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oh yeah we got some coins in here whoa whoa hold on what do we got here welcome back to our insane 360 dollar storage unit so far every box we pulled out has been money if you haven't seen part one make sure you check that out first because you missed epicness but for now let's get back in there last time we were here we made like 30 minutes of content and this is all we did this little bit of damage like maybe eight boxes but every single box is collectibles and we probably have 50 more so let's keep on going let's see what else we could find oh wow this is really heavy this is where they keep all their gold bars right yeah please no i see personal pictures hold on a second this one right here it's got some books in it what broken glass really old looking book look at this the best of something people let's see what it is oh wow it's really old let's see if we can find a date on this where 1936. that's a really old book all right let's set that out i'm in our book there's a group on facebook for everything by the way like sports memorabilia old books everything use them to your advantage just people who love this stuff and they'll tell you all you need to know about stuff like this what is that an episode of sparrows from 1955 and they put it in a sleeve which is kind of cool i'm not taking it out so both from 55. let me get this broken glass out of the way or try to it's broke everywhere i don't feel like getting cut today over here please thank you a little religious thingy we have some old time magazines here or at least one which is will they believe him oj oh is it yeah the oj time magazine huh that's kind of cool we got some vintage cookbooks in here i always get told these are money so any crackers oh it's even a betty crocker yeah that's kind of cool from the year i'm not seeing it let me open it up and check because i'm curious too whoa look at this just to be on the front 1978. i don't know in the back is that betty on the back looks like it hey buddy what else do we got in here these photo albums it says our family tree no this is the kind of stuff we give back this is i don't know what that was like a poem book our baby here i'm pretty sure it's gonna be photo albums uh more paperwork what is this here i don't wanna see what this is because it says bank on it we like banks what's this this is all their cash right the trust the trust fund oh i don't know for a fun baby i always hear that term yeah i don't really know what it exactly means i always hear they call it rich people you trust fund baby trust fund this i wish i knew what that was uh and now he's got more paperwork and books in here so could be vintage cookbook money though for sure next box says nutcrackers and they have done very well for us in the past so let's see if there's some nice looking ones in here or if they're like newer oh i see charlie brown already it's gonna be good they collect everything good let's see so first things first that's who that is right yeah it's from 2016 though so it's not old unfortunately 10 bucks at walgreens it's still cool still cool i'm keeping that and going from 10 bucks to 100 really quick dib all right give it to my mom there's another guy it's a police one all right you know how fast you're going um sir you pulled me over you tell me no i'm not gonna say that that's how you guarantee yourself a ticket frosty oh frosty one at least they look nice yeah they do it i will say uh one thing i love about this unit so far is everything is very well kept look at that what's in there oh it's probably old i gotta say that does smell good smell that guys smells like christmas candy all right let's see what other kind of nutcrackers we got conor mcgregor one look at that little leprechaun who's gonna ufc fans who's gonna win i don't know when this video is gonna come out it might already been out but connor very i'm excited look at this guy he talk tip yes he does he's got an axe all right he's got an older price tag on him so it's gonna be a mix of old and new in here i'll take out like one more and see what he looks like last guy the fat one the chubby one this one's mine no i don't really want it all right you got any beef sticks that's what i have a taste for when i leave here so tire box and nutcrackers again could be money guys next box off the top i was heavier than i thought it was gonna be i thought i was gonna watch oh let's see what kind of nose we got they have any gliders they really you know right any spirit trees oh okay guys if you don't play runescape i'm so sorry for my dorkiness but i'm never gonna change deal with it like me for who i am all i see is newspaper i call shenanigans everything's been so nicely wrapped he teleported um oh here we go whoa they're all the same kind 1985. this could be a very valuable collection really well it could be i can't wait to take them all out and set them all together i know it looks like it's carved out of wood doesn't it yeah i don't know it feels like water clay maybe i would say clay this is how the signature looks like it looks like pieces it does they have a lot of packing they took very good care of their stuff i really like to know the back story how they lost it because everything looks high-end and well taken care of look at that got a little honeycomb thing in there put them over here that's come here let's pull this out first feels like it's flat it feels like look at this guy he's chilling same thing again what's his name on here i can't tell ah what's the look at them when we get home imagine we're looking up and they're like thirty forty dollars a piece we have like what fifty in the first part yeah this is a big boy here look at that that's so cool it really is like a coin in here that feels like a legit metal coin they put in there that's weird man they're cool at the same time i'll pull out a couple more just so you guys can get a look at them we'll go ahead and pack them up and move on to the next one look at this guy reunion bound you see that all right one more gnome because i think they're interesting to look at let's see and big boy look at that you got like a pipe or a barrel barrel that's so cool so we have four to these things let's hope somebody in the comments recognizes them if you do let us know i got the next box which was also super heavy oh this one hasn't even no labeled one doesn't it it's a mystery box i see paper and i think it's dishwashing but maybe it's the english brand again oh like this churchill england yep these could be money again let me just take a couple out and we'll see that's what they all are so just gonna pack it back up so we probably have a whole another set boom