand new in the box coca-cola cool Santa brand new in the box and then you got this guy Snoopy so bring new stuff guys oh my gosh what is going on right now this is insane Noma collectables rats I have no idea Christmas yeah Christmas stuff let's start here this is made in Taiwan it's not what we thought it's a it's a dragon it's broken yeah the other the other piece is in here but this was a dragon that's cool I could probably put back together ease it up this is a says Teleflora here's a this is coca-cola it's a holiday tan from 2013 we got a Disney pin here Wow Disney pin trading now I've heard that Disney pins can be worth some money some of them and this is that dragon with the witch I can't remember her name for the life mate these are just some I have no idea what those are resting random stuff a lot of pins here's coca-cola pins this is USA Olympics proud partner pan and coca-cola not quite sure what that is looks like sand and shells there's some money there some quarters starting to make my money back already in quarters so there's that just doused clocks these are clock dials some of them are wooden those are kind of old they to collect a cup of cuckoo clocks yeah here's cherub charmers it's a counted cross stitch design now here's here's the cool thing I know that some of these cross stitch design like patterns and kits can be worth some money it's really just a lot of a lot of stuff for crafting okay so that's a lot of craft stuff says 2005 20th anniversary I don't have any idea have some pennies in there no clue here's an oriental fan careful with it there it is it looks to be pretty authentic you asked me up ok don't have a clue what's in here oh man oh man it says monkey that's all it says it's made of wood looks I'm kind of a big I don't know I have no idea but it says serpent snake it was part of chess set guys if anybody has any answers to these questions I've got a million questions a million questions I don't know what I ran across this isn't this is insane look at this huh rooster look its head probably had a car but whoever truck yeah I don't have a clue hit a raptor backup key for that box and we got a whole box pin I don't I don't have I've never seen anything like it in my life okay then this looks like just a lot a lot of crafting stuff here's another oriental fan those are some pretty intricate paintbrushes this - first of it looks like crafting supplies so he knows careful with it let's plan to run out of that box a lot of research to do what are you gonna do with all this stuff I'll try to sell most of it that's the point in time we have to be out of here before dark [Music] but we're ready we're gonna take a look at the kool-aid guy so what's up we're gonna take a look at this thing kool-aid drink set guys you see if there's a year on this I don't see a year of course there's bar codes so we know it's not like ancient but if I was to guess this is probably 90s all right so let's look here how's that looking good but guys brand-new never touched wow talk about awesome Osage worth anything I would have I would bet that they are I would bet I think that when I when I look this thing up it's a little faded the box is a little faded on this in the top end when I look this thing up I think it was going for like around $40 used you looked it up where'd you look it up oh you saw I saw it so okay yeah so alright now we're gonna go right here says och to octopod icon and it looks like these are free register sheets you know these are registration forms from from a looks like they put on old-fashioned shortbread cookies oh boy but when it says antique we're getting into things as if we haven't yet it says carriage Lantern antique carriage let's see that's what's it there it may be a boxing toilet paper who does or they wrapped it up good sharpening guys this real that Wow good take that out take this out put that other side that back it you're terrific really Wow what's in here guys we might actually have an empty box here turn it over there you go Oh empty [Music] empty keys it there oh it was it's typed up to the inside right there right all right let's see this says hardware let's see what this is all about it's a pretty heavy box oh yeah that's a lot of hardware huh oh it's just a whole bunch of bolts not nuts who knows this is more hardware and it's heavy enough I'm gonna just trust that it is what is this these oh boy art catchers artistry in glass Wow I think that's just a brooch yeah some kind of looks of that hole there looks like bobby books whole bunch of different this is all different beads and thread tons of different little beads thread and got [Music] twisted Oaks design okay so you can make these this is the design for this and then it says kc8 the bat that's interesting designs these are all design patterns linen thread here's a this is a some more of the cross stitch designs DragonCon that's a a book DragonCon from 2008 Wow and then just a whole bunch of other cross stitch stuff here it looks like paperwork and tons of books about beading some of these could very well be worth some money to classical elegance Wow this person obviously took care of everything that they owned I mean it's all meticulously put in this box it's all meticulously it all has its place this is amazing imagine what happens to the people that wouldn't walk to retrieve this something bad obviously happened to it's hard it's it's sad to say that that could very well quite be a possibility here's a banker's box plumb full of books and these are Anne McCaffrey dragons dawn here's another dragon book get a furry she's research ever what are they well a lot of these books they look like okay some of them like stuff like this might actually have some value but the romance novels no but every single one of these will be looked over a bunch of books this case why not is it empty it's not super heavy but it's not empty this eco this nothing in there for the big time let's see stuff okay so I thought all along we had a collector unit and look at all of these old I don't know how old they are this is a 2000 there's t y beanie babies from from mcdonalds guys but we got all sorts of mcdonald's toys in here this is Mulan everything again there's a tea wine rack - I Bronte beanie babies a McDonald's please that's that's what that's where we're at there's slow that stuff is work but believe it or not yes some of it is but a lot of it is not airing the beer you did to research it I mean some of it possibly but blot it up blot it up I got a suitcase full of stuff sale a suitcase full of beanie babies we're gonna we're gonna reveal this now alright so lookee here lucky lucky some dressers some tables it looks like once we do you move gonna do this box a lot as well let's do this box cheap good enough they're full of books it's hard to say oh my goodness what do we have here what is this these are comics people these are comics comics comics these are they all comic books comics CLF quest that's 1983 oh my gosh all of these are comics these are thicker comic books in win' rifts world book 3 palladium books presents Wow see what's in there open it up please this is very this is steampunk at its finest this crazy alright thing about that a lot of people collect with colleague books see what's in this one comics Wow comics / right yeah some of these some of these are about to be good was there in a plastic yeah these are comics - what comics these are oh yeah yeah they're so afraid to touch them Susie comics what do you go to it's all they've got the rest of your life to do that seat right here what's here comics Oh more comics guys more comics this is crazy crazy what's in here these are not comics what is this okay guys that's a genuine crystal and silver plate pedestal ball there's so much stuff in here guys there's so much stuff for belt buckles I just run across a bag of belt buckles it's like there's no rhyme or reason to anything there's a dragon belt buckle here this looks like a booty call is that Domino's is that how they keep score on Domino's that it's a oriental calculator look there's a spider feed there's a there's a wooden box in here guys I can't go through over this here I just can't I want to so bad that I can this is stuff that we'll go through together at the house well guys that's all that we got from the storage unit today we'll be back tomorrow for more I'm pretty excited to see what else is in there we just barely skimmed the surface of this storage unit and I'm just astounded at what we've found you know again if you guys have any idea of any of the things that I showed you today timestamp your comment and let me know what this the stuff is or what it could possibly be worth it helps me out tremendously and you know if you guys liked this content there's going to be plenty more videos just like this to come very very soon like comment subscribe and until next time guys keep on picking that trash making that cache you guys have a good night models popping bottles [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 109,893
Rating: 4.7361026 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit Finds, Storage Wars, Storage Auction, Bought, Spent, Artwork, Steampunk, Dragons, Storage Locker, Auction Bid, Storage Unit Auctions, Treasure, Auction Hunters, Unboxing, Found This, Unclaimed Storage Unit, Unclaimed, Vintage Storage Unit, Haul Video, Real Storage Auction, Auction Hauls, Storage Facility Auction, Won A Storage Unit Auction, Buy, Sell, Antiques, Treasures, Treasure Picking, Thrift Trader, collector, magic, mtg, comic books
Id: C4iFlF3MwuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 47sec (5447 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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