I Bought A Storage Unit For $250! BEST UNIT EVER! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back Turner in Waziristan there's gonna be part two to looking very well be our very best storage unit of all time you saw in the last video we found all kinds of stuff we still never came across our games yeah but we didn't find that Sammy Sosa rookie card there looks to be in flawless condition which could be worth thousands there's so much more in here let's hope to thousands pattern continue don't forget to like this video subscribe if you're new let's get back into it so this is where we left off at we got pretty much this whole section down install this stack of boxes and some boxes over here quite a bit left let's get into the next box it's all we can do oh it's heavy oh really happy let's get a whole thing of rookie cards all like major big-name players clothes my favorite guy you know what that is I know what that is oh it's only been looking Oh get out of here that's what okay let me sit them right down here oh okay this could be a lot of profit well I don't know it's gonna be sold first thing I see oh my gosh do you see that do you see that alright let's just start here first thing the Sega Genesis console every that big box of wires what did I say I said I was joking we're gonna find all the consoles that go to it everything look at this this box is worth more than we pay for the unit easily so first thing we got Sega Genesis 16-bit oh my god where do we start here alright anything my baby the first console I ever owned as a kid the Super Nintendo this thing is so beautiful look at all the cartridges in there too oh this is gonna be a good one guy so Sega Genesis Super Nintendo already let's see let's pull this one out what is that Metro rotor okay but look at this right here Oh an original Nintendo one of the best consoles ever it is it's in like almost flawless shape look at those three systems Sega Genesis Super Nintendo and the original NES Nintendo so we're not done yet Nintendo Wii right here - this is my favorite unit I think I've ever bought I'm just going on record said alright there might be oh my god there's a police station in here - okay we're gonna have a second no I think it's a hurry let's look for some reason to tendo cartridges I'm not as familiar with super nerd original Nintendo like I said my first console is the Super Nintendo I know a lot of the values of those but I'm not as good with the original Nintendo I know a couple crazy rare ones but like a stadium event let's see we got first ones we've got is Madden and baseball it's not a good sign sports games are never really worth that much but we have these tuned for the Genesis and that's get her to these Nintendo cartridges baby let's see what we have here oh there's a PlayStation 3 down there alright so first we got oh yes I see the next one we got Dig Dug Brendan tendo but look at this one Super Mario 2 oh yeah I always I have Super Mario 1 and three literally I don't have to so that's happy we got POWs prisoners of war we got rad racer Mac rider in renegade all for the Nintendo oh man we have another whole stack over here let's see what else we go this is mixer some Genesis games we actually have just con usually when you find duck on it's the duck Super Mario brother combo so I don't know if the just the plain old duck that has more valuable hopefully it does but you know I don't see is the gun maybe we'll find out somewhere else then we got the RBI baseball Oh dr. Mario dr. Mario we got one Super Nintendo cartridge and we got hoops all right let's hope this is gonna be earthbound it's gonna be earthbound this is gonna be awesome before y'all take that to Super Mario World right there for the Super Nintendo oh this box is epic guys this is happy what else do you have in here let's see these magazines right here so we got these are like model train model pieces so not nothing to do with these game systems these some of the oh man guys check these out these are the actual boxes for the Tendo games Wow so we have pinball for the NES and it's in a top-secret thing but that's pretty sexy um and if they're in the wrong cases there could be like a stadium events in here we just don't know RBI baseball let's see what it actually is okay that one's right oh we got renegade then we just pull that game out but that's a soccer game so just in the wrong one and then we got pinball which is involved nice so those are boxed NES games that's money what is this thing gasp it's kind of a strange thing to have in a box of game systems isn't it but let's see what else we got here these are PlayStation 1 controllers I'm still holding up faith we're gonna find that in here somewhere Spyro you're the dragon is still one of my all-time favorite video games to ever exist especially I love the PlayStation 1 then we also have another PlayStation 1 controller here these are Super Nintendo controllers right there so once it's in your controller I don't know if I see another one quitting yet what do we got some little cartridges here - uh hold on look at this turbo graphx figures are all graphics cards ha so at the time I did not know how valuable these things were how they could actually get what they're worth a lot of money and we will go over them all in the recap because guys they could be more valuable all the games and systems we found first but you'd have to wait to see that's sweet then we also have what else what other kind of controllers I see oh the mists of cartridges pro-am right here in gyromite pretend oh oh we find more I'm and he's so happy and in the bottom of all the controllers we also have I see Power bricks and things like that in here that's a wireless