there it is again church hill england right on the back that's pretty cool we know we got a whole set let's box it back up the box i thought would be the heaviest is actually significantly lighter this one says books maybe it's only a few older ones but they kept very nicely maybe they used this protector again ah it's got my fingers bit me all right whoa so we're seeing some rain oh yeah we got some coins in here let's pour that on his box right here let's pour this baggy up what we got here um clippers what's that a range servant like a range token maybe um i'm seeing just regular chains they're not even like silver or nothing are they 94. i don't know what that is a lighter motorcycle lighter uh where's the flight car right there no but this is just regular tokens these range servant tokens maybe are something interesting other than that it's literally just a bunch of regular change nothing special that i'm seeing 94 coins a year i was born i guess there's that but change now let's see what else is in here we got this nothing in a white hot rx it looks like a hockey puck thing or something i don't know uh this weird rubber looks like a waistband what is this some glasses i see a watch maybe oh i watched peace and then we got a sand wood watch in there oh look what's in here first oh it's a little screwdriver kit let me see what kind of phone this is gonna get it out of this otterbox no i don't know what it is right now but a phone what's this oh chicago fire department pretty cool this is interesting another watch it looks like what's in here more tools oh look is that a knife oh yeah a shutter now i got one to open the boxes cobalt box cutter i'm keeping this in my pocket right now no i'm holding my pocket uh socks socks that the box has books and it's like everything possible but butt books watch more socks uh screwdriver thing just a bunch of randomness next box here it also says books but the other one had no books to be found but look what we have now so this will be a little easier now let's cut it open all right jeans all right weird looking books how do you read this where's the words i don't know what they're lea jeans so poshmark definitely is it all jeans all the way through oh my goodness let me get all the jeans out and see if there's anything else under it it looks like it might be yeah it's jeans and a couple shirts so jeans are running on poshmark though but we don't want to look at clothes this one also says books and i can tell you by feeling it this one feels like this so let me cut it open really quick see if that's what it is i'm pretty sure it is i'm gonna make sure we don't see nothing vintage though put this right here like these books without sleeves i never know they're just missing the cover or if they're actually older ransom where's the dude yet danielle still he thinks a good author though that's good i mean march 2004 so it's not really that old nora roberts all right let's see i'm just going to kind of move things around see if i see anything look old like this danielle steel power play the pages are kind of yellowing so i don't know if it's just smokers or 2014 it's not even old so this is just yeah a lot of modern books so we'll let's do it another time got the next box this one doesn't feel as heavy as the last one so i don't think it's going to be busted check slice it right across close enough down the middle knife yeah it looks like books more books but what is this down here and a bear you know what we're gonna do with books most likely we'll make it we'll look them up make sure there's nothing like super rare in here but if you have a second and charles in your area drop them off you get store credit i buy weird stuff in them all the time it's free money so i'm not mad at books so before we put that box away we went in there and pulled out a few that were in sleeves just in case they may be something that you guys recognize sam of the minute man by nathaniel benchley is in this sleeve same with this sewing made easy looks older definitely and again it's in this sleeve then we have this one which looks really cool and old to me a little woman by louisa m alcott probably just slotted your name sorry but that one was in a sleeve and this one i thought was interesting too check that out life-saving water safety by the american red cross and the thing on the back says that it's from 1937. so again some of these books could definitely be valuable old books could be worth a ton of money this box says glassware on it and again i'm going to check it because the glassware we found so far has been nice glassware and hopefully we just have more of the same cut why do you have to fight me with it stupid tape there's that all right let's see oh look at this first off a betty boop lunch box is that the ring thingy in there no it's these they're little christmas ornaments i guess you put pictures in them i think yeah so is that what all these are holding out really quick what does that say found us at the yard sale thought of you cool kind of people so look this 2011 2011. no one's got so many pictures in it already so we're going to cover that up and show you that so betty boot box is pretty cool don't see a year on it though let's see what kind of oh look what i see a wooden box the last time we found a wooden box it was a very good day whoa whoa hold on these old other buttons i thought those were all coins trolled me these are all bugs look at this bells weird let's call these alps really quick let me just take one out see if it says anything on it check it out they don't have a little thing in the middle but i'm wondering this is a fire stretch now they could be silver i don't know we'll have to check that out later but it's these and then a lot of it looks like older buttons in here so maybe some value there put this somewhere i'm running out of room fast let's see what else we got in here definitely got some weight to it what is it oh what is this stuff check this out definitely some old vintage sewing crushing wow that's kind of cool nutcracker maybe oh look one of these like old skeleton key things that's cool that has a nice pattern on the handle so a bunch of these have a nice price tag on like 12 17 and that's whatever they bought on they foul you could have fluctuated hopefully that way but they don't know i'm liking this box what's this whatever it is just came right out whoa look at that ten dollars for a glass knife it's pretty sharp surprisingly it's sharp but there's the box that goes in so that's in the box oh just stab me all right what else do we got here i love these kind of boxes they're so interesting they have such a weird variety of cool stuff what do we got here little crystals