Alway find something different At the Flea Market to make cash on. Shopping the Swap Meet

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well we are at a columbus flea market there is a bunch of people set up today it's about six six 10 or so in the morning so everybody's just starting to set up it'll be uh interesting what we find today see you guys at the first table i know i love the way that's done morning old plastic planes hey what's up all the old bandages are pretty cool especially the boxes anything good i don't know for my mother yeah i literally just got here what do you get on the planes by the way all right oh that's all right nothing i can't live with that i just i like knights and wizards i've been doing something dragon stuff and all that you know yeah i'll give you uh that way you have one silver and i have oh thanks roman soldier thank you now all we need is a wardrobe these are parts of the train all the wheels and stuff i know sometimes you need any wheels how many wheels are the little white wheels you know what that is handy people doing stuff like that yeah for you i don't know i guess that's it for me though it looks like a magnet little tune do you like it strange fun little premium oh wow that's a really nice early ornament so it's the house let's see what he wants on the box ornaments see what he wants on the ornaments all right this is what i got what did you want on these i'll do 10 on the whole box all right and i have the knights magnet and the pencils they're nice they all got three colors how was it uh good good to see you i'll be back been busy that's good uh you should stop by if you want to buy loads of costumes because we have an offer from a dealer to buy all and we've got i mean you have a lot huh you have a lot right now all right we've been buying so many estates you know what i'm thinking it must be related to code oh with the amount of people bringing stuff well but i i we've been making i've made a couple of offers on a couple of uh really good pieces and it's gold stuff right and uh i'm consciously waiting because it usually always comes back one guy already told me i'm 200 over his best golfer well that's i'm amazed like how some of the reputable jewelry really low ball yeah especially the bigger bigger the the more they seem to low ball that's how my friend uh when he goes buys his states he'll take a good ring and see what they're paying at the like hamilton jeweler or whatever and he'll be fifty dollars hundred dollars more and they i've got we've got two of our best customers right now work in jewelry stores i don't even want to say the name of the jewelry store right how much is this shop with me that little pile 10 bucks thank you i appreciate it i'll tell you now that's a top what do you get on the lester where uh i i would say like 10 on that two for five on these these are nice beautiful you have good taste exquisite taste sir thank you i hope you have a good day oh yeah good luck you're not inspired no those are dealings need some work ten bucks yeah it does need some work nice frame yeah it's a nice one yeah i'll get it for 10. i like the scary castle in the background almost that's pretty cool do you have more of this at home too how much is this guy uh eight bucks all right i'm gonna make a little pile there you go get it while it's here do you guys have boxes man this is thousands and thousands of dollars worth of uh pyrex let's see it's gonna stop yeah every once in a while you find something kind of cool at the flea market right here oh all right all right what can we do on like a lot of these this section here and i put i put these five here fire it up no just not just these yeah you don't have any more of those do you the larger ones have a great day the condensing cables are pretty cool um all for distilling just if they um we have a tap but i didn't put out all the taps there's a bex right here i think no yes i don't know i don't know if those weird things i'm going to try any of these tops fit those do you know what's happening can i get a couple tops to fit those because actually the ones don't take tops only the ones with see how these are frosted yep they'll be frosted outside if they take tops i'm calling them jenny jenny's like four bucks each so so how many pieces you said that we could do six at ten dollars each and fifteen at eight dollars each and we do one and he took one off so that would be 170. and you'll do 150 150 all right i'll do that thank you what do you get on the mirror 40. needs a rod put it in the back it's not broke this just needs a metal take a look at it you see what i mean it's a shame they painted it uh can you do 30 on it 35 i'll see if i can find a rod for that yeah it's a nice victor nice yeah nice victorian mirror yeah i'm gonna i might actually have to try to strip it i would strip it yeah we'll see it might end up just the way you have it it's like an easy strip you know it comes off the metal pretty good especially that early brass or cast iron whatever it is thank you they have a lot of figurines everything over there's well maybe we'll find something i like the elephant she actually has some age i'll assume she's missing her foot nice early one though that is the salt and pepper i don't know if i need any of that stuff all right let's see what else we find i just see the one yeah we gotta get the orange dog well i see ashtray but we'll get that and uh get two more dollars or two dollars all together how much is the turtle i got a broken foot he's cool though he got a lot of nice little stuff you can open up take a look dig around it's an odd what is this for photos camera self timers okay for the old rangefinder like the old leicas and stuff like that there's a bunch of them in there i used to collect them i got a whole case of camera stuff i was picking yesterday for you uh i've been working they put me on full time so good yeah it's good enough pension now and everything so i haven't really been the benefits are the is the what is the win on that i took it i worked for the board of head now in my town okay so i took the job with the hopes i took a part-time job with the hopes that it would parlay into full-time so i get the benefits and it just it just panned out so good congratulations thank you how much is the van which is the band i have those three things i was asking 20 for this 20 bucks for all three 20 for all three yeah and what do you get on the details five for the stack what's the singer worth i don't i don't the one up front no the singer oil oh well probably the short one with the lead top 35 40 bucks it's got good graphics thank you 35 no i won't do 35. all right i'm at 25. all right cool thank you i'll do 40 if you want it this says 2003. what do you get on the one bag the one big uh oh okay you just want the one bag yep uh five dollars all right i'll do that the oldest buttons i think are in that jaw the oldest one is quite old the jar is awesome yeah but if you want old buttons i'll give you everything for 20. but the jar i think is the oldest part of the wall and that's quite old but i know it came from between my mother-in-law me my mom you know and they my my mother would have probably been about 100 years old right now wow all right i'm just it's a mixture of everybody's buttons that i threw in and that's the same thing with all these old stuff i do like the jar i'll give you the 20. yeah the jaw is really neat thank you i was debating so we made it back my big purchase today was i got four boxes of all the laboratory uh this is a four thousand dollar or four thousand dollar four thousand milliliter flask uh a bunch of two thousand millimeter flasks all in pyrex i think we ended up with like nine like this uh ten of these and a bunch of like the odd distilling uh pieces uh for 150 dollars uh got the mercury glass uh vintage ornaments there's probably four or five in here i bet they sell well now but i normally wait wait a little bit has been impressive how much uh they've been going for on ebay uh what else did we get that was i think our first stop and we got the plastic planes the knights these were actually good in here a bunch of early vintage plastic so here's a bronchi horse old hound dog the western lady with the last lasso cowboy hat with the longhorn charm i don't know all these early plastic pins have been selling fairly well uh where i got all the jewelry there was a this guy right here a carved lucite rose and the lady actually told me after i had about how they used to make those and as prison art that's one thing i didn't know but this one's done particularly well monette hummingbird a little singer container got the buttons and there's a few other bags with a bunch of mother of pearl uh i had to say thank you to everybody who's uh checked out the blue bus dave ebay i am going to try to list a bunch of this stuff that we just picked up and uh if you guys haven't yet please give somebody a call we might be alone please be safe out there and hopefully we'll get to the market again soon thank you again for watching peace it's actually turning out to be a nice day i think we're gonna go work in the garden for a little bit i didn't even look to see if there was pencils i bought it for the tin it feels like there's a couple pencils in there oh yeah unused too made in germany some of the pencils can be pretty good all right
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 18,777
Rating: 4.9495497 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: Q8u08a2rqas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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