controller for the PlayStation 3 and guys you couldn't see it already the PlayStation 3 is also in this box so in this one box we have one two three four five game systems in a crap-ton of retro games this is probably my favorite box have ever pulling out of the storage unit yet guys so let's go ahead into the next box to be really hard to live up to that first box though that box was one of the best I've ever pull out of a unit that's pretty heavy too that fits more the same oh man we're in the money to be sure and you know where that's wrong put it down low that is a shadowbox swore nothing supposed to be a Colorado's us State Quarter collection supposed to be the quarters but they're not there that's like the second thing we found is enough coins that have been out there maybe they took the coins out so we got frog Garfield Garfield quacking duck palm trees another Garfield three Garfield's some paperwork and it looks like this is photo album let's see yeah that's dad a photo album Germany trip one yeah that's where they got that book the big book this could have some value this really could all they're experts in here is just random toys so that's kind of a strange box they have all right what's gonna this one it's Test Kitchen wait that isn't look like it's hitting stuff to me we have oh we have more pictures so let's set those aside but that's not show that but I do see a game guy at Sephora bag it's a four bags full of cards do we think we have some money on hopefully let's see how this open one no just cards we'll check through those some more in the recap and stuff but they're all empty we just put them with the photos and it goes back to them oh oh not just DV look their games but maybe you should knocked up Finding Nemo and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia again but we got right there Grand Theft Auto 4 game good so that's kind of cool GTA 4 was the first grants title game on the next-gen consoles which were 360 at the time 360 and ps3 at the time I remember going from a ps2 to 360 it was cool change all arrested s though baby photos is that a camera I have no idea what that is it's like game it looks like look I think a game to me tilt it don't you think so who says turbo Express I wonder if this is what those little cartridges they found guilty I've never seen this before that one wonder if that's like up old school before the Gameboy type handheld game I have no idea definitely something was set aside other than that we got a Louis shirt a Family Guy and a bunch more picture they're just gonna go ahead and to the side so before we get into this box one point out what it looked up that little hand helping look like a big Game Boy anything all for as much as $300 that's the little cartridges we were calling graphic cards actually go to it's an old handheld game pretty sweet well we open this up and look what we found September 11th memorial with the Twin Towers on it that's gotta be worth good amount to I remember the day we our school was like literally four miles from the Pentagon we were eating lunch in the cafeteria we all thought it was the earthquake we had no idea what are going on second grade but the rest of it here is just random toys and whatnot that's a pen that is so fancy looking what's broken whatever it is and I just mean that can see a - the pen you got to use the right on stuff I feel like you're like so high up but other than that just being work uniforms nothing else - interesting now let's see we have in this big cluster box so who knows what crapped on a wire for whatever reason we got a remote controller it looks like it goes to a plane or something cuz it has a high button in left and right so maybe we'll find a plane if I found our remote-control car a bunch of birthday candles and things like that that'll probably just go with the pictures along with the paperwork same with that and this is Sacramento Kings the basketball gross OOP look we got speaking a model plane there it looks like to be one right there the box looks pretty smashed but still brand new in the package a 1/320 model of a plane that's pretty cool Hard Rock Cafe we got a couple of disks always burps I'm so sixteen burn CDs Hey look that's brand new the Raging Bull blu ray/dvd or any other plastic we got all kinds of up found more of these pictures that can't be shown on YouTube I just witnessed can't show them for reasons oh look at that Def Jam Music Group Incorporated ten year University it's got like records in there and stuff that is pretty sick actually that's pretty cool what else do we have in here some of this stuff out the way that's never been opened so what you want to crack it just send it right now no really no well wash stuff we probably shouldn't show on YouTube either this is all put that aside let's just say that how much is one person need and picture guys I guess this is what happened to people when they didn't have the Internet is that all what I think it into that don't look don't look this is just like weird it looks like weird screenshots of 80s TV shows does it yeah I'm like okay yeah what are all these these what I think they are these more not YouTube appropriate they're like on the edge there like pg-13 probably not proper for you to go the air is beers I wonder if any of these beers are collectible that when I the San Francisco 49ers own it's probably people using it quite a bit we've got more pictures and paperwork it looks like in here just tons of pictures newspapers and yeah nothing else it appears to interesting now let's get into this box in the corner over here alright first thing first whoa that looks og oh cool yeah sweet okay it's worth enough I'd set that aside