look you know what those maybe could be with the in go inside the belt they look longer than the bells so i don't know but cool nonetheless what else do we have in here a bowl maybe it feels like a ball looks like a ball but we gotta open it look at this this was 32. so wow there's another one in here this one was 35 dollars i wonder what kind of place they are how bold they are but this is definitely gonna be a lot of research type of unit the research is positive you never know when you're going to plug something into sold this things on ebay and see like 700 and be like never know let's see what's in this one open oh look it's all these keys that's so cool this looks like some medieval castle let the gate down there's three of them in here it's definitely cool little fine here a lot of cool stuff a lot of stuff that you guys are gonna mess with me about i'll be at a live auction eventually i don't know when now we still have a lot of fishing stuff to get through look at that that's a 2 000 yeah the change of the millennia y2k the world is going to end right yeah [Music] i say like i remember it i was only five but i've heard a lot this looks like very similar pattern to the one we just found that was 30 bucks a piece so there's two of them in here i think so open open yeah look there's another one i don't even know how to research something like this when it has like no make one what do you type in glass with design seven billion results found like stuff like this i just don't even look up you really gotta have like a specialist for like everything all right so like a hallmark keepsake this one is another one a heart always remembered that wooden box is intriguing me but we'll get to it eventually it looks like a wine glass we can get it open yeah wine glass of some sort all right so let's see what's in this thing it's kind of interesting why is it taking everything so in here we have let's see on one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all those are the days um avon jolly santa cologne what is this whoa look at that camera brown hawkeye camera that's pretty cool and the other thing in here what's that is that a lighter no no what it is okay belt buckle and there's this little thingy what's in there i think that thing that i just showed you goes in that little case that might be part of the camera maybe this might go to the camera i don't know but interesting little basket definitely i love these kind of boxes all right what else i showed you that this is just paint brushes and canvas oh well shelf trolled open these last couple few papers up really quick just to make sure nothing else priced crazy whoa 24 karat gold mole you know worth seven hundred thousand dollars higher v-a-n-e am i doing it right some vintage paper 700 easy another bowl no please don't hire me i'll never accept and last thing in the box is this which might just be another wine glass but we're gonna check no it's a gnome no another one of these cool little nose we have to have like 50 to 100 of these so far and who knows how many more in there i hope they're worth bank next box here has like duct tape so stronger tape that should be cool but before we do that guys you may december our most liked month of last year let's make 2021 the best year ever so please take two seconds like the video and subscribe if you're new because we do this all the time when it's normal let's see what's in this box now oh i'm seeing clothes i mean it had to be in there eventually but let's just hope it's good clothes you know what i mean not all clothes have to be bad the last unit with had the shoes and stuff in it my mom's been doing our poshmark just to make extra money we cleared over a grand on that unit already nice easy this is definitely not quite yeah whoa it's a really nice little lampshade it's a coca-cola lampshade that's cool it's missing one piece look but it's mostly there so that's kind of cool definitely let me wrap it back up in its towel so nothing happens to it before i keep going i don't want to break nothing a book um towels towel is this the bottom of the lamp i think it's got to be what that is right white possibly i think it is for sure it's in there with it so yeah that's probably the bottom of that cocoa lamp definitely a lot of like antique cool stuff in this unit without a doubt and the rest of it is just towels and stuff that they probably used to pad so that the top thing cocaine didn't break got the next one here let's see what's in this one a lot of heavy weight in boxes man let's see these are like the best kind of units when everything's nicely boxed nicely packed and just doesn't smell not moldy yes all very good things can you see in here yeah all right so again they're using clothes as protection for this little thing but look at this jacket let's make sure it's not nothing special too this is carhartt these are good money like probably 30 bucks or so used so that's good a little religious rock a necklace that's how you use plastic right away not even metal this is what i think is going to be in this unit somewhere i have a feeling we're going to point coins so let's pull up this big thing here come here come here oh looks like something you said on a table like a brand of course not so we don't know how old it is also we have oh look there it is money a lighter just a bunch of that look at this angel whoa i want a nice stand and everything don't have a price tag on it though so no idea no brand names either no nothing nothing for us to go on uh that thing along with this thing you go on top of it oh look at you oh it's broken oh yeah it is broken okay so that there's another one of these nice looking angels in here look is she broken in the back i feel like i feel broken glass i know it's like a spot for something is it broken i can't tell i don't know looks like something was there maybe nice angel yeah maybe other than that a bunch of lighters look lighter lighter lighter than just protection for the stuff pull down the next one this one says kitchen is this where our silver set is it's in there somewhere right yeah i think it is these people seem like a type of half one so open put that away now this looks like more everyday kitchen stuff knives spatulas yeah there's a bowl down there that's just run-of-the-mill basic kitchen stuff not gonna go through that one let's pull it in box next time make sure you subscribe to see the next one peace
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 56,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2020, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: _qrKRc90-ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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