without hurting it what is this oh I know what this is to hold all you this that Cartman oh it's Cartman he talks I don't know if I should make partner talk he's probably gonna say anything at you to appropriate let's try it anyway not bad a big bone this is old simply say like the first season looks first I look twice I'll God Cartman you're gonna give monetize that that's that's being cat that's sooo cool we got this cool holder for disks alright see that see what this is this is medical records I knew would come across this thing eventually the og PlayStation the one right there I knew I was hiding in his unit somewhere we found everything else to it except itself it's pretty dirty though but look comes right off white that'll be a pristine condition oh I was joking it didn't end no 64 guys I was joking I didn't think we'd really find it Wow this unit just keeps kid there's another system in here that's an old-school fat PlayStation 2 the game systems keep coming this is like got anyone close to 10 of them and they remade the PlayStation 2 in the slimmer version I don't know why it lasts half as long the fat ones like this lasts forever these things never go bad epic oh I don't want to set it there cuz it's gonna keep getting too high up I've seen 10 to 64 controllers in there too San Francisco Giants binder nothing in it this stuff the test cards in it I thought it didn't fall out yeah what are these these cards I have no idea these are there's some Golden State warrior stuff back then probably nobody cared about them because they weren't ran away and fans yet so that could be worse than money - there's a lot of participating either stuff in here Patriot is let us touch Patriots gross we got a handy player extra old medium whiskey listen that is still in there - its Jimmy I thought it'll be Rick from Rick and Morty Oh - Jimmy for southpark he talks - what's he say Oh talk of keeping both of these so we keep going we could find Stan Kyle like any Abby says like oh this whole box is full of controllers and assessment acessories you seen one of these hmm that's a nice there's another one oh we gonna find a Dreamcast - are we about to find a Dreamcast in here as well there's a Dreamcast tail all right 64 controllers - oh gee Nintendo 64 controllers as well oh that's so nice is it really there's PlayStation 2 controllers - more Dreamcast controllers guys I think I have an idea I was coming one of these other boxes is insane this is my favorite storage unit ever bought favorite of all time war family guy whoa volume three in volume boy like freaking eight seas of the family got here that's awesome Oh double-oh-seven I see the Tendo 64 double-oh-seven cartridge in there - oh yeah - PlayStation 2 controllers to go with the ps2 another one that's another that's a ps3 controller so now that one has two controllers as well dreamcast look at these so we got three those oh my god so remember this game right here both of these the simpsons hit and run on PlayStation 2 was like the kids grant the dot oh oh I don't like you oh maybe it's in the PlayStation celebrity deathmatch game was so fun that one's in there so I'm still happy oh I feel like I should be arrested for robbery only 20 to 50 for the DNA the rest of it looks like paperwork but I don't know what to say at this point this unit is incredible all right let's keep going you know the first thing I see what just kind of said a silver money collection with no actual coins in it but that's still got a glow which that's probably not because of this a big damage done it's probably worthless but oh well what is this that like silver or something you see that that looks things should be worth something it's just weird you put it in my pocket I thought what weird feeling about it all right in here we have pictures pictures pictures what is this that's personal name more pictures one of these passport passport pull this box over here and see my knees crack that was a weird angle look we got more family pictures this is why I think some sort facilities give up one that don't believe the pictures behind cuz this one asked for them and they're gonna get them a lot of them more pictures more pictures even more pictures and this is pictures I wonder what's in here pictures go ahead and guess it holds none other than pictures this full box here I think it's just pictures guys so we got some good and some bad news here this bag is full of an expensive dish company called let's see vintage collection of Princess House and it can range anywhere from 15 almost $40 for one single piece in the sad part is about 12 in here all pretty much broken into multiple pieces there's three there salad well in good shape this cup two of these cups and you have this one bowl here just pretty nice everything else in there is like broken into multiple pieces not just kind of chip but destroy guy so all that's pretty much trash well we didn't get the Rio there which give you another 40 or 50 bucks out of this unit and again I really hate to say this guy's but this soon is just stretching out a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be so what we're gonna have to do is cut it again we're gonna make a third part to this unit which is gonna be going to the last few boxes and the massive recap on all three parts and just how much money we really expect to make from and we'll go through everything in the third part after we got through those boxes so I'll see you then [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 58,282
Rating: 4.9004645 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: uGNRAd8bVtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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